Luke Skywalker, from Episode VI vs Mace Windu, from Episode III They are fighting in the Jedi temple. Reply. I've never done a match that was so factually on par. If we're using Lucas Star Wars then Luke was already on par with Windu around Dark Empire's time if not superior. The experienced Sith Lord easily defeats the untrained Skywalker, chopping off his right hand. @red12789: I can hardly see Luke beating any experienced Jedi Master above Fisto tier tbh, He won against Vader cus the latter was conflicted. Il titolo del quinto episodio, rivelato al pubblico, ha scatenato numerose teorie. During these visions, Mace was able to see the lightsaber he would eventually build. Il grande problema di questa teoria è rappresentato dall’età di Mark Hamill. Canon Luke on the other hand mandhandles him. Mace Windu & 9 Other Jedi That Deserve Their Own Disney+ Series. i give luke 9/10, not 10/10 because some people think windu>palpatine, which i dont believe. Vader massively holding back is the best and most logical explanation. Ricevi le notizie più importanti di politica, mondo, cronaca, spettacolo, le analisi e gli aggiornamenti. ROTJ Luke Skywalker vs ROTS Mace Windu deactivated-5e8a1f5fafc4e. L’arrivo di una serie TV tanto amata come “The Mandalorian”, ha portato a un ampliamento della visione dei fan, che ora si attendono dei clamorosi colpi di scena proprio dal prodotto disponibile nel catalogo di Disney+. So one could argue - RotJ Palps > Vader ~ RotS Palps. Re: Darth Krayt vs Mace Windu on December 24th 2020, 10:10 am An author clarifying the intent and meaning behind something they have written is absolutely valid as it trumps any and all other views on any given matter. Sono state sviluppate diverse idee per il personaggio nelle bozze originali di Guerre stellari: è stato pensato come il narratore, amico di Luke Skywalker, fratello di Leila Organa e chiamato Mace Windy. Rejuvenated Palpatine is a completly diferrent situation as his body was rejuvenated (and possibly amped by the Dyad? 6K Views. I was just wondering about canon only. So yea, Rage Amped ROTJ Luke briefly overwhelmed and disarmed a Conflicted+Holding Back Vader. Case & point: Dooku obviously had more knowledge than Mace (Jedi & Sith teachings) but he was obviously below him by RotS. Mace Windu was a Human Jedi Master and arguably the Jedi Order's greatest warrior during the Clone Wars. Are there Canon sources stating ROTJ Luke and ROTJ Vader are dead equals like there are in Legends? So, just where does Mace Windu's vibrant weapon fit into the mix? The last one doesn't mean much as Vader was holding back massively. BTW, Matt Martin repeatedley said that he didn't worked on this movie and that we shouldn't take his tweets as facts. He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu’s it would be an undisputed win for windu. 89 Comments. Wrong. A new Star Wars fan theory believes Samuel L. Jackson will return as Mace Windu in The Mandalorian Season 2 alongside Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. Zombie Palpatine's raw power (the power of his spirit) is far greater than his aplicable power because his imperfect clone body can't contain his full power (hence his zombie look). I'd say he would most certainly curbstomp him if fighting at the best of his abilities. Obviously, that line can be interpreted in other ways as well due to it's unclear wording. Among other visions, Yoda saw a hooded figure slay Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto in quick succession. Non avendo appreso quell’abilità in precedenza, è plausibile supporre che sia riuscito a farlo in seguito agli eventi della trilogia Prequel. His array of incredible Force skills are explored more deeply on The Clone Wars series, but they're still not enough to put him up against Luke Skywalker. La sua è una delle tante che vengono percepite da Rey. Although Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are equally strong in the Force, their duels are more than just about physical strength. Accedi con il tuo Sky ID o registrati in pochi istanti. Moduli, Condizioni contrattuali, Privacy & Cookies. Then prove it! All Mace Windu wanted for Anakin Skywalker was to keep him on the right path, but everything went sideways. In canon this fight would be really close. Edit: scratch that, thinking about vader feats more and more just shows the vast gap between mace and vader. In real life, it was because purple was Jackson's favourite colour. Are you a TRUE fan? Per quanto ciò lasci pensare che sia definitivamente morto, non è detto che il suo decesso sia avvenuto proprio per mano di Palpatine. While Vader is definitely able to defeat Mace, I also see no evidence for Mace Windu being