Supta Virasana :-Supta Virasana Supta Virasana or Reclined Hero Pose is an asana. Philosophy + Origin. In this pose, the yogi begins in vajrasana then holds the feet and places the elbows on the floor as the torso bends backward until the arms, back and head rest on the floor. Supta = lying down. Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose): Steps, Benefits & Precautions, Get Ancient Ways of living life at its highest potential which makes you physically, mentally & socially active,,,,, Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana: Benefits, Modification & More, Standing Split Pose (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana): How to Do, Benefits & More, Makarasana (Crocodile Pose): Steps, Benefits & Contraindications. Your arms rest on the floor to the side of your trunk, with palms facing upward. A scientific study also proves so 4. This asana involves stretching of the sexual organs that produce stress hormones in that region. ... Steps of Supta Vajrasana. Once you master in Virasana then go for Supta Virasana. Moreover, the practice of Matsyasana also aids in the process of perfecting the Reclined Thunderbolt Pose. It is an advanced asana that can be rather difficult to master, even though it offers a lot of positive health benefits. Supta Virasana benefits are many; today let’s talk about the Supta Virasana benefits, steps, preparatory poses, follow-up poses, precautions, and so many more in this post below. He started learning yoga from renowned yoga schools in the world capital of yoga, Rishikesh. If this posture is done properly, it has many benefits. The deepening of this posture of Supta Virasana or Reclined Hero Pose can be achieved by an extra stretching and lengthening of the body parts as per the steps of this particular asana. Then discharge the buttocks and lower back by forcing/pushing yourself downwards towards your tailbone. (soup-tah veer-AHS-anna) supta = lying down, reclining vira = man, hero, chief (compare Latin vir, man, the root of English words virile and virtue) December 19, 2016 John Schumacher. Try to pull your inner groins into the pelvis. Do not practice it with partially blocked arteries or recent bypass surgery. Breathe out and lean backwards towards the ground. Before practicing this Asana you have to perfect in simple form of Virasana. Stretches your abdomen, deep hip flexors, ankles and thighs. It is beneficial in headaches, colds, flat feet, infertility, and menstrual problems e.t.c. Supta virasana is considered an intermediate supine hip opener. It is practiced in the supine position and involves backbend. The Reclining Hero Pose, or "Supta Virasana," is an advanced and challenging yoga pose that is relatively popular. Therefore, asana facilitates the functioning of the digestive system. Today, I am going to provide you Supta Vajrasana step by step instructions as well as its benefits and precautions to follow. Supta vajrasana is an advanced variation of vajrasana.Derived from Sanskrit, supta means "reclining," vajra means "thunderbolt" and asana means "pose." For beginner 5 seconds are enough. Steps of Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose) First get into the pose of Virasana (Hero Pose). This meditation posture is suitable for everyone. Description :-Supta Virasana is a reclined version of virasana where the upper body reclines backwards, so that the back rests on the floor. Come as low to the floor as comfortable, first lowering to the elbows, then to the crown of the head, and eventually on to the back of the neck. Supta Virasana Steps. Avoid practicing supta virasana if you have issues with the back, knee, or ankle. It is an advanced variation of Virasana. Asthma and other diseases like arthritis can also be treated by this pose. Turn your calves outwards using your hands and place your buttocks in between the heels. virasana, and then leaning back until the head and back reach the floor. Home » Yoga » Yoga Poses » Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose): Steps, Benefits & Precautions. Supta virasana also provides benefits to mental health. Supta Vajrasana Preparatory Poses. Vajrasana pose is a simple sitting yoga pose.Its name comes from the Sanskrit word vajra, which means thunderbolt or diamond. While holding the pose the thighs tend to slide apart. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. It is also known as Reclined Hero pose and Reclining Hero Pose. Always perform the asana on empty stomach. The intensity and difficulty involved in this asana make it an intermediate level pose. Getting into the supta virasana contracts the spinal muscles and stretches them at the same time. It is very beneficial for back pain, constipation, respiratory diseases, blood circulation, abdominal fat, menstruation, thin waist etc. Anulom-Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing), The magical power of Om/Aum, a mesmerizing chant, Understanding the Pranayama for Yoga Beginners, Control your Anger with these Simple Steps, Read this if you are Planning to Practice Yoga Regularly. In this pose, the body is fully reclined on the floor from seated virasana. In this case, roll on to your side and extend your legs out. You can use two blankets of same height for your support. Supta Virasana is one of the greatest pose and a variation of Virasana yoga pose. 2) Ardha supta Virasana. Reclined Hero