Creative and Critical Studies We’ll be available for you to ask your questions about how specific pieces of the program works and how it can work for you! Note that summer applications do not require submission of a proposed study plan. The student is under the supervision of a UBC faculty member. At this time, you can contact Go Global by email, phone or virtually through Zoom. Advising hours. Education Your TA may lead discussions, conduct labs, assist with lectures, grade assignments, hold office hours, or grade exams. Term 1, Term 2, full-year, and split-year exchange. Wednesday, … Contact your instructors for tips on how to improve your grades. Instructors also don’t expect gifts from students and they may feel uncomfortable if presented with one. Are feeling challenged by your course load due to circumstances outside of the course (such as difficulties with English). This program allows students to take one or more courses at specific partner institutions around the world. Our diverse campus community is active and close-knit, with many clubs, societies, and social opportunities providing ways to get involved. Last updated on Oct 13, 2020 at 3:10 pm PDT Accommodation on campus is prioritized for exchange students if you apply by the deadline. UBC’s academic culture may be different from the culture at universities in your country. Go Global: Application deadline for term-based Exchange. We are not able to advise exchange students about the minimum course load required by their home university. This is in effect until January 8, 2021. Meeting of the Senate. Go Global: Summer program deadline for select experiences. Go Global Vancouver. Go Global Online; Student Housing Online; Accommodations Portal; Aboriginal Students; International Students; Parents; Prospective Students; Prospective Students; Parents ; International Students; Aboriginal Students; CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND UBC’S RESPONSE: For updates, FAQs and resources, visit This behaviour can seem rude to students from other countries, but in Canada, it is quite acceptable, even desirable at times, to respectfully disagree with your professor’s opinions. (Please visit the Go Global website for a complete listing of schools and programs included in this deadline). Your home university’s exchange office will … Many graduate (and some upper-level undergraduate) courses follow a seminar format. There are four main course formats: Most courses are offered as lectures. Community, Culture and Global Studies: UBC's Okanagan Campus Community, Culture and Global Studies Pursue areas of study that are foundational to our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, including anthropology, gender and women's studies, geography, Nsyilxcn language fluency and Indigenous studies. UBC Okanagan offers a wide range of opportunities to learn and do research abroad through programs like Go Global, exchange and research abroad, and summer study at partner universities. Appointments will be held through Zoom or by phone. Go Global is an opportunity to study or do research overseas during your UBC degree Please e-mail to reach us. Medicine (Southern Medical) Please visit the Go Global website for a complete listing of schools and programs included in this deadline. GO TO GO GLOBAL Family Day. By order of the Provincial Health Officer, in-person UBC events — both indoors and outdoors — are suspended. You can make your transition to life at UBC smoother in the following ways: Most visiting exchange students attend UBC during the Winter Session (September to April). Go Global: Round 2 application deadline for Exchange and Research Abroad. 3333 University Way One of Canada’s fastest growing cities—and getting younger. UBC Okanagan’s world-class learning opportunities, close-knit campus community, and relaxed natural setting combine to offer exchange students from around the world an unforgettable study-abroad experience. Some branches of the Library will be … If you can’t drop by during office hours, schedule an appointment with your instructor for another time. Meeting of the Senate. We recommend that you register in nine to fifteen credits per term while you are here. Management Some residences have cooking facilities, while others offer a meal plan. UBC-Okanagan videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on UBC-Okanagan . Applications for the 2021/22 academic year are … IT Services | Webmail | Website Feedback, UBC’s Okanagan campus is situated on the territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation, Arts and Social Sciences Join a Go Global Advisor and Ambassador (returned student) at a Q&A session! There is a $415.00 application fee due on the 7th of the month following the application deadline. All Events; This Month; In light of the evolving situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19), many events at UBC have been postponed, cancelled or moved online. Skip to main content Search UBC Search This is in effect until February 5, 2021, at midnight. All Events; This Month; By order of the Provincial Health Officer, in-person UBC events — both indoors and outdoors — are suspended. Apply to UBC Okanagan Before you apply to UBC. The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the top 20 public universities in the world. Go Global: International Learning Programs Labs and tutorials are usually mandatory and, in some cases, grades are given for attendance. Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7 We’ll be available for you to ask your questions about how specific pieces of the program works and how it can work for you! Canadian students often challenge and question their instructors. Thursday, 23 … Meeting of the Senate. UBC values international learning and encourages students to seek out these opportunities. Students from the southern hemisphere may begin their exchange year in Term 2 (January). Download the exchange brochure (PDF) for a quick look at exchanges at UBC Okanagan. Go Global is an opportunity to study or do research overseas during your UBC degree It takes most students time to adjust to a new academic environment. Nursing does not accept incoming exchange students. UBC Okanagan Events. If you’ve been accepted to go on exchange to UBC’s Okanagan campus, explore the pre-arrival checklist. Don’t understand a concept that was covered in class. Housing is not guaranteed. UBC is a hub for outstanding researchers from around the world and welcomes Visiting International Research Students (VIRS) to participate in our community of inquiry.The VIRS program provides admission to UBC for international students conducting full-time research at UBC. You will usually be expected to participate in these group discussions. Professors, however, don’t generally socialize with students, and it is not appropriate for instructors to date students. This decision follows guidelines outlined in UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Policy and is in line with the current advice of British Columbia's Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) and Global Affairs Canada. UBC has a responsibility (Student Safety Abroad Policy) to make sure everyone engages in safer travel practices and operates the Safety Abroad Program.If you’re traveling outside of Canada for university activity, you’ll need to complete UBC's travel authorization requirements. (Please visit the Go Global website for a complete listing of schools and programs included in this deadline). Monday, 18 February 2019. Residence living at UBC’s Okanagan campus supports you academically and socially, giving you unique opportunities to meet creative, intelligent people, and develop lifetime friendships. In some courses, you must pass the lab in order to pass the course. Monday: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm V6T 1Z1. If you have applied for exchange in the 2021/22 … Term 2 and split-year opportunities only. Unique synergies and opportunities are created by the wide variety of expertise of professors from the areas of anthropology, cultural studies, english, economics, gender and women’s studies, … See the housing website for appropriate deadlines. There are many different options for residence and they all have very unique aspects. UBC’s Okanagan campus is just a few minutes away from the Kelowna International Airport (YLW) via taxi or car. Determine the best fit for you on the housing website. Also, check out our two new video series, Go Global 101 and the Ambassador’s Desk, on YouTube! We are not able to advise exchange students about the minimum course load required by their home university. 821 likes. Go Global: Application deadline for term-based Exchange. Go Global actively works one-on-one with students affected by program cancellations. Soil scientists at UBC Okanagan are digging into the challenge of making plants more resilient to environmental change. Labs require small-group work under the direction of a Teaching Assistant (TA). Winter Session consists of two terms: Term 1 (early September to late December) and Term 2 (early January to late April). We encourage you to watch our new video series, Go Global 101, and to reach out to a Go Global Advisor to find out more! 823 likes. Health and Social Development UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. In lay terms, it’s not a ‘renovation’ but a new build — one with an open horizon that calls for innovative thinking when it comes to how the university can chart its course to 2040 and beyond . For UBC Okanagan-specific updates, visit ok.ubc… UBC Go Global, Vancouver, BC. Go Global: Summer program deadline for select experiences. Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley are located in the southern interior of British Columbia, just over 200 km (120 miles) north of the U.S. border and over 400 km (250 miles) from the Vancouver campus. UBC Okanagan Events. UBC Okanagan Events. At UBC, a full-time course load varies depending on the faculty and degree program. If you’re looking for an opportunity to travel and learn, make sure you take advantage of these programs. If you’re an undergraduate student, you may find that Teaching Assistants (TA), in addition to professors, lead parts of your classes. We recommend that you register in nine to fifteen credits per term while you are here. Sunday, 12 May 2019 . Sign up for workshops and other academic support services on campus through. University closed. Go Global develops and facilitates international learning opportunities for UBC students: Global Seminars, … Tel 250 807 8000 All of this within the stunning natural beauty of BC’s Okanagan Valley. You only need to choose one partner school option, but are able to choose up to three. Go Global is an opportunity to study or do research overseas during your UBC degree This global studies program will also give students access to the knowledge, resources, and collaboration of three faculties and eight departments at UBC’s Okanagan campus. The average UBC undergraduate degree student registers in 15 credits per term (five courses), but some science and engineering students register in 18 credits (six courses) per term. Student Housing & Hospitality Services: Residences open for Summer Session students at 12 … Lectures usually range from 50 to 80 minutes in length and may involve anywhere from 30 to 200 students. Courses completed on exchange are counted towards your degree requirements at UBC. Winter Session Term 2 mid-term break begins (February 18 to 22 inclusive). Events are required to be held virtually with only essential staff on site in-person to support the virtual event delivery and broadcast. 822 likes. Library | Give to UBCO For a list of advisors and ambassadors, please review our contact page. Final Thesis/Dissertation Approval Deadline to be considered for the February Degree Conferral date. TAs are usually graduate students at UBC. Under the current phase of BC’s Restart Plan, in-person UBC events with no more than 50 patrons in attendance are permitted — both indoors and outdoors — subject to specific UBC approvals … How UBC Okanagan fine arts alumni are shaping the community with their unique artistic perspectives. Further course information can be obtained on UBC’s Course Schedule webpage and on the faculty websites. UBC’s Okanagan campus is an innovative hub for research and learning founded in 2005 in partnership with local Indigenous peoples, the Syilx Okanagan Nation, in whose territory the campus resides. Below are the programs and courses that have some restrictions to exchange students. It is common for students to experience a drop in academic performance when on exchange. Visit, Go to the Disability Resource Centre Website, Go to the DRC Booking Accommodation Portal, Go to the Inclusive Technology Lab Website. These smaller classes are generally less formal, encourage discussion, and sometimes include presentations. In Canada, student-faculty relationships tend to be informal and students call some instructors by their first names. UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. To attend UBC as an exchange student, you must be enrolled at one of UBC’s partner universities.. UBC Okanagan engineers are uncovering innovative and impactful solutions to help urban environments address climate change. Go Global's campus office is closed until further notice. With small class sizes, it is easy to connect with professors who are often on first-name terms with students. The VIRS program is managed by Go Global … As part of UBC—ranked among the world’s top 20 public universities—the Okanagan campus combines a globally recognized UBC education with a tight-knit and … By air, Kelowna is a one-hour flight from Vancouver, Calgary, or Seattle. Events are required to be held virtually with only essential staff on site in-person to support the virtual event delivery and broadcast. Education does not accept incoming exchange students. Join a Go Global Advisor and Ambassador (returned student) at a Q&A session! UBC Okanagan offers a wide range of opportunities to learn and do research abroad through programs like Go Global, exchange and research abroad, and summer study at partner universities. Saturday, 29 January 2022. Your full name and if you are an incoming or outgoing exchange student in the body of the email If you cannot make it in for drop-ins, you can make an appointment or email your questions to If you need to book an advising appointment, please complete the online request form. The role of the TA varies in each class. Last day of Term 1 (December) examinations for most faculties. For more information about upcoming programs, please review the FAQs. Toll free 1 866 596 0767, Facts | History and Milestones | Careers Students are often given grades for their presentations and for verbal participation in class. Wednesday, 22 December 2021. Go Global is an opportunity to study or do research overseas during your UBC degree Need more information about an essay, project, or other assignment. Limited availability of first-year courses due to popularity. Term 1, Term 2, full-year, and split-year exchange. Many Science, Math, and Engineering courses at UBC have laboratory (lab) work, which includes practical activities in addition to lectures or tutorials. 