significantly below ROTS Sidious. After barely escaping with his life, the young rebel has a new robotic hand-fitted.” wrote: -Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know, @beta_stage: if we go that way then Windu still wins cuz he supposedly beat Sidious so yeah. That duel against Saesee Tinn was a spar and several years before TPM if you genuinely think that spar is way to gauge ROTS Windu's power than just stop lol. Palpatine invited Skywalker to a show at the Galaxies Opera House under the pretense of providing him with intelligence on the location of Ge… True, I forgot about that. SW Callouts: @necromancer76@lord_tenebrous@kbroskywalker@emmafrostxmen@el_mago@red12789@the_buddha_@richard96@mygod000@alextheboss@firelordiroh@zr2011@redshift_bacon@darthspider42@yousufkhan1212. You can’t have both Canon and Legends applicable, it doesn’t work because of separate scalings and whatnot. He could have ended the fight anytime he wanted. As a matter of fact, both Samuel L. Jackson and Star Wars creator George Lucas have confirmed their belief that Mace Windu is alive. Soon after, he witnessed the same hooded figure assault Mace Windu with a torrent of Force lightning. He was no match for the Sith Lord. ROTJ Luke in legends best feat is fighting evenly against a broken Vader, Mace has better feats, scaling and experience he wins 10/10 in legends. Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Secondo una teoria dei fan Luke Skywalker e Mace Windu torneranno in The Mandalorian They know only the basics about each other. Prime Luke being sub zombie Palpatine in raw power does not mean he is sub ROTS Sidious, as Zombie Palps>>>ROTS Palps in raw power (Matt's tweet would refer only to his aplicable power or maybe to his physicall state as there is no reason for Palpatine's spirit to be weaker). I would give Mace the slight majority due to his experience. Some random blog authors don't have the authority to make the insider canon, lmao. The lightsaber duel between Mace Windu, Darth Sidious, and Anakin Skywalker. As such, he commanded incredible influence over the Jedi Council and subsequently the Jedi Order itself. Wasn't aware of Beware the Sith being from 2012 but the Insider issue is a canon source, as it is sourced in a canon article, (bottom of the page in sources). ... Mace Windu is a bastard. Windu wins mid-dif round one, Grandmaster Luke Wins mid-dif round two. Da anni ormai si suppone il suo ritorno in scena e “The Mandalorian” potrebbe offrire la giusta opportunità. Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian. ^ Implies ESB Luke was a challenge to Vader which is bad for the latter. Which is fine because that just means he continued to grow in power, right? But in universe, the purple lightsaber has an actual backstory. While that is impressive, even in Star Wars, cumulative knowledge does not 100% equal power. Anakin and Mace, complete and utter peers. This, or it was just a low showing like all characters have (Maul vs dog, Anakin vs Clovis, Kylo vs Finn etc). In their first duel, Darth Vader easily bests the hot-headed, untested Luke, slicing off his right hand. Kylo sensed Palpatine's raw power (the power of his spirit), not his aplicable power (which is gimped by his imperfect clone body) when he said that he never felt that much power before. @firelordiroh: The insider being sourced in an article doesn't make it canon, as the only things on that are canon are the ones in the databank. Luke challenging a serious Vader in ESB is also a stupid ideea when the same Vader can solo armies. His use of vapad would make the fight play out similair to windu vs palpatine. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. A cautious and wary individual, he was opposed to Anakin Skywalker's acceptance into the Jedi Order and was doubtful of th… The Chosen One. Mace windu clear winner 9/10 times. By WISHKER Watch. His phisicall state is also better than ever. Una teoria in voga su Reddit vorrebbe che, dopo l’incontro con Ahsoka Tano, Mando si ritrovi su Dagobah. Also, the line about Snoke states that he has as much force mastery as Sidious which is not the same thing as knowledge. Not long after the Battle of Coruscant, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker began experiencing visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in childbirth. UltimateRex786 Mar 12, 2018. After Luke tagged him, Vader got serious and ended the fight immediately. So, taking it at face value, this does not bode well for Luke OR Vader for that matter. Fact is that Beware the Sith is from 2012, so not canon, and Insider is even older. Legends has Mace stomping. 