pose helps in sleeping disorders like insomnia. Required fields are marked *. It might be difficult to release out of the pose initially. Supta virasana (SOUP-tah veer-AHS-ah-nah), is the reclined version of hero’s pose. In Sanskrit the meaning of “Vira” is hero or a warrior; and Asana stands for Pose, posture or sit. There are several benefits of practicing Supta Vajrasana regularly. Vajra = excessively firm. Supta vajrasana is a variant of traditional Vajrasana where the body is reclined in a sleeping position with an arch on the back. Vajrasana Benefits. This will warm up your body and make you ready for the Supta Virasana. This tutorial guides you through three different approaches to the pose. 3. Keeping the knees together, spread the feet and place them away from your hips. Along with engaging the muscles of the legs, it also benefits the abdomen and chest. Breathe out and lean backwards towards the ground. It also prevents constipation and other digestive disorders. Steps for doing Supta Virasana Yoga: You can start it by doing Virasana first. Stress hormones stimulate the production of digestive juices and improve the bowel movement. Bring the feet by bending at the knees close to the hip and place them there. Meaning; Supta Vajrasana vs. Supta Virasana ; Precautions; Supta Vajrasana Steps; Variations; Supta Vajrasana Benefits; Image Source: Shutterstock. When you are inclining toward your elbows, place your hands at the back (on the pelvis) From a seated position on the heels, walk the feet out so that the buttocks can rest on the floor with the heels next to the hips. Here you’ll know the steps of doing it, pose variations, health benefits and cautions. Put your weight on to your hands and after that your elbows and lower arms. Your email address will not be published. This is also beneficial in curing headaches. It improves the overall body posture of the practitioner. Increase flexibility in the knees and hips, tone the muscles in the arches of the feet, and increase circulation in the feet and legs with Hero Pose. Stand on your knees and bring the feet together. Supta Vajrasana Steps Step 1. Supta Vajrasana is a reclining asana that is also referred to as Reclined Thunderbolt Pose. palm, forearm & elbow. The pose is named so as it helps to inculcate the qualities of a hero from within. Practicing this asana also helps to prevent and cure infertility. It is also known by its English name; reclined thunderbolt pose, sleeping thunderbolt pose, or supine thunderbolt … The Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) is considered an intermediate level pose. After forming the Hero pose, a practitioner will continue the pose and … It involves the opening of the navel center. It activates the sexual organs and enhances blood flow towards them. Your email address will not be published. Sit on the floor on your knees. Its name originates from the language Sanskrit as Supta means Lying down, Vir means Hero, and Asana means Pose. These blankets help you while you are leaning downwards. Place your hands by your sides. Asana = posture. It is highly advised to consult a personal doctor much before indulging in the deepening of this particular posture. Supta Virasana Steps: Bringing the body to relax in Corpse pose, stay for a few breaths. Supta Virasana is a reclined version of Vajrasana where the upper body reclines backwards, so that the back rests on the floor. This is beneficial in strengthening the muscles involved in the asana 1. Virasana vs Vajrasana-Friends, there is not much difference between virasana and Vajrasana. Supta Vajrasana Steps. Bridge Pose Variation Ankles (Setubandha Sarvangasana Variation Ankles). Holding the pose helps in opening the chest muscles that in turn opens the heart center. Inhale and raise your arms and extend them overhead with the palms facing upwards. This shape is a deep knee bend and a deep hip flexor stretch — props are always a friend to this pose! Put your weight on to your hands and after that your elbows and lower arms. Moreover, it is a very good posture for meditation and Pranayama. Supta virasana describes a state of the body where it lies in a position that looks similar to a sleeping (Supta) body. Virasana (pronounced: virr-ah-sah-nah) is a Sanskrit word derived from vira (meaning chief, man or hero) and asana (posture or seat). Supta virasana has therapeutic actions on many medical conditions. Sit in Vajrasana. Through his teaching, he realized how Yoga & Ayurveda can be used to increase the longevity and wellness of one's life. It stretches your thighs, knees, and hip flexors. Focus: Supta Virasana is a great pose for improving knee mobility, and quadriceps flexibility.It is eventually an ideal starting position for an active Iyengar yoga sequence. DO NOT perform this pose unless you can sit your buttocks relatively easily on the floor between your feet. Preparatory Poses: – Virasana (Hero Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Balasana (Child Pose). It is an intermediate level yoga pose. It increases the amount of oxygen reaching the brain and leaves calming effects. Here ‘supta‘ means ‘reclining’, the position of the sleeping body, and ‘vira’ means ‘hero’. It is not a very popular pose as the pose itself is slightly difficult. A scientific study proves 3 that this reclining variation of virasana helps in relieving stress, anxiety, or other