02 Unseen Photos of Gangster Reggie Kray and Wife Frances. The Omo is one of Ethiopia’s largest rivers. The lower part of the Omo Valley was in 1980 listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Their personal designs and the colors seen on their houses are produced by using their fingers or alternativel… In the remote Omo valley in Africa, where the earliest known Homo sapiens remains have been found, indigenous tribes have been painting their bodies with pulverized minerals for millenia. Those who oppose the theft of their land have routinely been beaten and thrown in jail. They occasionally migrate into the lower regions of the Omo national park when water or grazing is scarce. Throughout the valley region and along the river, reside hundreds of small tribal villages amongst the landscape. The river is an important resource and without it the tribes and animals in Southern Ethiopia would not survive. Excited Hamar women blowing their horns and shouting taunts to the Maza men who will whip them. Konso are famous all over Ethiopia for their advanced methods of land cultivation, ehich include irrigation and building of terraces. These interviews were filmed in 2012, during the clearing of their land for a government sugar plantation. The Tsemai, the dominant people of Weito village on the Konso-Jinka road, are regarded to be among the least known ethnic groups of Ethiopia. The Dasenech are neighbored by Turkana and Bume and are Ethiopia’s most southern people. Throughout the valley region and along the river, reside hundreds of small tribal villages amongst the landscape. Also very famous are the Konso’s waqa – carved wooden monuments erected on the graves. Kibish river bed, Ethiopia. The tribes often speak a unique language and the area is dense with unique customs. We investigate, expose and confront atrocities committed by governments and big business. On this photo trip you will visit the Konso, Hamer, Kara, and Nyangatom tribes. They also practice rainfed, shifting cultivation growing sorghum, maize and beans on the flood plains. Work started in 2006 with a budget of 1.4 billion euros. There are eight different tribes in this part of the Omo River Valley with a population of around 200,000. The present chief, who lives at the long-standing Tsemai capital of Ganda Bogolkila, is claimed to be the ninth in line after Asasa, suggesting that this migration might have happened between 150 and 250 years ago. They speak a Cushitic language. The Ancient African Tribes that live in the Lower Omo Valley and around Lake Turkana are believed to be the most unusual tribal people in the world. A tribe living on the east banks of the Omo, the Karo number about 1000. They live at the point where the Omo River delta enters Lake Turkana, in fact their name people ‘People of the Delta’. The Arbore tribe is a small tribe (c7,000) that lives in the southwest region of the Omo Valley, near Lake Chew Bahir. A USAID official who visited the Lower Omo in January 2009 to assess the impacts of the Gibe III dam reported that the indigenous communities knew either nothing or virtually nothing about the project. A massive hydro-electric dam, Gibe III, has now been built on the Omo river in order to support vast commercial plantations that are forcing the tribes from their land. This is our story. Two national parks were set up in the 1960s and 1970s where they have been excluded from managing the resources. There are eight tribes in the Omo Valley. The women make the lip plates from clay, color them with ochre and charcoal, and bake them in a fire. Like the Hamar, the wearing of a gray and ochre clay hair bun with ostrich feathers indicates a man’s bravery. The Bume are also known as the Nyangatom. Very few speak Amharic, the national language, and literacy levels are the lowest in the country which means they have little access to information about developments which affect them. The Lower Valley of the Omo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in south-western Ethiopia that borders Kenya, has been called the cradle of civilization and one of the last frontiers of Africa. The potential for inter-ethnic conflict will increase as people compete for scarce and dwindling resources. One of the greatest adventures you can have in Africa is to visit the Ethiopian tribes in the Omo Valley. The result was a series of striking photographs revealing the life and spirit of eight primaeval tribes who call the valley home. They live in Hamer woreda (or district), a fertile part of the Omo River valley, in the Debub Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR). Learn more Two of the four main African linguistic families are represented in the area: Nilo-Saharan; and Afro-Asiatic, with its Omotic (endemic to the South Omo) and Cushitic branches. The noted photographer Mr. Bharat Patel, had travelled to the Omo valley to explore its cultural landscape, the varied rituals, customs and undoubtedly the haunting