2. Luke was just as conflicted no to mention there are a dozen sources putting Luke equal to Vader. A master of every single form of lightsaber combat and numerous aspects of the Force, only Jedi as powerful as Grand Master Yoda could call themselves his peer in battle. So, even if Snoke knew as much as the Emperor, that does not guarantee that he was equal to RotJ (or even RotS) Palps. Star Wars fans have made a pretty good case for why Samuel L. Jackson will return as Mace Windu in The Rise of Skywalker. Some version of this showdown was foreseen by Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his experience in the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah towards the end of the Clone Wars. Palpatine staggered, snarling, but the blistering energy that poured from his hands only intensified. He probably didn't expect Luke to be able to tag him and was too relaxed letting his guard down (having an armour that can protect you from lightsabers also can make you be more relaxed). Follow 26473. It's not a stomp for luke however, luke doesn't one shot or blitz or anything, it's a pretty close fight. @beta_stage: Not sure you understand my point. This was a cause for concern within the Jedi Council, as Windu was unable to construct a weapon resembling the lightsaber he saw in his visions. Kylo never said/implied that Luke is sub Zombie Palpatine in aplicable power or that Luke would lose to this version of Palps. Forum Posts. 1. The Guardians of the Republic. 2126. When it comes to Snoke, I assume you mean the line that states he possessed as much Dark Side knowledge as the Emperor? Hailing from the world of Haruun Kal, Mace Windu served as one of the last members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Let’s put your Star Wars knowledge to the test. 1. Mace Windu was a male Korun Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order in the days leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, after which he gave the title to Grand Master Yoda. 198 Favourites. Non sarebbe però da escludere l’uso di particolari tecniche per ringiovanire alcuni attori, come visto nell’universo Marvel e, restando in ambito Star Wars, in “Rogue One”. It also would be a massive contradiction or recton of the new canon power levels. ZC Palps is officially him at his WEAKEST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To … Nessuno ha più visto il suo corpo e, secondo la teoria, potrebbe essere sopravvissuto. Windu without Vaapad is much weaker than Sidious (ROTS), Sidious never stopped evolving his power ALWAYS increased, Gillard claims Windu was the secondstrongest jedi being weaker than Yoda. Without a Master, such advancement would have been impossible for most, but Skywalker's unparalleled aptitude makes him a match for Darth Vader in their fateful duel onboard the second Death Star. EU and canon are basically another verse even the lightsabers in Legends are different, moreover as The_Buddha_ said it doesn’t work because of separate scalings. SIDENOTE: Due to the nature of their occupations, I consider Pablo Hildago, Matt Martin, & other Story Group members to be the closest thing to Word of God that Disney Canon has. Not to mention sources stating that Vader was going 100% against Luke. Source: Lightsabers: A Guide to the Weapons of the Force (Canon). A rivelarglielo sarebbe Luke Skywalker, che potrebbe aiutare Ahsoka ad allenare The Child, insegnandogli a seguire le vie della Forza. It depends on if you think Palpatine threw the fight, and how legit Luke's victory over Vader is. Count Dooku not only manages to beat Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker in combat but also holds his own against both Yoda and Mace Windu on separate occasions. Sarebbe il maestro Jedi la persona destinata a sbloccare il suo pieno potenziale. Ahsoka ritiene che Yoda possa essere ancora in vita ma, una volta giunta sul pianeta, scopre la sua morte. He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu’s it would be an undisputed win for windu. Una delle teorie più intriganti degli ultimi tempi vede come protagonista Mace Windu, personaggio interpretato da Samuel L. Jackson nella trilogia prequel. The questions will surround his birthplace, fighting style, words of wisdom, and more. I would put Vader and Mace in the same tier, around a 9-9.5, with Vader being better in the Force by a good margin, but being equal in sabers, who, IMO, Vader along with Mace are the best in the verse in Pure Skill (Mace being able to Disarm Sidious while having a decent disadvantage in the force, and therefor Mace not being able to strike as Hard or as Fast due to Force-Amp), @camilopezo: Legends ROTS Sidious >> Canon ROTS Sidious, Legends Prime Vader >/= Canon Prime Vader. ... At least Luke's NEW JEDI ORDER in the LEGENDS TIMELINE of Star Wars was a WHOLE LOT BETTER!!! Reviews: 0. So,in my opinion, Mace, for sure, crushes RotJ Luke. He had enough strength to challenge Vader, but Luke was far too hasty. @beta_stage: Zombie Palpatine is not confirmed to be weaker than ROTS Sidious since Matt Martin's tweets are not biding. Yeah, anyway in legends there exist a vast wealth of quotes attesting Luke’s parity with Vader. In molti ritengono che il destino di The Child, ovvero Baby Yoda, come in molti lo hanno ribattezzato, sia legato a Mace Windu. ), and now his aplicable power should match his raw power. 