CMUs are a collection of sub-catchment with the similar characteristics e.g. Tana River County is located in the coastal region of Kenya. Hon. Brief History of Tana River County. It is navigable from its mouth for 001. Commerce and Industry: Major towns in TBA are Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Muranga, Garissa, Thika, and Kitui. A police boss from Tana River County was pronounced dead just hours after collapsing in his house. The Tana River tributaries originate from slopes of Mount Kenya and Aberdares range. On the second day, I set out further inland from Garsen about one hour’s drive to a small village called Sera Feji; a “vulnerability hotspot” for the impacts of flooding. Rivers are usually fed by many tributaries.The farthest stream is called the head-stream or head water. •Five HEP dams in the Upper Tana Basin - Kindaruma, Kiambere, Kamburu, Gitaru and Masinga. The Sámi name means "Great River". It has an area of 38,437 square kilometres (14,841 sq mi) and a population of 315,943. The middle and lower Basins of the Tana are important sources of cattle, goats, sheep and chicken kept under agro-pastoral systems. Deatnu / Tana municipality is a part of the area where the Saami population is concentrated in Inner Finnmark. The Tana (Finnish: Teno or Tenojoki; Northern Sami: Deatnu; Norwegian: Tanaelva; Swedish: Tana älv), is a 361-kilometre (224 mi) long river in the Sápmi area of northern Fennoscandia. Ethiopia's largest lake, it is the source of the Blue Nile. The functions and responsibilities of the Authority encompass integrated planning and coordination of all development projects within the Tana River Basins. It borders with the following Basin areas. Chania, Thika, Thiba, Ena, Thuci, Amboni, Gura, Ragati, Mathioya, Kathita, Mutonga, Sabasaba, Maragwa, Ura-Rujiweru, Tana, Sagana and Thangatha, Distribution of ground water resources in the Basin is as illustrated in the map below, South Eastern Kenya, inland from the Coast, Central Kenya, on the eastern edge of the RVCA, As per the NWMP 2030, the annual water demands were estimated for the year 2010 and projected for 2030 in TBA for the various subsectors. It supports farmers, livestock herders and fisherfolk from many communities, and remarkable numbers of wildlife, in particular water birds. Although Tana River County is a sparsely populated locale, it has a long saga of tribal conflicts. To be a leading self-sustaining river basin development Authority in natural resource conservation and development, To undertake integrated basin based natural resources conservation through planning and sustainable development. In 2008, it was reported that the River Tana changed its course endangering thousands of livelihoods. Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana. Location: The Tana Forum takes place in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia – a relaxing town located on the shores of Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile River. Tana River County. That since their livelihood is at stake, the water resource users can be mobilized to undertake water resource management activities that serve their best interests (e.g. Eugene Wamalwa, former Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Official opening of one of WRA’s Water Quality Testing Laboratory in Embu on 9th March 2016. The normal put in site is located at GPS N 61 degrees and 00 minutes by W 142 degrees and 42 minutes and is a short but spectacular flight of 35 minutes from McCarthy Alaska. OSR Target for FY 2019 / 2020: Kshs. Taking a northeasterly course at first, the river plunges over the Kitaru (Seven Forks) Falls (440 feet [134 m]) into a semidesert landscape that constitutes its middle course. Tana River. Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana has declared interest in chairing the Council of Governors in an election slated for January 29. This is really an iconic river. Tana River County, where climatic events in the recent past hit the agriculture sector significantly. One of the basin’s impor-tant ecosystems is the Tana Delta at the coast: almost 50% of the country’s freshwater discharge into the Indian Ocean is made up of the flow from the Tana River. Water scarcity at different times of the year, as water users and uses are increasing for the same water resources. It rises near Techiman and flows southward for 250 miles (400 km) to enter the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean), at Aby Lagoon, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). The capital and largest town is Hola (sometimes known as Galole).. The Tana River Delta, on the north coast of Kenya, is a vast patchwork of palm savanna, seasonally flooded grassland, forest fragments, acacia woodland, lakes, marine wetlands and the river itself. It may be a lake, a marsh, a spring or a glacier.This is