A scaffold must be erected "plumb, square, and level," because: If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold. Crawling Board. The sheaves of all blocks shall fit the size of the rope used. The use of safe lifting postures and timing (7) Ribbons shall be erected along the length of the scaffold, located on both the inside and the outside posts . Select the equipment you need and place it near the work area. 2. What the definition of a Suspension scaffolds, one or more platforms suspended by ropes or other non rigid means from an overhead structure. Scaffolds shall be constructed in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section, as appropriate. . In 1996, when OSHA issued the revised Scaffold Standard for construction, the agency estimated that by protecting these millions of workers from The platform shall be supported by a minimum of two bearers, each of which shall project a minimum of 6 inches (15.2 cm) beyond the platform on both sides. Personal Fall Arrest System, Guardrail System, or 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) grabline or equivalent handhold securely fastened beside each crawling board. Choose one answer. If uplift could cause the components to separate, locking pins must be used and the components secured. Stilts shall be properly maintained. The purpose of this survey is: determine the condition of the structure so that measures can be taken, if necessary, to prevent the premature collapse of any portion of the structure. uses. In addition to the applicable requirements of 1926.451, the following requirements apply to the specific types of scaffolds indicated. Each supporting rope shall be hitched around one end of the bearer and pass under the platform to the other end of the bearer where it is hitched again, leaving sufficient rope at each end for the supporting ties. Simple pretensioned beams and slabs of spans up to about 7 meters (23 feet): Can be demolished in a manner similar to ordinary reinforced concrete, True or False: Electrical detonators can be inadvertently triggered by stray RF (radio frequency) signals from two-way radios. Runners must: Extend over two poles at minimum. The three elements of a basic program for electrical safety are: All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be: If you have a three-prong plug and a two-hole receptacle, it is acceptable to: Use an adapter with an adapter wire connected to known ground. Scaffolds shall be used only for the purpose of working at the window opening through which the jack is placed. Whats going on at the molecular level? The original scaffold layout is still feasible. When erected and used properly, it serves its function well. Secure access to the scaffold. A noise level of 95 dB is ______ than the lowest level at which hearing protection is required (85 dB), and your exposure should be limited to six hours or less. When the pump jack has to pass bracing already installed, an additional brace shall be installed approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) above the brace to be passed, and shall be left in place until the pump jack has been moved and the original brace reinstalled. Remote detonators to implode a structure Scaffolding Injuries Approximately 2.3 million construction workers work on scaffolds regularly. The three main scaffold types are aerial lifts, supported scaffolds and: suspended scaffolds Because using cranes or derricks to hoist personnel poses a serious risk to the employees being lifted, any cranes and derricks that hoist personnel must: -- Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade To enforce the federal regulations that ensure that business is conducted in an ethical manner C. Workplace and engineering controls [3] Lift the planks through the scaffold bars and into place. C. Explosives Such scaffolds are covered by paragraph (q) of this section. "Plasterers', decorators', and large area scaffolds." Fixed Scaffolding Erection Scaffold must be erected, moved, or disassembled only by and under the supervision of qualied persons. The body becomes part of the circuit bamboo sticks are still used in some Asian countries to erect large multistory structures. Step 1 Select and prepare the ground area. B. Runners and bearers must be installed on edge. fabricated frame scaffold, the mobile scaffold, the tube and coupler scaffold, the system Approximately 75 percent of struck-by fatalities involve: It is preferable not to drive a vehicle in reverse if you have an obstructed rear view, but if you do, make sure: Workers are most at risk from falling objects when standing or working: To prevent injury from flying debris, use safety glasses, goggles, face shields, etc., where machines or tools may cause flying particles; and always inspect tools, such as saws and lathes, to ensure that: The protective guards are in good condition and firmly attached. The following are the phases that need to be considered for safe installation and use of scaffolding: 1. Do Not Try To Drive More Than______Hours In Any One Day. Couplers shall be of a structural metal, such as drop-forged steel, malleable iron, or structural grade aluminum. d. Phases are often shown for each compound but are not critical to balancing an equation. You can read the details below. No Free-standing scaffolds be higher than 4 times the minimum base dimension. Scaffolding must not be placed on unstable objects, such as bricks or blocks. The support connection shall be arranged so as to prevent the needle beam from rolling or becoming displaced. Scaffolds shall be equipped with additional independent support lines, equal in number to the number of points supported, and of equivalent strength to the suspension ropes, and rigged to support the scaffold in the event the suspension rope(s) fail. prevented every year. When horses are arranged in tiers, each tier shall be crossbraced. Do not abuse or misuse the scaffold equipment. To prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the adjacent area, OSHA standards require the use of: Water removal equipment, diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable methods. Rope connections shall be such that the platform cannot shift or slip. C. Any square or rectangular trench with a width that does not exceed 15 feet B. Never sit on, lean against, or step on