This indicator represents the percentage of the early- to mid-career population that has earned at least a 4-year undergraduate degree. All rights reserved. The past ten years has seen dramatic shifts in the majors of college graduates. It isn't prestige. There's also evidence that recent graduates have a growing interest in taking gap years, or a year spent focusing on work, travel, and mental health before starting college. Search is too long (150 characters maximum), Education and labour market outcomes of native- and foreign-born adults, Educational attainment and labour-force status, Educational attainment and labour market outcomes by skills, Students, access to education and participation, Enrolment by gender, programme orientation and mode of study, Share of international, foreign and all students enrolled by field of education, Enrolment of international students by origin, Distribution of graduates and entrants by Field, Financial resources invested in education, Educational expenditure by nature - EAG 2020, Educational expenditure by Source and destination - EAG 2020, Educational finance indicators - EAG 2020, Enrolment data adjusted to the financial year - EAG 2020, Distribution of teachers by age and gender, Student-teacher ratio and average class size, Archive database (ISCED 1997 data: 2000-2012), Foreign / international students enrolled, Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), Part 1 - Comparing innovation in education with other sectors, Part 2 - Innovation as change in classrooms and schools, Relative earnings, by educational attainment, Differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment, Percentage of full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment, Level of earnings relative to median earnings, by educational attainment, Relative earnings of students with income from employment, by educational attainment, Percentage of 15-29 year-olds with income from employment among all 15-29 year-olds, by student status, Trends in relative earnings, by educational attainment, Trends in the differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment, Trends in the percentage of full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment, Percentage of native- and foreign-born adults, by age at arrival in the countries, Educational attainment of native- and foreign-born adults, by age at arrival in the country, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of native- and foreign-born adults, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Percentage of native- and foreign-born young adults in education/not in education, by work status and age at arrival in the country, Differences in earnings between native- and foreign-born workers, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Percentage of native- and foreign-born full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Educational attainment and duration of unemployment, Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds, Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds, by programme orientation, Trends in educational attainment, by educational attainment and age group, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of 25-64 year-olds, by educational attainment, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of 25-64 year-olds, by programme orientation, Trends in employment, unemployment and inactivity rates, by educational attainment and age group, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rates, by field of study and age group, Fields of study among tertiary-educated adults, by age group, Percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by work status, age group and gender, Duration of unemployment of young adults not in education, Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education/not in education, by educational attainment, work status and gender, Percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by number of hours worked and age group, Trends in the percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by work status, age group and gender, Trends in the percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by educational attainment, work status and gender, Trends in the percentage of young adults in education/not in education, employed or not, by age group and gender, Expected years in education and at work between the age of 15 and 29 years, by gender copy, Trends in the percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education/not in education, employed or not, by educational attainment and gender, Expected years in education and at work between the age of 15 and 29 years, by gender, Trends expected years in education and at work between the age of 15 and 29, Trends in expected years in education and at work between the age of 15 and 29 years, Participation in formal and/or non-formal education, Intensity of participation (number of hours), Willingness to participate in formal and/or non-formal education, Share of population by proficiency level and educational attainment, Earnings, by educational attainment and proficiency level (in USD), Educational attainment and literacy scores, by occupation, Fields of education and labour market outcomes, Frequency of use of ICT at work, by educational attainment, Labour market status, by educational attainment and proficiency level, NEETs, by literacy proficiency level and mean score, Proficiency, use and need of ICT at work, by main industry, Educational attainment of adults, by age group, parents' educational attainment and gender, Tertiary attainment of adults, by age group and parents' educational attainment, Intergenerational mobility in education, by parents' educational attainment and immigrant status, Share of students by level completion and access to tertiary, Share of students