Classified Adjunct Duty Salary Schedule 25 Administrative Support – EGBEST of EGTEAMS 2016-2017 Salary Schedule. EGUSD will host two Immunization Clinics by appointment for EGUSD st... udents who: - have no health insurance or insurance that does not cover vaccines, or - are Medi-Cal eligible, or - are Native American or Alaskan Native Clinics will take place at Maeola Beitzel Elementary School. EGUSD Distance Learning and a revised 2019-2020 calendar have been approved. A copy of EGUSD uniform complaint or EGUSD non-discrimination policy are available upon request. Uniform Complaint Procedures How to find and pay for child care options for essential workers in California during the COVID-19/coronavirus response. 2014-2015 Salary Schedule. Board Approved: August 8, 2018 ve:g:/hrclass/edjoin desks/salary schedules/2018-2019/egea #10 and #17 ELK GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE #10 Teachers, Librarians and Counselors Represented by EGEA 2018/19 Effective 07/01/18: no changes from the 2017/2018 salary schedule… Website Accessibility Statement 2020 AP Recruitment meeting schedule AP Exam Information: AP Test Registration is CLOSED for 2020. Salary Schedule 10 and 17, Classified Adjunct Duty 67159 or . If you need translation assistance, please send an email to in order to schedule a Zoom meeting or phone call with an interpreter. Salary: Salary Schedule #23, Range 351, $14.35 - $18.72 per hour. AFJROTC – Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Salary Schedule 7. This is the disclaimer text. Forgot my password. Licensed daycare near you in English and Spanish. If you are unable to access the website or print out the forms, please email us at and we will make arrangements to mail an enrollment packet to you. CERTIFICATED 2020-2021. If you qualify for reduced cost, the fee is $5. Sacramento County residents can now get screened online by Project Baseline to determine whether or not drive-thru screening for COVID-19 is necessary. Today, a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Elk Grove Education Association was established in response to the effect that the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has had on school closures and on the learning environment. Website – Terms of Use Compensation Rates, function googleTranslateElementInit() { Overload Matrix MOU, Certificated Substitute Compensation Rates Cap, Gown, Tassel: $27.00 plus tax What happens if I don't graduate or move and I order a cap and gown? EGUSD will host two Immunization Clinics by appointment for EGUSD st... udents who: - have no health insurance or insurance that does not cover vaccines, or - are Medi-Cal eligible, or - are Native American or Alaskan Native Clinics will take place at Maeola Beitzel Elementary School. Each student must return the cap, gown, and tassel immediately following the graduation ceremony in order to receive his/… }, ADA Notice/Disability Resources EGUSD CAP AND GOWN POLICY: students have an option to borrow a cap, gown, and tassel for graduation. Requirements / Qualifications Requirements / Qualifications. Salary Schedule 20, Behavior Support Specialists All General Schedule (GS) government employees in the U.S. earn more than the base rate pay through locality adjustments. EGUSD Teacher Salary Details. EGEA/EGUSD Collective Bargaining Contract, MOU In-Person/Concurrent Instructional Model (October 23, 2020), MOU Full Distance Learning 2020-2021 (July 25, 2020), MOU 7/25/20 (Full Distance Learning 2020-2021), MOU 3/23/20 - COVID-19 Impacts Agreement (Summary), MOU - Elementary Overload Agreement (October 2019) and Payment Timeline (2020-2021), Emergency Leave Pilot Agreement 2019-2020-June 2019, Elementary Collaboration Time-Pilot Extension 7/2018-6/2019, MOU - Subject Matter Teachers - March 2018, MOU - Preschool Program - February 22, 2018, MOU - A/B Alternating Block - December 2017, Experience Placement on the Salary Schedule-March 2016, 2020-2021 Calendar (Revised by MOU Agreement), 2019-2020 Salary Schedules (Certificated, Adult Ed, Nurses/SLPs), 2018-2019 Salary Schedules (Certificated, Adult Ed, Nurses/SLPs), Tentative Agreement EGBERT-May 2015 (Summary), Tentative Agreement-February 2015 (Summary), Tentative Agreement-September 2013 (Summary). Pay the fees at the LCHS Web Store; Submit the completed Transcript Request, a copy of email payment confirmation receipt along with a copy of your photo ID via email or in person to Mrs. Garcia. 10331 Stanford Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840; Phone: (714) 663-6000; ABOUT GGUSD. Revised 06/15/17: Removed * from Step 15 and placed it at Step 16; 06/28/17 - changed fiscal year dates. See what others thought about what they got paid at Elk Grove Unified School District. Lastly, continue to stay tuned for our ongoing daily communications that are also available online. Visit Us. Board Approved: July 23, 2019 ve:g:/hrclass/edjoin desks/salary schedules/2019-2020/egea #10 and #17 Additional Stipulations Experience Placement - Entry: A maximum of 15 years prior contracted … Please include your name and phone number. Salary Schedule 7, ATU – Amalgamated Transit Union Salary Schedule 22, EGAT and EGBEST of EGTEAMS – Management Salary Schedule 26 and 27, AFSCME – American Federation of State, County Municipal Employees Number Openings: (At time of posting) Not Specified Contact: Stephanie Petzold: Email: Phone: Job Number: CL20 - 2 Site: Robert L. Trigg Education Center, Special Education, 9510 Elk Grove - Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 View Job Description. You can … Tentative Agreement EGBERT-May 2015 . Sign in to save SUBSTITUTE - Counselor Eligibility Pool 2021 at Elk Grove Unified School District. If for some reason you will not be participating in the graduation ceremony, we will refund your cap and gown excluding late fees. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', includedLanguages: 'ar,de,el,en,es,fa,fr,hi,hmn,it,ja,km,ko,lo,pa,pt,ro,ru,tl,ur,vi,zh-CN,zh-TW', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); Classified Management 2020-2021. ADMINISTRATIVE 2020-2021 . Additionally, all EGUSD graduation ceremonies … A free inside look at Elk Grove Unified School District salary trends based on 69 salaries wages for 41 jobs at Elk Grove Unified School District. Please call the EGUSD Student Support and Health Services at 916-686-7568 to schedule an appointment. Learn more about the Health Records Assistant position now! Check your AP letter to see if you qualify. Here you can easily change your password. Salary Schedule 21. Locality pay rates for all areas are listed on this site. Salary Schedules; GALVESTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2020 - 2021 TEACHER, LIBRARIAN, NURSE (187 DAYS) SALARY SCHEDULE. Board Approved: 06/27/17 ve:g:/hrclass/edjoin desks/salary schedules/2017-2018/egea #10 and #17 ELK GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE #10 Teachers, Librarians, Counselors, Nurses, and … Site Map, Elk Grove Unified School District - Excellence by Design - Copyright ©2021, Instructional Materials/Distance Learning, Behavioral Health and Counseling Services, Elk Grove Unified Board of Education Announce Candidates to be Interviewed for Trustee Area Four Vacancy, Elk Grove Unified Welcomes Registration of New Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade Students, Elk Grove Unified School District Teacher Recognized for Outstanding Work by Entravision, Elk Grove Unified Accepting Applications for Vacant Board of Education Trustee Area 4 Seat, Elk Grove Unified Welcomes Trustee Sean J. Yang to Board of Education, Press Releases & Media Advisories Archives, Nondiscrimination District Programs/Activities, Student Rights Under Title IX – SB 1375 Statement. Salary Schedule 08, Psychologists and Social Workers See Salary Schedule Link below. Each high school ceremony will be posted on the Elk Grove Unified School District’s YouTube Channel at the designated times listed below. Si usted necesita apoyo en traducción, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a egusd- para programar una reunión Zoom o llamada telefónica con un intérprete. Check back in February 2021 for the next registration period. Past Tentative Agreements Tentative Agreement - May 2016 . Salaries posted anonymously by Elk Grove Unified School District employees. 6405-4 Operations Salary Schedule; Board Policies & Administrative Regulations. As a certificated, first-year employee, you will be placed on the 11-month pay cycle, which means you will not receive a paycheck in July. View Map. Favor … There are 19 steps on the salary schedule, and previously if a teacher came into EGUSD with 25 years of service in a public school, credit could only be given for ten years of service and they would be placed at step 11 for their first year in EGUSD. 2019-2020 Salary Schedules (Certificated, Adult Ed, Nurses/SLPs) 2018-2019 Salary Schedules (Certificated, Adult Ed, Nurses/SLPs) 2017-2018 Salary Schedule. Behavior Support Specialists Salary Schedule 30. Schedule an appointment for May 31, 2020 or after by choosing “routine checkup” or “physical” as the appointment choice and send a message to your Primary Care Provider (PCP) requesting labs for your EGUSD Wellness Consultation Phone contact: Call your Primary Care Providers (PCP) office to request a routine checkup or physical Change password Salary Schedule 30, Certificated, Represented by EGEA – Elk Grove Educators Association 2020 GS Pay Scales | General Schedule Pay Scale | Wage Grade Pay Scale | Executive Pay Scales . If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying, you should immediately contact the District’s Legal Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, at (916)-686-7795, ext. Visit PayScale to research Elk Grove Unified School District salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more! Certificated, Represented by EGEA – Elk Grove Educators Association Salary Schedule 10 and 17. Principal's Newsletter; School Resources. Salary Schedule 25, Classified Support Personnel (Timesheet) Salary Schedule 21, AFJROTC – Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps The average salary for Elk Grove Unified School District employees is $58,525 per year. This table lists salary ranges for teachers that is sourced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Roseville local area. FCUSD Salary Schedules. Certificated Group 18 - 12 pay; Permit Teacher Group 21 - 12 pay; Psychologist, Speech & Language Pathologist - Group 26 - 12 pay; 11-Pay Salary Schedules. What is the cost for the official graduation outfit? MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE #18 and #28 2019/20 PAID PAID WORK WORK POSITION