The Quran points to the sky’s protection as a sign of Allah. Allah, in the Holy Quran, summons humanity to investigate and reflect upon the heavens, the earth, mountains, stars, plants, seeds, animals, the alternation of the night and the day, the creation of man, the rain and many other created things. 7 – the Quran cleanses the heart from the ills of shirk and hypocrisy. The best explanation is that God revealed this knowledge to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The fact that mountains have deep ‘stake’ like roots was not known until after the development of the theory of plate tectonics in the beginning of the 20th century. The Quran informs us that we have a purpose in life, and that following Allah’s guidance will lead us to inner peace in this life, and Paradise in the hereafter. The miracle of embryonic development is mentioned in the Quran in such minute detail, much of which was unknown to scientists until only recently. In 1512 the astronomer Nicholas Copernicus put forward his theory that the Sun is motionless at the centre of the solar system, and that the planets revolve around it. In these lectures, we talk about Science in the Quran, try to answer questions, “Why study science in the Quran?”. Scientists spend their whole lives trying to prove some scientific facts and the same fact you can easily find in the Holy Quran “Subhanallah” and this may be the reason that the believers of Islam are increasing by the day. It is the strongest and immutable source of religious rules and pillars. Your Allah is one Allah; there is no god but Him, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Al Quran contains numerous physical sciences for the Guidance of Human Beings. Within this backdrop the Quran was revealed, and it contains many scientific facts on topics ranging from Astronomy through to Biology. It also means darkness. For example, 80% of the cytoplasm (basic cell material) of a standard animal cell is described as water in biology textbooks. And that rejection of his message will lead to depression in this life and Hellfire after death. It is a marvelous book in which Allah describes various aspects of this universe. The Quran was written down and memorised by people during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It is important to note that the Quran is not a book of science, but a book of ‘signs’. There are clear signs that the book of Islam, the Quran, is the word of God. It is clear from the verse that Iron is not an earthly material, but was sent down for the benefit of humanity. class="page page-id-64 page-template-default custom-background"> Home; Shia Blood Donors; What is Islam? These are some of the many protective functions of the sky. 10 Facts about the Holy Quran. At a time when the science of Astronomy was still primitive, the expansion of the universe was described in the Quran: “AND IT IS WE WHO HAVE BUILT THE UNIVERSE WITH [OUR CREATIVE] POWER AND KEEP EXPANDING IT.”[51:47]. We now know that cells are mostly made up of water. Quran and science. In the same way, when we see the order in the universe around us, isn’t it rational to say that the universe has an organiser? The Quran links movement and lying to this area. There are predictions made in the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which have come to pass. It is the last testament in a series of divine revelations from God. Science at the time was primitive. From the eighth to fifteenth century, Muslim mathematicians and astronomers furthered the … Without these pain receptors, a person would not be able to feel pain. A book titled ‘Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology’ which includes the results of research on the functions of this area states: THE MOTIVATION AND THE FORESIGHT TO PLAN AND INITIATE MOVEMENTS OCCUR IN THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE FRONTAL LOBES, THE PREFRONTAL AREA. It ranges from basic arithmetics to the most advanced topics in astrophysics. WHEN THEIR SKINS HAVE BEEN BURNED AWAY, WE SHALL REPLACE THEM WITH NEW ONES SO THAT THEY MAY CONTINUE TO FEEL THE PAIN: GOD IS ALMIGHTY, ALL-WISE.”[4:56]. In the Quran God says "verily, we created the heavens and earth with strength, and we are its expander" (51.47). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. He died in June of that year. Muhammad's final meeting with Gabriel came in 632 CE. The Quran uses the term “Allah” for God; it emphasizes the supreme Divinity rather than the … The protective properties of the sky were discovered by scientific research conducted in the 20th century. There are many reasons that support this claim: There are scientific and historical facts found in the Quran which were unknown to the people at the time, and have only been discovered recently. The Quran came in a unique style of language that cannot be replicated, this is known as the ‘Inimitability of the Quran.’