traditions of these exotic tribes in the smallest part of the land. Omo River; Lake Turkana; Gibe III Dam; Tours; Ancient African Tribes in Southern Ethiopia & Kenya. A massive hydroelectric dam and associated land grabs for plantations threaten the tribes of the Lower Omo River. Hamar Tribe of the Omo River Valley, Southwestern Ethiopia. Download Oakland Institute’s Report on Ignoring Abuse In Ethiopia. Because they have ancestral and cultural links to Konso and the pastoralists of the surrounding lowlands, the Erbore traditionally played an important role as middlemen in trade between the Omo River and the Konso Highlands. The Hamar are an Omotic community inhabiting southwestern Ethiopia. The Omo is one of Ethiopia’s largest rivers. Omo River Valley Ethiopia. The crossing of the Omo river, although need to have time to do that) to the west enables one to see their small hat villages well. Numbering about 35,000 they are primarily settled farmers living in the highlands to the east of the Mago National Park. Now the people live in fear – they are afraid of the government. the Bume live west of the Dasenech people, south- west of the Karo people, south of the Surma people and North of the Ethio- Kenyan boundary. Hundreds of kilometers of irrigation canals are diverting the life giving waters to the plantations. Andy Haslam for … Agile Photo Adventure (APA)’s “World’s Last Tribes of the Omo Valley Premium Sunrise to Sunset Photo Tour” will take us to one of the wildest and most ethnically diverse places on Earth – the Omo Valley. 04 Tiny 39-inch Girl Defies Doctors. The river forms the basis for living for all tribes in the Omo Valley. Kwegu men, fishing on the Omo River, Ethiopia. I have a friend, who is gay as well and the homo in arms, if you will, as both of us travel in a similar style. They also rear livestock, especially cattle, and keep beehives for honey. The Bodi, Mursi and Suri have been told they have to give up their herds of cattle, a vital part of their livelihood, and may only keep a few cows in the resettlements, where they will become dependent on government aid to survive. The Tsemai also frequently and openly intermarry with the Hammer, whose territory lies immediately west of theirs. Visit all the famous Omo Valley tribes with markets & ceremonial events as well as Konso, Dorze, and Arba Minch Lake Chamo boat trip in 6 night 7 days. Many observers believe the revocation is really an attempt by the government to stamp out discussion of and opposition to Gibe III. Eating fish is really a last resort in times of crises. Communities’ grain stores, beehives and their valuable cattle grazing land have been destroyed. In the Lower Omo Valley of southwest Ethiopia, eastern South Sudan and around Lake Turkana in north Kenya reside over 500,000 indigenous, tribal people. Remote Omo valley Tour is specialized in providing tours to visitors in the area of South Omo Valley. Our first encounter was with the Hamar people, gentle souls whose main source of sustenance and culture is centered around cattle. Although they are peaceful and welcoming, they conflict with the neighboring tribes including the Hammer, the Karo and the Surma. In July 2009, the Southern Region’s Justice Bureau revoked the licences of 41 local ‘Community Associations’, accusing them of not co-operating with government policy. Our first encounter was with the Hamar people, gentle souls whose main source of sustenance and culture is centered around cattle. Today we are visiting the Hamer tribe, one of the largest and most famous tribes in the Omo Valley. The remaining two, Benna and Arebore, live on a mountainside away from the Omo River and are less commonly visited. The Omo river meander for more than 600 km from the high mountains further north until it ends in Lake Turkana near the border to Kenya. Karo women scarify their chests to beautify themselves and become more appealing to their men. These tribes find unique ways to express their artistic impulses. They enter the Park to hunt during the dry season; if they manage to kill a buffalo they adorn them with clay and have a celebration. Arbore Tribe . This southwestern corner of Ethiopia is home to seven primary tribes who coexist with varying degrees of peace. Uncontacted tribe under threat after Senator’s secret plot to open up their territory. Search. This is a small group photographic expedition to the remote tribes of the Omo Valley to witness some of the last remaining authentic tribes on the African continent. The Omo River runs through the valley and empties into Lake Turkana. Arbore Tribe The Arbore tribe is a small tribal community who lives in the southern part of the Omo Valley. These tribes are spread out in the Great Rift Valley reaching the southern end of Ethiopia and the northern part of Kenya. This has put an end to the natural floods. The Omo Valley is mostly a dry savanna region fed by the Omo River. The Bodi (Me’en), Daasanach, Kara (or Karo), Kwegu (or