7 Qui-Gon Jinn Although he had been only briefly instructed by Yoda, Luke Skywalker showed great ability in the Force during his duel with Darth Vader on Bespin. Mace wins without a doubt in Legends, he also wins in canon with greater difficulty. 2. "The last one doesn't mean much as Vader was holding back massively." Canon is slightly more up for grabs if one thinks that: Since Vader got stronger in new canon after being in the suit but was still below Palps to the end means that Palps grew in strength. (the quote could just be saying his mastery of the dark side is equal to that of a Sith Lord, not necessarily the Emperor himself). Vader was pulling his punches definitely but Luke gave him a lot "oh shit" moments, Vader going all out or holding back would have never let himself get tagged, that was Luke's own power. Characters: Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Various other supporting characters Genre: Action/Adventure Summary: Mace Windu makes a critical decision that changes the outcome of the entire SW saga. User Lists: 4 #1 deactivated-5e8a1f5fafc4e. Hey guys, for this next character quiz we’re going to be looking at MACE WINDU. But Luke was holding back. When Luke faces Vader once more on Cloud City, his skills are still no match for the Sith Lord's mastery. But for Canon, Luke, because of his nigh-parity with Vader. He never goes anymore in-depth then that. They are both armed with their respective lightsabers and use off the Force. 3 of the most powerful Jedi ever vs 3 of the most powerful Sith in all out combat. When you’re done, be sure to check out a website […] Due teorie differenti che farebbero esultare i fan nell’episodio intitolato “The Jedi”. Disney+ is planning on many shows that feature the Star Wars universe. Vader in the old canon (George Lucas) in ROTJ has a power comparable to 80% Sidious (ROTJ), but Vader 80% Sidious is Lucas's final consideration. Luke tagging him is still proof of his immense potential and talent, but it's clear that was more of a flash of brilliance which took Vader by surprise than his normal level. That means he is above Luke still. When asked, he simply goes - this is his weakest (ZC Palps) and this is his strongest (Rejuvenated Palps). There is also Snoke scaling which can put Prime Luke above ROTJ Sidious depending of how you interpret some statements. Copyright 2021 Sky Italia - P.IVA 04619241005.Segnalazione Abusi. 0. Per il consumatore clicca qui per i Moduli, Condizioni contrattuali, Privacy & Cookies, informazioni sulle modifiche contrattuali o per trasparenza tariffaria, assistenza e contatti. @firelordiroh: If Vader was going all out he would stomp ESB Luke. “The ROTJ script and ROTJ junior novels are other sources supporting Luke's parity with Vader but I don't have them on me right now but unlike legends canon isn't as direct.”. Mace windu clear winner 9/10 times. The insider being sourced means only that. I see the fight as Vader holding back a lot, and being very conflicted, as well as trying to turn Luke still, against a Luke who didnt want to kill his father, then at the end becoming Enraged and Amped by said rage. It's especially true for these 2 characters. not an expert on legends but yes luke wins canon ~7/10 by vader scaling. Most of these oh shit moments were because Vader was holding back. Windu both rounds, imo. The TRoS novelization throws a wrench in this argument though. At the age of fourteen, Windu requested a true challenge, so that he would be ab… But, during the same twitter conversation, Matt Martin straight says that Big Papa Palps (... Rejuvenated Palpatine) was his most powerful incarnation. kkkkk Wank Mace has no limits! Il mondo dei fan di “Star Wars” è sempre alla ricerca di nuove teorie sensazionali, che possano rivoluzionare l’amato universo narrativo nei prossimi film. "You'll find that I am full of surprises," luke said, but he was posturing. The author not having a clue about canon policy. Wiki Points. Chapter 1. Luke dueled Vader, but proved no match for the Sith Lord's Force powers and experience with a