Despite the high wage gap, Iceland ranks first in the The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 and is often mentioned for a high level of equality measures. Gender News. [2], Gender Equality in Iceland - Stepping Stones, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes: Gleiche Arbeit, ungleicher Lohn? Januar 2020 um 10:41 Uhr geändert. Already in 1961, the Icelandic Parliament approved the Equal Pay Act to ensure equal remuneration for women and men for equal work or work of equal value. Equal Pay Act in Island: Warum das Gesetz den Gender Pay Gap nicht schließen wird. Read more about sharing. Zunächst erlaubt das AÜG gerade in diesen Branchen eine Ausnahme zum Equal Pay nach neun Monaten. November 2018, France. Immer noch verdienen Frauen im Schnitt weniger als Männer. Diese Seite wurde bisher 12.013 mal abgerufen. Already in 1961, the Icelandic Parliament approved the Equal Pay Act to ensure equal remuneration for women and men for equal work or work of equal value. We want the Atlas of the Future media platform and our event to be available to everybody, everywhere for free – always. Share this: Copy this link. For those able, we'd be grateful for any donation. Adapted from a piece by Alisha Bhagat for the Futures Centre. It ranks first on the World Economic Forum’s global gender gap index, is the first to legalise abortion and the first to elect a woman as head of state in a national election. Despite its image as a paradise of fairness, women earn less than men. Now it’s time for other countries to take note. The gender pay gap ranged relatively constantly around 15 to 16 per cent. At the time, the members of Alþingi were hopeful that full pay equality would be reached in only six years, in 1967. That’s another first. Especially the economic crisis in 2008 had enormous impacts on the gender pay gap increasing the gap up to 28 per cent. Iceland is progressive. Wir freuen uns, mit ihnen am 17. March 31, 2020 is Equal Pay Day for many women, but it's not a day to celebrate. The time is right to do something radical about this issue; the island nation of about 330,000 aims to eradicate the gender pay gap by 2022. Above you can see Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir give a talk about non-binary gender and the obstacles they still face in society today, at a TEDx talk in Reykjavík. [1], On March 8, 2017, the Icelandic Government annouced to introduce a new law in order to close the wage gap. Iceland Makes Equal Pay the Law. Februar 2020. May 2019, Iceland. März 2020 ist es in Deutschland wieder soweit: Der Equal Pay Day oder "der Tag für Entgeltgleichheit zwischen Männern und Frauen" findet statt. Equal Pay Act in Iceland. Equal pay - paying men and women the same for jobs of equal value - has been a legal requirement in Iceland, the UK and many other countries for decades. In 2018, Iceland fully enacted the world's first equal pay law. Es braucht mehr … Equal Pay: Zeitarbeit mit Ausnahmen bei Branchenzuschlag. 15,2 % Gehaltsunterschied ist ein Durchschnitt in Österreich, in Tagen umgerechnet ergibt er den 25. Highlights. Eine notwendige Maßnahme, die jedoch das Problem nicht komplett löst. 3 January 2018. Unter dem Motto: „Game Changer – Mach dich stark für equal pay!“ ist am 02.11.2020 in Berlin die Equal Pay Day Kampagne 2021 gestartet.Hier geht es zum Video der Kampagneneröffnung.. Treten Sie mit uns für eine gleichberechtigte Zukunft ein - online und offline!Aktuell informiert sind Sie mit unserem Newsletter. Data from February 2020. The law should enter into effect by 2020. März 2020 erneut eine rote Welle für Lohngerechtigkeit durchs Land … “Gender equality benefits all of us,” Iceland’s Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson said on International Women’s Day. Companies In Iceland Now Required To Demonstrate They Pay Men, Women Fairly : The Two-Way Pay discrimination was already illegal. via GIPHY . • The date of European Unequal Pay Day is calculated by translating the current gap – 16% – into days, which are deducted from the end of the year. I have read and accepted the terms of this Legal Notice. Especially the economic crisis in 2008 had enormous impacts on the gender pay … Wolfgang Kaehler—LightRocket/Getty Images. The central goal of this legislative initiative is to close the wage gap entirely by 2022. In the US, for example, women earn 83% of men’s median weekly earnings. Organisator_innen. The law has entered into force in January 2018. Für 2020 wurde der Equal Pay Day auf den 12. Equal Pay Day: Corona könnte Lohnschere offen halten – Gender Pay Gap & Pensionslücke – › dieStandard Wiener Zeitung, 13.11.2020 “Mütter haben im Lockdown 4000 Euro ihres Einkommens verloren” The gender pay gap ranges in Iceland stays with around 15 per cent (2017) around European average. In 2020, Unequal Pay Day is 4 November, but this will change every year as the gap widens or shrinks. LOPD, Centre for Gender Equality Issues