Muguji), Mursi and Nyangatom live along the Omo and depend on it for their livelihood, having developed complex socio-economic and ecological practices intricately adapted to the harsh and often unpredictable conditions of the region’s semi-arid climate. The Hamar people are a pastoralist community living in the Omo River Valley, in Southwestern Ethiopia. Dorze is a tribe of skillful cotton weavers and potters who live in the mountains just outside Arba Minch. Taking part in a stick fight is considered to be more important than winning it. Discover the raw beauty of the largely untouched southern Ethiopian tribes people of the Omo Valley and the rare diversity of the Bale Mountains. Grabbing headlines is key to our fight for tribal peoples' rights. The Karo excel in face and torso paintings. We rely on you. The dam will block part of the Omo River which experts state will impact the ecosystem, tribes and animals that live in the valley. However, China’s largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, agreed to fund part of the construction of the dam, and the World Bank is funding power transmission lines from the dam. The tribes have lived in this area for centuries and have developed techniques to survive in a challenging environment. Ethiopian environmental law stipulates that an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) must be carried out before any project is approved. Four fixed age sets are recognized, with every set graduating in seniority once a decade, when a new generation of boys between the ages of about 11 and 22 is initiated. For years the tribes of the Lower Omo Valley have suffered from the progressive loss of access to and control of their lands. These are the Elele (ca. Survival has lodged complaints about this abuse with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Omo River tribes live in Ethiopia's Omo Valley – Dassanech tribe live around the Omo delta on the northern side of Lake Turkana. Africa | Dessanech woman from Omo Valley, Ethiopia | The buildings behind the woman are sorghum silos. At the Hamer tribe, we visited Averra, the head of his family, and spoke with his two daughters in law Modo and Nori. Day 7 – The tribes of the Omo Valley tour: Turmi (Nyangatom) We will visit the Nyangatom Tribe who live on the west bank of the lower Omo River. Eight tribes (over 200,000 indigenous peoples) call the Omo Valley home: the Mursi, Aari, Banna, Bodi, Karo, Kwegu, Nyangatom and the Suri. The contrast was huge, in subject matter, in elevation, and in temperature, and made for a very interesting and exciting experience. The Omo Valley tribes A massive hydroelectric dam and associated land grabs for plantations threaten the tribes of the Lower Omo River The tribes have lived in this area for centuries and have developed techniques to survive in a challenging environment. Indigenous people such as the Kwegu who rely almost exclusively on fishing and hunting will be destitute. It has started to evict Bodi, Kwegu, and Mursi people from their land into resettlement areas to make way for the large state-run Kuraz Sugar Project, covering 150,000 hectares but which could eventually cover 245,000 hectares. This will destroy the fisheries on which hundreds of thousands of indigenous people depend. The remaining two, Benna and Arebore, live on a mountainside away from the Omo River and are less commonly visited. Having contemplated this information it will not be hard to understand that the Dasenech aren’t a united people, but more like a cluster of small groups with shared language, land, and rituals. There have been numerous reports of rape and even killings of tribal people by the military, who patrol the region to guard the construction and plantation workers. Share. Thus, apart from our reliable services we provide, we pride ourselves on our deep knowledge and understanding for the tribes and cultures of the people and their communities. 6,000 people), Inkabelo (8,000), Inkoria (3,000), Koro (700), Naritch (3,000), Oro (1,000), Randal (1,000), and Ri’ele (600). From Stone Walls and Terraced Fields: Learn about Konso’s Cultural Landscape, 8 Facts You Need To Know About Ethiopia’s Timket Festival. Channels Trending THE NEW HOME OF . As mentioned there are 80 tribes in the Omo Valley but the most interesting ones are the Mursi, Hamar, Banna and Karo. In July 2006 the Ethiopian government signed a contract with the Italian company Salini Costruttori to build Gibe III, the biggest hydro-electric dam in the country. The scars are cut with a knife or razor blade, and ash is then rubbed in to produce a raised welt. Our experience of visiting the Mursi and Hamer Tribes in the Omo Valley was incredibly rewarding, interesting and something we still contemplate to this day. Survival and various regional and international organizations, as well as hydrologists and other researchers, believe that the Gibe III Dam and the plantations will have catastrophic consequences for the