ona sometimes takes modifiers, usually mije, meli, mute ni This is usually translated as "this" and is supposed to indicate the anaphora used when pointing, say with a finger. In 2007, Lang reportedly said that at least 100 people speak Toki Pona fluently and estimated that a few hundred have a basic knowledge of the language. TOKI PONA. kulupu pona. But, if all communities aim at some good, the state or political community, which is the highest of all, and which embraces all the rest, aims at good in a greater degree than any other, and at the highest good.”—Aristotle (384323 B.C. This is day 1 of my journey to learn Toki Pona, the goal of this podcast is to be fully spoken Toki Pona, but until then I will do it in English. toki pona taso. jan | kulupu jan | pali | ma | moku | musi | sona | soweli en akesi | tenpo pini | toki. If you do, you will be removed from the studio. The official site tokipona.org is now mainly publicity for the official book, aka. Last visit was: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:36 am. Twitter has some toki pona activity. Like many words, they all can take on many roles in the sentence. Toki lili is a microblogging site similar to twitter specifically aimed at Toki Pona speakers. What is Toki Pona? mi mute toki e toki pona! tenpo ale la jan ike li ike Tenpo ale la translates as at all times and captures the sense of inevitability in haters gonna hate in English. See more of TOKI PONA on Facebook It is currently Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:25 am, In total there are 20 users online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 19 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)Most users ever online was 534 on Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:50 am Registered users: Google [Bot] The toki pona community has been using about 10 different online forums over the past 10 years, mailing lists etc, and all of them have seen their share of spam and other bad behavior, a very few fights, many arguments (and some of those productive ones! ), and lots of abrasiveness. It is currently Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:36 am aw! Versions of it first appeared on line in 2001, and a small but dedicated community of speakers developed around it in the 2000’s, mostly around a handful of resources that were linked from her website. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world < Toki Pona. sep … vt listen, hear; mod auditory, hearing. “The community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man.”—Henry David Thoreau (18171862), “Every community is an association of some kind and every community is established with a view to some good; for everyone always acts in order to obtain that which they think good. ooh! Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. jan mute pi toki pona li lon. Toki Pona community seems moderately interested in this project. toki pona li pona li toki pi jan pona! In toki pona, subject can never be dropped and objects usually are not dropped. How I discovered Toki Pona Watching memes in Esperanto IRC. This is why, even while holding its level of complexity constant, Toki Pona leaves a lot of expressiveness on the table. It was my attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words. A more or less exhaustive list of all words in toki pona that are, or were, used is the “nimi ale pona” document. This page, however, will describe all the words that, from my point of view, seem somewhat common in online usage, as well as the way some of the official 120 words are alternatively used in the community. Check toki pona out on Facebook, Reddit, tokipona.org, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, and various other sites!> ___ This side describes the entire grammar, the other side contains the entire vocabulary. toki pona. o luka e poki "o ante." Group of people sharing a common understanding who reveal themselves by using the same language, manners, tradition and law. Besides meli and mije for man and woman, many in the toki pona community also employ tonsi to express identity outside of the binary concept of gender. ha! Simplicity is a core part of Toki Pona (in fact, pona means both simple and good). Toki Lili is a microblogging community for speakers of Toki Pona. Sonja Elen Kisa. What Toki Pona is not concerned with, however, is having the simplest, maximally expressive grammar. Kisa is reported to have said that at least 100 people speak Toki Pona fluently and estimates that a few hundred have a basic knowledge of the language. Toki Pona is the current official international auxiliary language of business, culture, and general intercommunication of humanity, subhumanity, and on the planet Earth in general. toki pona is a philosophically minimalist constructed language, created by Sonja Lang. oh! Did I say community? Toki pona is a constructed language--or "conlang"--invented by Sonja Elen Kisa. gender. Toki Pona is often compared to the island languages of the Pacific in sound. This fits the image Lang had for Toki Pona of being spoken by people on a small island, living on the beach. ), “when Mrs Kindhead comes to collect for the Community Chestgrab her and tell her There are unfavorable omens in the sky!And when the mayor comes to get my vote tell himWhen are you going to stop people killing whales!”