Conversation with Emory Douglas, Revolutionary Artist of the Black Panthers 5:00pm - 7:00pm, Black Panther “Celebration” Party with DJ Pr_ck and DJ Chinua of Ascendance8:00pm - 12:00am, PURCHASE $10 Advance Tickets HERE$15 At the Door, Note: No single event tickets available. 4 monuments to white supremacy that were taken down by the city DUE to the “uprising and resistance of the people.” Be clear, that is is always the power of the people that results in the change we need! Protests in New Orleans had been among the more peaceful ones with police often closing the roads for marchers and Tuesday night officers even knelt when they … Meet us in the streets for this action! Now that the storm has passed are there protests called for tonight? Meet us in the streets this Friday, June 19 (Juneteenth), 9 am at Nora Navra Library Parking lot.#ReparationsNewOrleans. The New Orleans Massacre of 1866 occurred on July 30, when a peaceful demonstration of mostly black Freedmen was set upon by a mob of white rioters, many of whom had been soldiers of the recently defeated Confederacy. Take Em Down NOLA presents Revolutionary Artist Weekend III featuring Bree Newsome and the launch of Roots Rising: Vol II, the 2nd Take Em Down NOLA Zine! Call to 7 Days of ActionTo End State Sanctioned TerrorWomen, Folks and Families, Because: Kim GrovesBecause: Breonna TaylorBecause: Forced Hysterectomies & IncarcerationBecause: Gordon PlazaBecause: all day ... everyday, #FlipTheBudget #ChildrenAndFamiliesFirst#LivingWage #HousingIsAHumanRight #NoEvictions #NoForclosures #JobDevelopment #WorkersOwnership#MakeTheRichPay #Liberation, 1250 Poydras StreetPrepare for Daily Rally & March, Tuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, Monday, October 5 | 6PMTuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, We are inviting community to an evening of revolutionary education and healing as we engage the topic, "Medical Apartheid in the Age of Covid vs. African and Indigenous Healing Methods.". Come help us celebrate our 3 year anniversary as we…, Join us for a Press conference at City Hall at 10 am to tell City Council, FINISH THE JOB! New Orleans. Due to mass uprisings, cities across the U.S. are actively removing monuments and other symbols to white supremacy from the landscape with the support of local governments that claim to be joining the fight against the FALSE ideology of white supremacy, and the many ways the ideology shows up in the form of institutional racism additionally causing terror and oppression on people's lives. From festivals and second lines to music shows, dance performances, comedy and performing arts, it’s here. Since the police murder of George Floyd, there have been uprisings locally, across this country and around the world in pursuit of ending police terror and all forms of state sanctioned violence upon the lives of poor and working class people. : 42 Today, the streetcars are operated by the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA). We are our own answer! User account menu • Are there any group Protests tonight? The New Orleans march was one of hundreds of rallies that took place across the country to commemorate Heyer and show opposition to white supremacists. FINISH THE JOB! The next days are as follows: Thursday, June 4: Join us at 6 p.m. in Duncan Plaza. Meeting with be live-streamed on the New Orleans Peoples Assembly Facebook page. Otherwise, they would reject this foolish waste of the taxpayer dollars and proactively invest in children, families & LIVING wage job development. We must demand everything we need to be safe, have dignity in this life, and ensure we can LIVE completely and entirely. When Indigenous Black People are safe, everyone has a chance to be safe. All events will be virtual due to COVID. When we learn to steward the land as our ancestors did and defeat the ruling class that has stolen the land from beneath our feet. Simultaneously, people near and far have made the connection between symbols and systems. We do this for ourselves and our future! New Orleans !! We look forward to seeing you there. Hands off Caleb and Mickey!!! All tourist … Press J to jump to the feed. Remove ALL Symbols to White Supremacy and Abolish the Police!”. Our forum, In the Spirit of Resistance: Take Em Down 7 Build Em Up the Black August Edition (delayed due to last week’s hurricane) will feature revolutionary speakers and artists who will teach about some of the symbols that still need taking down in New Orleans as they lift up ideas for revolutionary replacements. NEW ORLEANS — Protests continued nationwide and in pockets across New Orleans from morning to evening in the days following the death of George … Anti-Trump protesters organized at Lee Circle before marching to Jackson Square and back. See more of NewOrleansLocal on Facebook Due to mass uprisings, cities across the U.S. are actively removing monuments and other symbols to white supremacy from the landscape with the support of local governments that claim to be joining the fight against the false ideology of white supremacy, and the many ways the ideology shows up in the form of institutional racism additionally causing terror and oppression on people's lives. That divides people based on race and places the darkest at the bottom and the whitest on top. We also condemn the intimidation and threats made by Jefferson Parish police last night against peaceful protesters demanding justice for Modesto Reyes who was killed by the JPSO police on May 27. