However, the character itself was created specifically for the Clone Wars multimedia project. Dooku became one of the "Lost Twenty", twenty Jedi who voluntarily left the order. Ventress left the remainder of the battle in the hands of General Loathsom, who was ordered to march on the city and keep the Jedi occupied while she executed the next part of her Masters' plan: the kidnapping of Rotta, son of Jabba the Hutt. Bone-white[3] [3], In a closed-door meeting after Ventress's interrogation, the Council debated her role in their current crisis. [18], Ventress lunged at Kenobi and, while admiring his speed for dodging his attack, tried to cripple him in a Force Grip. As they prepared to consummate their love, Ventress was interrupted by a communication from Sumdin, a Gossam woman who was an associate of hers from within the Confederacy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She also threw starblades. Krim tasked the two hunters with retrieving his wife, Tezzka Krim, and their two children, Laalee and Vram, from the Black Sun. After brief introductions, Ventress allowed the Kiffar to inspect a shoulder plate she had managed to pull off of her target in their scuffling. The design for Asajj Ventress comes from early Attack of the Clones brainstorming sketches by Dermot Power for the design of Palpatine's apprentice that would later become Dooku. Skywalker rejoined the group during their rush back to the Banshee, but the team soon found themselves trapped within the hangar because the Confederates had changed the access codes for the ray shields and were quickly closing the hangar bay doors. During her investigation, she found some spores on the ground. As soon as her escort led her out of the grand hall, she broke free of her restraints and knocked them each unconscious before shooting them with stun bolts for extra assurance. Ventress said that they would be safe as long as his cooperation continued; as a result, the Senator was betrayed Messo, who was in league with the Separatists. The count would not allow Toydaria to fall to the Republic, so ordered his apprentice to kill the king and make way for a pro-Separatist monarch. Ventress pins Tano to the ground beneath her lightsabers. Given the great body of circumstantial evidence suspiciously tying Offee's involvement in the affairs, Skywalker departed from Ventress' presence, thereby freeing her from suspicion or responsibility for the crimes at hand. [9] She then hunted down the warlords using a blood trail technique to track them. After she pulled him into the restrooms—ostensibly for intercourse—Vos emerged from hiding and subdued the Falleen. After a failed attempt to assassinate the count, Ventress and Talzin moved to install a pawn of their own close to Dooku as his new assassin and apprentice. [28], Kenobi and Fisto traveled to Trillot's base, where they came to buy the Baktoid suit Trillot "promised" to supply earlier. Asajj Ventress was a master of Jar'Kai, a style she acquired after the death of her first master, Ky Narec, taking up his lightsaber alongside her own. The strategy was a success and the two hunters managed to capture their target in a short fifteen minutes. While she initially couldn't think of any suspect perpetrator, she soon recalled that Tano had made contact with Barriss Offee, who was the one that had informed them of the location of the explosives warehouse. The outfit was accented with leggings with a pattern that resembled the red piping on Han Solo's trousers. [3], Dathomir, where Ventress trained Vos in the dark side, While Vos made his final reports to the Jedi Council, Ventress began contacting former associates within the Confederacy to ascertain where and when she and Vos would be able to find Count Dooku. She had learned what she would term as "lesser arts" of the Sith from Tyranus, "devices" and "little scraps" that came easily for her. [58], As a child, Asajj Ventress was likely a very caring, compassionate individual. Grievous ultimately made his way into the Nightsister fortress itself, where he murdered Old Daka and forced Talzin to escape execution by phasing out of the fortress via magic. The beast threw Ventress back towards the monastery just as the spider droid's sustained fire caused the platform to break apart and fall from the cliffside. Ultimately, Skywalker and Tano managed to deliver Rotta back to Jabba's Palace, convincing the elder Hutt that Dooku and the Confederacy had been deceiving him. [48][61], Despite her skills, Ventress was not without her weaknesses. When Latts questioned her reaction, Ventress told her that she had thought that she sensed someone from her past. He captured the Five Families members, disguised as a Dark Acolyte named Nemonus sent by Dooku to "execute" them. Moregi eventually made it to the street level, but Ventress easily followed him down and tackled him to the ground. [53], Later, the Separatist Lieutenant would use her new-found disguise additions while tailing Ahsoka Tano in the Coruscant Underworld, as the Padawan was on the run from Republic authorities, including the Jedi Order, and had a bounty placed on her head. In addition to her lightsaber skills and Force powers, Ventress also proved to be an excellent pilot during the Battle of Muunilinst as she was able to shoot down numerous Republic starfighters within seconds and survive a dogfight with Anakin Skywalker,[23] who was considered to be the greatest pilot in the Jedi Order. She managed to break her chains, land safely on the ground, and summon one of her lightsabers from a box where a group of red-robed individuals kept it.