Origin Shedding his identity as Lord Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered survivors of the Empire on a twenty-year odyssey into the Unknown Regions, where he established a new Sith Empire on the lost colony world of Dromund Kaas. Vitiate appears as the unseen overarching antagonist of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the main antagonist of the novel Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan, the main antagonist of the Jedi Knight storyline and the overarching antagonist of all the other class storylines in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the overarching antagonist of the expansion Shadow of Revan, the primary antagonist of it’s update Rise of the Emperor, a major antagonist in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and the main antagonist of Knights of the Eternal Throne, an imprint of Tenebrae’s spirit serves as the primary antagonist in the Onslaught update Echoes of Oblivion. Tyrannical God Wannabe, The Sith EmperorValkorionThe Immortal EmperorHis Glorious MajestySlayer of IzaxImmortal MasterProtector of ZakuulThe Dragon of ZakuulThe Master, Scholar of dark side loreEmperor of the Sith Empire (formerly)Immortal Emperor of ZakuulLord of Nathema (formerly), Immense knowledge of Sith rituals and sorceryAbility to corrupt and enslave mindsPowerful strengthAbility to drain life-forcesLeadership. However, doing so required a war—war that would destroy civilizations and fuel his power so that he could consume everything in the galaxy and become like a god. Hobby Solar System level with Force amplification. "True power, never dies." Born in 5113 BBY as the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath, Tenebrae carved a path of destruction across the planet … A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. The image however only posses… He fed on his stepfather's anger when he went into a rage against his wife and killed him while still a small child and then proceeded to torture his mother for weeks. Atris | Bengel Morr | Dorjander Kace | Dread Masters | Haazen | Order of Revan | Simus, Other Committing mass murder.Transferring his consciousness into others. Until then he would continue to grow his Following with his Order known as The Revanant loyal to himself and the Sith Empire. Tokemi was orignally from Dathomir, but became part of the Ancent Sith Empire under Emperor Vitiate. He then used their combined power to perform the most complex ritual of Sith magic ever performed, ripping the Force from the entire planet of Nathema and absorbing the combined life force of every living thing on the surface. But from the ashes of destruction, I was the last survivor.” – Darth Bane’s apparition Darth Bane was raised by his abusive father in a poor mining community, on a planet far in the Outer Rim Territories.He lived roughly 1,000 years before the events in the Star Wars movies and would ultimately become … He confronted his wife, who admitted to adultery with the Sith Lord who ruled the planet. Due to his major influence over the franchise, he can be considered as one of the main antagonists of the Star Wars franchise as a whole, alongside Emperor Palpatine. Despite the Republic entering the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Council continued to insist that the Jedi were not to get involved and Revan was sent to rescue the Jedi who'd been captured. Vitiate's power at the age of thirteen was great enough for Marka Ragnos to acknowledge the teenager's strength and grant him the title of Lord Vitiate. Vitiate renamed the world Nathema and ruled it for the next century, distancing himself from Sith power struggles. Sheev Palpatine (also known by his Sith identity Darth Sidious and publicly as … Occupation Crimes Torturing his slaves.Committing mass murder.Transferring his consciousness into others. When the Force entity known as Vitiate arrived on Zakuul, he chose Valkorion to become his new host body, and took possession of the man's physical form.1 The mind of the original Valkorion was completely suppressed,4 and his identity was used by Vitiate to build … Dark Lord of the SithScholar of dark side loreEmperor of the Sith Empire (formerly)Immortal Emperor of ZakuulLord of Nathema (formerly) VitiateThe Sith EmperorValkorionThe Immortal EmperorHis Glorious MajestySlayer of IzaxImmortal MasterProtector of ZakuulThe Dragon of ZakuulThe Master Eventually, the Jedi were rescued by Zayne Carrick, a former Padawan … DARTH KIA THE SITH WITCH The Story of Darth Kia all began long ago during the time of the Sith Emperor Lord Vitiate. Revan- renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. The ritual took ten days, and, when it was completed, all life on Nathema was annihilated, except for Lord Vitiate, and absorbed the life force of the entire planet. 3 years ago Necromancer76 I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Tar raventh Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Also since there seems to be a lot of people saying vitiate would just take over Palpatine when his physical body is destroyed, ill add a win condition. Even as a child, Vitiate possessed immense strength in the Force, and his abilities began to manifest themselves at the age of six. Vitiate, born as Tenebrae, also known as the Sith Emperor to the reconstituted Sith Empire, Valkorion to the Eternal Empire and to later history simply as Emperor Vitiate, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars Old Republic era. No, Darth Revan was extremely powerful but as already mentioned by another answer, the Sith Emperor Vitiate was superior during his Era. "My life spans millennia. In the same time, he used his powers and his ability to draw on pain and rage to grow and force thousands of people to swear … Evil-doer The farmer became enraged over his wife's unfaithfulness and attacked her. To the people of the Eternal Empire over which he ruled in his later life, he was His Glorious Majesty, Slayer of Izax, Immortal Master and Protector of Zakuul—their Immortal Emperor. Vitiate renamed his world Nathema and ruled it for the next century, content to exclude himself from Sith power struggles and even the Great Hyperspace War when the Galactic Republic destroyed the Empire in 5,000 BBY. He declared himself as the new Sith Emperor and ruled over the Sith after the Great Hyperspace War. Leader: Arcann | Valkorion | Vaylin