Number of part-time employed persons - thous. The main users of LFS statistical data are: - European Commission - DG Employment and other Directorates, - Eurostat - Labour Market unit and other units. Accessibility of all users to statistical data and equality of their rights are stipulated in the Regulation for dissemination of statistical products and services by the National Statistical Institute. Employed are persons aged 15 and over who during the reference period: Unemployed are persons aged 15 to 74 who: Economically active population (labour force) comprises all employed and unemployed persons. Working time. Recommendations of the International Labour Organisation; Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 of 9 March 1998 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community; Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000 of 7 September 2000 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community concerning the operational definition of unemployment; Regulation (EC) No 2257/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2003 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community to adapt the list of survey characteristics; Regulation (EC) No 1372/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community; Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008 of 25 April 2008 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community as regards the codification to be used for data transmission from 2009 onwards, the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables and the definition of the reference quarters; Regulation (EU) No 545/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community; Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on European statistics (provision 24 and Article 20 (4)) (?J L 87, p. 164), stipulates the necessity to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. The State Agency for National Security is a specialized body for counterintelligence and security and its chief responsibility is to detect, prevent and neutralize the threats to the Bulgarian national security. The definition of unemployment is according to Commission Regulations No 1897/2000. waiting for the results of a job interview) during the last 4 weeks and are available for work in the next 2 weeks. Individual anonymous micro-data could be provided for the scientific and research purposes by individual request according to the Regulation of submission of anonymous individual data for scientific and research purposes. The main definitions applied in the survey are in accordance with the recommendation of International Labour Organisation and EU legislation. The age at which persons could be considered as unemployed is 15 - 74 years for Labour force survey and 16 - 64 years for registered unemployed. National Employment Agency is a 8-story low-rise building in Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria. The main annual LFS results are disseminated by press release and on the NSI website. Toggle navigation Republic of Bulgaria • National Employment Agency. Since the first quarter of 2012 a new weighting procedure has been used in the labour force survey which should be taken into account in use of LFS data. EURES Czech Republic; Denmark. In Bulgaria it is illegal to charge candidates for finding them a job or recommending them for employment Economic activity is defined by the type of production or services provided by the local units of an enterprise, where a person works. eood is a registered Bulgarian recruitment agency. Assurance of quality of Labour force survey in accordance with Quality management policy and Quality management programme of NSI. paid or unpaid overtime. Occupation is defined by the type of work that the person carries out on the main job during the reference week. this web portal is developed under project "promoting the advantages of investing in bulgaria" bg 161po003-4.1.01-0001-c0001, with beneficiary investbulgaria agency, has been implemented with the financial support of the european union trough the european fund for regional development and national budget of the republic of bulgaria. NSI follows the recommendation of Eurostat Task Force on the Quality of the EU-LFS by fulfillment of the national Action Plan. Δημόσια Υπηρεσία Απασχόλησης Κύπρου (Cyprus Public Employment Services) Czech Republic. did not work at all during the reference period; were actively seeking work within the preceding four weeks, including the reference one or have found a new job or business that is expected to start within 3 months following the reference period; were available to start working within two weeks following the reference period. In the third quarter of 2020 in comparison with the second quarter of 2020 the average monthly wages and salaries increased by 2.7% getting 1 373 BGN. the reference week) but not available for work in the next 2 weeks; - found a job to start in less than 3 months and are not available for work in the next 2 weeks; - found a job to start in 3 months or more; - are passively seeking work (e.g. Youth unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force - %. Since the beginning of 2003 a quarterly continuous Labour force survey which provides quarterly and annual estimates is implemented. The main LFS results are released about 2.5 months after the end of the reference year. ), a section of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. - Companies, agencies - for own marketing researches or consultancy activities. Информация за работодатели, допълнителна информация. Finding employment allows the full use of every individual’s capabilities and skills and defends its rights of dignifying existence and active social participation.Strategic Goals: The National Employment Agency conducts its activities within the corresponding legal framework – The Act on Employment Promotion, the Regulation on its application, Labour Code etc.National Employment Agency Main functions: © 2013 Official web page of National Employment Agency. Employment Rate in Bulgaria averaged 47.18 percent from 2000 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 55.30 percent in the third quarter of 2019 and a record low of 38.70 percent in the fourth quarter of 2001. Source of data is Labour force survey, carried out over a sample of 19.6 thousand households. Employment relationships; Public service employment relations; Safety and health at work; Job placement intermediation ; Work of Bulgarian citizens abroad; Work of foreigners on the territory of Bulgaria… The filled in questionnaires are coded (for economic activity, occupation, place of work, field of