5.5K likes. CLIMATE AND POPULATION GROWTH ARE IMPORTANT DRIVERS in how cities and communities evolve around the world — and the challenges arising from these factors will only intensify as urbanization increases and global … As an exchange student at UBC Okanagan, you will see that living and studying in the Okanagan Valley will be an amazing experience. At UBC, a full-time course load varies depending on the faculty and degree program. UBC’s Okanagan campus is a young, exciting, and rapidly growing university nestled in the middle of the stunning Okanagan Valley. 195,000 people in Kelowna’s metro area. Limited partner institutions available, please visit the Go Global website for a complete listing of schools and programs included in this deadline. Please visit the Go Global website for a complete listing of schools and programs included in this deadline. The average UBC undergraduate degree student registers in 15 credits per term (five courses), but some science and engineering students register in 18 credits (six courses) per term. Office hours give you a chance to meet with your instructor to discuss course materials, assignments, your questions, and any concerns. Some exchange students attend UBC for one Winter Session term only. Postgraduate-level (supervision required), Study at UBC for one or two terms (semesters), Start your studies in September or January, Take a wide range of undergraduate or graduate courses, Spend a semester or two doing research here with one of our professors, Obtain credit for study at UBC towards your home university degree. For a full list of important dates and deadlines, check the academic calendar. 821 likes. Go Global will continue to offer virtual programs and work with students who wish to explore in-person programming in their home country (where international travel is not required). Note that Go Global will only be available by e-mail or Zoom appointments until further notice. Also, check out our new video series, Go Global 101, on YouTube! Successful Aging Researchers explore how to help Canada’s growing older population age successfully from head to toe. Go Global is a post-secondary academic exchange program. Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to page-level navigation Go to the Disability Resource Centre Website Go to the DRC Booking Accommodation Portal Go to the Inclusive … Interested in learning more about Go Global? Apply for an exchange program through your home university. UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. For a list of advisors and ambassadors, please review our contact page. THE DIRT BENEATH OUR FEET IS OFTEN TAKEN FOR GRANTED, YET IT’S STILL A PRECIOUS RESOURCE. All Events; This Month; By order of the Provincial Health Officer, in-person UBC events — both indoors and outdoors — are suspended. College of Graduate Studies, Research at UBCO | VP Research | Research Services, Go to the Disability Resource Centre Website, Go to the DRC Booking Accommodation Portal, Go to the Inclusive Technology Lab Website, Student resources during the COVID-19 outbreak, Health insurance for international students, Resumes, cover letters, curricula vitae & interviews, Credit/D/Fail standing at the Okanagan Campus, Visiting International Research Student at UBC Okanagan. Apply online through the Go Global Gateway application system. If you’re looking for an opportunity to travel and learn, make sure you take advantage of these programs. At UBC, most undergraduate courses include three hours of class time per week. Engineering (Applied Science) The first-of-its-kind in Canada, Blockchain@UBC is now recognized as the world’s most interdisciplinary, research-intensive academic graduate program focused on blockchain. UBC’s Okanagan campus also provides numerous opportunities for student involvement in research and hands-on experience in our abundant fields of study. Be aware that a dip in grades might occur, and don’t panic if this happens. Science Our campus community currently houses almost 1,700 students in a wide variety of accommodations: fully-furnished single rooms, semi-suites, quad units, studios, and one-bedroom apartments. Go Global UBC Okanagan Be sure to speak to your instructor (professor or TA) if you: Most instructors hold office hours (regular times they will be in their offices, during which you can drop by). 1100- 6138 Student Union Boulevard (UBC Life Building) Vancouver, BC, Canada . In the context of the site at UBC Okanagan (UBCO), the greenfield opportunity lies within 60 acres of land earmarked for the Innovation Precinct. Since 2014, UBC has welcomed over 2500 VIRS students from over 650 universities and 85 different countries. Last day of Term 1 (December) examinations for most faculties. Friday, 17 December 2021. If this happens to you, don’t worry. This is in effect until February 5, 2021, at midnight. Lecture courses also commonly have tutorials. The University of British Columbia . Thursday, 17 December 2020. Approximately one-third of the earth’s soils are already degraded from over-tilling, pollution and over-planting — and with more than 7.5 … Tuesday, 22 December 2020. UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. Ensure you meet UBC’s English language requirements and have reviewed any program and course restrictions.. 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