In December 2016, after that now-infamous Western political cataclysm, my then-boyfriend, a German, gave me a book by Austrian author. Daria’s body was discovered by her housemate and friend Karolina, who was also a street-based sex worker. The book does not just cover the struggles of sex work, but dips into work under capitalism as a whole. . Suddenly, the situation has spiraled out of control and they find themselves trying to work off the debt, with little hope of ever earning enough to leave. Revolting Prostitutes The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights by Molly Smith; Juno Mac and Publisher Verso Books. For undocumented migrant workers looking to challenge bad workplace conditions, penalties do not stop at deportation; instead, these workers face criminalization if they are discovered. These themes have resonance for us, too, as they surely do for any sex worker who has stepped into a car or a hotel room with a stranger. Revolting prostitutes: The fight for sex workers’ rights, Smith, Molly and Mac, Juno London: Verso, 2018, 278 pages, ISBN 139781786633606, £14.99 paperback Sarah Wolfe Corresponding Author In the same way, people who can cross borders legally do not pay someone to smuggle them across. Initially liberal feminists, the pair became involved in sex workers' rights activism, eventually identifying as communists. Instead of being supported to be the loving parent she desperately wanted to be, Paula was left depressed and in profound poverty. ISBN: 9781786633606. Why didn’t Paula and her friends have access to a flat that they could have taken turns using with clients instead of being driven away, alone, in a car? Everything else is at best a distraction (sexy chains! She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker–led charity in Scotland. This may feel true for women who do not have to contend with immigration law, police, or the constant fear of deportation, but we can see from the results of tied visas that the legal context—including migration law—is heavily implicated in producing vulnerability and harm. Speaking from a growing global sex worker rights movement, and situating their argument firmly within wider questions of migration, work, feminism, and resistance to white supremacy, they make it clear that anyone committed to working towards justice and freedom should be in support of the sex worker … Product Information. Title Revolting prostitutes : the fight for sex workers' rights / Molly Smith and Juno Mac. Punitive laws may dissuade some from making the journey, but they guarantee that everyone who does travel is doing so in the worst possible conditions. Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. Researcher Bridget Anderson notes that “the [National Minimum Wage] had ninety-three compliance officers in 2009 and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority [which works to protect vulnerable and exploited workers] had twenty-five inspectors . Why would they? However, much mainstream trafficking discourse characterizes the abuse of migrants and people selling sex as the work of individual bad actors, external to and independent of state actions and political choices. Sometimes this discourse works not only to obscure the role of the state but to absolve it. Heads Up: We recently updated our privacy policy to clarify how and why we collect personal data. As the deputy prime minister of Sweden writes, “It is very obvious to us that there is a very clear link between prostitution and trafficking . An evaluation of the Holbeck managed area had already noted, months before Daria’s murder, that the "most notable time of risk for sex workers is, On US Inauguration Day, many prepared themselves to fawn over the star-studded lineup of performances, from Lady Gaga’s Broadway rendition of the Nat, “As soon as those first drops of blood trickled between my thighs, my world changed,” says Indian photographer Deepti Asthana, recalling the fi, A new virtual library is to offer free books during the latest lockdown. The Trump administration's cruelty to migrant children is a long-running nightmare. People are not, en masse, being snatched off the street. For Paula, as for so many people in similar situations, selling sex was the only viable way to obtain this kind of money. The criminalisation of migration creates the market for trafficking. The fact that selling sex is technically not a crime in Britain does little to render sex workers as relatable – or grievable – in the eyes of police, residents or journalists. Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). There is a horror-movie entertainment quality to this at times: tourists can go on “sex-trafficking bus tours” to shudder over locations where they’re told sexual violence has recently occurred (“perhaps you are wondering where these crimes take place”) or buy an “awareness-raising” sandwich featuring a naked woman with her body marked up as if for a butcher. A spokeswoman for another organization told reporters that being “stolen off the street” at random by human traffickers constituted “a very big possibility” and warned people to stay in groups to avoid being kidnapped. Revolting Prostitutes : The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights by Molly Smith and Juno Mac (2020, Trade Paperback) The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). One feminist commentator, for example, writes of the sex trade that “criminalization doesn’t rape and beat women. ‎Juno Mac and Molly Smith in conversation with Frankie Mullin about how the law harms sex workers—and what they want instead Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights? Molly Smith … Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. From the moralisation of sex work to the origins of the prison system, here are eight things I learned from reading Revolting Prostitutes . If you have a drunken prostitute, making allegations regarding a bad debt, you have to make more of a judgement.". Impressive words like these, now at a discount. . The bodies of two sex working women had been found in the previous week, and the killer was still at large. By Molly Smith and Juno Mac. ‘Sex workers are the original feminists’, say Juno Mac and Molly Smith in Revolting Prostitutes. Product Information. Well researched, beautifully written, Revolting Prostitutes should be widely read, especially, but not only, by feminists." On the radical facticity of The Copenhagen Trilogy. Verso Books; 288 pages Paperback: $24.95. Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker-led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. Speaking from a growing global sex worker rights movement, and situating their argument firmly within wider questions of migration, work, feminism, and resistance to white supremacy, they make clear that anyone committed to working towards justice and freedom should be in support of the sex worker … Judgements of this type are not in short supply. A brief history of UK sex worker activism. ‎Juno Mac and Molly Smith in conversation with Frankie Mullin about how the law harms sex workers—and what they want instead Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights? Molly Smith is also a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement. Nine years later, Daria Pionko’s smiling face jumped out of news reports. Regular price $17.95 Sale price $17.95 Sale. Revolting prostitutes: The fight for sex workers’ rights, Smith, Molly and Mac, Juno London: Verso, 2018, 278 pages, ISBN 139781786633606, £14.99 paperback Sarah Wolfe Corresponding Author Smuggling becomes trafficking. Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. Juno Mac and Molly Smith: A commonly heard feminist criticism of the sex industry is that it’s too horrible to be consider work – that it is purely exploitation, bad for society, and therefore ‘not a real job’. But as Starr’s dad, Maverick “Big Mav” Carter, became a favourite among her r, In the early 2010s, Sara Bennett was in New York City, working as a pro bono clemency attorney for a woman named Judith Clark. 1988, is a magazine of art, criticism, and political analysis, publishing bimonthly print issues as well as daily online dispatches. For feminists, this preoccupation with feminine “innocence” should be a red flag, not least because it speaks to a prurient interest in young women. Street work, though criminalised, meant she could sell sex whenever she wanted and return home with instant cash. She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker–led charity based in Edinburgh, which is working to … She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker-led charity based in Edinburgh which is working to decriminalize sex work in Scotland. Isabel Garcia, co-chair of a local US migrants’ rights organization, says “we never thought that we’d be in the business of helping to identify remains like in a war zone, and here we are.” The U.S. Department of Homeland Security reports that, as the border hardened, the costs to migrants who hire smugglers significantly increased—yet the proportion of migrants using the services of smugglers also increased, from 45 per cent to around 95 per cent. Juno Mac and Molly Smith's groundbreaking book is out now and 40% off until November 11. In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. The UK devotes far more resources to policing migration than it does to preventing the exploitation of workers. How a democracy regains self-respect after Trump. The Baffler, est. | The Baffler. Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). By Christmas, her body had been found, along with those of four other women. How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics? All this makes undocumented people more dependent on those who can help them—such as the people they paid to helped them cross the border, or an unscrupulous employer. Both want to travel, however, and this is what anti-trafficking conversations largely obscure with their talk about kidnap and chains. Many documentaries that look interesting nonetheless often seem skippable to me when they’re playing in theaters. How the law harms sex workers—and what they want insteadDo you have to endorse prostitution in order to support sex worker rights? The book does not just cover the struggles of sex work, but dips into work under capitalism as a whole. In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. A friend encouraged her to try indoor escorting in the hope it would be safer – as well as legal under British law – but in her situation, that level of organisation and financial overhead was unrealistic. If the trafficked person is brought across borders unwillingly, there is no need to think about the people who will attempt this migration regardless of its illegality or conclude that the way to make people safer is to offer them legal migration routes. Unit price / per . Luc, Angie Thomas didn’t plan on writing a prequel to The Hate U Give. So far, so good: clearly smuggling. Carceral feminists hold that if we could abolish prostitution through criminalizing clients and managers, the trafficking of women would end, as there would be no sex trade to traffic them into. In Revolting Prostitutes , sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith b… Although they might hate their exploitative workplace, their ideal option would be to stay in their destination country in a different job or with better workplace conditions; an acceptable option would be to stay in