education etc.) Additional consistency checks are carried out before publishing of data. Discouraged persons are persons not in the labour force who want to work but who do not actively look for a job, because they do not believe they will find one. - actively seeking work during the last 4 weeks ( incl. "For yesterday, we have a fairly high number of newly registered workers in the … The bilingual (Bulgarian-English) publication presents annual average data from the Labour force survey. Над 5000 актуални свободни работни позиции в 50 града на България. Employed persons are classified by economic activity according to the NACE.BG 2008. Quarterly. If yes, please give definitions. Additional aggregation of data is performed for some of the variables. The main methodological differences between the LFS data on unemployment and data on registered unemployment provided by National Employment Agency are the following: The data on economically active population used as denominator for the calculation of unemployment rate is different - in LFS economically active population consists of employed and unemployed which number is estimated through the same survey while for calculation of registered unemployment rate Population Census data for economically active population is used. The main purpose of the survey is to provide data on labour status of population aged 15 years and over and for the main characteristics of employed, unemployed and persons out of labour force in the Republic of Bulgaria. Labour code (BG) Social Security Act (BG) Employment … Our approach is to support in particular companies with an international set-up to find employees … The National Social Security Institute (NSSI) is the public institution that manages the state social security in Republic of Bulgaria. is a registered Bulgarian recruitment agency. The number of actual working hours per week refers to the main job, incl. Activity rate - ratio between the economically active population and the total population of the same age group. Maris Recruitment Ltd. is a young leading Agency serving to the hospitality industry, with an office located in a strategic place in Varna, Bulgaria. Revisions of previously released data are usually not performed. The Agriculture and forestry sector includes Agriculture, hunting, forestry and Fishing; The Industry sector includes Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, Construction; The Service sector includes all other economic activities. ?? Our services are licensed and supervised by the National Employment Agency, a sub-division of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The employment plan includes specific monetary incentives for employers who create new employment positions and hire unemployed people (that is, those registered as such with the Employment Agency). The IPA is registered according to special ordinance in the National Employment Agency (NEA). resident employed). View a detailed profile of the structure 270073 including further data and descriptions in the Emporis database. Due to availability of new population estimates based on 2011 Population Census and changes in LFS weighting procedure revised LFS estimates for 2010 and 2011 are produced and published at the NSI website. The national Labour force survey implements the full set of compulsory variables, according to EU Regulations. Preliminary data of the NSI for the second quarter of 2020 indicate that the total hourly labour cost rose by 9.9% compared to the second quarter of 2019. Total population usually residing in Bulgaria, except persons living in collective households. According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute at the end of June 2020 the number of employees under labour contract decreased by 1.0% as compared to the end of March 2020 and reached 2.24 million. Preliminary data of the NSI for the fourth quarter of 2019 indicate that the total hourly labour cost rose by 11.9% compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. The duration of actual working time is presented in hours. Employment rate - ratio between the employed population and the total population of the same age group. For Bulgaria the main difference between LFS and NA refers to Agricultural employment. The classifications applied in the Labour force survey are harmonised with the international classifications in terms of economic activities, occupations, levels of education. For Bulgaria the main difference between LFS and NA refers to Agricultural employment. At the end of 2020 unemployment in Bulgaria stood at 6.7%. Studying of job advertisements in newspapers, magazines, etc. Employment Contracts in Bulgaria. The National Employment Agency is an executive agency to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy for the implementation of the government policy on employment promotion. Services; Service Status; Home; Service Status; Агенция по заетостта … Bulgaria is a country located in Southeastern Europe. Tърсещи работа Тук можете да намерите информация за актуални свободни позиции. ... National Employment Agency: A brief blurb from the National Employment Agency… ????? International Standard Classification of Education, 2011 version (ISCED 2011); International Standard Classification of Education, 1997 version (ISCED 1997) - until 2013; Classification of Economic Activities (CEA-2008, for international use NACE.BG 2008. The National Employment Agency has a large network of local Employment … LFS Quality Report consisting information of different quality aspects is prepared each year. the number of age groups at national level for which the consistence between LFS estimates and current population estimates is achieved increased (from 4 to 14); population data used in LFS weighting procedure exclude population living in institutional households (which are not covered by the survey). Participation in the development and implementation of programs and measures for employment and training, aimed at designated groups of unemployed, who due to various reasons find it hard to integrate on the labour market. Due to availability of population estimates based on 2011 Population Census and changes in LFS weighting procedure revised LFS data for 2010 and 2011 are produced and published at the NSI website. Long-term unemployed are persons who have been unemployed for one or more years. View EURES Bulgaria’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. In results National Accounts data could differ from the results of each source. There is no statutory definition in Bulgaria… National Classification of Occupations and Duties-2005 (NCOD-2005) (1st digit - occupational class), comparable