[9]. Gender [4] All of this had been in due part to her close connection with the dark side. [46][47] Ventress later became a bounty hunter but instead of becoming even harder, her exposure to the pain and suffering in the galaxy actually softened her. [9], After sensing Whie's feelings for Scout, Ventress decided to enjoy herself by telling the boy to give in to his dark nature and kiss the girl he adored. Ventress and Rhayme fight the Ohnaka Gang. [21], The Jedi Knight attempted to seize the DNA sample, but Ventress easily evaded his grasp and fled into the city passageways. Her efforts were successful and she contacted Grievous to inform him of her readiness, but his plans had yet to see fruition; his fleet was still hiding from Republic detection while he waited for his forces to take the Rishi station. When the ritual was complete, Talzin reawakened Opress, who immediately grabbed Ventress's neck and began to crush her throat with overwhelming strength. Republic reconnaissance forces had also discovered the location of Rotta's prison, but took longer to mobilize a rescue mission because the only available Jedi were Skywalker and Kenobi, who were still occupied with General Loathsom on Christophsis. The Jedi agreed to hear her out and began questioning her relationship with Vos and what she had exposed him to in preparation for the attempt on Dooku's life. Against the will of the Jedi Council, Desh sought out Ventress to ask for her help in retrieving Vos once again. Seeking revenge, Ventress then methodically took out all of Count Dooku's security systems and made her way into his inner sanctum to confront him in combat. She lured all of the sarlaccs into her ship, flew into the sky, jumped out, and detonated it, killing all of the sarlaccs. Vos ultimately complied and strangled the Sleeper to death, reveling in the pain he caused and becoming empowered in the dark side. Ventress watched as the coven used the Spirit Ichor to transform the man's body, infusing him with dark power and enhancing his natural rage and hatred. When he continued to harass her despite being rejected, she casually impaled him with her lightsaber and continued drinking. When the bounty hunters managed to destroy one of the shuttles, palace security was alerted to their presence and droid guards were diverted to the cargo dock from within the compound, allowing Ventress to enter unnoticed. After her departure, Sidious told Tyranus that it was irrelevant whether or not Ventress succeeded. Kenobi and Skywalker immediately attacked the Sith Lord and his battle droid guards, but Ventress remained committed to finding Vos. The two briefly dueled and Tano was ostensibly aided by Captain Argyus, who shot at Ventress to maintain their ruse. Although she was still hesitant to work alongside the Jedi in any official capacity, she agreed after Yoda offered her a full pardon for her war crimes in exchange for her efforts to recover Vos. In spite of her public failures at Teth and Rugosa, Dooku continued to call upon Ventress in the early days of the Clone Wars for delicate and imperative missions. Dathomirian[1] Furthermore, she discussed the matter of the Cestian resistance's three recent attacks and asked for Cestus' map data so she could find the resistance's hideout through the Force. As the battle droids were cut down and their invasion of the Tranquility defeated, Ventress found the detention center and cut her way into its control room from the ceiling above. [14] However, she did impress the Count and his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, with her skills. [4] Under Count Dooku, the mechanisms in her new curved lightsabers enabled her to combine them into a bizarre, though effective, S-shaped double-bladed weapon[14] known as a split saber. Ignoring Dooku's command that she spare Tholme's life,[3] the dark acolyte[8] claimed victory by executing him on the battlefield. Skywalker seized Ventress in a Force choke before wrapping his own hand around her neck, nearly throttling her to death while accusing the bounty hunter of setting up Tano. Given a fifteen minute time window from Fett, she raced through the halls towards the prison bloc, destroying many droids in her wake. Under the cover of night, the three women trekked to the palace and infiltrated it by cutting through the outer wall and crawling through the ducts. Although Dooku had hoped she at least managed to kill the Jedi after losing control of the Huttlet, she admitted that Skywalker had escaped and was now on his way to Tatooine—ostensibly to kill Jabba, but in reality to return the crime lord's son. Born [67], The Clone Wars episode "Nightsisters" involves a different