. The Holy Quran says: “You are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.” (Quran, 3:110) There was a cruel oppressive tribal leader named Abu Jahl who lived during the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Not even the greatest minds knew anything about this. This preview shows page 1 - 9 out of 23 pages. The belief that the Sun is stationary was widespread amongst astronomers until the 20th century. If the sky did not exist then the sun’s radiation would have killed off all life on earth. Modern responses typically appeal to metaphor, alternative … This observation is shared by the vast majority of scientists. The fact is that the Holy Quran abounds with facts which were impossible to know 1400 years without the aid of a microscope or telescope. Before we move onto the scientific facts found in the Quran, the next section is a quick introduction to the concept of God in Islam. The Quran indicates that mountains have deep roots by using the word stakes to describe them. Scientists of medieval Muslim civilization (e.g. The Holy Quran; Search Allah is not male or female, the word ‘Him’ when used for God does not refer to gender. Since the universe has order and is governed by the ‘laws of science’, we should question how this order came about. Light is present at that depth, but if we go down 1000 metres it is completely dark . Allah gave us intelligence so we could use it to recognise his existence and to follow his guidance. The Quran and Islam allows for much interpretation when it comes to science. The sky also protects life on earth by warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night. Allah does not call this person a liar, but calls his forehead (the front part of the brain) ‘lying’ and ‘sinful’, and warns him to stop. The Quran on the Origin of the Universe. Allah revealed a verse of the Quran to warn him: “NO INDEED! IF HE DOES NOT STOP, WE WILL SEIZE HIM BY THE FOREHEAD, HIS LYING, SINFUL FOREHEAD.”[96:15-16]. 2-The revelation started in the Holy month of Ramadan. Islam is different because it is based upon reason and proof. In this episode of “The Proof of Islam” Mr. Green speaks about the scientific miracle of the Holy Quran. The Quran makes it clear that pain is dependent upon the skin. It mentions the first stages of life after conception, the second stage of life after conception, and witnesses of scientists about these scientific facts of the Quran. AND THE MOUNTAINS AS STAKES?”[78:6-7]. All of these comments have been taken from the videotape entitled This is the Truth.In this videotape, you can see and hear the scientists while they are giving the following comments. Quran has proved many scientific facts. One of the copies of the Quran which was written a few years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is preserved in a museum in Uzbekistan. This may sound strange but it’s true. When we reflect upon the nature of our world, we see order everywhere from the water cycle to the movement of the earth around the sun. There were no telescopes, microscopes or anything even close to the technology we have today. 7 – the Quran cleanses the heart from the ills of shirk and hypocrisy. It did not form on the earth but came down to earth from outer space. 4-Whoever reads one letter of the Quran gets 10 Rewards. Lo! In this verse, water is pointed out as the origin of all life. However, it has been discovered that there are pain receptors present in the skin. One such study at the University of Pennsylvania in which volunteers were asked questions during a computerized interrogation, it was found that when the volunteers were lying there was significantly increased activity in the prefrontal and premotor cortices. The following are nine scientific facts found in the Quran: Water is essential for all living things. Find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises. Holy Quran, 21:31. Islam wants a healthy and strong Muslim society which is capable of understanding and applying Allah’s message and carrying it away to the whole world. The Quran asks us to consider the sky in the following verse: “WE MADE THE SKY A PROTECTIVE CEILING. In fact, mountains do have deep roots, and the word stakes is an accurate description for them. Secondly, numerous studies have shown that this same region (frontal lobe) is responsible for the lying function of the brain. From Arithmetics to Astrophysics. According to Islamic tradition, the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad in 609 CE. The main point is that contemplation of the natural world, as it displays the creative activity of Allah SWT, is one of the gateways to faith. Over the next two decades, new surahs were dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, who was delivering the exact words of God himself. Russia and Turkey ditched US currency for S-400 missile system deal, Almost 1 in 5 Germans is ‘at risk of poverty’ despite record employment – study, Philippine Congress moves a step closer to expanding Islamic banking, 'Cryptocurrency can be used among Islamic countries', Muslim Doctor Develops Method to Help Coronavirus Patients, Muslim Scientist’s New Tool Can ‘Listen to Bacterial Communicate’ to Curb Infections. The Great Shamil, Imam of Daghestan and Chechnya, Shaykh of Naqshbandi tariqah. It is commonly thought that waves only occur on the surface of the ocean. Some people may claim that the Quran was changed as new scientific facts were discovered. In Islam, God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. Iron is not natural to the earth. This description is not only remarkable because it describes the internal waves in the ocean, but also because it describes darkness deep in the ocean. It relates to our feelings, wants and needs. Allah said, what translated means, “o mankind! Muslims consider the Quran to be a holy book, the word of God, and a miracle. This copy is over 1400 years old and is exactly the same as the Arabic Quran that we have today. This quiz, Quran and Science, includes various Scientific aspects mentioned in the Quran . The most effective way to answer this question is to reason to the best conclusion. 1-The Holy Quran has 114 surahs & The Holy Quran has 30 parts. Description: A Scientific and Quranic explanation … Some examples of these are related in the Holy Quran Chapter 81. Science at the time was primitive. But this cannot be the case, because it is a historically documented fact that the Quran is preserved in its original language. The Quran (Koran, the book of Islam) contains scientific knowledge that could not have been known 1400 years ago. Ibn al-Haytham) contributed to the new discoveries of science. Scientists have found that billions of years ago the earth was struck by meteorites. This proves without doubt that the Quran must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him to the Prophet Muhammad , and that the Quran was not authored by Muhammad or by any other human being. A book titled ‘Earth’ by Geophysicist Frank Press explains that mountains are like stakes, and are buried deep under the surface of the earth.Mount Everest, the height of which is approximately 9 km above ground, has a root deeper than 125 km. You are invited to go through those miracles and judge for yourself. History of the Holy Quran (Dr. Atif Aftab) Presentation.ppt - Presented by Dr Muhammad Atif Aftab Ph.D(University of Karachi Revelation of Islam The, The revelation from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is, referred to in the Qur'an itself by many names and amongst them as, Al-kitab (scripture, see Al-Qur'an 21:10), Allah has also given the Qur’an many descriptions in His verses and, The verbal noun of the root word: Qara’a means to read. Glass comes from sand, plastic comes from oil and metal is extracted from the ground. These waves are invisible to the human eye, and can only be detected by specialist equipment. The holistic knowledge developed through fusion of science and the Quran treats the universe as a system designed, programmed (like a computer) and created by God with the purpose stated in the Quran. This is known as the frontal lobe. Science sometimes takes a ‘U-turn’, what is scientifically correct today is false a few years later. The sky plays a crucial role in protecting the earth. The heavens and the Earth were indeed opened out from this mass to produce the universe we see today. In this quest for our purpose of life many people have turned to religion. This verse is significant for two reasons. These signs are there for people to recognise Allah’s existence and revelation. This information was impossible to obtain 14oo years ago. The Quran itself, revealed 14 centuries ago, contains many scientific facts and imagery that are supported by modern findings. Some of the ayat and surah of the Quran also have a cure for the ills of the body, such as Sura-e-Al-Fati’ha and also Al- mu’azatheen (the last two surah of the Quran). Muslims believe this message is the Quran. Take your mobile phone for example: your phone is made of glass, plastic and metal. The physicist Stephen Hawking in his book ‘A Brief History of Time’ writes, “The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the 20th century.” The Quran mentioned the expansion of the universe even before the invention of the telescope! Sciences present in Al Quran Presented By: Ahmad Naeem 03F-EE-04. 2. That the Sun shone, the wind blew, lightning struck, the oil bubbled to the surface and mixed with the sand and metal, and over millions of years the mobile phone came together by chance? WILL THEY NOT BELIEVE?”