to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO '88 - until 2010; National Classification of Occupations and Duties-2011 (NCOD-2011) (1st digit - occupational class), comparable to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO'08 - since 2011; International classification of professional status - ICSE-93; Classification of Territorial Units for Statistical Purposes in Bulgaria - NUTS. Section 1. Implementation, both independently and in cooperation with other institutions, of projects and programs in the field of employment, professional qualification and training, and social integration, funded by the European Commission or/and other international donors (including Bulgarian contribution), Protection and sustainability of employment, Organization of qualification and motivational training for unemployed and employed, Mediation in finding work for Bulgarian citizens abroad and foreign citizens in Bulgaria, Analyzing the supply and demand side on the labour market and forecasting eventual changes in it. Data are disseminated on the NSI website, section Labour Market, and information system INFOSTAT in accordance with the Law on Statistics and European Statistics Code of Practice respecting professional independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably. From the same year the harmonised definition of unemployment in accordance with Commission Regulation No 1897/2000 has been applied. Welcome to our portal providing up-to-date information, access to electronic services and means of electronic communication. Residency. NSSI administrates the compulsory social security for sickness, … Definitions 1) In your country, is there a statutory definition of: a) temporary agency work? Az default meta desc. Dissemination of individual data is possible only in accordance with Article 26 of the Law on Statistics. This is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by IIE. Within a three-day period the employer must send a notification of the contract to the National Revenue Agency … This page provides - Bulgaria Employment … The official language is Bulgarian. Coherence with employment estimates in National Accounts. NA employment data are based on domestic concept (employment in resident production units irrespective of the place of residence of the employee) while LFS gives information on the national concept (i.e. Data are collected through paper questionnaire and personal interview with persons (aged 15 or over) from the selected households. employers - persons who work in their own enterprise, business, farm, professional practice and employ at least one other person; self-employed - persons who work in their own enterprise, business, farm, professional practice and do not employ any other person; employees - persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive wages (salaries), fees, remuneration by civil contract etc; unpaid family workers - persons who work without pay in an enterprise, farm, owned and operated by a relative of the same households. The Labour force survey is a sample statistical survey on households for examination of the economic activity of the population aged 15 years and over. български; National Employment Agency Toggle navigation. this web portal is developed under project "promoting the advantages of investing in bulgaria" bg 161po003-4.1.01-0001-c0001, with beneficiary investbulgaria agency, has been implemented with the financial support of the european union trough the european fund for regional development and national budget of the republic of bulgaria. Coherence with Annual and Quarterly Surveys on employees, hours worked, wages and salaries and other expenditures paid by the employer. Employment Agency (BG) List of Offices on Labour and Social Affairs at the Embassies of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad (BG) National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (EN) Labour related legislation. It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2013 - 2018 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns. The Employment Agency (within the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy) adopts an annual employment plan to foster employment. The calendar is available on the NSI website: It shares borders with Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey. Data are aggregated by different variables (characteristics), tabulated and disseminated. Duration of unemployment is the duration of the search for employment or the length of the period since leaving last job; whichever period is shorter. In contrast to National Accounts persons on leave for taking care of a child until 2 years of age are not considered employed according to LFS. Employed persons are classified by occupation according to the National Classification of Occupations and Duties-2011 (1st digit - occupational class), comparable to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO-08. Underemployed part-time workers and potential labour force. To obtain a freelance activity permit in Bulgaria, a foreign national must present to the Bulgarian Employment Agency a detailed plan of their activities for the entire term of the permit. According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute at the end of September 2020 the number of employees under labour contract increased by 0.4% as compared to the end of June 2020 and reached 2.25 million. performed some work for at least one hour for pay in cash or in kind or other income; did not work but had a job or an enterprise, a business from which they were temporarily absent due to illness, annual leave, full-paid maternity leave, parental leave, strike or another labour dispute, etc. Unemployment rate - ratio between the unemployed persons and the economically active population. The Agency is constituted to guarantee no foreign interference in the internal affairs of Bulgaria… Short-term goal – increase in employment and unemployment limitation, Long-term goal – economic activity and population work potential increase, Registration of unemployed actively seeking employment and available vacancies, Working with municipalities and employers in developing mutually beneficial action plans, benefiting both municipality and state. the range of values that 95% of times would capture the true value in the population) are calculated for assessment of stochastic reliability of the estimates for main indicators. The existed differences in terms of survey units, reference periods, modes of classifying by economic activities (register/description given by the respondents), principles of territorial treatment (by place of work/by place of