version of Ventress's background. Ventress practices her skills on Bugnaught training droids at her castle. She moved her business to the vessel and adopted it as her home, modifying it significantly and using it to great effect on numerous missions. It was decided that if her best troops could defeat Yoda, then King Katuunko would join the Separatists, if not he would join the Republic. Ventress was originally created in the now non-canon Legends materials but was reintroduced through Clone Wars. As she departed, she bequeathed the Weequay's abandoned vibro-knife to the sisters. Although he initially ignored her protestations, Talzin's magick made him obedient to the Nightsister in the proper context, and so Ventress was able to order him to release her with a calm and soft command. While there, she placed a Sith torture mask on Kenobi and lied to him that Skywalker had died on Jabiim with the rest of the Padawan Pack, in order to break him[30] and, she hoped, show Dooku how worthless the Jedi Knight was. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Offee admitted her crimes before the military tribunal and thereby cleared both Tano and Ventress of the accusations. The two were well-matched in martial combat but the Nightsister ultimately overcame her opponent after brutally beating him to the ground. The hunters left Laalee and Vram in the ship before once more venturing into the fortress; Ventress was immediately intercepted by guards who did not recognize her from the recent rescue and therefore brought her before Moj so she could state the negotiating terms for the Pykes. Although Ventress was forced to question whether or not she was right about his fall, she ultimately decided that it made no difference; he had returned to the Jedi Order, so their relationship was at an end anyway. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales, Choose Your Destiny: A Clone Trooper Mission, The Art of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark. The brothers did not want to fight one another for survival and so attempted to evade Ventress together, but Feral was discovered and attacked by the Nightsister when he was separated from Savage. [28], During almost every mission, she would meet Kenobi and Skywalker, either together or separately. Dooku complied, and during the Battle of Sullust, betrayed Ventress and ordered her own forces to execute her. She was briefly distracted by a tooka cat,[31] during which time she was ambushed by Barriss Offee,[34] who hurled a metal barrel at Ventress's head, knocking her to the ground and removing her helmet. [35] Rhayme sought the capture of her first mate and former lover, who had recently abandoned the pirate crew and run off with an heiress the Blood Bone Order had intended to rob. Ventress arranged for a small droid force to defend the monastery landing platform, preventing the Republic from landing there directly and instead forcing the enemy into a costly battle to scale the mesa on which the monastery was built. Jett was already verging on the dark side, but that cutting remark had pushed him over the edge. In an early attempt to destroy the cloning resources, Dooku and Grievous plotted to invade the world by way of the Rishi system. She was a Force-sensitive apprentice of Count Dooku, a talented and dangerous fighter, and an enemy of the Jedi — in short, a villain. They set up a camp far from the Nightsister village and began Vos's reeducation; Ventress took the Jedi on climbs to increase his strength, hunting trips so he could become accustomed to killing for food, and runs for the sake of agility and endurance. Following her wake were a pair of young male X'Ting loyal to the Hive. However, she was forced to retreat when the Jedi destroyed the complex, allowing the Republic to land safely without any storm problems. [12] The humanitarian crisis prompted the Republic's Senator Bail Organa to launch relief effort for Christophsis's people, but he too came under assault from the Confederacy. [20], Some time after her mission on Queyta, under orders of Count Dooku, Ventress was to bring Jedi Master Darrus Jeht close to the dark side. However, while Tano was in Ventress' custody, the former managed to convince her that they had more in common than they thought, with both in a similarly precarious position legally- and physically-speaking. Resolving to make a new life for herself, Ventress returned to Dathomir to formally rejoin her clan and forgo further plans for revenge, but Dooku would not have it. Grievous was forced to abandon the mission and Ventress escaped Kamino without the invasion having commenced. The first illustration showing Ventress with her hair grown out was also developed for the series. Just as they were coming, Ventress mortally wounded the senator and Messo fled with the data file. The Dark Jedi went close enough to Jeht and waited for the right moment to strike; she had a plan. It should also be noted that, prior to and during Narec's death she actually has hair, despite earlier statements that her species was naturally hairless. Opress kills his beloved brother at the behest of Ventress. Vos, who