where the stream starts. surveillance on illegal or harmful activities, adoption of best land use practices, Basins management activities, verification of local information). The Tana is Kenya’s longest river and home to Pokomo farmers and Oromo and Wardei pastoral communities. The put in for the Tana River involves driving to McCarthy and then flying by small plane to a tundra strip near its source. The Authority was established by an Act of Parliament CAP 443. This gorge is a tremendous obstacle for travel and communication from the north half of Ethiopia to the southern half. OSR Target for FY 2019 / 2020: Kshs. To advise the government generally and the schedul… Rainfall distribution is highly variable, ranging from less than 500 mm in Lower Tana to 2,400 mm in the highlands of Upper Tana. Gamba Police Station deputy OCS Alfred Jillo allegedly fell in his house and suffered head injuries. Current Finance Act: 2016 County Population (Census 2019): 315,943 Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority. Copyright © Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority All Rights Reserved. Its catchment covers ca. The northern section of the Nile passes through Sudan to Egypt and results in a … With the spatial plan, the administration is confident that the common interests of residents will be addressed and fears settled. The Tana River supplies 95 percent of the water for Nairobi’s 4 million residents, and for another 5 million people living in the watershed. Abstract and Figures At 1,830 m altitude, Lake Tana is situated on the basaltic Plateau of the north-western highlands of Ethiopia covering an area of ca 3,050 km2. Major Water Resources Challenges in the TBA. The County takes its name from River Tana which is the longest river in Kenya. River Tana Development Project - River Tana Development Project was planned to be developed in seven different phases. Tana Basin Area is geographically situated in the south eastern part of Kenya, lying between latitudes 0 o 30’ north and 2 o 30’ south, and longitudes 37 o 00’ east and 41 o … The CMUs are managed through five (5) sub-regional offices. Equitable Share for FY 2019 / 2020: Kshs. Contents: Population The population development of Tana River as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). - Seven different dams were to be constructed at different locations along the river. Rivers are usually fed by many tributaries.The farthest stream is called the head-stream or head water. The White Nile meets the Blue Nile at Khartoum. Kenya and on slopes of Aberdares ranges. READ MORE. Tana River County is one of the forty seven (47) counties in the Republic of Kenya. Ali Abdi Bule is the current senator of Tana River county. 500 miles (800 km) long. Fisheries and agriculture in the basin provide a major source of food and employment for the people that live in the basin and in other parts of the country. The change led to water scarcity along the areas in its original … Tana River. The Tana, whose lower reaches are wholly in Norway, empties into Tana Fjord in the Barents Sea. Tana river gets wider and wider as it gets closer to the ocean, and during the summer it's truly amazing. The Tana basin covers an area of 126,026 km2, which is about 21% of the area of Kenya. Tana Basin Area is geographically situated in the south eastern part of Kenya, lying between latitudes 0o 30’ north and 2o 30’ south, and longitudes 37o 00’ east and 41o 00’ east. Apart from the aforementioned river there exist other seasonal rivers (laggas), forming sub catchments which all drain west –east to river Tana basin. Hon. This focuses on water for environmental issues (e.g. Rainfall is bimodal coming during the long rains of March – May, and short rains of October – November. The river flows through Finnmark county, Norway and the Lapland region of Finland. Vandalism of installed water resources monitoring infrastructure. The river flows through Troms og Finnmark county, Norway and the Lapland region of Finland. The TBA has over 80% of its area classified as arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL), with mean annual rainfall being 679 mm. High sediment loads (caused by Basin degradation) causing siltation of dams. Tana River Irrigation Project. - Up to date, only five have been completed. It is one of the world 's most important rivers for Atlantic salmon reproduction. In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, the section of the Nile is called White Nile. The Tana Water Quality Testing Laboratory was commissioned on 9th March, 2016. Launch of Sub Basin Management plans for Water Resources Users Associations within the TBA region. The source is the farthest point of the river stream from its estuary or its confluence with another river or stream. Parameters to be analyzed include Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), heavy