a skylight lens or any covering placed over a hole in a roof or floor Scaffolds shall be suspended from metal outriggers, brackets, wire rope slings, hooks, or means that meet equivalent criteria (e.g., strength, durability). C. Have all brakes and locking devices set when the occupied personnel platform is in stationary position Scaffolds have been around for thousands of years, and there are myriad types and Brackets used to support cantilevered loads shall: Be seated with side-brackets parallel to the frames and end-brackets at 90 degrees to the frames; Not be bent or twisted from these positions; and. Learning Objectives Catenary Scoffold. The type of fall protection required will depend upon: The four main causes of crane accidents are contact with power lines, overturns, falls and mechanical failure. Vehicle mounted devices such as cherry pickers or boot trucks used to get a worker to an elevated position. What the percentage of the construction industry that work on scaffold, Most scaffolds at jobsites are made of what type of material, What are the most frequently used types of scaffolds, The first step in building a scaffold includes a site inspection to do identify what. ( 2) Diagonal braces shall be installed on all sides of each square. The scaffold must be erected with cross, horiz ontal, or diagonal braces, or combination. Where leveling of the scaffold is necessary, screw jacks or equivalent means shall be used. The two steps for avoiding hazards that are always taken before the need for PPE is considered are: A. A. SCAFFOLD BASE MUST BE SET ON AN ADEQUATE SILL OR PAD to prevent slipping or sinking and fixed thereto where required. The upper tiers shall stand on a continuous row of planks laid across the next lower tier, and shall be nailed down or otherwise secured to prevent displacement. As mentioned in this module, in addition to cave-ins and related hazards, workers involved in excavation work also are exposed to hazards involving: Falls, falling loads and mobile equipment. Place the planks. The blocks for fiber or synthetic ropes shall consist of at least one double and one single block. By the user only b. Plumb c. By a contractor d. Plumb and level e. Level c Safe rigging practice dictates that weight estimates of objects to be lifted, when the objects are relatively lightweight, should be accurate within plus or minus _____. Non-mandatory Appendix A to this subpart contains examples of criteria that will enable an employer to comply with design and loading requirements for tube and coupler scaffolds under 125 feet in height. ERECTED SCAFFOLDS SHOULD BE CONTINUALLY INSPECTED by users to be sure that they are maintained in safe condition. Brackets (including those provided with pointed metal projections) shall be anchored in place by nails unless it is impractical to use nails. If the hoist tower is not enclosed, the hoist platform or car must be totally enclosed on all sides for the full height between the floor and: The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from: Power tools should never be carried by the cord or hose or be yanked from a receptacle by the cord or hose; and cords and hoses should be kept away from: Sharp, abrasive, pinching, or otherwise hazardous moving parts of power tools: Must have protective guard to prevent contact with workers. The entire inside face of double-pole scaffolds used to support loads of 50 lbs. Independent support lines and suspension ropes shall not be attached to the same points of anchorage. We need to follow scaffolding safety procedures. . A scaffold should always be erected: Choose one answer. Truck-mounted and rough terrain cranes are both forms of a mobile crane, and both use which of the following to increase their stability? What Is The Molar Mass Of Calcium Chloride? work on scaffolds frequently. least three examples of incorporating each of the elements. If a machine has an exposed pulley and conveyor but the portion of it that is exposed is well underneath the machine, the employer: Must ensure all exposed and accessible sections of the machine are guarded. You might get some help from www.HelpWriting.net Success and best regards! Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Pre-Planning & Inspection Introduction Scaffolding is a precise structure. Frames and panels shall be braced by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, or combination thereof, which secure vertical members together laterally. Resist penetration by objects and absorb the shock of a blow. Suspension scaffold rigging must at least 6 times the intended load. No employee is on any part of the scaffold which extends outward beyond the wheels, casters, or other supports. According to OSHA standard 1926.451 (g) (1), anyone working on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level must be protected from falling to that lower level. Many precautions must be taken before scaffolding work can commence. You do not have access to www.concreteconstruction.net. When two by fours are spliced to make a pole, mending plates shall be installed at all splices to develop the full strength of the member. Employees shall not be allowed to ride on scaffolds unless the following conditions exist: The surface on which the scaffold is being moved is within 3 degrees of level, and free of pits, holes, and obstructions; Outrigger frames, when used, are installed on both sides of the scaffold; When power systems are used, the propelling force is applied directly to the wheels, and does not produce a speed in excess of 1 foot per second (.3 mps); and. Each bearer shall be securely fastened to the platform. D. Alertness and reaction time testing. Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. Runners and bearers shall be installed on edge. Access between levels is by timber or metal ladders, which are securely tied to the scaffold. Each wire rope used for securing brackets in place or as an anchorage for personal fall arrest systems shall be protected from damage due to contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or other discontinuities of the supporting structure or scaffold components. Do not erect, dismantle or alter a scaffold unless under the supervision of a competent person. Faults: Damaged. The first step in building a scaffold is to: A scaffold must be erected plumb, square, and level, because: If a scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift, potentially causing the overloading of one leg and the eventual collapse of the scaffold. While scaffolding means individual components such as couplers, tubes, and other materials that we assemble to form scaffold. Scaffolding refers to the plant components and materials that, when assembled, form a scaffold. Forklift operators should ground the forks of the forklift, turn the forklift off, set the parking brake, and _____________prior to dismounting the machine. Not tied. Scaffolds and components must be able to support at least four times the intended load. Some simple scaffolds are little more than planks and guardrails over two 25. C. Wear goggles or safety spectacles Scaffolds are commonly used in construction work so workers have a safe, stable work platform when work cannot be done at ground level or on a finished floor. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width with the width not to exceed 15 feet All jacks lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks must have a device that stops them from: A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width with the width not to exceed 15 feet. Two-point scaffolds shall not be bridged or otherwise connected one to another during raising and lowering operations unless the bridge connections are articulated (attached), and the hoists properly sized. Scaffolds made of wood shall be reinforced with gussets on both sides of each corner. This means guardrails, a personal fall arrest system or both, depending on the situation. scaffold are exposed, and describe at least one method of hazard prevention for Platforms shall be secured to the brackets in a manner that will prevent the separation of the platforms from the brackets and the movement of the platforms or the brackets on a completed scaffold. Electricity travels in closed circuits, and its normal route is through a conductor. PLUMB/LEVEL/SQUARE. Employers must provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area: At the time of their initial assignment. ( e) Bricklayers' square scaffolds (squares). Wire ropes shall not be tightened to the extent that the application of a scaffold load will overstress them. Note: Except where . Ensure the scaffold has not been compromised by snow or ice conditions. Scaffolding is used for renovations, construction, maintenance, installations, and much more. Non-cross-laminated wood boatswains' chairs shall be reinforced on their underside by cleats securely fastened to prevent the board from splitting. Be placed on a firm foundation and be uniformly level within 1 percent of level grade a. disadvantages. Transverse bracing forming an "X" across the width of the scaffold shall be installed at the scaffold ends and at least at every third set of posts horizontally (measured from only one end) and every fourth runner vertically. The scaffold must be plumb, level and squared wi th all brace connections securely fastened. A scaffold is a temporary structure erected to support access or working platforms. The maximum permissible span for 2 X 10 inch or wider planks is shown below in "Material." . The poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds must be plumb, and securely and rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement. Powder-actuated tools are extremely dangerous, with a firing mechanism similar to that of: If a powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee should: Wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again. Your IP:, Requested URL: www.concreteconstruction.net/_view-object?id=00000154-24cb-db06-a1fe-77cb16a60000, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36. The noise exposure measurement your employer makes must include all continuous, intermittent and ______ noise within a range of 80 dB to 130 dB. Ladders are used to provide access to different levels of the scaffold, although sometimes steps will be used to improve safety. Platforms supported by wire ropes shall have hook-shaped stops on each end of the platforms to prevent them from slipping off the wire ropes. When only a part of the width of the metal scaffold frame conforms to ladder spacing, then these frames must be erected in a manner that makes a continuous ladder bottom to top, with ladder sides of the frames in a vertical line. Any alteration of the original equipment shall be approved by the manufacturer. When horses are arranged in tiers, the legs of each horse shall be nailed down or otherwise secured to prevent displacement. Extreme weather or damage to structural components can also affect a scaffold's stability. Found a mistake? Scaffolds shall be braced by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, or combination thereof, to prevent racking or collapse of the scaffold and to secure vertical members together laterally so as to automatically square and align the vertical members. Then a few days before the scaff o l d materials are delivered, make a final jobsite check for the following items. 1926.452 (c) (4) Specific requirements are described below. 7. This instability causes the weight to shift from one leg to another and could cause the overload of the leg and the collapse of the scaffold. Scaffolds are plumb, square, level and situated on base . All joints must be What the percentage of the construction industry that work on scaffold 2.3 million or 65 percent Most scaffolds at jobsites are made of what type of material Aluminum, Steel or less commonly wood Each bracket shall be attached to the securing wire rope (or ropes) by a positive locking device capable of preventing the unintentional detachment of the bracket from the rope, or by equivalent means. Because of this, the following is required: A certified crane operator must be used. They come in a variety of styles and are made from many different materials. Electric shock occurs when: A. Always use . Stilts, when used, shall be used in accordance with the following requirements: [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940. each of the hazards. Scaffolds shall be suspended only from the roof structure or other structural member such as ceiling beams. Any man-made cavity, depression, trench or cut in the earths surface formed by earth removal Wood splice plates