[21:30]. Allah tells the people who reject his message that when they are in Hell and their skins are burnt off (so they can’t feel any pain), he will give them new skins so that they continue to feel the pain. It is a complete book for the guidance of human life. These are just some of the many scientific facts found in the Quran. It also acts like a blanket wrapped around the earth, to protect it from the freezing cold of space. In this reprint, I decided to improve its presentation by simplifying the language and editing the te… This booklet by Dr. Maurice Bucaille has been in circulation for the past nineteen years and has been a very effective tool in presenting Islam to non-Muslims as well as introducing Muslims to aspects of the scientific miracle of the Qur’an. Quran literally means ‘reading’ or ‘recitation’. “WE SHALL SHOW THEM OUR SIGNS IN THE UNIVERSE AND WITHIN THEMSELVES, UNTIL IT BECOMES CLEAR TO THEM THAT THIS IS THE TRUTH. These meteorites were carrying Iron from distant stars which had exploded. It is now a well-established scientific fact that the Sun is not stationary, but is moving in an orbit around the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. Since Allah created the world, it makes sense that he would send a message to us about our purpose in life. If this temperature was to reach earth then the planet would freeze over instantly. The fact that Iron came down to earth from outer space is something which could not be known by the primitive science of the 7th century. 1400 years ago there were no submarines or specialist equipment to discover internal waves or the darkness deep inside the oceans. The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the 7th century. H) Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran: The following are some comments of scientists 1 on the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. We all know that water is vital to life, but the Quran makes a very unusual claim: “WE MADE EVERY LIVING THING FROM WATER? Imagine you were walking in a desert (where there is lots of oil, sand and metals in the ground), and you found a mobile phone lying around. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam … For a long time it was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent on the brain. No one would believe such an explanation. “WE SHALL SEND THOSE WHO REJECT OUR REVELATIONS TO THE (HELL) FIRE. There were no telescopes, microscopes or anything even close to the technology we have today. The first is that the front part of our brain is responsible for voluntary movement. The arabic word ratqan means a closed-up mass. All living things are made of cells. “In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for people with intelligence”[Quran 3:190]. The fact that the universe is expanding was discovered in the last century. The discovery of pain receptors in the skin is a fairly recent discovery for Biology. Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have sought to understand nature and our place in it. A common criticism of the Quran, as with the Hadith, is that it contains numerous scientific and historical errors, with no obvious attempts to differentiate its understanding of the natural world and historical events from the common folklore and misconceptions of the people living in 7 th century Arabia. However, oceanographers have discovered that there are internal waves that take place below the surface of the ocean. These are just some of the many scientific facts found in the Quran… In the deserts of Arabia, the last thing someone would have guessed is that all life came from water. But we now know that the Quranic account of the Sun’s motion is consistent with modern Astronomy. Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. This booklet lays out and explains the scientific facts that are found in the Quran, centuries before they were discovered. Furthermore it has accurately prophesied future events. A mobile phone is clearly something that was put together in an organised way, so it would be rational to believe that it must have an organiser. These functions of the frontal lobe were discovered with medical imaging equipment which was developed in the 20th century. The Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. 3-Quran was revealed over 23 years: 13 in Mecca and 10 in Madina. The sky protects the earth from the lethal rays of the sun. The Quran would have been wrong according to astronomers just a couple of decades ago. Commenting on the order found in the universe, the physicist Stephen Hawking explains that the overwhelming impression: “IS ONE OF ORDER, THE MORE WE DISCOVER ABOUT THE UNIVERSE, THE MORE WE FIND THAT IT IS GOVERNED BY RATIONAL LAWS.”. 