But as Dark Fortress find themselves in good black-hearted company, their destiny calls for venturing beyond the confines of the genre. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Blood Sweat and Nitro - The Spectres on AllMusic - 2001 I recently found “I Cried” on an Aussie compilation, Wyld Sydes Vol5. Formed in South London back in 1962 and gradually developed playing local dates and backing visiting American singers, the Spectres were one of the longer-lived local bands from London, enduring through…. Somehow, over the years, I lost that 45 which I purchased there on campus when it was first pressed and released — yet I have never forgotten how gorgeous it is. With label interest in their demos Spectres added Heather Szilagyi, Nathan Szilagyi and Zach Batalden to the lineup. Night Goes Rollin' By 3. Variations: Viewing All | The Spectres (2) Status Quo (The Spectres) The Spectres bzw. Diskographie (CDs, LPs, ...), Biographie, Links, etc. I got drafted in the Army in Aug of that year, but came home on leave and we went to Robin Hood Brians studio in Texas to record two songs that Daniel had written. Gray did A&R for the label and had his own group, the Countdowns, with whom he released three earlier 45s on the N-Joy label, some of which I hope to feature soon. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms interchangeably. Longinas 6. Please consider donating archival materials such as photos, records, news clippings, scrapbooks or other material from the '60s. So lassen einige Songs auf der vierten SPECTRES-LP an diverse Shoegaze-Combos abseits der Pioniere Slowdive denken, wobei der wertvollste Posten der Band darin besteht, dass sie hymnische Pop-Gesten mit konträr zu Massentauglichkeit abgründigen Texten verschränkt, die Sänger und Gründer Brian Gustavson zur Abrechnung mit der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft nutzt. Psychonauts 5. I sang Respect. For some reason Daniel didn’t play guitar on Stepper, Bobby Stampley, who played in The Uniques with his brother Joe played on it. 1 Geschichte; 2 Diskografie. Denizens 3. Proudly created with Wix.com. It’s well produced with a nice pop sensibility, while “High Stepper” is a bit of a throwaway, maybe closer to their live sound. We had an album deal in the works when Jimmy Steele, our lead singer was drafted into the army. So Near to Me is a lovely slow instrumental by The Spectres, who were a student band at Phillips Academy, Andover MA when I was there in 1964/65. Do you know if Side 2 of the album containing “I cried” is also an instrumental, or whether there were any versions of it that may have had a B-side if this album didn’t? A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. Girl, I Want Your Love 6. The Spectres was a Punk Rock and New Wave band from 1980 formed by Glen Matlock and Danny Kustow. The event will be called “Munich Space Night” and includes three other bands: Ambers, The Edge of Reason and Social Toxic. We recorded the second record on the Paula label at Robin Hood Briant’s studio in Tyler Texas when Jimmy was home on leave. We cut two more sides in the the fall of 66. Required fields are marked *. Yellow Piccadilly promotion copies were pressed. The Spectres was a Punk Rock and New Wave band from 1980 formed by Glen Matlock and Danny Kustow. Vancouver-based post-punk band SPECTRES are set to release a new album titled Nostalgia via Artoffact Records on March 13th. Spectres is a 'nu gazey noise' 4-piece hailing from Bristol, UK. The band even changed to gold jackets for that part of the show. Spectre’s next show takes place on Friday, 20 September 2019 in Soundcafé in Munich. The Spectres formed at Louisiana Tech in Ruston, and then based themselves in Monroe, which is about halfway between Shreveport, LA and Jackson, Mississippi. "(We Ain't Got) Nothin' Yet" has appeared on Sequel Records' Freakbeat Freakout, among other compilations, while "I (Who Have Nothing)" is on the Sequel Songs of Leiber & Stoller collection. Please contact me at. Spectres by Bast, released 08 December 2013 1. Baby, You're Too Pretty To Rumble by The Spectres, released 23 May 2017 1. Every summer, we listen dozens of times to this song that is slow and only instrumental, mostly keyboard… amazing. Spectres 4. I am Mary Ann Childress. Baby, You're Too Pretty To Rumble by The Spectres, released 23 May 2017 1. We formed in the fall of’65 and broke up in 68. Traffic Jam war eine britische Pop-Band, aus der nach einer weiteren Umbenennung die erfolgreiche Rockband Status Quo hervorging. Never before released on CD, the debut album from SPECTRES made the rounds years ago when the band was brand new, and it caught the ears of independent labels in Germany and Canada who released the record on vinyl. Hot-Rod 8. Spectres have gone pop. We really weren’t into R & B. The Spectres. Standing East 8. The group originated in The Spectres, founded by schoolboys Francis Rossi and Alan Lancaster in 1962. Formed in Vancouver by vocalist and founder Brian Gustavson, SPECTRES is a DIY death-rock outfit that mixes post-punk, the ethic of anarcho-punk, and an incredible knack for writing catchy songs. SPECTRES cites anarcho-punk bands such as Crass and The Mob as their initial inspirations for the Vancouver band’s ethics when they formed in 2005. Includes unlimited streaming of ... vs the Me Toos via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. 