by programme orientation, Share of VET students in combined school- and work-based programmes, Share of enrolment by type of institution, Share of mobile by country of destination, Share of international or foreign students enrolled by field of education, Share of international or foreign doctorate students enrolled by field of education, Share of international or foreign students enrolled - all fields, Enrolment of international students by origin and gender, Enrolment of international students over time, Graduation rates in tertiary education, by sex, Share of graduates younger than typical age, Share of new entrants younger than typical age, Share of new entrants by gender in fields of education, Educational expenditure by Nature - EAG 2020, Educational expenditure by source and destination, C1.1: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, C1.2: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student for core educational services, ancillary services and R&D, C1.3: Average annual growth in total expenditure on educational institutions per Full-Time Equivalent students (2012 to selected year), C1.4: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student relative to GDP per capita, C1.5: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, by type of institutions, C1.6: Public and Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, by type of institutions, C2.1: Total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, C2.2: Total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by source of funds, C2.3: Index of change in total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP (2005, 2012, 2017), C2.4: Index of change in public expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP (2005, 2012 and 2017), C3.1: Relative share of Public, Private and International expenditure on educational institutions by final source of funds, C3.2: Relative share of Public, Private and International Expenditure on educational institutions, by initial source of funds and public-to-private transfers, C3.3: Trends in the share of public, private and international expenditure on educational institutions, final source of funds (2005, 2012, 2017), C4.1: Total ublic expenditure on education as a percentage of Total Government Expenditure, C4.2: Distribution of sources of total public funds devoted to education by level of Government, initial, C4.2: Distribution of sources of total public funds devoted to education by level of Government, Final, C4.3: Index of change in total public expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure (2005, 2012 and 2017), C6.1: Share of Current and Capital Expenditure, by education level, C6.2: Current expenditure, by resource category (%), C6.3: Share of current expenditure, by resource category and type of institution, C6.4: Average annual growth rate of current and R&D expenditure per full-time equivalent student, by type of institution (%) (2012-2017), B2.4: Financing of early childhood education and care (ISCED 0) (2017), old C1.3: Index of change in total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student (2015=100), old C1.6: Cumulative expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student between the age of 6 and 15, Enrolment data adjusted to the financial year - EAG2020, Enrolment data adjusted to the financial year, Reference statistics for finance indicators - EAG 2020, Management educational personnel and teacher aides, Average class size by type of institutions, Ratio of students to teaching staff by type of institutions, Instruction time per subject by level of education, Organisation of compulsory general education, Teachers' statutory salaries at different points in teachers' careers, Teachers' statutory salaries relative to wages of tertiary-educated workers, Comparison of teachers' statutory salaries, Trends in teachers’ salaries, based on level of qualifications, between 2000 and 2019, Starting/maximum teachers’ statutory salaries, based on minimum/maximum qualifications, Minimum/maximum school heads' statutory salaries, based on minimum qualifications, School heads' statutory salaries relative to earnings of tertiary-educated workers, Average actual teachers' salaries, by age group and by gender, Teachers' actual salaries relative to earnings of tertiary-educated workers, Teachers' actual salaries relative to earnings of tertiary-educated workers, by age group and by gender, Trends in average actual teachers' salaries, in national currency, Average actual salaries of school heads, by age group and by gender, Annual average salaries (including bonuses and allowances) of school heads in public institutions, in equivalent USD converted using PPPs for private consumption, Organisation of school heads' working time, Actual average teaching hours in public institutions, Statutory teaching hours per school year in public institutions, Expenditure by funding source and transaction type, Expenditure by nature and resource category, International students enrolled/ latest year, Students aligned to finance and personnel data, The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning (Chapter A), Financial and human resources invested in education, Access to education, participation and progression (Chapter C), The learning environment and organisation of schools (Chapter D), Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, Average actual teachers' salaries, by age and gender, Teachers’ working conditions, mobility and risk of attrition, Indicators of innovation as change in classrooms, Indicators of innovation as change in schools, Composite indices of innovation in classrooms and schools, Monthly Monetary and Financial Statistics (MEI), Bilateral Trade by Industry and End-use (ISIC4), Data extracted on 27 Jan 2021 12:03 UTC (GMT) from.