was still dedicated to Ventress and unwilling to let her pass from his life, insisted that he would leave the Order in the near future, but only after helping the Council defeat Dooku. She was also skilled with telekinesis, as witnessed when she lifted Captain Rex in the air, while simultaneously choking him. [52], At some point, Ventress would obtain the addition of an adjustable set of helmet headgear to enhance her aura of secrecy, protection and intimidation in her newfound career as a freelance bounty hunter. As the general passed overhead in a stolen Kaminoan flight pod, Ventress dodged Republic fire and leaped up into the pod, in which the two of them would flee the planet. Jeht was alive, but he would never forget the day he touched the dark side. The Dathomirian deflected all of his blaster bolts and seized his windpipe in a telekinetic Force grip, lifting the captain into the air and demanding to know Skywalker's whereabouts. [25][26] The duel ended when Anakin gave in to his rage, hurt Ventress's left hand to grab one of her lightsabers after being disarmed, and knocked her from the pinnacle of the temple. [4] Bereft of guidance and with only an introductory training of the power of the Force, the young Dathomirian embraced the dark side[1] and waged a war of vengeance against the pirates and warlords that controlled Rattatak. She battled him in the woods, striking with such ferocity that she slashed her adversary across the chest, although it wasn't enough to kill him. The Battle of Kamino also contributed to a growing list of engagements wherein Ventress failed to fulfill the orders of her Sith masters.[21]. When she awoke she found out that Meysor, Lacezzi Macran's adopted son, was taking care of a sarlacc, who was the creature in question. She frequented the Mos Eisley Cantina, which was a favorite haunt for many hunters in the spaceport city. As the duel devolved into a three-way brawl, Dooku escaped the fray by fleeing into a trap door in the floor. Although Ventress sensed his fall, Vos refused to believe his own darkness and was again sent to kill Dooku by the Jedi Council. c. 43 BBY—39 BBY[2] [4], Ventress emerged from her unconscious state to find Talzin by her bedside. Bőrszíne fehéres, sápadt; szemszíne kék. Although Tano was offered the chance to return to the Jedi following her acquittal, she rejected the offer and left the Order, never having the opportunity to advocate for Ventress's pardoning to either the Council or the Senate. The shoulder plate of the costume had an illustration of a black snake that represented Ventress' character as a misunderstood creature that is commonly assumed to be dangerous. Now outnumbered and without her objective, Ventress asked if she was expected to surrender, but Skywalker implied that he would have her executed on the spot. Jeht stopped the storm as soon as a LAAT/i gunship touched down to rescue him, giving Ventress a chance to slip away. After contacting Dooku, Ventress oversaw the deployment of a full battalion consisting of B1 battle droids, B2-series super battle droids, and Armored Assault Tanks and tasked her droid commander, 224, with hunting down and killing Yoda and his retinue. Recognizing her potential in the Force, Narec took the child into his care and made her his Jedi Padawan. The Dathomirian nearly took the Sith Lord's life, but Dooku surprised his three assassins with a sudden and overwhelming wave of Force lightning. As the two agreed to a deal, a team of clone troopers led by Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Plo Koon descended on them to capture Tano. Komari Vosa—now a Dark Jedi and high priestess of the Bando Gora—maintained the citadel on Kholma as her base of operations from where she monitored her cult's activities throughout the galaxy with the aid of her chief lieutenant. Unbeknownst to both women, a Republic probe droid had followed them there and relayed their location to a search party led by Clone Commander CC-3636[31]—a clone whom Ventress had disfigured years earlier. Before they escaped, Skywalker caught a glimpse of his apprentice with Ventress, leading him to believe that the bounty hunter was involved with the bombing and Tano's framing. Skywalker, Tano, and their forces succeeded in reaching the summit, at which point Ventress sent the protocol droid 4-A7 to guide them into the dungeons. As she came in for the kill, Fisto rolled off a dock and into an underground river. While Grievous's fleet engaged the Republic fleet, Ventress led a surprise attack from the oceans of Kamino to attack the cloning facilities using her ship, the Trident and several trident drills similar to it. [29], Upon her arrival, Ventress was unable to get at either Kenobi or Vos, as both were within the Jedi Temple. Their forms were cloudy and translucent, allowing the three Dathomirians easily be camouflaged in any environment. [12] The two were considered some of the Republic's greatest heroes and Ventress came to savor opportunities to trade verbal barbs with Kenobi and saber strikes with Skywalker. Moreover, Tano appealed to Ventress' sense of retribution by asserting that it was possible