metals, total suspended solids, among others. It reputedly rises as the Abāy from a spring 6,000 feet (1,800 metres) above sea level, near Lake Tana in northwestern Ethiopia. The nature of analysis depends on customer needs and may vary from FCA, bacteriological to specific parameters e.g. Tana River County Tana River County at a glance The county borders Garissa to the North, Isiolo to the Northwest, Lamu to the Northeast, Kilifi to the Southeast, Taita Taveta to the South, and Kitui to the West Area: 38,437 Km2 Population: 240,075 (Male - 50%, Female - 50%) Kenya; Posted 31 Dec 2020 Originally published 30 Nov 2020 Origin View original. Location: The Tana Forum takes place in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia – a relaxing town located on the shores of Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile River. One of the basin’s impor-tant ecosystems is the Tana Delta at the coast: almost 50% of the country’s freshwater discharge into the Indian Ocean is made up of the flow from the Tana River. The river is 360 km long, beginning from its source at Karasjok, and drains an area of approximately 16,000 sq km. Tana River County water system falls in the Tana and Athi river basins with Tana basin taking about 90% while Athi takes about 10%. Kenya, Aberdares, Nyambene Hills. From its headwaters in the Aberdare Mountain Range to its terminus at Tana River Delta draining into the Indian Ocean, Tana River courses for almost 850 kms, making it the longest river in Kenya and whose importance for generating hydro-electric power and sustaining the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people along the Tana River Basin are clearly and inextricably linked. The Officer Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Tana River will take overall responsibility of the coordination, implementation and review of the M&E needs of the Tana River County Programme. regulations) and research. The functions and responsibilities of the Authority encompass integrated planning and coordination of all development projects within the Tana River Basins. Kenya, central Kenya, E Africa, and flowing E then S across Kenya to the Indian Ocean. Both tributaries are located on the left side of the Great Rift Valley. Contents: Population The population development of Tana River as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). The source of a river or stream is the original point from which the river flows. To render assistance to operating agencies in their applications for loan funds if required 2. The county experiences bimodal rainfall pattern with long rains falling between April and June and short rains between October TARDA. The foundation has distributed 1,660 solar radios in Tana River and Turkana counties since the project launched in May. The Nile's source is the White and Blue Nile. On 13th January 2022 Tana River County Governor, Major (rtd) Dhadho Godhana requested Northern… There is irrigated agriculture producing rice in Mwea, as well as extensive horticulture for local and export markets. Wetlands: The major wetland areas are in Tana Delta, including mangrove swamps. Before any water treatment process is undertaken, the quality and composition of the chemicals used for treatment should be known. Eugene Wamalwa, former CS Ministry of Water and Irrigation handing over the finalized SCMP document to Mr. Jafford Njiru, WRUA Chairman Ruguti WRUA during the SCMP launch of the South Maara and Ruguti WRUAs in Tana Basin Area. Tana River is the major water source in the county CRA 2011, Other residents rely on water pans, shallow wells and boreholes FS profile The average price of water is 5 KES per 20 litre jerican SRA 2013 children Sanitation and hygiene There is improved sanitation in 29.3% households way below the national rate of 87.8% see Table 3 At 1,830 m altitude, Lake Tana is situated on the basaltic Plateau of the north-western highlands of Ethiopia covering an area of ca 3,050 km 2. Fig .1.source: ARV An average of 123.0 mm rainfall was recorded in March coupled with decreasing temperatures. In late 2018, a team from Tana River Life Foundation visited Mticharaka Primary School situated in a most remote part of the Tana Delta. Equitable Share for FY 2019 / 2020: Kshs. Tano River, river, western Ghana, West Africa. The county borders Kitui County to the West, Garissa County to the North East, Isiolo County to the North, Lamu County to the South East and Kilifi County and Indian Ocean to the South. This is important for ensuring sample integrity and reliability of analytical results. The laboratory will offer water and wastewater services which will specifically include: For potable water, two types of analysis are distinguished i.e. It is poor in nutrients and the source of the Blue Nile River (Great Abbay), with a catchment area of ca 16,500 km 2. This three-image combination of Envisat radar images highlights the change from autumn to spring around Lake Tana in northern Ethiopia. Tana River, river, Kenya, flowing 440 miles (708 km) from its headwaters in the Aberdare Range and Mount Kenya to the Indian Ocean. It may be a lake, a marsh, a spring or a glacier.This is where the stream starts. The source of a river or stream is the original point from which the river flows. The main tributaries of Tana are Anarjohka and Karasjohka. High water occurs in the spring and summer. Ewaso Ng’iro North to the North, Rift Valley to the West, Athi to the Southwest and South, and Somalia and Indian Ocean to the East. Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana noted that the interest of the national government in the reserve has diminished. The Lake has been formed by volcanic activity, blocking the course of inflowing rivers in the early Pleistocene times ca 5 million years ago. The major challenges encountered in Tana Basin area can be summarized as follows: WRMA’s efforts in Curbing Water Conservation Concerns in TBA, Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation, Location: Water Resources Authority (WRA), NHIF Building, 9th Floor Wing B, Upper Hill, Ragati Road, Nairobi, Address: P.O.Box 45250-00100 Nairobi, Kenya, Map showing Counties sub regional under Tana Basin Area. Tana River County is a county in the former Coast Province, Kenya.It is named after the Tana River.It has an area of 35,375.8 square kilometres (13,658.7 sq mi) and a population of 315,943. Within 30 kilometres (19 mi) of its source at Lake Tana, the river enters a canyon about 400 kilometres (250 mi) long. Insecurity risks associated with working within the mid and lower reaches of the Tana. The river flows through Finnmark county, Norway and the Lapland region of Finland. The main tributaries of Tana are Anarjohka and Karasjohka rivers. It also feeds one of the country’s most important agricultural areas and provides half of the country’s hydropower output. Agriculture: Maize and beans are the main food crops whereas cash crops include tea and coffee located in the upper zones. According [22], there are major tributaries of Tana River whose total length from the source to the Indian Ocean is approximately 1,000 km. That the water resource users, being the principle beneficiary or direct stakeholder of the water resources, should be integrally involved in the management of the water resources. Tana River County is a county in the former Coast Province, Kenya. It is internationally designated as a Ramsar site. At 1,830 m altitude, Lake Tana is situated on the basaltic Plateau of the north-western highlands of Ethiopia covering an area of ca 3,050 km 2. Accommodation, Businesses and more pictures from Tana. Total Loans and Grants for FY 2019 / 2020: Kshs. Administrative Counties in TBA includes the whole area of Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Muranga, Kirinyaga, Kitui, Tharaka-Nithi, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu and parts of Machakos, Kilifi, Isiolo, Nyandarua and Kiambu. Tana River County is located in the Kenyan Coastal region and is divided in to 3 sub counties namely; Bura, Galole and Garsen. Water use conflicts, across upstream/downstream users, and across sectors, Pollution of water resources from both point and non-point pollution sources, Soil erosion and overgrazing in the lower parts of the region, Inefficient water use systems, especially irrigation methods, Sand mining, especially in the middle reaches of the Tana River, Flooding, especially in the Lower Tana zones, Groundwater salinity in the lower Tana and the coastal zone, Inadequate awareness on water resource management, Climate change impacts causing frequent droughts and floods, Inadequate water resources assessment and monitoring network. The White Nile flows from East Africa while the Blue Nile flows from Ethiopia. Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana noted that the interest of the national government in the reserve has diminished. •The Masinga Dam is the most significant in terms of regulating the hydrology of the Tana river due to its size. Mining majorly consisting of Gypsum and Stone quarrying in Garissa. Current Finance Act: 2016 County Population (Census 2019): 315,943 technology. The National Museums of Kenya and WRMA in recognition of the mandate of the two institutions as stipulated in the Water Act 2002 and National Museums and Heritage Act 2006, forged an alliance to conserve and protect the Sand Dunes by signing of an MOU to collaborate in the gazettement, conservation and protection of the Lamu Water Basin Area together with WRM activities in Lamu County. On request, our skilled and experienced staff will provide sampling services to our customers. This stream, known as the Lesser Abay, flows north into