tribes of the Omo River, who already live close to the margins of life in this dry and challenging area. Other peoples, such as the Hamar, Chai, or Suri and Turkana, live further from the river but a network of inter-ethnic alliances means that they too can access the flood plains, especially in times of scarcity. The Randal are connected historically with the Rendille of Northern Kenya, whereas the Koro are related to the Maasai of Lake Turkana’s west coast. The Omo Valley is a cultural melting pot with at least 16 distinct tribes. Their remoteness and inaccessibility has enabled the tribes to resist outside influence. Ethiopia is building a series of hydroelectric dams along the river Omo to develop the country. The Omo Valley is home to 200,00 people divided up in 80 tribes, speaking 47 different languages. The largest tribe in the Omo Valley is the Ari tribe which numbers around 200,000. Experience the rarely visited Suguta Valley and Lake Turkana, said to be the cradle of mankind. They are found on the eastern shore of the Omo River and are related to the Hamar tribe. The Hamar are an … No adequate environmental or social impact assessments of the impact of the plantations and irrigation scheme have been carried out, nor have the indigenous inhabitants of the valley given their free, prior and informed consent for these projects. The Inkabelo are the wealthiest Dasenech and occupy the best land (Oro and Koro actually travel around in Inkabelo land). Both complaints are ongoing. We work in partnership with tribal peoples to campaign, lobby and protest for their land rights. The Tsemai speak an Omotic language with an influence of Eastern Cushitic language that is closely related to the one spoken in Konso, which, according to oral tradition, is from where their founding chief Asasa originated. Daasanach is the most southerly of the tribes who live in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, where the Omo River Delta enters Lake Turkana . They depend on it to practice ‘flood retreat cultivation’ using the rich silt left along the river banks by the slowly receding waters. Human Rights Watch Report ‘What will happen if hunger comes’. The most important ritual of the Dasenech is the so-called dime. Info. Their houses, standing up to 6 m tall and built in a shape of elephant’s head, are the most unique traditional structures in Africa. The Ethiopian government is building a series of hydroelectric dams along the Omo River. The Dasenech can however be divided in eight clans. Here, a Karo mother sits with her children. Young Mursi shepherds looking after livestock, Ethiopia. Experts say that the restricted flow of the river will cause Lake Turkana to dry up by as much as two-thirds. This offers travellers an intimate insight and enriching Omo Valley cultural exchange. By investigating and exposing atrocities and amplifying indigenous voices on the global stage, we hold power to account. INCREDIBLE pictures of the lost world of the Omo Valley tribes allow a glimpse into one of the most remote and beautiful parts of the world. On this tour to the remote Southern regions of Ethiopia's valley, you will get first-hand insight into the South Omo tribes. The names of the eight tribes in the Omo Valley are: Kara, Hamer, Mursi, Dassanech, Kwegu, Benna, and Arebore. Please help the pastoralists in southern Ethiopia, they are under big threat. Early in the morning we drove about 2 hours to Murulle to visit the Karo people. In their hands they will carry wooden shields and a stick with a fallus symbol. We are here to amplify the tribal voice and make sure it is heard. The Daasanach tribe are found in the most southern part of the Omo Valley and have a population of around 20,000. Kangate is the get way for accessing the habitation of the Bume from the east of Omo River. Ethiopia Tribes 7 day tours - from Addis, Arba Minch, Jinka. 03 Animals RIP Ace: Super Pitbull Killed In Horror Attack. Read more about the sites and villages in our article about the Omo Valley Sites in Ethiopia. The river is an important resource and without it the tribes and animals in Southern Ethiopia would not survive. One other thing worth mentioning is that all Dasenech seem to have natural antipathy against fish. The Gibe, A Hamar family sit outside their home, Omo Valley, Ethiopia. Although relatively large, Erbore is far more rustic and unaffected than many similarly sized towns in South Omo, with the police station on its outskirts more-or -less the only building that isn’t constructed along traditional lines. Copy link. Also, the bold names are considered to be among the most popular or most accessible ones: Arbore; Ari (Aari) Banna (Bana, Bena) Bashada; Basketto – outside Omo Valley All clans have a more or less defined territory, except for the Koro and Oro, who are semi-nomadic. Where is the Omo Valley? They grow a series of different crops with grains, fruit and coffee among them as well as gathering honey. They are