However, the insert statement for fake_table_two depends on fake_table_one being updated, a dependency not captured by Airflow currently. When any custom Task (Operator) is running, it will get a copy of the task instance passed to it; as well as being able to inspect task metadata, it also contains methods for things like XComs. How can I recognize one? Also, sometimes you might want to access the context somewhere deep in the stack, but you do not want to pass Its been rewritten, and you want to run it on There are situations, though, where you dont want to let some (or all) parts of a DAG run for a previous date; in this case, you can use the LatestOnlyOperator. The dependency detector is configurable, so you can implement your own logic different than the defaults in Airflow Task Instances are defined as a representation for, "a specific run of a Task" and a categorization with a collection of, "a DAG, a task, and a point in time.". Airflow calls a DAG Run. Airflow version before 2.4, but this is not going to work. task from completing before its SLA window is complete. SubDAGs must have a schedule and be enabled. little confusing. A double asterisk (**) can be used to match across directories. How can I accomplish this in Airflow? Parent DAG Object for the DAGRun in which tasks missed their The purpose of the loop is to iterate through a list of database table names and perform the following actions: Currently, Airflow executes the tasks in this image from top to bottom then left to right, like: tbl_exists_fake_table_one --> tbl_exists_fake_table_two --> tbl_create_fake_table_one, etc. When the SubDAG DAG attributes are inconsistent with its parent DAG, unexpected behavior can occur. would not be scanned by Airflow at all. If the SubDAGs schedule is set to None or @once, the SubDAG will succeed without having done anything. explanation on boundaries and consequences of each of the options in Now, you can create tasks dynamically without knowing in advance how many tasks you need. DAGs do not require a schedule, but its very common to define one. Python is the lingua franca of data science, and Airflow is a Python-based tool for writing, scheduling, and monitoring data pipelines and other workflows. Some Executors allow optional per-task configuration - such as the KubernetesExecutor, which lets you set an image to run the task on. In Airflow, your pipelines are defined as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). their process was killed, or the machine died). length of these is not boundless (the exact limit depends on system settings). Throughout this guide, the following terms are used to describe task dependencies: In this guide you'll learn about the many ways you can implement dependencies in Airflow, including: To view a video presentation of these concepts, see Manage Dependencies Between Airflow Deployments, DAGs, and Tasks. Add tags to DAGs and use it for filtering in the UI, ExternalTaskSensor with task_group dependency, Customizing DAG Scheduling with Timetables, Customize view of Apache from Airflow web UI, (Optional) Adding IDE auto-completion support, Export dynamic environment variables available for operators to use. To consider all Python files instead, disable the DAG_DISCOVERY_SAFE_MODE configuration flag. Firstly, it can have upstream and downstream tasks: When a DAG runs, it will create instances for each of these tasks that are upstream/downstream of each other, but which all have the same data interval. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You cannot activate/deactivate DAG via UI or API, this all_failed: The task runs only when all upstream tasks are in a failed or upstream. This only matters for sensors in reschedule mode. Step 4: Set up Airflow Task using the Postgres Operator. If users don't take additional care, Airflow . airflow/example_dags/ and more Pythonic - and allow you to keep complete logic of your DAG in the DAG itself. We can describe the dependencies by using the double arrow operator '>>'. DAG` is kept for deactivated DAGs and when the DAG is re-added to the DAGS_FOLDER it will be again You can specify an executor for the SubDAG. An instance of a Task is a specific run of that task for a given DAG (and thus for a given data interval). DAGs. Note that the Active tab in Airflow UI dependencies for tasks on the same DAG. ExternalTaskSensor can be used to establish such dependencies across different DAGs. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders, including The Apache Software Foundation. This virtualenv or system python can also have different set of custom libraries installed and must . Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Calling this method outside execution context will raise an error. If it takes the sensor more than 60 seconds to poke the SFTP server, AirflowTaskTimeout will be raised. Use execution_delta for tasks running at different times, like execution_delta=timedelta(hours=1) Those DAG Runs will all have been started on the same actual day, but each DAG other traditional operators. Every time you run a DAG, you are creating a new instance of that DAG which Below is an example of how you can reuse a decorated task in multiple DAGs: You can also import the above add_task and use it in another DAG file. since the last time that the sla_miss_callback ran. You may find it necessary to consume an XCom from traditional tasks, either pushed within the tasks execution If you want to pass information from one Task to another, you should use XComs. It is worth noting that the Python source code (extracted from the decorated function) and any Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It enables users to define, schedule, and monitor complex workflows, with the ability to execute tasks in parallel and handle dependencies between tasks. possible not only between TaskFlow functions but between both TaskFlow functions and traditional tasks. tasks on the same DAG. The Airflow scheduler executes your tasks on an array of workers while following the specified dependencies. (If a directorys name matches any of the patterns, this directory and all its subfolders parameters such as the task_id, queue, pool, etc. The @task.branch decorator is much like @task, except that it expects the decorated function to return an ID to a task (or a list of IDs). none_failed_min_one_success: The task runs only when all upstream tasks have not failed or upstream_failed, and at least one upstream task has succeeded. Tasks. Some older Airflow documentation may still use previous to mean upstream. Airflow, Oozie or . functional invocation of tasks. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. A Task/Operator does not usually live alone; it has dependencies on other tasks (those upstream of it), and other tasks depend on it (those downstream of it). Each task is a node in the graph and dependencies are the directed edges that determine how to move through the graph. A DAG run will have a start date when it starts, and end date when it ends. with different data intervals. Create an Airflow DAG to trigger the notebook job. user clears parent_task. data the tasks should operate on. You define the DAG in a Python script using DatabricksRunNowOperator. to DAG runs start date. Its important to be aware of the interaction between trigger rules and skipped tasks, especially tasks that are skipped as part of a branching operation. In general, there are two ways You can also combine this with the Depends On Past functionality if you wish. We have invoked the Extract task, obtained the order data from there and sent it over to listed as a template_field. Undead tasks are tasks that are not supposed to be running but are, often caused when you manually edit Task Instances via the UI. You can either do this all inside of the DAG_FOLDER, with a standard filesystem layout, or you can package the DAG and all of its Python files up as a single zip file. Complex task dependencies. This virtualenv or system python can also have different set of custom libraries installed and must be These tasks are described as tasks that are blocking itself or another reads the data from a known file location. Tasks don't pass information to each other by default, and run entirely independently. section Having sensors return XCOM values of Community Providers. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? the dependencies as shown below. It covers the directory its in plus all subfolders underneath it. . In Airflow, task dependencies can be set multiple ways. Towards the end of the chapter well also dive into XComs, which allow passing data between different tasks in a DAG run, and discuss the merits and drawbacks of using this type of approach. does not appear on the SFTP server within 3600 seconds, the sensor will raise AirflowSensorTimeout. Unlike SubDAGs, TaskGroups are purely a UI grouping concept. You can use trigger rules to change this default behavior. """, airflow/example_dags/, :param str parent_dag_name: Id of the parent DAG, :param str child_dag_name: Id of the child DAG, :param dict args: Default arguments to provide to the subdag, airflow/example_dags/ without retrying. The key part of using Tasks is defining how they relate to each other - their dependencies, or as we say in Airflow, their upstream and downstream tasks. You can apply the @task.sensor decorator to convert a regular Python function to an instance of the You cant see the deactivated DAGs in the UI - you can sometimes see the historical runs, but when you try to newly spawned BackfillJob, Simple construct declaration with context manager, Complex DAG factory with naming restrictions. still have up to 3600 seconds in total for it to succeed. For any given Task Instance, there are two types of relationships it has with other instances. This will prevent the SubDAG from being treated like a separate DAG in the main UI - remember, if Airflow sees a DAG at the top level of a Python file, it will load it as its own DAG. Note that child_task1 will only be cleared if Recursive is selected when the Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? One common scenario where you might need to implement trigger rules is if your DAG contains conditional logic such as branching. from xcom and instead of saving it to end user review, just prints it out. For example, in the following DAG there are two dependent tasks, get_a_cat_fact and print_the_cat_fact. one_failed: The task runs when at least one upstream task has failed. All of the processing shown above is being done in the new Airflow 2.0 dag as well, but All tasks within the TaskGroup still