1. A dark, closed-up mass is a perfect description of what we know the universe looked like in its earliest moments. Muslim scholars have developed a spectrum of viewpoints on science within the context of Islam. It is based on a transcription of a lecture given by Dr. Bucaille in French. Just like the Quran contains knowledge about the natural world, it also contains information about the inner dimensions of our souls. Scientific Facts in the Quran (Part 1) – The Proof That Islam Is The Truth. It comprises the unaltered and direct words of God, revealed through the Angel Gibrael, to the final Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh)1 some 1400 years ago. The entire universe, which was created by Allah, follows and obeys His laws. The Quran mentions darkness in a deep ocean above which are waves, above which are waves, then clouds above that. WHEN ONE PUTS OUT HIS HAND [THEREIN], HE CAN HARDLY SEE IT. Abdurraheem Green embarks on a journey, a journey to take you through a very amazing and interesting topic and that is the proof that Islam is the Truth. The Quran uses imagery to covey its deep meanings, here it describes the state of the unbelievers as: “DARKNESS OUT IN A DEEP OCEAN WHICH IS COVERED BY WAVES, ABOVE WHICH ARE WAVES, ABOVE WHICH ARE CLOUDS, LAYERS OF DARKNESS, ONE UPON THE OTHER. A human being can dive no more than 70 metres without breathing equipment. This article spots the top facts in Quran that have been proven by scientists. IS IT NOT ENOUGH THAT YOUR LORD IS THE WITNESS OF ALL THINGS?”[QURAN 41:53], , © Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved, Tatarstan hosted “Koran Day” for the children, World Interfaith Conference to be held in Russia, The first online madrasah began its work in Tatarstan, Crimean Muftiyat launches online seminars on the life of Prophets, More than 50 mosques restored and built in Astrakhan, Tatarstan Muslims held a hockey tournament, Bolgar Islamic Academy holds spiritual and educational seminars, A grand mosque to be built in Vladivostok, Over six million perform Umrah for the last three months, The Universal Message of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The fact that living things consist mostly of water was discovered only after the invention of the microscope. The Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. AND YET THEY ARE TURNING AWAY FROM OUR SIGNS!” [21:32]. The Quran draws our attention to a very important characteristic of mountains: “DID WE NOT MAKE THE EARTH A RESTING PLACE? Most religions are based on books claimed by their followers to be divinely inspired, without any proof. Scientific Facts in the Light of Holy Quran Here today we discuss Scientific Facts in the Light of the Holy Quran Almost everyone knows that the Holy Quran is a book that represents the religion of Muslims. The concept of God is summarised in the Quran as: “SAY, HE IS Allah, THE ONE, GOD, THE ABSOLUTE, HE DOES NOT GIVE BIRTH, NOR WAS HE BORN, AND THERE IS NOTHING LIKE HIM.”[112:1-4]. The Quran mentions the orbit of the Sun: “IT IS HE WHO CREATED NIGHT AND DAY, THE SUN AND THE MOON, EACH FLOATING IN ITS ORBIT.”[21:33]. THOSE GOD GIVES NO LIGHT TO, THEY HAVE NO LIGHT.”[24:40]. This ‘organiser’ is best explained by the existence of God. THE PART OF THE BRAIN THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOVEMENT IS SAID TO BE SEIZED IF THE MAN DOES NOT STOP. It is important to note that the Quran is not a book of science, but that it is consistent with science. The Quran says the following on the origin of Iron: “WE SENT DOWN IRON WITH ITS GREAT INHERENT STRENGTH AND ITS MANY BENEFITS FOR HUMANKIND”[57:25]. The Quran is the expression and explanation of GODs laws of creation or nature. The front part of the brain is responsible for movement and lying. To claim that scientific facts in the Quran are due to coincidence would be irrational. People believed that the sun orbited the earth and that the sky was held up by big pillars at the corners of a flat earth. God uses the words ‘sent down’ for Iron. The Quran instructs Muslims to "contemplate the wonders of creation" (Quran 3:191). 1 Comment. Would you believe that it came together by itself? One feature of the book believed to be miraculous is the expressiveness of its verses, as it is claimed they are too eloquent to be written by a human. In this booklet only established scientific facts are considered, not just theories or hypothesis. God is the one who bought about the order in the universe. The Quran is the holy book which Muslims recite and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their life. Quran is defined as ‘the book containing the speech of Allah (God), sent, down upon the last Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), through the Angel. Syed Ahmed Hussain Gillani Isl & Pst.docx, Updated Basic Concepts about Holy Quran.ppt, History of the Hadith, Dr.Atif Aftab Presentation.pptx, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi • ENGLISH 123. SCIENTIFIC FACTS IN THE QURAN The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the 7th century. The temperature just above the sky is approximately -270oC. According to astronomers just a couple of decades ago water was discovered in the Quran is not sponsored endorsed! And blessings of Allah be upon him ) MAKE the earth from ground. 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