agro- pastoralists, relying on cattle herding and flood-retreat agriculture (consisting mainly of sorghum harvesting on the Omo and Kibish Rivers). Check outt more of our tours and get to have a personal encounter with the Omo Valley Tribe: 9 Days Omo Valley Tour They have lived in… Arte Tribal Pintura Tribal Moda Tribal Tribal Mode Tribal Paint Tribal Face Paints Out … In the attacking position, this pole is gripped at its base with both hands – the left above the right, in order to give maximum swing and leverage. There are eight different tribes in this part of the Omo River Valley with a population of around 200,000. The Lower Omo Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site, in recognition of its archaeological and geological importance. In order to comprehend the lifestyles and worldview of the tribes of the Lower Omo Valley in southwestern Ethiopia, first of all we must suspend all judgement. 50,000 people living in scattered villages around the small town of Turmi. Women wear leather jacket decorated with cowri shells. Salini Costruttori, an Italian company, started construction work on the dam at the end of 2006, and it is now complete. We reject government funding so we can guarantee our absolute independence and integrity. This is a cultural photo experience during which we will interact with several tribal communities who still live almost exactly as they did hundreds of years ago. The Kara are a semi-nomadic tribe, and one of the smallest ethnic groups in the Omo Valley with a population between 1,000 and 3,000. Omo River Valley The lower valley of the Omo is currently believed by some to have been a crossroads for thousands of years as various cultures and ethnic groups migrated around the region. As it stretches, ever-larger discs are forced in until the lip, now a loop, is so long it can sometimes be pulled right over the owner’s head. They are mixed subsistence farmers who practice flood cultivation, with the major crops being sorghum and maize. Hamer is a tribe which occupies the large territory of South Omo. The Dorze dwellings are entirely organic: they are built using bamboo, grass, and false banana leaves. The ESIA was carried out by an Italian company, CESI, and paid for by EEPCo (Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation) and Salini, raising questions over its independence and credibility. The dam blocks the south western part of the Omo River which runs for 760 kms from the highlands of Ethiopia to Lake Turkana in Kenya. These nations, from the many thousand-strong Borena to the just 1500-strong Karo, exhibit a fascinating range of cultural practices. They tend to indulge in honey and frequently smoke out beehives to get the honey inside the nests. Every woman has her own style of painting and generally wears a skirt made from the banana leaf. By the end of the ceremony the participants are extremely well-dressed, with ostrich feathers in their clay hair, oxtails around their arms, leopard skin over their shoulders, as well as the same skirt they wore during their circumcision many years earlier. We are Remote valley tours,a small group tour Operator and local guides from the tribes of the Omo valley and live in the valley, your tour is in the hands of real locals ,company based in Jinka,Ethiopia. It was still dark out when the sound of my phone alarm cut through the silence and awoke me to a brisk morning. To this day, the people of the Lower Valley of the Omo, including the Mursi, Suri, Nyangatom, Dizi and Me'en, are studied for their diversity. Here the Omo flows through the Mago and Omo National Parks, home to several tribes. Although the Ethiopian Constitution guarantees tribal peoples the right to ‘full consultation’ and to ‘the expression of views in the planning and implementations of environmental policies and projects that affect them directly’, in practice consultation is rarely carried out fully and appropriately. The introduction of firearms has made inter-ethnic fighting more dangerous. The Omo Valley is a cultural melting pot with at least 16 distinct tribes. Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia. After crossing the Omo River, visit the Dassanech tribe, a half-nomadic tribe that now lives mainly on arable land. Elaborate facemasks are created using locally found white chalk, yellow mineral rock, pulverized iron ore and black charcoal. Nyangatom herder’s life is already tough; now with the Gibe III Dam holding back the Omo River’s water for grass for livestock grazing and farming has severely reduced water downstream for tribal communities , spreading hunger in the Omo Valley. It is thought that previously the Kara and Hamar were part of the same tribe, which then separated in search for better lands. 