TITLE CLASS DAYS POSITION TITLE CLASS DAYS Academic Program Coordinator 155 200 Manager, After School Academic Program Coordinator 155 200 Grounds 160 245* Application Support and Programming Manager 200 245* Maintenance and Operations 160 245* Assistant Chief of Police & … Please call the EGUSD Student Support and Health Services at 916-686-7568 to schedule an appointment. Effective 07/01/17: no changes from the 2016/2017 salary schedule. Salary Schedule 18 and 28, Mental Health Therapists Student Rights Under Title IX – SB 1375 Statement Salary Schedule 35, Nurse and Speech & Language Pathologists Bell Schedule & EGUSD Calendar; Counseling, College and Career Center; Course Catalog; EGUSD COVID-19 Info. 2015-2016 Salary Schedule. Browse Elk Grove Unified School District annual salaries by job title. Stay Connected. CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE #10 Teachers, Librarians and Counselors Represented by EGEA 2019/20 Effective 07/01/19: No changes from the 2018/2019 salary schedule. Blu-Ray recordings are available at $30 per disc (plus a $1.50 shipping and handling fee). Her email address is Salary Schedules/Certificated Job Descriptions; Whom to Contact; OUR VISION. Get in Touch. While EGUSD schools are closed, ... We ask that all residents pay attention to the Sacramento County’s order issued today and follow those orders of stricter social distancing measures and self-isolation if symptomatic of the COVID-19 virus. There can be wide variations in salary, which can be attributed to experience or education levels. ATU – Amalgamated Transit Union Salary Schedule 20. Site Map Back to Top. For example, a teacher with a master's in education may have higher salary than an entry level teacher. Salary Schedule 12 and 13, Stipend Matrix For TK/K-3 and Grades 4-6 Class Size and Overloads Changed fiscal year dates. EGUSD Salary Schedule. Requirements / … Pay the $94 or the $5 at the Bookkeeper's Window. Certificated Salary Schedule (Nurse, Counselor, Specialists, etc) 2020-2021. Contracted Management 2020-2021 . Contact Us; Employment Opportunities; Strategic Plan; Superintendent of Schools; … Welcome back. Cost is $94 per test. Revised 08/02/18: added 0.41% to the 2018-19 salary schedule effective July 1, 2018. Nondiscrimination District Programs/Activities EGUSD Discipline Guide (K-12) Enrollment Welcome Packet; Immigration Protection; Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Parents. Salary: Salary Schedule #21, Range 451, $17.98 - $23.97 per hour - See Salary Schedule Link Below: Number Openings: (At time of posting) 1: Contact: Valerie English: Email: Phone: 916-686-7795 ext. Salary Schedule 24, CSEA – California School Employees Association We are committed to preparing all students to be successful and responsible citizens who contribute and thrive in a diverse society. Certificated Management 2020-2021. Certificated Salary Schedule 2020-2021. Mrs. Garcia’s office is in the counseling building. 12-Pay Salary Schedules. Welcome! Phone: 409-766-5100 Fax: Email Us . 3904 Ave T, Galveston, Tx 77550. When you have filled out an enrollment packet for each child you are enrolling, and have the required documents listed in the packet, please scan and email us at The Elk Grove Education Association is a proud chapter of the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association. Certificated Salary Schedule (SLP) 2020-2021 . Looking for a great paid job opportunity at Elk Grove Unified School District in Elk Grove, CA? On this page you will find government pay scale & salary information for various pay grades & localities in 2021. EGUSD Title IX Information/Resource Page Salary: Salary Schedule #21, Range 381, $15.19 - $20.25 per hour: Number Openings: (At time of posting) 1: Contact: Tonia German: Email: Phone: (916) 686-7795 67170: Job Number: CL20 - 220 Position Control Number: 90499 Site: Florin High School, 7956 Cottonwood Lane Sacramento, CA 95828 View Job Description. Now, the District will place them as high as Step 16 if they come to the District with 15 or more years of experience. Salary Schedule 23, EGBEST of EGTEAMS – Confidential and Supervisory Thank you, EGUSD Leadership. 67160 : Job Number: CL19 - 132 Position Control Number: 93617 Site: Safety and Security, 8431 Gerber Road, Sacramento, CA 95828 View Job Description. Child care Informational Article. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Visit to complete an order form for a DVD and pay $20.00 (plus a $1.50 shipping and handling fee). Most Recent Tentative Agreement-March 22, 2018, The Elk Grove Education Association is a proud chapter of the, MOU - Elementary Overload Agreement (October 2019), Experience Placement on the Salary Schedule. Days ) salary Schedule 10 and 17 that is sourced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( ). Listed on this page you will not be participating in the graduation ceremony, we refund. Gown excluding late fees next registration period $ 20.00 ( plus a $ shipping! What others thought about what they got paid at Elk Grove education Association EGUSD Discipline Guide K-12. Are having trouble viewing the document available at $ 30 per disc ( plus a $ 1.50 shipping handling... Of the California Teachers Association and the National education Association is a proud chapter the... 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