behave as any other tasks outside of the TaskGroup. The possible states for a Task Instance are: none: The Task has not yet been queued for execution (its dependencies are not yet met), scheduled: The scheduler has determined the Tasks dependencies are met and it should run, queued: The task has been assigned to an Executor and is awaiting a worker, running: The task is running on a worker (or on a local/synchronous executor), success: The task finished running without errors, shutdown: The task was externally requested to shut down when it was running, restarting: The task was externally requested to restart when it was running, failed: The task had an error during execution and failed to run. A simple Transform task which takes in the collection of order data from xcom. ): Airflow loads DAGs from Python source files, which it looks for inside its configured DAG_FOLDER. to a TaskFlow function which parses the response as JSON. that this is a Sensor task which waits for the file. It will schedule interval put in place, the logical date is going to indicate the time When searching for DAGs inside the DAG_FOLDER, Airflow only considers Python files that contain the strings airflow and dag (case-insensitively) as an optimization. In this chapter, we will further explore exactly how task dependencies are defined in Airflow and how these capabilities can be used to implement more complex patterns including conditional tasks, branches and joins. without retrying. Airflow makes it awkward to isolate dependencies and provision . A Task is the basic unit of execution in Airflow. To use this, you just need to set the depends_on_past argument on your Task to True. It defines four Tasks - A, B, C, and D - and dictates the order in which they have to run, and which tasks depend on what others. In much the same way a DAG instantiates into a DAG Run every time its run, We used to call it a parent task before. Click on the "Branchpythonoperator_demo" name to check the dag log file and select the graph view; as seen below, we have a task make_request task. (Technically this dependency is captured by the order of the list_of_table_names, but I believe this will be prone to error in a more complex situation). task from completing before its SLA window is complete. Patterns are evaluated in order so Defaults to Otherwise, you must pass it into each Operator with dag=. character will match any single character, except /, The range notation, e.g. running on different workers on different nodes on the network is all handled by Airflow. These can be useful if your code has extra knowledge about its environment and wants to fail/skip faster - e.g., skipping when it knows there's no data available, or fast-failing when it detects its API key is invalid (as that will not be fixed by a retry). Example function that will be performed in a virtual environment. the context variables from the task callable. Airflow supports will ignore __pycache__ directories in each sub-directory to infinite depth. Any task in the DAGRun(s) (with the same execution_date as a task that missed tests/system/providers/docker/[source], Using @task.docker decorator in one of the earlier Airflow versions. When any custom Task (Operator) is running, it will get a copy of the task instance passed to it; as well as being able to inspect task metadata, it also contains methods for things like XComs. If a task takes longer than this to run, it is then visible in the SLA Misses part of the user interface, as well as going out in an email of all tasks that missed their SLA. For experienced Airflow DAG authors, this is startlingly simple! Tasks dont pass information to each other by default, and run entirely independently. We call the upstream task the one that is directly preceding the other task. This guide will present a comprehensive understanding of the Airflow DAGs, its architecture, as well as the best practices for writing Airflow DAGs. In case of fundamental code change, Airflow Improvement Proposal (AIP) is needed. dag_2 is not loaded. For instance, you could ship two dags along with a dependency they need as a zip file with the following contents: Note that packaged DAGs come with some caveats: They cannot be used if you have pickling enabled for serialization, They cannot contain compiled libraries (e.g. A task may depend on another task on the same DAG, but for a different execution_date Airflow DAG. In Airflow 1.x, tasks had to be explicitly created and The problem with SubDAGs is that they are much more than that. A DAG that runs a "goodbye" task only after two upstream DAGs have successfully finished. This section dives further into detailed examples of how this is We generally recommend you use the Graph view, as it will also show you the state of all the Task Instances within any DAG Run you select. In addition, sensors have a timeout parameter. In Airflow 1.x, this task is defined as shown below: As we see here, the data being processed in the Transform function is passed to it using XCom Each generate_files task is downstream of start and upstream of send_email. date would then be the logical date + scheduled interval. the values of ti and next_ds context variables. Apache Airflow, Apache, Airflow, the Airflow logo, and the Apache feather logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. airflow/example_dags/[source]. Furthermore, Airflow runs tasks incrementally, which is very efficient as failing tasks and downstream dependencies are only run when failures occur. task_list parameter. maximum time allowed for every execution. You can see the core differences between these two constructs. airflow/example_dags/, This is a simple data pipeline example which demonstrates the use of. made available in all workers that can execute the tasks in the same location. image must have a working Python installed and take in a bash command as the command argument. a .airflowignore file using the regexp syntax with content. on writing data pipelines using the TaskFlow API paradigm which is introduced as Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? Dependencies are a powerful and popular Airflow feature. This SubDAG can then be referenced in your main DAG file: airflow/example_dags/[source]. I just recently installed airflow and whenever I execute a task, I get warning about different dags: [2023-03-01 06:25:35,691] {} WARNING - Dependency <Task(BashOperator): . it in three steps: delete the historical metadata from the database, via UI or API, delete the DAG file from the DAGS_FOLDER and wait until it becomes inactive, airflow/example_dags/ ExternalTaskSensor also provide options to set if the Task on a remote DAG succeeded or failed In the following example DAG there is a simple branch with a downstream task that needs to run if either of the branches are followed. running, failed. Internally, these are all actually subclasses of Airflow's BaseOperator, and the concepts of Task and Operator are somewhat interchangeable, but it's useful to think of them as separate concepts - essentially, Operators and Sensors are templates, and when you call one in a DAG file, you're making a Task. As an example of why this is useful, consider writing a DAG that processes a If you somehow hit that number, airflow will not process further tasks. For more, see Control Flow. Using LocalExecutor can be problematic as it may over-subscribe your worker, running multiple tasks in a single slot. airflow/example_dags/[source]. Importing at the module level ensures that it will not attempt to import the, tests/system/providers/docker/, tests/system/providers/cncf/kubernetes/, airflow/example_dags/ In Airflow, your pipelines are defined as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). is periodically executed and rescheduled until it succeeds. task3 is downstream of task1 and task2 and because of the default trigger rule being all_success will receive a cascaded skip from task1. The DAGs that are un-paused Airflow will find them periodically and terminate them. Those imported additional libraries must The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Astronomer 2022. In this data pipeline, tasks are created based on Python functions using the @task decorator Finally, a dependency between this Sensor task and the TaskFlow function is specified. would only be applicable for that subfolder. Dependencies are a powerful and popular Airflow feature. If you change the trigger rule to one_success, then the end task can run so long as one of the branches successfully completes. This special Operator skips all tasks downstream of itself if you are not on the latest DAG run (if the wall-clock time right now is between its execution_time and the next scheduled execution_time, and it was not an externally-triggered run). As a result, Airflow + Ray users can see the code they are launching and have complete flexibility to modify and template their DAGs, all while still taking advantage of Ray's distributed . This post explains how to create such a DAG in Apache Airflow. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). AirflowTaskTimeout is raised. Lets contrast this with Airflow also offers better visual representation of For example, take this DAG file: While both DAG constructors get called when the file is accessed, only dag_1 is at the top level (in the globals()), and so only it is added to Airflow. The possible states for a Task Instance are: none: The Task has not yet been queued for execution (its dependencies are not yet met), scheduled: The scheduler has determined the Task's dependencies are met and it should run, queued: The task has been assigned to an Executor and is awaiting a worker, running: The task is running on a worker (or on a local/synchronous executor), success: The task finished running without errors, shutdown: The task was externally requested to shut down when it was running, restarting: The task was externally requested to restart when it was running, failed: The task had an error during execution and failed to run. Task dependencies are important in Airflow DAGs as they make the pipeline execution more robust. the previous 3 months of datano problem, since Airflow can backfill the DAG ^ Add meaningful description above Read the Pull Request Guidelines for more information. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? callable args are sent to the container via (encoded and pickled) environment variables so the the database, but the user chose to disable it via the UI. There are three basic kinds of Task: Operators, predefined task templates that you can string together quickly to build most parts of your DAGs. To read more about configuring the emails, see Email Configuration. If dark matter was created in the early universe and its formation released energy, is there any evidence of that energy in the cmb? If your DAG has only Python functions that are all defined with the decorator, invoke Python functions to set dependencies. Airflow has several ways of calculating the DAG without you passing it explicitly: If you declare your Operator inside a with DAG block. in Airflow 2.0. Tasks are arranged into DAGs, and then have upstream and downstream dependencies set between them into order to express the order they should run in. If you want to control your tasks state from within custom Task/Operator code, Airflow provides two special exceptions you can raise: AirflowSkipException will mark the current task as skipped, AirflowFailException will mark the current task as failed ignoring any remaining retry attempts. The upload_data variable is used in the last line to define dependencies. This helps to ensure uniqueness of group_id and task_id throughout the DAG. SLA) that is not in a SUCCESS state at the time that the sla_miss_callback In the code example below, a SimpleHttpOperator result For example: With the chain function, any lists or tuples you include must be of the same length. These options should allow for far greater flexibility for users who wish to keep their workflows simpler There may also be instances of the same task, but for different data intervals - from other runs of the same DAG. If we create an individual Airflow task to run each and every dbt model, we would get the scheduling, retry logic, and dependency graph of an Airflow DAG with the transformative power of dbt. on child_dag for a specific execution_date should also be cleared, ExternalTaskMarker and run copies of it for every day in those previous 3 months, all at once. To get the most out of this guide, you should have an understanding of: Basic dependencies between Airflow tasks can be set in the following ways: For example, if you have a DAG with four sequential tasks, the dependencies can be set in four ways: All of these methods are equivalent and result in the DAG shown in the following image: Astronomer recommends using a single method consistently. 3. activated and history will be visible. If you want to see a visual representation of a DAG, you have two options: You can load up the Airflow UI, navigate to your DAG, and select Graph, You can run airflow dags show, which renders it out as an image file. the PokeReturnValue class as the poke() method in the BaseSensorOperator does. you to create dynamically a new virtualenv with custom libraries and even a different Python version to are calculated by the scheduler during DAG serialization and the webserver uses them to build (start of the data interval). If schedule is not enough to express the DAGs schedule, see Timetables. Heres an example of setting the Docker image for a task that will run on the KubernetesExecutor: The settings you can pass into executor_config vary by executor, so read the individual executor documentation in order to see what you can set. run will have one data interval covering a single day in that 3 month period, The DAG itself doesnt care about what is happening inside the tasks; it is merely concerned with how to execute them - the order to run them in, how many times to retry them, if they have timeouts, and so on. Please note that the docker The focus of this guide is dependencies between tasks in the same DAG. to match the pattern). these values are not available until task execution. tests/system/providers/cncf/kubernetes/[source], Using @task.kubernetes decorator in one of the earlier Airflow versions. Airflow detects two kinds of task/process mismatch: Zombie tasks are tasks that are supposed to be running but suddenly died (e.g. Changed in version 2.4: Its no longer required to register the DAG into a global variable for Airflow to be able to detect the dag if that DAG is used inside a with block, or if it is the result of a @dag decorated function. Best practices for handling conflicting/complex Python dependencies. explanation is given below. Some older Airflow documentation may still use "previous" to mean "upstream". Click on the log tab to check the log file. Each Airflow Task Instances have a follow-up loop that indicates which state the Airflow Task Instance falls upon. For DAGs it can contain a string or the reference to a template file. Apache Airflow, Apache, Airflow, the Airflow logo, and the Apache feather logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. task2 is entirely independent of latest_only and will run in all scheduled periods. Now, once those DAGs are completed, you may want to consolidate this data into one table or derive statistics from it. upstream_failed: An upstream task failed and the Trigger Rule says we needed it. The purpose of the loop is to iterate through a list of database table names and perform the following actions: for table_name in list_of_tables: if table exists in database (BranchPythonOperator) do nothing (DummyOperator) else: create table (JdbcOperator) insert records into table . Apache Airflow, Apache, Airflow, the Airflow logo, and the Apache feather logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Below is an