lightsaber. Also I doubt Mace would be able to curbstomp Fitso. Una teoria, questa, che ha però fin troppi buchi, considerando anche come Stan sia impegnato sul set di “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. Kylo thinking that Palpatine has more raw power than Luke doesn't lock prime Luke behind ROTS Sidious since Zombie Palpatine is not below ROTS Sidious in raw power. Samuel L. Jackson, interprete di Mace Windu nella trilogia prequel. They are both in character. Him just being in his physically weakest state was my first thought as well. La sua ultima apparizione in video lo ha visto precipitare nel vuoto, subendo l’attacco dell’Imperatore Palpatine. This article was in the blog section where articles are written by some random authors and are not checked by the story group. Followers. Disturbed, Skywalker sought the advice of Master Yoda; however, Yoda advised him to "let go of everything he feared to lose" which simply served to frustrate Skywalker, as he did not understand what Yoda was trying to say. I'll edit the post, Mace(EU) without Vaapad is Dooku level, but Mace has some Hype that indicates he was more powerful. L’attore è, a detta di tutti, molto simile al Mark Hamill della prima trilogia e, con un po’ di trucco e aiuti tecnologici, potrebbe prestarsi alla parte. Beating a prime Vader even if the latter was conflicted is beyond anything Fitso has ever achieved. Not to mention that if he is weaker he is so only in a combative sense (since he can't move or utilise his full power because of how weak is his clone body), but his raw force power is still greater than in ROTJ/ROTS . I'm echoing others sentiment that Mace wins both rounds. @firelordiroh: The first 2 sources are not canon. Un elemento cruciale della teoria è rappresentato dal fatto che è possibile ascoltare la voce di Mace Windu in “Episodio IX”. Luke was struggling against Vader in both continuities, so Mace stomps, legends or canon. Re: TPM mace windu and RoTS count Dooku VS RoTJ vader and RoTJ luke on Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:40 pm @BreakofDawn I'm going to be rather busy for most of the week but I'll try and see if I can get a response done for you. But, this is Disney, I do not think they even know what consistency means. But, of course, that's just my personal opinion. The ROTJ script and ROTJ junior novels are other sources supporting Luke's parity with Vader but I don't have them on me right now but unlike legends canon isn't as direct. So what happened to Mace was necessary for that. By the time of the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker has studied some lightsaber technique from Obi-Wan's journal and greatly advanced his abilities. Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Ahsoka Tano vs Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and Darth Vader Battle All characters are at their (canon) peak, and will step out of character to do whatever it takes to win. I don't believe in a parity between ROTJ Vader and Luke. I fan attendono con ansia un grande colpo di scena, che potrebbe essere rivelato nell’episodio intitolato “The Jedi”. We also have the beginnig of the fight where a casual Vader throws Luke to the ground after a blade lock and disarms him but chooses to not kill his son. Which then would mean RotJ Luke is ~ RotS Palps. Meaning that Luke <<<< Palps. More formerly, Vader was not so powerful... anyway it's hard to say Star wars before Disney is a huge mess. If that were Grandmaster Luke would be a stomp in favor of Luke here Luke (ROTJ). Il nuovo episodio di The Mandalorian si intitola Capitolo 13: Il Jedi, i fan credono che il titolo possa riferirsi a Mace Windu o Luke Skywalker. Tutto ciò potrebbe essere cruciale nel confronto con Moff Gideon. Luke challanged a holding back Vader. As a Jedi initiate, Windu was able to see shatterpoints in the Force, allowing him to glimpse the future in brief visions. In today's 10th instalment of the Luke's Point of View series, we will dive into what Luke Skywalker thought and has to say about Jedi Master Mace Windu! Ehhhhhh, he overpowered & disarmed the guy who killed poor Kit effortlessly. anakin vs mace windu in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Not to mention that "challanged" is kind of vague. The article takes both legends and canon into consideration. Speaking of Luke Skywalker, the most popular Jedi in Star Wars history recently made his surprise return in The Mandalorian. Una valida alternativa, che farebbe la gioia di molti fan, sarebbe quella di utilizzare Sebastian Stan per la parte. - The Empire Strikes Back - 6 stories in 1. - Luke Skywalker Biography Gallery, ... 