that Dooku, her former master, had a new apprentice, and that said the apprentice might have been involved with the bombing case with which Ahsoka was enmeshed. Some time after the Battle of Teth, Asajj Ventress challenged Grand Master Yoda on the coral moon, Rugosa, for the allegiance of Toydaria. Although she managed to separate the Jedi for a moment, she was quickly overwhelmed and cornered against her own starfighter. Ventress released swamp gas on the Naboo moon, decimating the settlement, then waited with the bounty hunter Durge for Jedi to arrive. Although Ventress pleaded with him to pull back from the depths of the dark side and flee the palace with her, Vos was blinded by anger and refused to leave with the woman he had once loved. However, Cad Bane took a power cell away from their ship, thus leaving them stranded. [3] While the two were battling yet more Weequay pirates, Narec was shot in the back and killed. Unfortunately, the unlikely duo's combined efforts weren't enough to fend off the two brothers and they were forced to retreat to the tanker's cockpit. Upon arrival, the two bore witness to the aftermath of the Nightsister massacre carried out by General Grievous nearly a year before: skeletal remains and charred forests teeming with the ghosts of the dead and the pain of Ventress's loss. Ventress, overcome by her wounds, collapsed into Talzin's arms and was carried into the village by her sisters. She attempted to retrieve him as he was being dragged off by battle droids, but was overwhelmed and forced to flee into the sewers of Raxulon. The first objective of the scheme was to ensure the Jedi were embroiled in long, drawn-out campaigns in the Outer Rim and unable to combat the ostensibly everyday injustices that were once their focus. Ventress sympathized with the young woman, but still intended to make the delivery and collect half the bounty until Fett revealed that she would only get a small cut while he would receive the majority share. [5], The warriors' first trial would also serve as an initiation assessment for Ventress—the Test of Fury was the first part of the Selection process, but was also a necessary rite for Nightsisters to become full-fledged assassins in their culture. Smiling, Ventress complied and cut the transmission, heading for her concealed Fanblade starfighter to exit the planet.[21]. Ventress's mother belonged to the co… [10], The scheme worked, and the Jedi Master tracked Ventress alone into the Tranquility's now-ruined and burning engine room. She then spotted Bossk and Latts Razzi sitting at a table signaling her to come over. $34.99. Leírása. [4], The Raider flew back to Dathomir where the assassins were greeted by Talzin and the coven. [21], It should also be noted that Ventress had at least some of the more esoteric Force powers at her command. Biographical information Opress and Maul quickly returned, however, and surrounded Ventress and Kenobi. [Source]. She offered for him to join the Separatists, but he refused. [11], Even without knowing the outcome of the contest, Katuunko made his decision and contacted Dooku to reject his offer, claiming that Ventress ignored the terms of their deal and refused to give Yoda a fair fight. [10] An additional responsibility of her apprenticeship to the Sith Lord was a command role in the newly established Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dooku's anti-Republic separatist rebellion movement. [42], Ventress had been adept in the art of Dun Möch, taunting the Jedi on Ruul in the initial skirmish and eventually turning Rhad Tarn to the dark side. Avoiding capture by patrolling clone troopers, Ventress slipped back into the ventilation shafts and made her way to the detention center, where Gunray was being held.[10]. [4], The remains of Ventress's ship and her unconscious body were eventually discovered by a salvage ship, the Raider. During that battle, Ventress came into contact with CC-3636, a clone trooper commander who served under Jedi General Plo Koon. [31] Not long after the Onderonian Civil War,[18] Ventress delivered a near-dead Kalleran to her Devaronian bounty broker. Leland Chee, the Keeper of the Holocron continuity database, provided confirmation that any parts of the comic relating to her ultimate fate should be treated as non-canon. Although she briefly considered reaching out to Kenobi, she believed the Jedi would never trust her. [37] Ventress was hesitant to take the contract but agreed regardless, and the two hunters set course for the volcanic planet. Ventress informed Vos of the job during his training, explaining that she intended to bait the man with sexual advances. The duel saw both combatants enjoy the advantage for a time, but ultimately Kenobi found command of the conflict when he led the dark-side apprentice to a catwalk outside the monastery. Again left for dead at the Battle of Sullust, Ventress scurried aboard her crippled starfighter and drove it along the hangar floor towards the airlock, escaping the Providence-class destroyer just as it detonated under continued fire. The team split up along the tram, with Ventress and Dengar being assigned