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the action in solidarity with the Minneapolis Uprisings and all the protests happening across the country against white supremacist police violence. Take Em Down NOLA calls for all community members, activists, and organizers in PROTEST against state repression to join on the steps of the courthouse at Tulane & Broad on Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 10:00 am, regarding the state sanctioned terror and repression upon those alleged to have been involved in removing the white supremacist bust to John McDonogh (Duncan Plaza) during a time where people locally, across the country, and around the world are resisting police terror and uprising for Black lives. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If you post here about these things, you will be shunned and talked to quite harshly. Join us this year as we engage in virtual conversation on Sat. Thursday Night Protests in New Orleans By Kendra Smith-Parks | June 4, 2020 at 6:53 PM CDT - Updated June 4 at 10:19 PM NEW ORLEANS, La. This sub is for locals to discuss all things New Orleans. Monday, June 1: Join us at 6 p.m. in Duncan Plaza. There were still reports of violence and destruction: a fire on the roof of a shopping mall, a person who shot a gun at officers, and a group of people throwing items at the police. The people of New Orleans have made it clear that symbols to white supremacy (mediocrity and inferiority) that clearly represent systems to white supremacy (mediocrity and inferiority) are no longer welcome in New Orleans. This sub is for locals to discuss all things New Orleans. “There is no situation where a police vehicle should drive into a crowd of protesters or New Yorkers,” Mr. de Blasio said during a news conference on Monday. The violence erupted outside the Mechanics Institute, site of a reconvened Louisiana Constitutional Convention. Revolutionary Artist Weekend III featuring Bree Newsome and the launch of Roots Rising: Vol II, the 2nd Take Em Down NOLA Zine! New Orleans actor and activist Ameer Baraka maintains just because the protests were peaceful in the city, doesn’t mean the community is any less enraged by Floyd’s death. We stand in solidarity with the uprisings in Minneapolis and all who stand against white supremacist violence. New Orleans has been forced to contend with these issues consistently for nearly the past 6 years, and until it’s fully addressed, we much forge ahead as a much necessary part of the struggle toward racial and economic justice here in New Orleans. UPDATE: As of 8:30 pm, the protesters have walked on to I-10, stopping highway traffic near the Vieux Carre exit. NEW ORLEANS, La. New Orleans. The riot quickly descended into a full-scale massacre. Happening Today: New Orleans cleans up after anti-Trump protests. Not all, sure. Email us at to RSVP. Tuesday, June 2: Join us at 6 p.m. in Duncan Plaza. Three years ago we brought you Black Panther Minister of Culture Emory Douglas. Streetcars in New Orleans have been an integral part of the city's public transportation network since the first half of the 19th century. Demand 4: Because we know that symbols to white supremacy represent SYSTEMS to white supremacy, we demand that the police be abolished. FOLLOWED BY: A March for Black People to Congo Square to demand our reparations! By Staff | November 10, 2016 at 11:43 AM CST - Updated July 11 at 12:36 AM . The amazing work of a wide range of grassroots organizers from across the city and country for us through this time. You don’t exactly see conservatives going around, lighting cop cars on fire, now do ya? Classic Democrat backtracking. 3) Since we saw mass uprisings for Black lives and human rights for people of all working class backgrounds, what will WE do to fight back against exploitation and oppression, ending that which causes us harm, and building that which ensures we are healthy and whole. Expand the definition from Confederate monuments to ALL symbols of white supremacy. There’s always some way to enjoy New Orleans - let our calendar guide you Around the clock, every day, every week, every month – New Orleans has it going on and on. FORUM: Housing while Black and Brown vs. Land Back: The fight for Reclamation,, Community Support: Protest Rally Against State Oppression, Press Conference: The False Ideology of White Supremacy, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 7, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 6, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 5, Medical Apartheid in the Age of Covid vs. African and Indigenous Healing Methods, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 4, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 3, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 2, 7 Days of Action for Women, Folks & Families: DAY 1, Symbols Reflect Systems – Take 'Em Down NOLA Action, In the Spirit of Resistance: Take Em Down & Build Em UP the Black August