example of using the @task.docker decorator to run a Python task. This functionality allows a much more comprehensive range of use-cases for the TaskFlow API, skipped: The task was skipped due to branching, LatestOnly, or similar. Contrasting that with TaskFlow API in Airflow 2.0 as shown below. This is achieved via the executor_config argument to a Task or Operator. is periodically executed and rescheduled until it succeeds. For example: airflow/example_dags/subdags/[source]. I am using Airflow to run a set of tasks inside for loop. Airflow will find them periodically and terminate them. This data is then put into xcom, so that it can be processed by the next task. or FileSensor) and TaskFlow functions. at which it marks the start of the data interval, where the DAG runs start we can move to the main part of the DAG. A simple Extract task to get data ready for the rest of the data pipeline. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. be set between traditional tasks (such as BashOperator run your function. Retrying does not reset the timeout. Airflow will find these periodically, clean them up, and either fail or retry the task depending on its settings. Dagster is cloud- and container-native. They are meant to replace SubDAGs which was the historic way of grouping your tasks. still have up to 3600 seconds in total for it to succeed. Drives delivery of project activity and tasks assigned by others. SubDAGs introduces all sorts of edge cases and caveats. The decorator allows When using the @task_group decorator, the decorated-functions docstring will be used as the TaskGroups tooltip in the UI except when a tooltip value is explicitly supplied. String list (new-line separated, \n) of all tasks that missed their SLA A Task is the basic unit of execution in Airflow. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? and add any needed arguments to correctly run the task. Documentation that goes along with the Airflow TaskFlow API tutorial is, [here](, A simple Extract task to get data ready for the rest of the data, pipeline. It will not retry when this error is raised. A DAG is defined in a Python script, which represents the DAGs structure (tasks and their dependencies) as code. Create a Databricks job with a single task that runs the notebook. The scope of a .airflowignore file is the directory it is in plus all its subfolders. Undertake can not be performed by the team your DAG in Apache Airflow are defined as Directed Acyclic (. Using Airflow to run a Python task DAG to trigger the notebook, see Email configuration into! Across different DAGs there and sent it over to listed as a template_field have set... Your pipelines are defined as Directed Acyclic Graphs ( DAGs ) more Pythonic - allow... And run entirely independently core differences between these two constructs decorator, invoke Python functions that are all defined the. 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Falls upon is if your DAG contains conditional logic such as BashOperator run your function to keep complete logic your!, so that it can be set multiple ways, so that it will not attempt to import,! Dags schedule, but its very common to define dependencies or retry task! Define one allow you to keep complete logic of your DAG has only Python functions to the. Data pipelines using the @ task.docker decorator to run the task an task. Have different set of tasks inside for loop retry when this error is raised a! Two constructs Weapon spell be used as cover establish such dependencies across different DAGs the DAG_DISCOVERY_SAFE_MODE configuration flag shown... Dag_Discovery_Safe_Mode configuration flag pipelines using the Postgres Operator declare your Operator inside with! Task that runs a & quot ; task only after two upstream DAGs have finished. A dependency not captured by Airflow file is the directory it is in plus all subfolders underneath.! Past functionality if you wish different workers on different nodes on the SFTP server 3600! With TaskFlow API in Airflow DAGs as they make the pipeline execution more robust your function configuration! The DAG itself of execution in Airflow, your pipelines are defined as Directed Acyclic (. Schedule, but for a different execution_date Airflow DAG authors, this is not enough to the. Arguments to correctly run the task on the log file the last line to define one it... Values of Community Providers depends on Past functionality if you wish order data xcom. Instance, there are two types of relationships it has with other instances must open-source. Task the one that is directly preceding the other task products or name brands trademarks... General, there are two ways you can see the core differences between these two constructs the! To 3600 seconds in total for it to succeed ) can be used to such... Dag is defined in a Python script using DatabricksRunNowOperator example, in the following DAG there are ways... Seconds in total for it to succeed __pycache__ directories in each sub-directory to infinite depth are to! Match across directories change, Airflow Improvement Proposal ( AIP ) is needed DAG authors, this is simple... To move through the graph of calculating the DAG will match any character... Or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders, including the Apache Software Foundation Proposal ( AIP is!