2 tracks from the Spectres & 1 from the Me Toos on black vinyl. While playing with The Spectres in 1986, he auditioned for New Orleans, Louisiana, based Human Drama and became their keyboard player soon after. Everyone and His Good Time Friends 2. Baby, You're Too Pretty to Rumble 9. That’s the last time I saw you. No part of this website or the articles published here may be reproduced or transmitted in any from or by any means, without prior permission from the author. It is “So Near To Me.” What a great track. Spectres is the fifth studio album by U.S. hard-rock band Blue Öyster Cult, released in October 1977. The band's first attempt at a self-penned single (not to be confused with the Donovan song with the same title). Unfortunately dad passed in 2017, but I used to hear all the stories. I transferred from Tech to Northwestern in the summer of ‘68. He did all the soul stuff. Ganze sechs Jahre hat sich Deutschlands Vorzeige Black Metal Band DARK FORTRESS für sein achtes Album Zeit gelassen. Their repertoire leaned heavily on soul songs, and they often played at the Dynasty in West Monroe. The Spectres, britische Pop-Band The Spectres bzw. Hera and Chopper saw service during the Battle of Scarif and the Battle of Endor. The band's progress was halted when Glen, and initially Steve, went off to work with Iggy Pop on European and American tours, subsequently recording the 'Soldier' album (including Glen's 'Ambition'). Baby, You're Too Pretty to Rumble 9. Both sides of the Spectres 45 were written by Ron Gray and J.L. THE SPECTRES. Artist: The Spectres Album: Utopia Label: Sabotage Records Release: March 2016 You may be aware that there are two bands called Spectres. Read Full Biography. Status Quo /Spectres began as a rock and roll freakbeat band in 1962. Produced, Engineered, and Mixed by Shaun Lopez at The Airport, Burbank, CA. Phil Spector 10. Thanks. We recorded No Good Nowhere World in ’66 and got a good bit of air play in a number of southern states. One of a kind hand-painted and autographed leather jacket of the four original band members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Chriss and Ace Frehley • ROB ZOMBIE o Full Size Spaceship and Alien Creature from acclaimed filmmaker and musician Rob Zombie’s music video EVERYONE’S F***ING IN A UFO. Sidney did the harmony. Have often wondered what became of all of you. The Spectres nahmen jede Gelegenheit wahr, um aufzutreten – ob in kleineren Clubs, als Vorgruppe von bekannten Gruppen wie beispielsweise den Hollies oder bei einem der vielen Pop- und Beatabende. The Spectres – This Strange Effect - 1980 The Spectres – Stories - 1980 References Formed in South London back in 1962 and gradually developed playing local dates and backing visiting American singers, the Spectres were one of the longer-lived local bands from London, enduring through… The writers Ron & Jerry were disc jockeys in Sherveport where we cut those two sides on N-joy at Sound on Sound Studios, which burned down many years ago. The album features one of the band's biggest hits, the concert staple "Godzilla". We are passionate about helping writers from all walks of life reach their creative dreams and achieve success. Zu Beginn des Jahres 1962 gründeten die Londoner Schüler Francis Rossi und Alan Lancaster eine Band unter dem Namen The Scorpions, die in den ersten Monaten häufige Besetzungswechsel hinnehmen musste. Die Band und Parfitt freundeten sich an und blieben nach Ende des Engagements in Kontakt. Bis … Spectres Music is a Los Angeles based music publisher founded in 1980. The Spectras, formed by Chris Quankenbush, Dick Ray, Chip Wayne and Les Warren, may have originated as a garage band but quickly began to distinguish themselves with their comprehension of showmanship, singing abilities and high energy performances. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für The Spectres (pre Status Quo) Hurdy Gurdy Man Germany 1966 bei eBay. discography. Und als wären sie nie weg gewesen, blasen sie mit SPECTRES FROM THE OLD WORLD erneut zum Sturm an die Spitze der deutschen Szene. I was with the band when we opened for the Lovin’ Spoonful at the Alex Convention Ctr. The Spectres/Traffic Jam Allgemeine Informationen: Genre(s) Psychedelic Rock, Pop: Gründung 1962 Auflösung 1968 (Umformierung als The Status Quo) Website www.statusquo.co.uk: Gründungsmitglieder Gesang, Gitarre. Musical career. Romans 4. The Me Toos vs The Spectres by The Me Toos, released 23 September 2017 1. Spectres is the fifth studio album by U.S. hard-rock band Blue Öyster Cult, released in October 1977.The album, which features one of the band's biggest hits, concert staple "Godzilla," was certified gold in January 1978.The cover art features Blue Öyster Cult's use of lasers in their live show at that time. Both sides were produced by Rocky Robin. Human Drama contributed a song, "Wave of Darkness", to the 1987 collection … The Spectre Within is the second studio album by progressive metal band Fates Warning, released in October 1985 through Metal Blade Records. They came out on Paula, Stan Lewis’ label in Shreveport. We worked fairly regularly, but went separate ways in 68. The Spectres bzw. His name was Sidney Johnson, not Sidney Boone. “Psychodelic Situation” is not very mind-bending, but it’s a solid song, and “I Cried” is even better. Your email address will not be published. They had previously been known as the Scorpions and changed their name to the Spectres when Coghlan joined. discography. Traffic Jam war eine britische Pop-Band, aus der nach einer weiteren Umbenennung die erfolgreiche Rockband Status Quo hervorging. Queeny 2. I'm a Hog 4 U 4. First-ever CD edition of the wonderful gothic / post-punk album by Vancouver's SPECTRES. Hi Jason — here’s a bit more info for you. The Spectres (featuring Glen Matlock) - two singles (1980, Demon/Direct Hit) ... Steve New (a holdover from Rich Kids) and Danny Kustow of the Tom Robinson band, met up in 1979, and recorded all of two singles. Attack of the Allegheny Gill-Man 7. They still embody sounds of ire and confrontation, but have come to embrace a richer sound and catchy melodies. Can anyone clarify that? The malignant sounds that inspired Dark Fortress on »Tales from Eternal Dusk« (2001), »Seance« (2006), and »Ylem« (2010) are still very much part of the DNA that makes up the band’s finest hour on »Spectres from the Old World«. Time Is Out 2. “DON’T STAND BY YOURSELF” Phil Spector 10. Formed in South London back in 1962 and gradually developed playing local dates and backing visiting American singers, the Spectres were one of the longer-lived local bands from London, enduring through five years of club dates and backing visiting American singers. “DON’T STAND BY YOURSELF” A 45 record released on xxxx by the band Spectres written by Pete Zar (aka … Die Liste der Bands und Projekte ist lang. Post-punk band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada that was formed in 2004 by Brian Gustavson and Steve Hanker, recording two demos. Spectres is the fifth studio album by Blue Öyster Cult, originally released in November 1977. Learn how your comment data is processed. This ultra rare 7" vinyl was the second single from British rock band, The Spectres (later to be known as Status Quo) . Nach mehreren erfolglosen Singles nahm die Band Rick Parfitt als weiteres Mitglied auf und änderte den Namen in Status Quo. I was at a Kappa Sig dance y’all played for that fall. I was into soul music..did a lot of Irma Thomas songs. Sometime after Lothal's liberation, Hera had a child that she had conceived with Jarrus before his death, a son n… Your email address will not be published. Nazca SPECTRES most excellent Last Days gets new life via Toronto-based Artoffact Records who present an all-new remastered edition. Thanks, Paul Johnson, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNutmznA5FU&feature=share. After two relatively poor selling albums, Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon and Dog of Two Head in 1970 and 1971, their major breakthrough came when they signed with the heavy rock and progressive label Vertigo. Today we are excited to stream the album in its entirety ahead of tomorrow’s release. Smith and Gaeme Potter. In jedem Fall ist "Spectres" ein gutes Album, keine Frage, warum es nicht so abgegangen ist wie sein Vorgänger, liegt wohl daran, dass kein Hit wie "(Don't fera) The Reaper" dabei war. Sehr viele Bands wurden von ihrer Musik inspiriert, auch haben sie ganz nebenbei den "Heavy-Metal-Umlaut" erfunden und die Lasershows auf Konzerten eingeführt. Drive-In, Tonight 10-track album available for pre-order through King Pizza Records. Thanks. Have no idea if you will see this, but giving it a shot. Original members were Woodard Bardin, keys; Bill Bass, drums; Daniel Gilbert, guitar and vocals; Jim Steele, lead vocals; Terry Montgomery, bass and Sidney Johnson, keys and vocals. A great track R & B formed in 2004 by Brian Gustavson and Hanker... By Bast, released 23 May 2017 1 a shot people use the two terms interchangeably, their calls... 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