Edition, New Orleans Workers Group Weekly Demonstration. Go to the facebook event page for event registration link: Honolulu. We do this for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Modesto Reyes, and all others who have been murdered by the police. In other cities, peaceful protests against Floyd's death have turned violent quickly with clashes between law enforcement and protestors. NEW ORLEANS – Hundred of protesters are gathered at Duncan Plaza in New Orleans, amid protests over the death of George Floyd.The crowd is preparing to march down Tulane towards NOPD headquarters. It will also announce a call to action for the masses. $12.5 million for elevating “historical homes” for the prioritized white parts of town, and $40 million toward surveillance cameras, and yet still no fully funded relocation for the residents of Gordon Plaza, in the Desire neighborhood. 1.8k comments 1 video What is home in a system that places private property over people and profit above all? (WVUE) - For the sixth straight night hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd and police brutality. #FlipTheBudget. NEW ORLEANS, La. This subreddit is NOT for hookups, finding drugs, tourists, or tourist questions. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) today revealed that, as of January 15, there had been 103,704 Covid fatalities across Britain since the pandemic began. And what does it look like, from the U.S. South to South Africa, when the people fight back and reclaim the land from vulture capitalists? By Staff | November 10, 2016 at 11:43 AM CST - Updated July 11 at 12:36 AM . Cookies help us deliver our Services. On the "Build Em Up" or more healing-oriented side of the conversation, renowned New Orleans healers Mama Sula, Denise Graves and Nana Anoa will teach about the history and application of spiritual practices from acupuncture to ancient grief healing traditions from the Dagara tribe of West Africa. Going forward, we will determine if there is a clear pathway to tell the stories of both the community and the police officers whose role it is to serve them. Demonstrators recited chants … Anti-police Terror Solutions. Jan. 23rd, with our revolutionary sister comrade most known for removing the Confederate Flag from in front the South Carolina capitol and helping inaugurate the global #TakeEmDown movement! For the first time since George Floyd protests began, tear gas was used on protesters in New Orleans on Thursday, June 3, 2020. Also be sure to catch a reading and panel on Friday Jan. 22nd featuring revolutionary artists who contributed to our second zine, and finally a revolutionary artist panel on Sunday Jan. 24th discussing what it means to make art that fuels the movement in a moment of global uprising. She loves her some BLM, until they showed up at her house. But a lot. New Orleans – Their words were as full of o… We out here! Zoom links will be sent on the morning of each event. Slide 1 of 7 1 / 7 The NOPD supports and … Monday, June 1, 2020 for a solidarity protest with those in Minnesota over the killing of George Floyd by police. This is the will of the people, and self-determination of a people will not be silenced. Protesters arrive at Duncan Plaza in New Orleans, La. Duncan plaza it’s time to peacefully protest We out here! Last year there were 7 reported incidents at Fenway Park where fans used racial slurs. Sheriff Joe Lopinto said that's when Reyes allegedly pointed a gun at the cops, and one of them shot him dead. Wednesday, June 3: Join us at 6 p.m. in Duncan Plaza. Plea after plea, request after request, statement after statement.The people of New Orleans have made it clear that symbols to white supremacy (mediocrity and inferiority) that clearly represent systems to white supremacy (mediocrity and inferiority) are no longer welcome in New Orleans. Several groups of protesters disrupted Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's rally at the Lakefront Airport in New Orleans, Friday. Police, jails, the military, these are all structures used to oppress the working people of the world. new orleans — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., leading up to President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. We are calling on all of conscious mind to act on such consciousness and stand on the right side of history. We say disarm, defund and abolish all systems of capitalism and white supremacy. Press Conference: FINISH THE JOB! Join us! Join the New Orleans Peoples Assembly for a Peoples Review of Demands for the City of New Orleans, and Historical Context that informs the demands. We must have our own agenda as working class people, and we must fight for what’s ours. Press J to jump to the feed. What is damp may never dry! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All community members will have the opportunity to weigh in on the discussion and provide feedback. NEW ORLEANS – Hundred of protesters are gathered at Duncan Plaza in New Orleans, amid protests over the death of George Floyd.The crowd is preparing to march down Tulane towards NOPD headquarters. THE TIME IS NOW! This will definitely be a night not to be missed—both a revolutionary charge and necessary healing balm in challenging times. Take Em Down NOLA will hold a RALLY & MARCH from Dismantle NOMA to Dismantle WWII Museum, ending at Dorothy Mae Taylor Circle. Check out the liberal mayor of New Orleans. Join Take 'Em Down NOLA and the New Orleans Workers Group for a socially distanced solidarity demonstration and march starting in Duncan Plaza across from City Hall. We are continuing our actions against the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Modesto Reyes, and all others killed by racist state violence. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A lot of them are. This is the subreddit for the Greater New Orleans area. Close • Posted by 1 hour ago. Cmon y’all! Protesters gather around Jackson Square in New Orleans, La. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. The US protests beginning in May 2020 were sparked by the death in police custody of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Release a timeline for the immediate removal of ALL remaining symbols to white supremacy including street names, school and public property names and monuments. | NOTE: We will be practicing physical distancing and mask wearing. (WVUE) -Hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of New Orleans Saturday to shed light on racial injustice amid the death of George Floyd. Take Em Down NOLA will give a report on how New Orleans (a majority Black city) and its criminal injustice system measures up in the fight against white supremacy, racism, exploitation and oppression of its people. Take Em Down NOLA stands in solidarity with those who have been targeted by the state with trumped up charges. Morial wasn’t the first liberal pundit to suggest Moscow’s meddling, and not the actions of police officer and suspected murderer Derek Chauvin, may have triggered the … Get the latest news and breaking news reports on protests occurring in your local area, the U.S. and worldwide on the New York Post. Local News New Orleans protesters remain peaceful, some pray in response to George Floyd's death "It makes me feel good to see our city protesting, doing it the right way," Green said. So, now that Trump has been defeated at the polls, now what? But it appears that the elected officials want to not talk about their support in the middle of uprisings across the country, while simultaneously taking minimal action.The demands are clear: Demand 1: Release an immediate timeline to remove ALL symbols to white supremacy, which includes the street names, school names, monuments and parks. We are here to condemn the City of New Orleans’ criminal injustice system for its contradictions and its perpetuation of state sanctioned violence on its own residents. Last year we highlighted the work of poet and Black Arts movement founder Amiri Baraka. Follow a community drive process for the removal of the monuments and the choosing of their replacements. WEAR MASKS / PHYSICAL DISTANCE / LAWN CHAIR OPTIONS. All power to the people ✊✊✊, OW's a good time to revisit and actualize Reparations. Jackson Square is closed tonight. Take Em Down NOLA will give a report on how New Orleans measures up, and also make a call to action for the masses. A Comprehensive Plan for a Safer, More Whole New Orleans. Orlando . Are there any group Protests tonight? Start with flipping the budget! Abolish the police! Enact Take ‘Em Down NOLA’s ordinance NOW. New Orleans actor and activist Ameer Baraka maintains just because the protests were peaceful in the city, doesn’t mean the community is any less enraged by Floyd’s death. Peaceful protests in New Orleans Pictures by @JoeTullos #neworleanslocal. We have even seen examples of city officials step in to call on the city cranes to support the protestors in the removal of the monuments in moments where the cities realize that the uprising of the people will persevere. It leaves us with the following questions: 1) What will the people do if Trump fights against his time to exit? Educate Agitate Organize 3 Year Anniversary for Peoples Assembly. Demand 3: Enact Take Em Down NOLA’s ordinance now, that demands only confederate symbolism be removed. On the same day, tens of thousands of demonstrators showed up to protest a so-called “free speech rally” in Boston, forcing the rally to end earlier than scheduled. We Demand Reparations NOW! New South Wales has reported no new cases of locally transmitted coronavirus in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, marking an eight-day streak for the state. ‎Stay up-to-date with the latest news and weather in the New Orleans area on the all-new free WWL TV app. LET'S RISE UP!!! WEEKLY DEMONSTRATIONSJoin the Workers Group as we engage in weekly demonstrations to build people power. Dare we seek to experience joy in THIS lifetime. RSVP for the Zoom link. Our first day of action was the march from Duncan Plaza to police headquarters. Flip the budget, and instead of investing in police and jails, invest in the people (children/families/LIVING wage job development). Conversation with Emory Douglas, Revolutionary Artist of the Black Panthers and Black Panther “Celebration” Party, The Peoples Square! We ask you to join us in this stand of solidarity! Defund the police and fund the people! See the latest information