As they are aided by Anakin and his mother, his altruism is established for the audience through Anakin’s selfless deeds and his mother’s statements. Padme and Anakin had married in secret because the Jedi are not allowed to be married. Palpatine chuckles and tells Anakin to kill Dooku. Although in the Clone Wars Padmé and Anakin love each other deeply, Anakin still extremely arrogant and jealous of other men talking to Padmé, despite the fact that their marriage was in secret. But any true relationship has that. But there just was no way. But they still had their individual identity's. This is how the scene turns out. She wasn't married and didn't have any secrets from the past. This song is Across The Stars, AKA Anakin and Padme love theme. They would have to gradually break the news of their secret marriage to the Jedi council in the coming months now that the war between the Separatists and the Republic was really heating up. In Revenge of the Sith, after Anakin's daring rescue of Chancellor Palpatine aboard General Grievous' ship, he met Padmé outside the Senate rotunda. And Anakin was still able to pursue his goals as a jedi. Amidala was also the wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.Their marriage was not publicly known and had to be kept secret since Jedi were not allowed to marry. This is my favorite of the Star Wars movies due to the developing romance and eventual marriage of Anakin and Padme. RELATED: 5 Reasons Emperor Palpatine Is THE Villain Of Star Wars (And 5 That It’s Darth Vader) Or; Following Palpatine’s assassination, Anakin and Padmé hide out on Naboo to fix their marriage and prepare for parenthood, while the Order hunts for the Fallen Jedi, and Obi-Wan angsts over the fate of his former padawan. Looking over at Padmé he could tell she was feeling the exact way but the burden was still heavy. Obi-Wan's apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, has many things to hide, and when his secret wife, Padmé Amidala, joins the … Afterwards, Padme and Anakin decide they can't live their lie anymore and confess their marriage to the Jedi Council. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. As part of our trip to Italy in August of 2006, we took the opportunity to visit several of the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones filming locations. ... 13 comments. He recognizes it and senses that their marriage, their children all must be the will of the force. > Is it true that the Jedi knew but turned a blind eye to Anakin's marriage to Padme? If it was discovered that Padme and Anakin did indeed marry then Anakin could be kicked out of the Jedi Order. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin rescues Palpatine from Count Dooku and incapacitates the Sith Lord. As to Obi-Wan, he only fully realized at the end of III when he confronts Padme. So why didn’t any other Jedi know? It’s a sweet moment, if a little sad since only C-3PO and R2-D2 are in attendance in order to keep the couple’s marriage hidden. Padme still was in politics. General Discussion. The burden of having to hide his marriage for the last two years had taken its toll. "Ahsoka," Anakin said, getting her attention. Padme grabs Obi-wans hand. I think this is the defining event that destroyed any integrity that Anakin had left. She was the one who first addresses the point of having to hide their relationship ("We'd be living a lie - one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to.") Padmé Amidala, also known as Padmé Amidala Naberrie, was a human female senator who represented the people of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. In a recent clone wars ep there's a gag where they try to stall Obi Wan so Anakin can talk to Padme, and Obi Wan reveals that he knows better anyway. Yoda looking on, just nods to Obi-wan as if to say, you are correct in your assumption. He probably didn’t know of their marriage but he definitely knew something was going on. Rated: Fiction K - English - Drama/Romance - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Yoda, Obi-Wan K. - Words: 6,174 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 257 - Follows: 105 - Published: 8/28/2014 - id: 10653998 The problem was never the relationship. Just like any other Jedi, Anakin lived in the temple, we see this in the Clone Wars tv show. Padme & Anakin *could* have been just regular people if circumstances would have let them. On Tatooine, the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo meet Anakin as they seek parts to repair their ship. Their relationship is filled with quite a bit of toxicity. Obi-Wan discovers the truth but doesn't report Anakin as he has no time to deal with it. There are no wrinkles that make her look decades older than she is and she doesn’t smile kindly at him like she did during his childhood when she was still alive and warm, or as she does in his dreams, fickle, cold and fake. Padme didn't relish that, but she knew that the attitudes towards her and Anakin together would grow in time. While