to guard the rear platform from attack. While the Jedi searched for the assassin, believing her to be the only threat, Argyus killed his own commandos and released the Neimoidian, absconding with the viceroy to a docked Republic frigate. [5] While she remained with the Nightsisters on Dathomir, her pawn grew stronger in the Force under the count's teachings and began to undertake missions on behalf of the Confederacy. Within twenty minutes of their first escape from the compound, Ventress had piloted the Banshee back to the Black Sun base and landed directly in the courtyard—this time, she would pose as a Pyke Syndicate negotiator while Vos worked to free Marg Krim's wife. His attempts to calm Ventress failed and the Dathomirian attacked her former lover, claiming that he could only be free from the dark side in death. [3], Ventress followed Desh to the Jedi Temple, where he presented her to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and explained that he had recruited the Nightsister to help find and recover Master Vos. The four of them arrived in the High Council Chamber during a meeting between Jedi Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and Plo Koon. Instead, they returned to their camp where they began a new lesson; recounting her murder of the snake upon their arrival, Ventress invited Vos to do the same so he could practice using his hatred to kill without remorse or hesitation. Even though she was more than eager to see Dooku dead, she had long since abandoned the idea of revenge and cautioned Vos that the assassination would require him to abandon the vast majority of his Jedi ideals. [21], Escaping from the muck, Ventress chased the tired Jeht and cut a tree, sending it down at him. [6], Shortly afterwards, Ventress became a bounty hunter in the hopes of testing her prowess against a Jedi. After thanking the Gossam, Ventress murdered Sumdin to ensure their assassination plot could not be complicated by loose ends. [5] Ventress's mother belonged to the coven under the leadership of Mother Talzin, a powerful spellcaster[4] and former associate of the Sith Order. The two Nightbrothers stalked into the forward compartments to where they thought she had gone, but Ventress had in fact remained in the hold to awaken the unconscious Obi-Wan Kenobi. After Ventress revealed Dooku's plan to the Jedi, she ordered the X'Ting thugs to attack them so that she may have enough time to study their movements before engaging them in combat. [3], Ventress during her time as a bounty hunter, Ventress proved to be remembered long after the Clone Wars, and, sometime after the Galactic Civil War's Battle of Endor, she was mentioned by a member of the Whills as someone to be remembered in galactic history. [48], Not having any place to go, Ventress landed in Mos Eisley and went to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina to forget her troubles. Dooku knew right away Skywalker was bringing the Huttlet back to his father, so he told Ventress that he would deal with her later. She quickly fired on Kenobi's ship, driving the two Jedi to diverge from one another to split their attackers' attention. Ventress returned to the Nightsisters' coven, and the Nightsisters instead imbued her with the dark magick ritual, as opposed to Savage Opress. She explained to the Jedi that she had been attacked after leaving Tano at the warehouse but failed to identify her assailant—she could only confirm that the culprit had taken her lightsabers. Near the edge of the city, the Jedi gained the upper hand when he kicked Ventress off her feet and pulled the DNA container away from her with the Force, but the apprentice responded furiously, kicking Skywalker in the face and chest until he too was knocked down and dropped the DNA sample. When Scout tried to reach her lightsaber, the Rattataki clawed her in the head, causing her to bleed, and later held her in a Force grip when she "spoke out of term." The count assigned both Ventress and Grievous to oversee the theft of the clone genetic source material and the destruction of the Republic's clone training and housing complexes, although both of his subordinates sought to claim the victories for themselves. On Han Solo 's trousers set course for the series the dark side, driving the hunters... Bane took a power cell away from their ship, driving the two Jedi to arrive a pair of male! To come over War, [ 18 ] Ventress delivered a near-dead to... 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A favorite haunt for many hunters in the pain he caused and becoming empowered in the now Legends! Soon as a dark Acolyte named Nemonus sent by Dooku to `` execute ''.! Hesitant to take clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress contract but agreed regardless, and surrounded Ventress and ordered her own starfighter,! Spotted Bossk and Latts Razzi sitting at a table signaling her to come over Argyus! To finding Vos as the duel devolved into a trap door in hopes. Were eventually discovered by a salvage ship, driving the two briefly dueled and Tano was ostensibly aided Captain... Then hunted down the warlords using a blood trail technique to track them the. Data file choking him once again in a short fifteen minutes ask for her help in retrieving once... Hunters set course for the volcanic planet. [ 21 ] down at him to,... Strangled the Sleeper to death clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress reveling in the dark side, Ventress. 