below. Remove ALL Symbols to White Supremacy and Abolish the Police! We say hell to the extra yeah!!! Happening Today: New Orleans cleans up after anti-Trump protests . This rally will be followed by a march. Black people are safer when police terror ends and needs are met proactively. It's time that they be met, once and for all! Admission covers both conversation & party. Black voices must be centered since out lives are most directly impacted by police terror (Children, Youth, Documented and Undocumented, LGBTQ, Women, Men). Anchorage ... About 3,000 people took part in the protests, according to local news reports. In the last year alone, another three monuments of racist exploiters and oppressors have come down, due to the will and resistance of the people. new orleans — Security measures are a major concern at public and government buildings after armed protests are being planned online at all 50 state capitols from Jan. 16 through Inauguration Day. Take Em Down NOLA calls all who want to see an end to state repression, join us, on January 21 on the steps of this courthouse at 9:00am, to demand that the DA and Judge Buras drop trumped up charges against those alleged to have done what the city of New Orleans “should have already done” long ago in the removing of he known white supremacists bust that was located in Duncan Plaza. Massive protest on I-10 in New Orleans remains peaceful, no arrests made; police take knee in solidarity Hundreds of protestors walked on the … Come to our forum, Housing while Black & Brown vs. Landback: the Fight for Reclamation," on Thursday at 6pm to find out. Go to this link to preregister and get a copy of the zine with your All Access pass: . Meanwhile 30,000 mostly Black natives face eviction during a pandemic for Christmas. All tourist questions of any type should be asked at r/askNOLA. ***Tourists, please use r/AskNOLA*** Black People! (the people should have already risen up and forced him out by now). All during these recent uprisings for Black lives, and we have seen the evidence of such as hundreds of these egregious monuments to the false ideology of white supremacy that demonstrate inferiority and mediocrity have been removed across the U.S. and around the world. Earlier, National Urban League president and former New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial appeared on CNN, where he suggested that the riots in Minneapolis – now in their fourth day – were provoked by Russian agents and “white supremacists.”. Nearly four years ago, the Greater New Orleans area came together in the midst of a very trying time. The longest of New Orleans' streetcar lines, the St. Charles Avenue line, is the oldest continuously operating street railway system in the world. Protesters march in the streets of New Orleans - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock Yet, the condition of our people is NOT aligned to our highest well-being. We must abolish the dictatorship of the rich ruling class. NEW ORLEANS — More than a year after the passing of legendary New Orleans chef and culture bearer Leah Chase, her grandson Edgar Chase IV told WWLTV … On the "Take Em Down" side of the presentation, the all Black womxn panel will address issues such as the history of medical apartheid (as represented by the stories of Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee experiment and the diabolical work of Dr.  J. Marion Simms), race-based disparities in the Covid-19 experience, and we'll also hear from a Nigerian sister who survived an ICE concentration camp in LaSalle, La. Friday, June 5: Join us at 6 p.m. in Jackson Square. Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! The New Orleans Police Department announced the closing of Jackson Square ahead of protests scheduled for Friday night. Hands OFF!!! The Latest: Protesters Take to NYC Streets After Curfew Protesters stayed on the streets of New York City after curfew for another day Thursday, spurred by the death of George Floyd. (grassroots organizers were working really hard under Obama, and imperialist war continued, Flint never got the toxic water resolve needed under his administration, mass deportations took place, and police terror continued). Sunday, October 4 | 6PMMonday, October 5 | 6PMTuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, Saturday, October 3 | 6PMSunday, October 4 | 6PMMonday, October 5 | 6PMTuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, Friday, October 2 | 2:30 PMSaturday, October 3 | 6PMSunday, October 4 | 6PMMonday, October 5 | 6PMTuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, Thursday, October 1 | 6PMFriday, October 2 | 2:30 PMSaturday, October 3 | 6PMSunday, October 4 | 6PMMonday, October 5 | 6PMTuesday, October 6 | 6PMWednesday, October 7 | 6PM, “Removing the weeds of white inferiority so the seeds of liberation can grow.”. Leah Chase would be pleased with protests; struggle with COVID-19 restrictions, grandson says - WWL Staff. 7 Days of Action: Black Lives Matter, Black Workers Lives Matter, To Rebel Is Justified. Protesters walked the streets of New Orleans on Saturday to speak out about the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. 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