living) also influenced on the comparability of results from the surveys. National Accounts use different data sources which are combined to obtain the best comprehensive and consistent estimate. Moving. For every person in the sample the reference period is one calendar week (from Monday to Sunday). The main methodological difference between the two surveys is the coverage of employed persons. The surveys on employee, hours worked, wages and salaries and other expenditures provides data on persons who work under employment contract according to the Labour Code or the State Officials Act, while the Labour force survey covers also persons employed by other type of contract or without formal contract and self employed persons (employers, own account workers and unpaid family workers). Plausibility checks are performed during the data entry. In the first quarter of 2020 in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2019 the average monthly wages and salaries increased by 0.3% getting 1 317 BGN. In the estimation of self-employment in agriculture NA use data based on Agricultural Census and sample surveys, carried out by Ministry of Agriculture and Food. and entered into computer in NSI regional offices. The sample used for the Labour force survey is a two-stage stratified cluster sample which includes about 19.6 thousand households each quarter (representing about 0.65% sampling rate). Some of the totals (rows and columns) in tables are not equal to the sum of the components because of the rounding of figures. The individual duration of an interview depends on the labour status of person and survey wave. Report this profile Experience Head expert National Employment Agency Bulgaria … The … The LFS results are released strictly to the Release Calendar. Press release for the main Labour force survey annual results is posted on the NSI website ( according to the Release Calendar. Our services are licenced and supervised by the National Employment Agency, a sub-division of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria… A number of businesses were again closed but unemployment, compared to November, did not go up, the National Employment Agency … c) user enterprise? Aggregated economic activity groupings according to nomenclature A21 are used. In the third quarter of 2020 the unemployment rate was 4.8%, and the employment rate of population aged 20 - 64 was 74.6%. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition applied in Labour force survey unemployed are considered not only and not all persons, registered in employment offices, but also those who are looking for job using other active methods: by private employment agencies, direct application to employers, assistance from friends or relatives, placing, answering or studying job advertisements in newspapers, magazines. According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute at the end of March 2020 the number of employees under labour contract decreased by 1.1% as compared to the end of December 2019 and reached 2.26 million. UNEMPLOYED AND UNEMPLOYMENT RATES OF POPULATION AGED 15 YEARS AND OVER IN 2019, UNEMPLOYED AND UNEMPLOYMENT RATES OF POPULATION OF 15 - 64 YEARS OF AGE IN 2019, UNEMPLOYED BY EXISTENCE OF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE AND REASON OF LEAVING THE LAST JOB BY SEX IN 2019, UNEMPLOYED BY METHODS OF JOB SEARCH AND SEX IN 2019, UNEMPLOYED BY DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND SEX IN 2019, LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BY SEX IN 2019, UNEMPLOYED AND UNEMPLOYMENT RATES IN 2019, The National Statistical Institute presents the annual electronic edition, The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication -, The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 87,, Labour Force Survey - Labour Force Survey - annual data, Quarterly Labour Cost Index, Third Quarter of 2020, Main Labour Force Survey Results for the Third Quarter of 2020, Employees under Labour Contract and Gross Average Wages and Salaries, Third Quarter of 2020, Quarterly Labour Cost Index, Second Quarter of 2020, Main Labour Force Survey Results for the Second Quarter of 2020, Employees under Labour Contract and Gross Average Wages and Salaries, Second Quarter of 2020, Quarterly Labour Cost Index, First Quarter of 2020, Main Labour Force Survey Results for the First Quarter of 2020, Employees under Labour Contract and Gross Average Wages and Salaries, First Quarter of 2020, Quarterly Labour Cost Index, Fourth Quarter of 2019, Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 31.12.2020), Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 05.10.2020), Employment and Unemployment - annual data 2019, Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 06.07.2020), Statistical Reference Book 2020 (Bulgarian version), Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 06.04.2020), Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 31.12.2019), Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 04.10.2019), Households Income, Expenditure and Consumption, Annual statistics on employment and labour cost, Labour force and activity rates - national level; statistical regions; districts, Employed and employment rates - national level; statistical regions; districts, Unemployed and unemployment rates - national level; statistical regions; districts, Underemployed and potential additional labour force, Persons not in the labour force - national level; statistical regions; districts, Reconciliation between work and family life – Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2010, Employment of disabled people – Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2011, Transition from work to retirement - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2012, Accidents at work and work-related health problems - Ad hoc module to the labour force survey in 2013, Self-employment - Ad-hoc module to the Labour Force Survey in 2017, Reconciliation between work and family life - Ad-hoc module to the Labour Force Survey in 2018, Work organisation and working time arrangements - Ad-hoc module to the Labour Force Survey in 2019, Structural (four yearly) statistics on earnings and labour costs, Population (Demography, Migration and Projections), Regional statistics and indicators for monitoring, GDP main aggregates and employment estimates for the third quarter of 2020: GDP up by 12.5% and employment up by 1.0% in the euro area, Volume of retail trade up by 1.5% in both euro area and EU, Dispersion of regional unemployment rates - %, Unemployed with previous employment experience, Unknown (incl. 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