the country under the current, shit working conditions, but the very worst option would be to be sent home with their debt still unpaid. It is to say that the solution to their exploitative situation is to enable them to migrate legally and with rights. . Not because the book was about sex, but because it wasn’t. . Unit price / per . - Silvia Federici, author of Caliban and the Witch "With fine, lucid discourse, Juno Mac and Molly Smith decline to engage in the typical back and forth that drones on between the would-be saviors, the scolds, and the glorifiers to go to the heart of the matter--sex work as labor, with a work force ready … Daria had left the managed area with Pierre, as was compulsory: although sex workers can meet clients without fear of arrest in the Holbeck zone, In responding to such horrific stories, it is easy to make them purely about male brutality and the disposability of prostitutes. Speaking from a... Full description Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights' How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics' Is criminalising clients progressive and can the police deliver justice' In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. Is criminalising clients… In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. The vast, vast majority of people who end up in exploitative situations were seeking to migrate and have become entrapped in a horrifically exploitative system because when people migrate without papers they have few to no rights. From the moralisation of sex work to the origins of the prison system, here are eight things I learned from reading Revolting Prostitutes . Steve Wright, a local man, was later found guilty of all five murders. Visitors to the website of the Freedom Challenge, an anti-trafficking NGO, are told: You crawl into bed and wrap yourself in your favorite blanket . Without prostitution there would be no trafficking of women.” This perspective views prostitution as intrinsically more horrifying than other kinds of work (including work that is “low-status,” exploitative, or low-paid), and as such, views attempting to abolish prostitution through criminal law as a worthwhile end in itself. Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. Rather than simply “cracking down,” the policy solution that has put them out of business where it has been implemented is, of course, access to safe, legal, free abortion services. However, instead of starting from the premise of valuing human life, the countries of the global north enact harsh immigration laws that make it hard for people from global south countries to migrate. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this policy. A report from the UK’s anti-slavery commission notes that cases of kidnap are very unusual, essentially because it would make little sense to “give” someone the services of taking them across a border for free, when people are willing to pay up to thirty thousand pounds to be taken across that same border. People trafficking tends to happen to more vulnerable migrants: those who must take on a debt to the smuggler to travel and who have no community connections in their destination country. The questions of the law and how to support sex worker rights are situated in a discussion of white supremacy, migration, and feminism. The Radiant Beauty Of Queer Parenthood – In Pictures, R29 Reads: The Books We’re Picking Up This December, These Photos Celebrate The Sacred Ritual Of Getting Ready To Go Out, Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights. Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights' How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics' Is criminalising clients progressive and can the police deliver justice' In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. . Art for Tove Ditlevsen’s Fragmentary Self. JUNO MAC AND MOLLY SMITH: “The price of drugs under criminalisation is a factor in some people’s entry into sex work.” NICHOLAS DALY: “For me, Ruritania is really a … Acknowledging that people who end up in exploitative situations wanted to migrate is not to blame them. “The foreigner,” writes historian Maria Luddy, has always been “an international figure symbolic of the white slaver.”. Any work they do—whether it is at a restaurant, construction site, cannabis farm, nail bar, or brothel—carries a risk of being detained, jailed, or deported. Image: Juno Mac Under capitalism, you don’t have to love your job to want to keep it. How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics? Every year, on December 17, sex workers from Bombay to Zagreb gather to demand that the world stop killing their colleagues. The mass migrations of the twenty-first century are driven by human-made catastrophes—climate change, poverty, war—and reproduce the glaring inequalities from which they emerge. When Juno Mac and Molly Smith, two 30-year-old friends who started out in the sex industry a decade ago, wrote a book, some readers of the first draft were “almost offended”. Smith, Molly (Sex worker), author. Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights – Juno Mac and Molly Smith. Should clients be criminalized, and can the police deliver justice? Even renting a home or accessing healthcare can be difficult. A few days before Christmas 2015, a young man named Lewis Pierre kicked Daria to death in Holbeck, Leeds, in order to steal eighty pounds from her. Such an approach actively obscures the role of the border in producing the harms they suffered, and compounds these harms by rendering it prosaic that they face deportation and potential prosecution. Mike Veale, chief of the Wiltshire police, indicated that when a prostitute reports a crime, he takes her less seriously than other victims: "If you have a six-year-old girl who has trauma in her vagina or anus you would expect me to believe her. Format Book Published London ; Brooklyn, NY : Verso, 2018. Mac and Smith point toward the medieval brothel workers who formed guilds and went on strike; the 15th century Bavarian prostitutes … Editors’ Note: The following is an excerpt from Molly Smith and Juno Mac’s Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights (Verso). It therefore seeks to “rescue” them by blocking irregular migration routes and sending undocumented people home—often the very last thing trafficked people want. In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. She had no partner and no manager to split her money with. Regular price $35.00 Sale price $35.00 Sale. The proposed number of UK Border Agency Staff for Local Immigration teams . As migrant-rights organizer Harsha Walia writes, “While history is marked by the hybridity of human societies and the desire for movement, the reality of most of migration today reveals the unequal relations between rich and poor, between North and South, between whiteness and its others.”. Subscribe to The Baffler at 25% off. Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). Sex Workers' Power Sweatshirt. A system where everybody could migrate, live, and work legally and in safety would not be a huge, radical departure; it would simply take seriously the reality that people are already migrating and working, and that as a society we should prioritize their safety and rights. Regular price $35.00 Sale price $35.00 Sale. . How the law harms sex workers—and what they want insteadDo you have to endorse prostitution in order to support sex worker rights? Let’s break it down. Paula, a mother of three in her twenties, had been selling sex for some time. There’s More Where That Cam... Photographing The Last Few Precious Years Of Girlhood In Rural India, This Virtual Library Is Offering Free Books During Lockdown, Photographing The Women Serving Life Sentences, R29 Reads: The Books We’re Picking Up This January. Men do.” From this, we might conclude that changing the law is pointless because what makes women vulnerable is simply men. Suddenly, a rustling in the next room jolts you awake. I need the money.". Anti-trafficking statutes often exclude deliberate prostitutes from the category of people able to seek redress, as to be a “legitimate” trafficking victim requires innocence, and a deliberate prostitute, however harmed, cannot fulfill that requirement. You might be thinking that we seem to be talking about people smuggling rather than people trafficking, and that those two things are different. . Unit price / per . She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker–led charity based in Edinburgh, which is working to … A police officer summarizes this approach as: “we’ll put all these pimps, all these traffickers in prison . Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). Conventionally sexy nude women are depicted wrapped in tape or packed under plastic, with labels indicating “meat.”. The virtual library has been created for children in England by The National Liter, While we embraced a “new normal” in April 2020, BBC’s Normal People allowed us to lose ourselves in the a sexy-but-still-sad romance. Juno Mac and Molly Smith compiled an incredible variety of information. Why was she stuck trying to manage her trauma through street heroin instead of through more sustainable support services? Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights – Juno Mac and Molly Smith. This is the context in which commercial sex frequently occurs. People smuggling is when someone pays a smuggler to get them over a border: in UK law, human trafficking is when someone is transported for the purposes of forced labor or exploitation using force, fraud, or coercion. In the weeks leading up to Christmas 2006, sex workers in the small British town of Ipswich feared for their lives. and that’ll solve the problem.” Numerous images associated with modern anti-trafficking campaigns feature a white girl held captive by a black man: he is a dark hand over her mouth or a looming, shadowy figure behind her. Should clients be criminalized, and can the police deliver justice? Review of Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights, by Juno Mac and Molly Smith (Verso, 2018).. By viewing trafficking as conceptually akin to kidnap, anti-trafficking activists, NGOs, and governments can sidestep broader questions of safe migration. Even as the inability to cross borders legally directly pushes would-be migrants into the arms of people smugglers, it increases the fees these smugglers can charge. Mac's previous job was a year-long internship at a magazine for £30 per day, while Smith previously worked at a coffee shop. In the wildly popular action film Taken (2008), the daughter of the hero (played by Liam Neeson) is snatched by Albanian sex traffickers while on holiday in Paris. Landlords are now expected to check tenants’ immigration status before renting to them; proposals have been floated to freeze or close the bank accounts of undocumented people, and a documentation check was introduced in England when accessing both healthcare and education, as part of an explicit “hostile environment” policy (although both have been challenged by migrants’ rights organizers, including in court). Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker-led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. An anxious mother’s claim that she thought her children were going to be abducted by traffickers in IKEA was shared more than 100,000 times on social media. Such laws therefore heighten their vulnerability and directly push them into exploitative working environments, thereby creating a supply of highly vulnerable, ripe-for-abuse workers. A few days after her appearance on the news, Paula vanished. These two factors combined to produce a situation wherein they could be horribly exploited by their employers. From Revolting Prostitutes (Verso 2018) by Juno Mac and Molly Smith. (In Taken, Neeson has daughter-rescuing skills due to his time as a CIA agent.) It’s tempting to think of these as separate things, but there is no bright line between them: they are two iterations of the same system. How the law harms sex workers—and what they want insteadDo you have to endorse prostitution in order to support sex worker rights? She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker–led charity based in Edinburgh, which is working to … Regular price $17.95 Sale price $17.95 Sale. None of this is to downplay what happened to them—instead, it is to highlight the inadequacy of a carceral “anti-trafficking” response to their situation. Although the pro-choice movement obviously decries people who charge exploitative fees to perform criminalized abortions in unsafe or neglectful ways, we also recognize that these bad actors are not aberrant villains who have come out of nowhere. Taken typifies many real anti-trafficking campaigns, presenting trafficking as a context-free evil, a kidnap at random that could happen to anyone, anywhere. Should clients be criminalized, and can the police deliver justice?In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. Fancy-dress “pimp costumes” offer a cartoonishly racist vision of 1970s Black masculinity, while American law-enforcement unashamedly use terms such as “gorilla pimp” and link trafficking to rap music. When asked why she was risking her life out on the streets when a murderer was on the loose, she explained, "I have to work. Tourists can go on “sex-trafficking bus tours” to shudder over locations where they’re told sexual violence has recently occurred. Daria had been working in the Holbeck 'managed area'. November 6, 2018. Spending billions of dollars on policing borders actively makes this worse, without addressing the reasons people might want to migrate—notably, gross inequality between nations, which in large part is a legacy of colonial—and contemporary—plunder and imperialist violence. We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-war Britain – Daniel Sonabend. This is a place where street-based sex workers and clients can meet without fear of arrest, an arrangement the only one of its kind in Britain. . Conversely, LGBTQ people, black people, and deliberate prostitutes are often left out of the category of innocence, and as a result harm against people in these groups becomes less legible as harm. In 1981, Clark had played th, In the summer of 1999, Magnum photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti was in the middle of a project documenting life on a farm in the rural province of Buenos, “What’s been most surprising to me is how heteronormative my lifestyle has become,” says photographer Emli Bendixen as she reflects on he, It’s amazing how much the little spaces we carve out for ourselves can reveal about our personalities, isn’t it? Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). The criminalization of undocumented migration has directly created the market for people smuggling. Not because the book was about sex, but because it wasn’t. Revolting Prostitutes explores how the law harms sex workers and what they want instead. . After her children were taken away from her, she became depressed and began using heroin. Their clients may also be charged with 'kerb crawling'.). They were both involved in the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM); Smith was involved in the Edinburghcharity SCOT-PEP, which advocate… Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker-led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. Young women are styled to look pre-pubescent, in pigtails or hair ribbons, holding teddy bears. Writes of the state but to absolve it Taken, Neeson has daughter-rescuing skills to... Luddy, has always been “ an international figure symbolic of the white slaver. ” as a CIA agent )! 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We juno mac and molly smith updated our privacy policy to clarify how and why we collect personal.! At best a distraction ( sexy chains gave me a book by Austrian author at! The street prison system, here are eight things I learned from reading Revolting Prostitutes ( Verso 2018 ) Juno! Worker and activist with the sex worker and activist with the sex worker Advocacy Resistance... Written, Revolting Prostitutes is the context in which commercial sex frequently occurs of art, criticism, and killer... Feminists ’, say Juno Mac and Molly Smith is a sex worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement ( )! Feminists. in theaters children were Taken away from her, she became depressed and began heroin! Home or accessing healthcare can be difficult and in profound poverty were away... Writes of the sex trade that “ criminalization doesn ’ t plan on a. She had no partner and no manager to split her money with December 17, sex workers Bombay! Up to Christmas 2006, sex workers and what they want instead white slaver. ” 1988, is a worker! Few days after her children were Taken away from her, she depressed... Rights – Juno Mac and Molly Smith is a sex worker Advocacy Resistance! Was about sex, but because it wasn ’ t rape and beat women here! That “ criminalization doesn ’ t plan on writing a prequel to the origins of white! How and why we collect personal data a magazine for £30 per day, Smith., here are eight things I learned from reading Revolting Prostitutes: the 43 Group their...