Lake Tana. The Tana River phase has cost more than 18 million Kenyan shillings ($165,000) so far, Ruto said. The source is the farthest point of the river stream from its estuary or its confluence with another river or stream. Source of river Tana or Sagana is the Mount Kenyaglacial inNyeri county central province of Kenya. Own Source Revenue for FY: 2019 / 2020: Kshs. The former Governor-Lamu County, Mr. Issa Timamy unveiling the Plaque as the former NLC Chairman, Mr. Mohamed Swazuri and the WRA Board of directors look on, during the Launch of the Protection and Conservation of the Coastal Sand Dunes on April 7th, 2015 at Lamu Island, Shella Beach, Implementation of Sub Catchment Management Plans, Construction & Rehabilitation of Surface Water Gauge Stations,, Water towers: Mt. na A lake of northwest Ethiopia. As such, we will help customers to meet environmental regulatory requirements. Water samples are from various sources; rivers, lakes, springs, dams etc. The daily temperatures range from below 10 o C in the mountain highlands to over 30o C at the coast. The basin forms a principal resource in Kenya and is critical 05/11/2004 8648 views 15 likes. Tana River is the major water source in the county CRA 2011, Other residents rely on water pans, shallow wells and boreholes FS profile The average price of water is 5 KES per 20 litre jerican SRA 2013 children Sanitation and hygiene There is improved sanitation in 29.3% households way below the national rate of 87.8% see Table 3 There are hydroelectric plants and irrigation projects in the Tana basin.Tana (tä`nä) or Tsana (tsä`nä), largest lake of Ethiopia, c.1,400 sq mi (3,630 sq km), S of Gondar. Eco tourism. A WRUA as recognized in the Water Act 2002, represent water users that have come together for cooperative management of water resources and conflict resolution. It is poor in nutrients and the source of the Blue Nile River (Great Abbay), with a catchment area of ca 16,500 km2. Visit. The term White Nile is used to highlight the area separating Lake No and Khartoum. Tana River County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for November 2020 Format Situation Report Source. This deals with analysis of wastewater from all sources including industry and domestic wastewater treatment plants. Eugene Wamalwa, former CS Ministry of Water and Irrigation handing over the finalized SCMP document and Certificate to Mr. Sebastian Njagi, WRUA Chairman South Maara WRUA SCMP launch of the South Maara and Ruguti WRUAs in Tana Basin Area. The Authority was established by an Act of Parliament CAP 443. The Tana River phase has cost more than 18 million Kenyan shillings ($165,000) so far, Ruto said. Basin degradation especially on Mt. Garissa (Lower Tana) office is responsible for the Lower Tana and Ijara/Lamu. Tana River County. ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth. County in Kenya. It's long as can be, but the name Tana River starts a little south of the county it runs through. The Sámi name means "Great River". The main tributaries of Tana are Anarjohka and Karasjohka rivers. Although there are several feeder streams that flow into Lake Tana, the sacred source of the river is generally considered to be a small spring at Gish Abbai, situated at an altitude of approximately 2,744 metres (9,003 ft). The county has only one water source (River Tana) that traverses the county from the northern border all the way to the Indian Ocean in the south. Powered by WordPress with Lightning Theme & VK All in One Expansion Unit by Vektor,Inc. •The Tana river is the most important river in Kenya in view of its role in national development. Fisheries and agriculture in the basin provide a major source of food and employment for the people that live in the basin and in other parts of the country. Tana Basin Area is geographically situated in the south eastern part of Kenya, lying between latitudes 0 o 30’ north and 2 o 30’ south, and longitudes 37 o 00’ east … The counties include; Kirinyaga, Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Muranga, Kitui, Tharaka-Nithi, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu and parts of Machakos, Kilifi, Isiolo, Nyandarua and Kiambu. commercial areas or rangeland areas. FCA deals with physical-chemical parameters of water e.g. Uneven distribution of water resources in time and space, with large areas being ASAL. And drains an area of Kenya Tana ) office is responsible for the lower Tana ) is. Embu, Meru, Muranga, Garissa, Thika, and drains an area Kenya. Related information and services ( Wikipedia, Google, images ) current senator of Tana River County is County. Surveillance on illegal or harmful activities, adoption of best land use practices Basins! From its source at Karasjok, and drains an area of Kenya of regulating hydrology... 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