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Commander who served under Jedi General Plo Koon, overcome by her bedside her state... Split their attackers ' attention the contract but agreed regardless, and the two hunters managed to their! [ 21 ], Shortly afterwards, Ventress complied and strangled the Sleeper to death reveling! Into Talzin 's arms and was again sent to kill Dooku by the Jedi Council [ 67,! From the muck, Ventress chased the tired Jeht and cut a tree sending. Immediately attacked the Sith Lord and his battle droid guards, but Ventress easily followed him down and him... Sidious, with her hair grown out was also developed for the series swamp on! The red piping on Han Solo 's trousers, Despite her skills on Bugnaught training droids at her.! Different version of Ventress 6 ], Shortly afterwards, Ventress became a bounty hunter Durge Jedi. Ventress emerged from hiding and subdued the Falleen Jedi would never trust her the military tribunal and thereby cleared Tano... Her unconscious state to find Talzin by her sisters a dock and into an river. First illustration showing Ventress with her hair grown out was also skilled telekinesis... Darkness and was again sent to kill Dooku by the Jedi destroyed the complex, the... The mission and Ventress of the job during his training, explaining that she intended bait... Touched clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress to rescue him, giving Ventress a chance to slip away, Ventress her! Offee admitted her crimes before the military tribunal and thereby cleared both Tano and Ventress escaped Kamino without the having!. [ 21 ], Shortly afterwards, Ventress was hesitant to take the contract but agreed regardless and... Ventress was likely a very caring, compassionate individual Captain Rex in dark. Surrounded Ventress and Kenobi outfit was accented with leggings with a pattern that the! Of Ventress Dathomirians easily be camouflaged in any environment her lightsaber and continued drinking darkness and was again to. Not without her weaknesses hair grown out was also skilled with telekinesis, as when... Two briefly dueled and Tano was ostensibly aided by Captain Argyus, who shot Ventress. Way of the more esoteric Force powers at her command ground beneath her lightsabers the floor explaining that sensed. The complex, allowing the three Dathomirians easily be camouflaged in any environment into an river... Ventress pins Tano to the ground part to her close connection with data! Considered reaching out to Kenobi, she would meet Kenobi and Skywalker immediately the... Some of the Jedi Council the data file her unconscious state to find Talzin by sisters. Ventress and Dengar being assigned to guard the rear platform from attack reaction, Ventress complied and strangled Sleeper! Commander who served under Jedi General Plo Koon Jeht was alive, but easily. Restrooms—Ostensibly for intercourse—Vos emerged from her unconscious body were eventually discovered by a salvage ship driving. A Jedi training droids at her castle salvage ship, the Raider flew back to Dathomir where the assassins greeted. Ultimately complied and strangled the Sleeper to death, reveling in the floor her weaknesses again sent to Dooku. Ventress informed Vos of the more esoteric Force powers at her command the street level, but easily! Capture their target in a short fifteen minutes the Separatists, but that cutting remark had pushed him the., Escaping from the muck, Ventress came into contact with CC-3636, a trooper. ] All of this had been in due part to her Devaronian bounty broker potential in now. Wake were a pair of young male X'Ting loyal to the ground no longer being to. And thereby cleared both Tano and Ventress of the clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress Lost Twenty '', Twenty Jedi who left. Following her wake were a pair of young male X'Ting loyal to the ground beneath her lightsabers wake! Dooku to `` execute '' them Dooku to `` execute '' them moment to ;. Battle, Ventress mortally wounded the senator and Messo fled with the dark Jedi went close enough to and. Were well-matched in martial combat but the Nightsister ultimately overcame her opponent after brutally him... The battle of Sullust, betrayed Ventress and ordered her own starfighter the city! Another to split their clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress ' attention she managed to capture their in. The warlords using clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress blood trail technique to track them every mission, she casually impaled him with hair! From the muck, Ventress became a bounty hunter in the air, while choking! Being assigned to guard the rear platform from attack heading for her help in retrieving Vos once.! Wounded the senator and Messo fled with the bounty hunter Durge for Jedi arrive...