They will be less emotional but also more selfish than they usually would be. They may get less distracted while working and doing other tasks. Based on the Taurus rising meaning, this sign will work even harder than they usually do. @Monique it means you are a gemini rising but in sidereal/vedic astrology your a taurus have both qualities of both signs.. Ok what’s western astrology says I’m a rising Gemini but Vedic astrology says I’m a Taurus rising I agree with both but what do you think? Just like a person’s sun sign, a person’s rising sign never changes. They are likely to care more about their community and loved ones than themselves. Aries (12 am – 2 am) Aries people are social like Aquarius people, but that is about all they have in … Rising Sign: You rising sign (also called the Ascendant sign) indicates your outer personality- how you present yourself or appear to others- as well as the skills and techniques you use to get what you need. It is not the same as your Sun sign, which is based on a general set of dates. Cancer people are usually relaxed and have much of the same traits as a Taurus person. It is an essential element in the interpretation of a birth chart. Discover how your Sun, Moon and Rising signs work together to create your unique approach to life. The rising sign, also known as "ascendant", tells us about your behaviour and way of operating, as well as your vital energy. Because Taurus is ruled by the astrological planet Venus, someone with a Taurus rising will make it obvious that they enjoy the finer, prettier things in life. The glyph is used as a symbol in identifying a Zodiac sign, constellation, Astrological Planet, or the Moon's Nodes in a Natal Chart; also called the Birth Chart. Sun in Taurus — Rising in Capricorn The character of man with the Sun in Taurus and the Ascendant in Capricorn possesses a solid firmness, under which you will not undermine. They are slow and steady when it comes to projects, but they are sure to get the job done. For example, if the sun rose at 8 am that day, a person would shift the times below two hours ahead to find their real Taurus rising time. Marking the first house cusp, it rules over all matters of new beginnings, appearance, style, independence, and … 8.7k Views. Your rising sign is the Zodiac sign or constellation that was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Your sense of fairness is very noticeable. Marriage may however slightly change the outlook of a Taurus ascendant woman. Betty Crawford When this sign is born under Taurus ascendant sign, they are likely to work towards their goals at a slower, but more reliable pace. It acts as a filter for the rest of your … Therefore, you can feel and sometimes behave much differently than what your sun sign indicates if the Sun and Earth’s eastern horizon were in different constellations when you were born. They are also more likely to spend their money on material possessions than experiences when born under Taurus rising. For some, that rising sign is Taurus, an earth sign and the second sign of the Zodiac. Geminis born under Taurus rising are likely to have more stable lives than other Geminis. You will find out yours by telling us the date, time and place of your birth. They are very attached to their possessions, and spend their time shopping or creating while wearing aesthetically pleasing clothing and jewelry. Read about the sign of your Ascendant, otherwise known as rising sign, here. Taurus Rising often gives a kind, graceful and gentle disposition. The rising sign is the beginning of the first house in your natal, or birth chart. This is why I have created a separate article on the Rising Sign Meaning, which you can check out here.. They may focus slightly less on their families and be a little more selfish. Your Moon sign shapes your soul, your reactions, and what you need to … When this sign is born under Taurus rising, they will live their lives in a stable manner that would make other Cancers jealous. They are the strong silent type at first, but depending on their sun sign, they may open up to others later. Cute, by Taurus rising makes the signs a little more stable, which is never a bad thing. Capricorn people are practical and calm, much like the average Taurus person. Do your job, be responsible, look nice, and you will enjoy the company of one or more persons with Taurus rising in their birth charts. Aquarius people are creative and sociable, but when they are born under Taurus rising, they are likely to trade in some of their creativity for logic, and their playful antics for stability and security. Content provided on is intended for entertainment, infotainment purposes only and should not be taken as advice. The rising sign they are assigned at birth is the one they keep throughout their whole life. You are very focused and always determined to be the best. You are meant to circulate, meet and talk to people, promote communication and affection between people. Taurus Rising. Gemini people are a highly sociable sign, but when born under Taurus rising sign, they may be shy upon first meeting someone new. According to the Taurus rising facts, Pisces is romantic, creative, and dreamy. Cancer Rising They are also usually sturdy, big-boned or curvy, … They can be stubborn at times, but they will never act rashly. The constellation rising on the Earth's Eastern horizon at the time of birth is called the Rising Sign; and is also named the Ascendant. For a person to know their rising sign, they must first know their sun sign and the time they were born. Being born under this rising will help this sign to live their lives more practically than other Pisces do. Taurus Rising sign. Taurus is known as a zodiac sign that seeks commitment, but because commitment is so intertwined with their values, sometimes we find that Taurus rising people are slow to commit. Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. They will be some of the most dependable and least changing people out there. sun sign will still be dominant in their personality. CC: Taurus zodiac sign, SeLarin via Wikimedia Commons. Knowing your rising sign will also make you more self-aware: It might be empowering to know that, for example, people perceive you as aloof as an Aquarius rising, but you’re actually a softie at heart thanks to your sun sign of Cancer. You’re built to last! As always, your opinion is welcomed and appreciated. This will also help them to be more relaxed in their social life, which in turn will be helpful in many other areas of their lives. I have a strong interest in astrology and I love sharing my knowledge with others. The rising traits are likely to affect their personality in small ways, but the traits of their sun sign will still be dominant in their personality. They may give in to their indulgences and temptations more, but their sense of luxury, reward, and love will remain unchanged. Being born this rising helps to keep the Libra person’s life running slowly but steadily. You have a sensible and realistic outlook on life and your two feet are always planted firmly on the ground (though you may, on occasion, have your head in the clouds). Aries Rising. Your rising sign is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the horizon at your exact time of birth. A person who has Taurus rising sign, no matter what their sun sign is, will likely seem shy at the first impression. They are not outgoing and will prefer to be alone than with strangers, although they will still like the company of friends. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Taurus Rising. Leo people are charming, headstrong, sociable, and creative. Love Taurus rising sign style is classic and also a little tough. They are not dreamers but realists. Taurus Rising and Venus in Gemini Your Venus is in the light, airy, sociable and playful sign of Gemini. You will find that those with a Taurus Ascendant usually have a hefty savings account that they will never touch. Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. Taurus rising seek comfort and stability—they need assurance about what to expect before taking their next step. Because once they do, they’re committing for life. They are no nonsense people as well. The rising rules your inner child and your emotions. This sign is just as important as your moon sign and your sun sign. Summary: Rising Sign Taurus. Therefore, your moon sign would be Gemini. Taurus Rising is steady and capable. Taurus. If you were born with Taurus rising then you have the opportunity to make your dreams come true, one step at a time! Security is extremely important to them. Aries Rising. They know what they want, and they will do it for themselves. How Taurus Rising Affects the Zodiac Signs. Their ideas rarely remain but are carefully and patiently put into practice. Taurus Rising / Ascendant. Virgo people are strict, organized, and they stick to their morals. You are naturally drawn to comfort, security and harmony wherever possible. It is an earth sign and quite grounded, disciplined, and realistic. A Taurus Rising has a lazy (no shade, Taurus Sun here) but glamorous facade. Pisces Rising – Personality Traits of Pisces Ascendant, Aquarius Rising: Personality Traits of Aquarius Ascendant, Capricorn Rising: Personality Traits of Capricorn Ascendant, Sagittarius Rising: Personality Traits of Sagittarius Ascendant, Child Personality accroding to Zodiac Signs. These people will work towards their goals at a slow and steady pace. Understanding your Taurus rising sign and how it fits in with your Sun and Moon signs can be a bit confusing.. They will be happy as long as they can work well, which they usually can. A Taurus Ascendant woman is a loyal and hardworking woman and a supportive partner to her husband. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Happy They radiate presence… there is no doubting when a Taurus Rising is in the room. This particular Venus ruled earth sign is considered fixed, which means that … Their personal appearance is important to them. In astrology, the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is your rising sign (or ascendant). Their lives will be more stable than ever when born under Taurus rising. Taurus rising makes the signs a little more stable, which is never a bad thing. Taurus zodiac sign is naturally quite hesitant in love, although the Gemini ascendant does a good job in reassuring you of your feelings. It is not uncommon for a sign to ascend for only half an hour and another close to three hours, for example, and you see this happening the further you get from the equator. They are generally organized and professional in business. These traits are likely what catch another person’s first impression more than anything else. The Ascendant in the signs is interchangeably called the Rising Sign. These signs born under Taurus ascendant may be a bit more reserved than others of their same signs, but they will be safer and more secure because of it. What is Taurus Rising Sign/Taurus Ascendant? CC: Pirnscher Mönch via Wikimedia Commons. They already have much in common with Taurus people. If your rising is in a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces: Aries rising has brilliant and lively eyes. Taurus Rising Sign: If your ascendant is Taurus, you have a strong and unwavering presence, a solid work ethic and an eye for design. By Astro Marie. They will still be filled with love, but platonic love instead of crazy romantic love. Sagittarius people have an adventurous spirit that usually guides them through life, but they are guided slightly more by logic when they are born under Taurus ascendant. You are likely to be peace-loving, easygoing and therefore well-liked. However, this sign will always be affectionate, dependable, and caring to those who they love. They must be financially secure in order to be happy. Taurus sun Libra rising; a seductive mix. They are less likely to share their passions with others when born under Taurus rising. They make great friends over time, but they may be hard to make friends with at first. Taurus rising, your personality is characterized by being reliable, calm and steady in everything they go. Ascendant or Rising Sign – Taurus You’re born with the earthy sign of Taurus rising in the east. They save, wherever possible and what is possible. Are you interested in learning your Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, Ascendant, and more? If your birthday is April 2, 1988 your moon sign would be Libra. They are likely to have less impulse control issues. Teaching children, raising children, or counseling children and parents is an important part of fulfilling your destiny. Jupiter, which is the “greater benefic”, gives the heavy Taurus the light wings of fantasy and, thus, the mental flight it usually lacks. Not everyone is born under the Taurus Sun Sign, but every sign has some Taurus-like traits in them. You often have a steadfast approach to life that can be a grounding force for many. Love is the priority for Taurus and your ascendant … They will work with less finesse, but they will get better results. Their personal appearance is important to them. Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical rather than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of … © 2018-2021, All Rights Reserved. A natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment you were born. Gemini Rising. For example, a Taurus born from 4 am-6 am a Taurus in Taurus rising (Taurus Lagna), but an Aries born from 6 am-8 am would be an Aries with Taurus rising. People with their ascendant… The ascendant (Rising sign) The ascendant (abbreviation AC) is the Zodiac sign that appears on the Eastern horizon at a person's birth, more precisely: the intersection of the Eastern Horizon with the Ecliptic. Some people show these traits more than others. Due to the movement of the Earth's axis, this Sign changes approximately every two hours. In short, the zodiac sign, which stands as a rising sign in your horoscope determines the specific manner in which the energies and qualities of your Sun sign will be manifested … Taurus is a fixed sign, and they have a fair measure of tradition and steadiness in their make-up that keeps them rooted. These people like to mind their own business rather than to poke their noses about in other’s businesses. Each sign will have the Taurus rising time below. Aries Rising – Aries Ascendant Personality Traits, Gemini Rising: Personality Traits of Gemini Ascendant, Taurus Rising: All about Taurus Ascendant. Those with the Ascendant in Taurus in their birth tend to be very responsible people. However, these times are based on a 6 am sunrise, so they may need to be adjusted if the day a person was born did not have a 6 am sunrise. Because of your Taurus Rising, others often see you as a rock of strength: solid, reliable, dependable, and constant. It is an earth sign and quite grounded, disciplined, and realistic. Because Taurus is ruled by the astrological planet Venus, someone with a Taurus rising will make it obvious that they enjoy the finer, prettier things in life. Discover the rising sign traits in our video Ascendant meaning explained. Each sign has an equal chance of being born under this rising time, as it happens every day, even though it happens at different times for each sign. They look like they have just woke up from a … Libra people love to have balance in as many areas of their lives as possible, and being born under Taurus rising helps them to accomplish this goal. PD: by Johannes Hevelius via Wikimedia Commons. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Taurus sun with Sagittarius rising is a benevolent combination, which tempers the Taurus mood. The Rising Sign colors your entire persona, endowing you with your own personal style. Tenacious in getting what you want, your great patience can be the very key to your success. Taurus Rising gives you a stubborn streak, combined with a sturdy physique and tremendous physical stamina. These people are sensitive and kind making great health care providers, counselors, and veterinarians. Astrologers believe that Taurus rising individuals are usually reserved, matter-of-fact, slow to act, resourceful, serene, creative, and self-indulgent. To the serenity of Taurus is added the high value of balance. Birthday 1/10/1997 Bronx New York Time of Birth 1:47pm. If Taurus is your Moon sign, that means the Moon was traveling through Taurus when you were born. They will be just as creative and intelligent as any other Gemini, but they will be slower in using these skills, but more likely to finish their goals as results. They are very attached to their possessions, and spend their time shopping or creating while wearing aesthetically pleasing clothing and jewelry. Gardening, cooking, beauty, art, dance or music may appeal to you. Aries people naturally act nearly the opposite of Taurus people, so things can get confusing when an Aries is born under Taurus rising. A person with a Taurus rising loves to love. The entire zodiac is traversed within 24 hours. Taurus Rising Sign Woman. Being inherently intelligent they are good conversation carriers and are a reliable companion as a life partner. There is no truer Taurus than a Taurus born under Taurus rising. They are stable and responsible, and they are loyal to the core to those they love. Taurus ascendant is loyal, stable and prefers to take things slowly rather than rushing into them. If you so choose please leave a suggestion, comment, or constructive criticism in the section specified below. Scorpio people can be both secretive and passionate. When not born under Taurus rising, they are relaxed than when they are born under this rising. Taurus is a very aesthetic sign. The Bull is the symbol for the Zodiac sign, Taurus which could explain the stubborn part of the personality. A Taurus person born under Taurus ascendant will only have their more Taurus-like traits amplified. Financial security is especially important to them. If your rising is in an earth sign: Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn: …you are matter-of-fact and tend to focus on the material world. Resistant to change, it can be hard work to convince this sign to try something new. You need, however, to overcome a tendency to procrastinate and a certain difficulty with undesirable habits and behavioural patterns. When born under the Taurus ascendant sign, they are likely to focus more on saving money, rather than spending. Read Also: List of 12 Rising Signs. Popular. A person who knows someone well is more likely to overlook their rising sign and focus in on their sun sign traits. You have a tendency to be practical. Trending People with Taurus ascendant stand with their feet firmly on the ground. Other than actual Taurus people, the people who best show these traits, at least on the first impression, are people who are born under Taurus rising. They will radiate positive vibes to all whom they speak to. These people are energetic and creative, but because of the Taurus in them, they do not act as quickly on their ideas as other Aries does. The Rising sign is found on the cusp of the 1 st House in your birth chart. LOL They can be more stubborn, but more dependable, than the average Aries person. Each sign has a chance to come into Taurus rising, but each chance comes at a different time for each sign. Taurus Ascendant. I hope this piece was helpful, entertaining, and encouraging to you. Born with Taurus rising (or on your Ascendant) your approach is likely to be careful and direct. The exact time will be the best tool, but a person should at least know the hour they were born. These signs born under Taurus ascendant may be a bit more reserved than others of their same signs, but they will be safer and more secure because of it. The first thing you might notice about a Gemini Rising sign is that they are always moving. You have the Taurus mood to change, it can be a grounding force for many just as important your! The Taurus rising has a chance to come into Taurus rising and Venus in Gemini Venus. Are stable and prefers to take things slowly rather than to poke their noses about in other ’ knowledge! Slowly but steadily serenity of Taurus people characterized by being reliable, calm and pace. Be a grounding force for many being reliable, calm and steady pace whom speak! Aries rising has brilliant and lively eyes was rising over the eastern horizon at your exact time birth. Will only have their more Taurus-like traits amplified approach is likely to overlook their rising sign traits suggestion comment. 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