in Iceland. Lawmakers took action, announcing on International Women’s Day that Iceland would require companies to prove they pay employees equal rates for equal work, or pay the fine. Iceland hosted a seminar on Equal Pay, presenting its Law on Equal Pay Certification and the related Equal Pay Standard. Icelandic Flag. Seit 13 Jahren fußt die Equal Pay Day Kampagne auf dem bundesweiten ehrenamtlichen Engagement der lokalen BPW Clubs und unzähliger anderer Akteurinnen und Akteure. BPW Iceland and other women’s organisations celebrated in 2014 the 100th anniversary of women’s voting rights and this year’s EPD together. Iceland’s parliament has presented a bill that would require public and private businesses to prove they offer equal pay to employees, in what would be the first such requirement in the world. Such file is duly incorporated in the Spanish Data Protection Agency and protected in compliance with the security measures established in the applicable legislation.Subscribers may exercise, at any time, their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and/or opposition regarding their Personal Data. Equal Pay Act in Iceland. In order to close the wage gap and to enforce pay equity, Iceland has developed the Equal Pay Standard. France hosted a mutual learning seminar on Women and the media. Fancy helping us spread stories of hope and optimism to create a better tomorrow? Trying to find the perfect love match is never easy. Tweet. The standard requires that companies with more than 25 employees have to analyse and certify that the pay women and men equally for the same job and job of equal value. Despite the high wage gap, Iceland ranks first in the The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 and is often mentioned for a high level of equality measures. Iceland is also on the forefront of equality when it comes to the LGBTQIA community, so that individuals that identify as non-binary gender are as much a part of the society as anyone else. Pay Gap in Österreich – Grundlage des Equal Pay Day 2020 . Lisa Goldapple, Editor, Atlas of the Future (18 April 2017), Bjarni Benediktsson, Iceland's Prime Minister and Social Affairs and Equality Minister Thorsteinn Viglundsson. In 2018, the highest gender pay gap in the EU was recorded in Estonia (22.7 %) and the lowest in Romania (3.0 %). Zahlen und Fakten zu Entgeltungleichheit in Deutschland und Europa, BMFSFJ: ÍST 85:2012 — Managementsystem für Entgeltgleichheit — Anforderungen und Leitlinien, European Commission: Iceland: Equal pay certification legalised, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get latest News Information, Articles on Iceland Equal Pay Updated on September 05, 2020 17:30 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Iceland Equal Pay at Mit einem Gesetz versucht Island den Gender Pay Gap zu schließen. The progressive – and colourful – Reykjavik. The legislation, which came into force on the first … Centre for Gender Equality Iceland, Calabria, 10 6-3 08015 - Barcelona (Spain. Der "Equal Pay Act" ist seit Jahresanfang in Kraft. If the law passes in Iceland (it’s expected to get widespread support across parties), it could set a precedent globally for similar laws and ultimately closing the gender pay gap. But the … Kick-Off Equal Pay Day Kampagne 2021. Tags: Awareness raising, Campaigns, Democracy, Discrimination, Employment, Government, Identity, Income, Information, Politics, Social inequality, Women. Now Iceland has become the first country in the world to enforce equal pay Source: Eurostat . Erneut ist Deutschland weit von der Entgeltgerechtigkeit entfernt. In fact, we passed the first legislation mandating equal pay for men and women in Iceland over half a century ago, in 1961. In Iceland, it’s now illegal to pay men more than women. Autor*in Nicole Plich. In this regard, the Equal Pay Day has been celebrated in autumn rather than in spring, as it usually happens in other European countries. Iceland is determined to encourage more of its countrymen to sign up, and will also encourage males … The gender pay gap ranged relatively constantly around 15 to 16 … This landmark piece of legislation will make Iceland the first country in the world to truly enforce equal pay between women and men. Arbeiter*innen – 27,5 %: Angestellte – 32,4 %: Vertragsbedienstete – 5,6 %: Beamt*innen + 3,8 %: Summe – 15,2 % : Quelle: Bruttojahreseinkommen von Frauen und Männern 2018, Statistik Austria. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. A major turning point in the global fight for gender pay parity was marked on January 1, 2018 when a new Icelandic law on pay certification came into force. #gamechanger #epd2021 #equalpayday. The gender pay gap ranged relatively constantly around 15 to 16 per cent. Oktober berechnet. The subscriber shall notice their will, either under written form addressed to Democratising The Future Society SL, Ref. Iceland is committed to closing the gender pay gap by 2022, building on its proven track record on advancing gender equality. Island hat nun als erstes Land der Welt ein Gesetz eingeführt, das grundsätzlich gleichen Lohn für gleiche Arbeit garantiert. The Nordic nation is working on a law for 2020 that will require companies over 25 people to pay men and women equally for the same work “regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or nationality.” If passed this would be the first such law at the national level and would set the precedent for other countries. In observance of Equal Pay Day (March 31, 2020), PayScale has updated our tremendously popular Gender Pay Gap Report for 2020. Equal Pay Day (#equalpayday) is a symbolic day launched by the National Committee on Pay Equity more than 20 years ago to draw attention to the differences between women and men’s wages.This year, April 10 was selected to represent how long women in the US had work to earn the same amount men earned in 2017. Tweet . ‘Equal Pay For Equal Work’ Is Mandatory, Almost. In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 of December, on Personal Data Protection, and the development of Rules of Procedure, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 of December, Atlas of the Future subscribers may be required to provide Personal Data, which will be included in a file owned by Democratising The Future Society SL. Von Nicole Plich Es ist Thema jedes politischen Wahlkampfs: der Gender Pay Gap. Therefore, companies shall get certified to analyse and show their wage structures. Entgeltgerechtigkeit bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang, dass gleiche Arbeit gleich bezahlt werden sollte, unabhängig davon, ob eine Frau oder ein Mann arbeitet. Die Daten zur Berechnung … Its new session of Parliament has the highest share of women parliamentarians yet, at about 45 per cent, and 6 per cent of Icelandic men are HeforShe champions. Companies and government agencies employing at least 25 people will have to obtain certification of equal-pay policies. Datenbasis. In Iceland, women earn 14-18% less than men. In 2017, the World Economic Forum has predicted that women will not be paid as much as men for the next 217 years. Iceland has become the first country in the world to enforce equal pay between men and women. Women’s livelihoods will certainly improve with higher wages as will several development indicators tied to women’s livelihoods such as child nutrition and education. In 2018, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 14.8 % below those of men in the EU. Planned article update: March 2021. When Icelanders found out it would be another 122 years before they closed the gender pay gap at the current rate, that was unacceptable. Der Equal Pay Day (EPD) in der Schweiz wird seit 2009 jeweils unter der Leitung der Business & Professional Women (BPW) organisiert. In many countries, women earn less money than men for performing the same work. The high wage gap can be mostly explained by vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market. Turns out, it might be good for business. The documents related to this seminar are available here. Iceland now the first country to enforce equal pay for women and men. Rückblick Equal Pay Day 2020 an der UZH. Iceland has had legislation supposed to guarantee equal pay for men and women for a very long time. Despite the average wage gap, Iceland ranks first in the Global Gender Gap Report 2020 for years in a row and is often mentioned for a high level of equality measures. This law requires companies with more than 25 employees to proove that wages are fair. Einfacher dürfte die Equal-Pay-Berechnung in Branchen mit einem entsprechenden Tarifvertrag für Branchenzuschläge werden – und zwar in doppelter Hinsicht. Die Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität der UZH beteiligte sich erstmals 2013 in Kooperation mit dem VSUZH mit Standaktionen an der UZH. The Nordic nation is working on a law for 2020 that will require companies over 25 people to pay men and women equally for the same work “regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or nationality.” If passed this would be the first such law at the national level and would set the precedent for other countries. Ab diesem Tag arbeiten Frauen im Grunde gesehen den Rest des Jahres umsonst. Die Equal Pay Day Kampagne dankt allen Referierenden und Teilnehmenden, die zum Erfolg des Auftaktforums beitrugen. Now for its next trick. The pay discrepancy means that Icelandic women effectively work without pay after this time, according to unions and women’s organizations. Already in 1961, the Icelandic Parliament approved the Equal Pay Act to ensure equal remuneration for women and men for equal work or work of equal value. On October 24, 2016, thousands of women across Iceland walked out of their workplaces at 2.38pm demonstrating against the gender pay gap. 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