Throughout 60’s Pakistan maintained the average GDP of 6.2%. 2. It had an area that produced a large share of agricultural, forest, and animal products. In the first ten years of independence from 1947, Pakistan had a GDP of 3 percent average only. Its twin India did it 1949. Chapter I is a historical and political analysis of the trade union movement as divided into four distinct phases. Different Phases of Industrial Development in Pakistan. 7 III-Political -Economic Developments: 1947-2004 a) Industrialization and growth of the Economy (1958-68) Having to cope with the influx of seven million refugees coming from former India, Pakistan had a big problem in settling them. of commemorative postage stamp on the Decade of Development 1958 – 1968 :. The immediate result of the drawing of new geographic boundaries was a. a peaceful transition to independence along the lines that Mohandas Gandhi, the nationalist and advocate of nonviolence, had envisioned The delay in framing the constitution set the tone for authoritarian set up largely because it allowed the authoritarian rule of the governor General for seven years i.e. 3. The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Pakistan 1947-1971 Mushtaq H. Khan, Department of Economics, SOAS, University of London. One of its aims was to put together a brief history of the trade union movement in the country. Pakistan finalized its first constitution in 1956. Since the division of the Subcontinent, the Government of Pakistan has been utilizing all available resources domestic as well as external for rapid development of the manufacturing sector. Complete set of 4 nos. Issued for: To celebrate the Decade of Development, the Pakistan Post Office is issuing a set of four stamps of 10, 15, 50 and 60 paisa denominations on the 27 th October, 1968, on the following four aspects of development :– Government of Pakistan, Finance Division, Economic Advisor's Wing, Economic Survey, various issues. Pakistan’s constitutional lethargy was also a contributing factor. This paper is an introduction to the development of industrial relations in Pakistan over the 30 years since Pakistan gained independence in 1947. Kemal, A.R., 1978, An analysis of industrial efficiency in Pakistan: 1959-60 to The period from 1947 when Pakistan was created to the watershed of 1971 when East Pakistan split off to become … Issued on Oct 27, 1968. Industrial Sector and Its Components. The partition of British India in 1947 created the new Muslim state of Pakistan and the predominantly Hindu state of India. The reasonfor this was Ayub Khan’s extensive industrialization … a) 1950s: The era of rapid industrial growth b) 1960s: The ere of industrial stabilization c) 1970s: Nationalization and its impacts d) 1980s: Russia-Afghan war and pro-industry policies of Zia Former East Pakistan was the main producer and supplier of jute. Pakistan at the time of partition in 1947, had negligible industrial base. and Z. Alvi, 1975, Effect of 1972 devaluation on Pakistan's balance of trade, Pakistan Development Review. It is divided into four parts. Different Phases of Industrial Development in Pakistan: Phase 1 (1947-1957): This phase started from 1947 ended to 1958. Kemal, A.R. 4. 1947 – 1958 Early Period • The process of industrialization was focused on more, comparative to agriculture, which only grew at 1.7% annually • More incentives were provided to private investors and entrepreneurs in the country while agriculture was completely kept aside, which resulted in rapid growth of industrialization. Importance of Industrial Sector For A Country. First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (1947-1954) After independence, under Section 8(1) of the Indian Independence Act, 1947 the Government of India Act, 1935 became the working constitution of Pakistan but with few amendments till the Constituent Assembly framed a new constitution. Till 1958 Pakistan maintained an average GDP of 3%.If one examines Pakistan economic growth record, the 1960’s stands out as the decade with the best performance. Growth of Industrial Sector from 1947 to 1950: The West Pakistan was established in 1947. from 1947 to 1956. It is historical fact that countries with strong industrial sector have showed more economic growth and development industrial sector have shown improvement in national income and promoted living standard of population. 4. Issued by Pakistan. egy, Prepared for Government of Pakistan, Pakistan. 1.