—Gregory Corso (b. 1 toki pona li tan seme? 'pu'. Toki Pona has been suggested multiple times. Telegram. Community. Read about it in Business Insider , The Guardian , Wikipedia , The Globe and Mail , The Atlantic , The New Yorker , ساسة بوست . There are also identical sentences and phrases in the descriptions, for example "The vocabulary is designed around the principles of living a simple life without the complications of modern civilization" and "as an international auxiliary language". IRC #tokipona chat (IRC freenode) Other subreddits /r/mi_lon /r/tokiponataso. toki pona. Toki Pona merupakan satu bahasa buatan yang mula diterbit pada pertengahan tahun 2001.Bahasa ini direka cipta oleh seorang penterjemah Kanada dan ahli bahasa yang bernama Sonja Elen Kisa (lebih dikenali sebagai jan Sonja dalam kalangan penutur Toki Pona) dari Toronto. Some people in the toki pona community prefer to only use it in the verb meaning, while others use it in others as well. This may be the least stable part of the tour. jan Sonja li pali e ona. Toki Pona is a constructed language created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Lang in 2001. The official toki pona book only defines the verb meaning of the word “pu”. If you would like to join, ask in the comments. kute. I guess I should introduce it in a nicer way. nimi toki li tan nimi tok pi toki Topisin. We can however express gender and plurality more explicitly if necessary. (emotion ... n group, community, society, company; mod communal, shared, public, of the society. morr.cc/toki-pona-cheat-sheet/. My microlang Mini attempts to ”fix” a few key problems with Toki Pona by streamlining grammar to make it more expressive. Toki pona is a small constructed language by Sonja. community translation in English-Toki Pona dictionary. 11 talking about this. 1930). Here is an online IRC chat that takes you straight to the toki pona room. The consensus answer (thanks Oliver Mason) for how to translate Haters gonna hate into Toki Pona is the following:. It’s an experiment to see how minimalist a language can get. Discord Servers. Traffic on the Toki Pona mailing list and other online communities suggests that several hundred people have dabbled in it. lipu ni li jo e sona sin. Kisa is reported to have said that at least 100 people speak Toki Pona fluently and estimates that a few hundred have a basic knowledge of the language. The word 'kipisi' (to cut) didn't make it into 'pu', but it was once mentioned on the official website. Specifically, Kisa proposes that toki pona encourages its speakers to think simply and to focus on basic reality rather than abstract or euphemistic concepts. John Clifford, PhD gave the following presentation on Toki Pona at the Second Language Creation Conference in 2007 at Berkeley University: "The Problems with Success: What Happens When an Opinionated Conlang Meets Its Speakers". a. interj ah! It consists of about 124 words and is easy to learn. Search in english and Toki Pona. ma pi toki pona taso. Toki Pona is a language invented by Sonja Elen Kisa that only has 120 words and 14 sounds. It is inspired by Taoism and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Alphabet. There will be a transition period where I as I learn it I will use more Toki Pona until I can fully speak it. Also, I finally think it would be better to parse out all syntaxically incorrect sentences from the book. Traffic on the Toki Pona mailing list and other online communities suggests that several hundred people have dabbled in it. lipu li ike tawa sina la sina ken ante e ona. Skype. The center of toki pona has moved from mailing list to forums to facebook and will move again, but who knows when. ni li lipu Wikipesija!. 101 likes. Community. toki pona li toki sin. toki pona’s lexicon comes from a choice process more akin to Basic English, where words of high frequency, highly polysemous are chosen and narrow ones are left out. I can see that some of the identical text in Toki Pona language, and all of the identical text in Blahuš, is in the sample texts - that is fine. Community. ... n group, community, society, company, people mod communal, shared, public, of the society kute vt listen, hear mod auditory, hearing la sep (between adverb or phrase of context and sentence) lape kulupu pi toki pona. Twitter. A simple Toki Pona Dictionary.