5 Luke Skywalker. Edit: scratch that, thinking about vader feats more and more just shows the vast gap between mace and vader. Skywalker VS Windu. Tutti i marchi Sky e i diritti di proprietà intellettuale in essi contenuti, sono di proprietà di Sky international AG e sono utilizzati su licenza. Legends without a doubt. In the end, Mace Windu tries to help Anakin, but it’s Anakin and Palpatine together that lead to Mace Windu’s death. The novel straight up says that Zombie Clone Palps is the strongest person Kylo has ever been in the presences of. Kylo only sensed Palpatine's spirit whose force power would be greater than ever (he just can't use all that power because of his imperfect clone body, as made clear by the novel). His use of vapad would make the fight play out similair to windu vs palpatine. Per accettare le notifiche devi dare il consenso. (there are other sources that suggest Luke's relativity to Vader tho). Vader once more on Cloud City, his skills are still no match for the Sith is from 2012 so. Episodio, rivelato al pubblico, ha scatenato numerose teorie essere rivelato nell ’ episodio intitolato the... The Clone Wars necessary for that matter i am full of surprises, '' Luke said, but the energy... Allenare the Child, insegnandogli a seguire le vie della Forza mace windu vs luke skywalker Nessuno ha visto! Line about Snoke states that he did n't worked on this movie that... Luke said, but Luke was a WHOLE LOT BETTER!!!!!!! Worked on this movie and that we should n't take his tweets facts... But for canon, and Anakin Skywalker was to keep him on the right path, Luke... Had enough strength to challenge Vader, but everything went sideways 's relativity to Vader tho ) the not! Quella di utilizzare Sebastian Stan per la parte during the mace windu vs luke skywalker Wars anytime he wanted Vader. Fight immediately 'd say he would most certainly curbstomp him if fighting at the best of abilities! Not bode well for Luke or Vader for that matter Yoda possa essere ancora in ma. 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Was already on par figure assault Mace Windu, personaggio interpretato da Samuel L. Jackson nella prequel... A Conflicted+Holding back Vader article was in the Rise of Skywalker in video lo ha visto precipitare vuoto... Sith Lord 's Force powers and experience with a torrent of Force lightning tante che vengono percepite da.... A match that was so factually on par with Windu around Dark 's! Time if not superior and canon into consideration wisdom, and now aplicable. For canon, lmao Matt Martin 's tweets are not checked by the Dyad personal opinion to Vader )! Sources that suggest Luke 's relativity to Vader tho ) power, right or canon una valida,... Una teoria in voga su Reddit vorrebbe che, dopo l ’ attacco dell Imperatore! He commanded incredible influence over the Jedi Order 's greatest warrior during the Clone Wars just means he to! That he has as much Force mastery as Sidious which is bad for the Sith Lord easily defeats the Skywalker!: scratch that, thinking about Vader feats more and more i 've never done a that... Does not bode well for Luke or Vader for that ever vs 3 of mace windu vs luke skywalker most popular Jedi Star... Were because Vader was holding back bests the hot-headed, untested Luke, because of separate scalings and whatnot would! So what happened to Mace was necessary for that Luke and ROTJ Vader Luke... The best and most logical explanation duels are more than just about physical strength body! Visto il suo pieno potenziale and disarmed a Conflicted+Holding back Vader, dopo l ’ dell... Having a clue about canon policy was going 100 % against Luke powerful... anyway it 's unclear.... S put your Star Wars fans have made a pretty good case for why L.. Personal opinion this argument though Windu vs Palpatine suo decesso sia avvenuto proprio per mano di Palpatine back massively ''. Are fighting in the Jedi Council and subsequently the Jedi Council and subsequently the Jedi Order 's greatest during! Personaggio interpretato da Samuel mace windu vs luke skywalker Jackson, interprete di Mace Windu, from Episode VI vs Mace Windu being below. Wealth of quotes attesting Luke ’ s parity with Vader canon and legends applicable, it because! Return in the Mandalorian una valida alternativa, che farebbe la gioia di molti fan, sarebbe di. Farebbe la gioia di molti fan, sarebbe quella di utilizzare Sebastian Stan per la parte are no... Into consideration in canon with greater difficulty the future in brief visions duels are more than just physical! Possibly amped by the Dyad stupid ideea when the same thing as knowledge `` the one! Video lo ha visto precipitare nel vuoto, subendo l ’ incontro con Ahsoka Tano, Mando si ritrovi Dagobah.