mental issues. Keep your hands beside your sides. Supta Virasana is the next level of Virasana. The back bending opens the heart center and also stimulates the Anahata chakra, that enhances the confidence and will power. This yoga pose, also known as hero pose, is a sitting pose. Supta Virasana has two main variations ArdhaSupta Virasana (Half Reclined Hero Pose) and Eka Pada Supta Virasana (One-Legged Reclining Hero Pose) Steps Involved: Start with performing the Virasana (Hero Pose) on yoga mat. Before you practice, it is important to know the right alignment of the body in a pose. 2. Supta Vajrasana Steps - Seat in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) on Yoga Mat or floor. Separate your feet wide enough so that you can sit your hips between them. The extra pressure produced on these muscles enhances the blood flow, more oxygen and nutrition is supplied to these areas. First get into the pose of Virasana (Hero Pose). With this, the elasticity of the spine increases that also reduces and relieves back pain and stiffness. According to a study 2, the asana helps get rid of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is not an extremely well known posture as the stance itself is marginally troublesome. Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) steps: The right way to do Supta Virasana To practice Supta Virasana in the right way, follow the steps given below: 1)-firstly to start off, you must assume the pose of Virasana (Hero Pose).2)-Kneel on the floor.Make sure that your knees are placed directly under your hips. The pose initiates with the base pose in a sitting posture, i.e. Slowly and carefully walk the hands behind you, lowering the back towards the floor. Steps :-Sit comfortably in Vajrasana. Supta Virasana is a reclined form of Virasana in which your upper body reclines backwards in a way that your back rests on the floor or ground. So first educate yourself about the steps to practice Supta Vajrasana correctly. Meaning & Interpretation. Preparatory Poses of Supta Virasana: Balasana (बालासन) or Child Pose; Baddha Konasana (बद्ध कोणासन) or Bound Angle Pose / Butterfly Pose Discontinue practicing supta virasana if you feel pain in sitting on the virasana, Do not spread your feet wider than the hips. Supta virasana exerts pressure on abdominal organs that produces stress hormone in the body. This stimulates the Manipura chakra and makes the practitioner confident, strong, and courageous. It helps to relieve menstrual pain symptoms. Instructions. Supta Vajrasana is a Sanskrit term, where “Supta” means ‘sleeping’ or ‘Reclined’ and “Vajra’ means ‘The Thunder’ so together it means ‘Reclined Thunderbolt Pose’. ... Virasana; Follow up poses associated with Supta Vajrasana. Now rest in this position for 10-15 seconds. It improves the circulatory system and prevents the formation of cholesterol and fat. Press your elbows to the floor, exhale, and start leaning back. You may finish reclining by going towards the floor or by reclining with support. Supta Virasana is one of the most important asana in yoga with lots of health benefits. It develops a sense of responsibility and boosts decision-making skills. Supta virasana is an advanced variation of virasana. Be that as it may, acing this stance has numerous advantages for ranges, for example, the crotch, thighs, mid-region, knees, and lower legs et cetera. Virasana Steps: Given below is the step by step method to go into this posture Virasana (Hero Pose). In order to be a hero in the world, you first need to be a hero to yourself. Bring your hands to your heels and lie down on your back. The Supta Reclining Hero Pose (Virasana) is viewed as an intermediate level posture. Remain in the position for about 30 to 60 seconds or up to 60 seconds. If you have any problems related to knee, ankle and spine then avoid this pose. However, mastering this pose has many benefits for areas such as the groin, thighs, abdomen, knees, ankles and so on. While you kneel on the floor, you should place the knees beneath your hips. It also improves your digestion and your memory. Bring the hips to the floor and sit back completely on your gluteus resting next to the heels. The patients of sciatica and arthritis also gets healing effects by performing this asana. Supta Virasana is beneficial in the treatment of sciatica. It’s. Slowly-slowly lean or bend backward, with the help of your hand i.e. It … Continue reading "Supta Virasana: Benefits, Steps & Precautions" The arms rest on the floor to either side of the trunk, with the palms facing up. Ashish is a certified Yoga Teacher having experience of teaching at various schools in India. The name Supta Virasana actually comes from Sanskrit words, it is a combination of four words, where Supta means Reclined, Vira means Hero and Asana mean Pose, so the combination of all the words, its pronounced as a The Reclining Hero Pose. Before learning Reclined Thunderbolt Pose, One should get mastery over Thunderbolt Pose first. Reclining with support and arthritis also gets healing effects by performing this asana helps... Feet and place them there according to a sleeping ( Supta ) body its and! Which means Thunderbolt or diamond practiced in the body is fully Reclined on the back towards floor. With palms facing upward once you master in Virasana then go for Virasana! 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