there are some Star Wars fans who worship the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Queen Padmé, others can’t help but notice a few uncomfortable truths that make them seem pretty incompatible. John Williams.NO COPYRIGHTS or anything. share. If you're looking for the true lead characters of Star Wars, the only real answer is C-3PO and R2-D2. How long did Obi Wan know Anakin and Padme were banging? In revenge of the sith: how did the jedi council not find out about anakin's marriage to padme? However, Ahsoka's reason was completely different to Anakin's. In the case of Anakin/Padme yes there was a strong attachment. Which it definitely is not! I don't know how they kept it hidden for so long given how inappropriately they behaved. Anakin didn’t exactly hide his feelings well. But Anakin made a choice to deliberately break the Jedi code and marry Padmé in secret, and then further chose to hide their marriage and lie about their marriage, and encouraged Padmé to do the same. When Anakin became Darth Vader, Obi-Wan, knowing how close they were, informed her of her husband's fall to the dark side, only to discover her pregnancy and deduce that Anakin was the father. 3. But that doesn’t mean he’s out of hot water just yet. ... And they obviously had to have a sexual aspect to their marriage, or Padme would have never gotten pregnant. The Marvel Star Wars comic does hint that Palpatine might have manipulated Anakin Skywalker while in Shmi's womb. Obi-Wan studies the necklace. Ahsoka was one of the most loyal people Anakin had ever met and there was no doubt in his mind that she could be trusted. In the first chapter of “Wild Space”, which is between the Battle of Geonosis and the final scenes of AotC, Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about Anakin's attachment to Padme and Yoda tells Obi-Wan to convince Padme to break up with Anakin. Padmé Amidala was the Senator of the planet of Naboo in the Clone Wars.Once the Queen of Naboo, Padmé played an active role in the Republic helping with a large variety of affairs during the war. attachemnts are forbidden but is Obi Wan & Yoda were so strong with the forse; how come thye didn't find out about their secret marriage until it was too late. Anakin and Padme's relationship did have a lot of toxicity While Anakin and Padme are cute and have a lot of good times. He had often complained that the codes were too hard and wouldn't allow attachments hence having to hide their marriage from everyone, especially Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. Growing up in the Jedi Order, Anakin was taught that love and possession are the same thing. Padmé and Anakin finally profess their love for each other on Geonosis, and they get married in secret at the end of Attack of the Clones. It wasn’t until Anakin fell to the dark side and Padme was giving birth that he tells Yoda the truth. In order to have a relationship at all, Anakin and Padmé had to keep their love a secret. Anakin has an internal struggle with this order, protesting that he shouldn't. All of these filming locations were located in or near Lake Como, Italy. When she goes undercover to spy on Senator Clovis, Anakin deliberately … Obi-Wan knew all along about the affair of Anakin and Padme. Anakin became a Knight during the Clone Wars and Obi-Wan was a general: they spent less time together and the master may have had other things to worry about than his padawan's more private time. It was anakin's fear. Ironically, we know that in "Secrets of the Jedi", Anakin and Padme travel together: Old tensions rise once more—as well as new conflicts and secrets. Anakin did. Well … sure, almost certainly, but I don’t think it would have been healthier enough to matter in the long run. Prior to her career in the Galactic Senate, Amidala was the elected ruler of the Royal House of Naboo. I think the movies make it rather obvious that it was Padmé who wanted Anakin to stay in the Order and not give up his Jedi career for her ("I will not let you give up your your future for me."). Anakin breathes. During the war Padmé and Obi-Wan repaired their friendship, but she never confessed her marriage to Anakin, knowing the consequences of that action. Two reasons: One: Anakin didn’t live with Padme, he had a room in the Jedi temple. That's what destroyed the relationship in the end. The woman looks like his mother, but she’s too young. Whether Star Wars fans love or hate Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala's torrid affair in the Skywalker Saga, there's no denying that its an epic love story that matches the scope and vision of George Lucas's space odyssey. In the other hand she is holding Anakin's japor snippet. Summary: Anakin Falls…Then stops, thinks, gets mad, and saves the galaxy. Together they're one of fiction's greatest duos, and the real POV characters of the franchise. Though Anakin supposedly loves Padmé enough to turn in order to save her, there are a number of details about their relationship that a lot of fans like to ignore.