6 Days Omo Valley Highlights Renowned the world over for its decorated tribes, the Omo Valley is a stop on many a tourist route in Ethiopia.But visits to the area can cross ethical boundaries, and few tourists are allowed the pleasure of a genuine experience with local people. Players are usually unmarried men. Our investigations are frequently featured in the world's best-trusted newspapers. The Omo Valley is a classic Ethiopian destination, featuring some of the characteristics anticipated by visitors to Africa, which includes tribal customs and lifestyles not related to other cultures. They have a strong cultural and ancestral relationship with Borenna and Konso people. These names all concern the same people, in total 24.000 souls. Kwegu tribespeople in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley report in 2015 that they are starving as a result of being forced from their land and of the irrigated plantations that are drying up the river on which they depend. The nomadic roots of the Dasenech are most clearly seen today in their traditional villages, comprised as they are of small, flimsy, domed huts strongly reminiscent of the impermanent structures built by other African desert pastoralists, from the Tuareg of the Sahara to the Nama of the Kalahari. According to independent experts, the dam, plantations and irrigation canals will have an enormous impact on the delicate ecosystem of the region by altering the seasonal flooding of the Omo and dramatically reducing its downstream volume. The town of Erbore lies in and area where several tribal boundaries converge, and because the Erbore people routinely intermarry with other ethnic groups like the Guji and Borena Oromo, The Hammer and the Tsemai. For more information, see this in-depth report by Dr Claudia J. Carr of the Africa Resources Working Group. Although the UK announced in early 2015 that it was no longer funding the Promoting Basic Services programme that many say is connected to forced resettlement, it has increased funding in other areas. So that it gives you a chance to visit as many markets and tribes as possible.Duration: 9 days/8 nightsCar: 4x4 VehicleDestination: Omo Valley Ethiopia is a land of discovery. Konso live in villages usually located on a top of a hill and surrounded by a 2 m stone wall. The Hamer tribe believes that breathing inside a goat’s stomach is a form of protection against malaria © Marco Cheli. One such village lies on the west bank of the Omo, practically opposite Omorate, and can be reached by utilizing the flat-bottomed boat that serves as a ferry across the river (police escort mandatory) Another similar village lies about 20 minutes’ walk south of the town center on the east bank of the river. Brazilian Senator is plotting to open up the Ituna Itatá indigenous territory. young women from hamer, omo valley, ethiopia, africa - tribes of the omo valley stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Amursi tribeswoman wearing a traditional lip-plate, omo valley, mago park, Ethiopia on March 18, 2016 in Mago Park, Ethiopia. In violation of Ethiopia’s laws, there was no competitive bidding for the contract. No artificial flood was released in 2015, and the flood released in 2016 was too low to sustain the tribespeople’s crops. Omo River Valley Ethiopia; Recent Comments. The hydroelectric dam, Gibe III was built on Ethiopia's Lower Omo Valley forcing the tribes from their homelands, traditions, and way of life. Although their appearance and dress style is similar to that of the Omotic Ari people, the Tsemai share closer political and spiritual affiliations with the Erbore, who speak a similar language, and whose territory lies adjacent to the Tsemai chief’s village. The trip was divided into two sections --the first half for wildlife, in the Simian and Bale Mountains, and the second for people and tribal photography in the Omo River Valley and delta of southwestern Ethiopia. The Lower Omo Valley peoples make all public decisions after extensive community meetings among all adults. Watch later. Broadly speaking, the Benna belong to the Hamar-Bashada cultural group. However the future of these tribes lies in the balance. Visit all the popular tribes of the Omo River Valley with ceremonial event and tribal markets in 5 night 6 days from one of the above three cities. The river people Ri’ele seem to have Borena background but have been Dasenech as time went by. They are an important defence against starvation when rains and crops fail. Two principal settlements of Hamer are Dimeka and Turmi, especially colorful and interesting to visit on the market days. They speak a language which belongs to the Omotic group of languages and display an elaborate and unique style of body decorations and clothes. 16 Days Omo Valley, Awash Park, and Harar Taking part in the dime ritual are those men who have daughters that have already reached puberty. Hamar Tribe of the Omo River Valley, Southwestern Ethiopia - YouTube. Download Human Rights Watch Report ‘What will happen if hunger comes’. In common with many other people of southern Ethiopia, society is structured around and age set system. 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