shall be provided on at least two adjacent sides, and shall extend at least 2 feet (0.6 m) on either side of the splice, overlap the abutted ends equally, and have at least the same cross-sectional areas as the pole. The ground is level and stable. All brace connections shall be secured. Be used only to support personnel, unless the scaffold has been designed for other loads by a qualified engineer and built to withstand the tipping forces caused by those other loads being placed on the bracket-supported section of the scaffold. Bracing shall be installed as close as possible to the intersection of the bearer and post or runner and post. Manual force used to move the scaffold shall be applied as close to the base as practicable, but not more than 5 feet (1.5 m) above the supporting surface. Power systems used to propel mobile scaffolds shall be designed for such use. Crawling boards shall be secured to the roof by ridge hooks or by means that meet equivalent criteria (e.g., strength and durability). Non-mandatory Appendix A to this subpart contains examples of criteria that will enable an employer to comply with design and loading requirements for pole scaffolds under 60 feet in height. Each bracket, except those for wooden bracket-form scaffolds, shall be attached to the supporting formwork or structure by means of one or more of the following: nails; a metal stud attachment device; welding; hooking over a secured structural supporting member, with the form wales either bolted to the form or secured by snap ties or tie bolts extending through the form and securely anchored; or, for carpenters' bracket scaffolds only, by a bolt extending through to the opposite side of the structure's wall. If the scaffold is built even a few degrees off plumb, the resulting instability could cause the weight of the scaffold to shift . Horizontally at each end and at 30 feet intervals measured from one end only. Unsafe scaffolding has the potential to result in death or serious . Engineering and Administrative Controls. Posts must be accurately spaced, erected on suitable bases, and maintained plumb. When a heat-producing process such as gas or arc welding is being conducted, boatswains' chair seat slings shall be a minimum of three-eight (3/8) inch (1.0 cm) wire rope. Erected scaffolds should be continually inspected by users to be sure that they are maintained in safe condition. Scaffolds not specifically addressed by 1926.452, such as but not limited to systems scaffolds, must meet the requirements of 1926.451. Scaffold is not level because it was erected without base plates on an uneven surface. 6, 1979, as amended at 55 FR 47687, Nov. 14, 1990; 61 FR 46025, Aug. 30, 1996; 85 FR 8736, February 18, 2020], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. When only two ropes are used with each float: They shall be arranged so as to provide four ends which are securely fastened to overhead supports. Scaffold casters and wheels shall be locked with positive wheel and/or wheel and swivel locks, or equivalent means, to prevent movement of the scaffold while the scaffold is used in a stationary manner. C. Suspended scaffolds The ropes shall be securely attached to the needle beams. Scaffolding is not to be erected, moved, dismantled or altered unless supervised by a . Scaffold platforms shall not be placed any higher than the second highest rung or step of the ladder supporting the platform. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Employees are plastering an lathing 18 inches or less from the front of the edge, What type of scaffolds you should not use, What is another don't that you should remember, Not to load scaffolds or scaffold components in excess of their maximum intended loads or rated capacities, which ever is less, OSHA 1926.454 (c) states: when an employer gas reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall, Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained, Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet high must be designed by, What type of scaffold other than the tube and coupler scaffold- is ideal for use around complex structures, This scaffold is simply a rope attached to a harness with an assembly like a boatswain's chair for the worker to sit in, If a worker on a scaffold can fall more than 10 feet, they must be protected by guardrails and or personal fall arrest systems(PFAS).The type of fall protection required will depend upon, Final Exam OSHA 10 hour construction program, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. OSHA 1926.454(c) states: When an employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall: Retrain each such employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained. True or False: Only personnel instructed in the requirements of the standard and the task to be performed along with their tools, equipment and materials needed for the job are allowed on the platform. To secure fair compensation for workers who have been injured in accidents Baker scaffolds are featured in a range of forensic investigations involving worker falls, tip-over incidents, and structural collapses on construction work sites. Neither the operator nor anyone else should ever stand directly in front of the wheel of an abrasive power tool as it accelerates to full operating speed. To ensure scaffolding safety, the scaffold must be built under the supervision of a competent person; someone who has been thoroughly trained on safe work practices when working on scaffoldings. Insufficient length. The fulcrum point of outrigger beams shall rest on secure bearings at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) in each horizontal dimension. All other connections of the scaffold are tight and secure; c. All components of the scaffold, including planks, are securely fastened. Scaffolds constructed of tube and coupler components shall also comply with the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section; Scaffolds constructed of fabricated frame components shall also comply with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section. When platforms are being moved to the next level, the existing platform shall be left undisturbed until the new bearers have been set in place and braced, prior to receiving the new platforms. 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