Luke than recruited the Prince of Artorias Finn Galfridian into the Jedi Order after noticing that he was Force-sensitive. Skywalker quickly thrust his lightsaber down into what appeared to be Stadd's body. Luke then acted as Corran's Jedi superior, deceiving the Jensaarai into revealing information in order for Luke to "return the Force back to them." Leia slew the Hutt and Luke recognized her victory as part of her accepting her Jedi heritage. Luke, Mara, Jacen and Jaina took the side of the Alliance, while Leia and Han adopted the point of view of the Corellians. It was during this battle, and the previous attack on Hoth, that made Callista realize that she had to leave Luke. [21], Skywalker as founder of the New Jedi Order, Luke spent much attention on another new arrival, Kyp Durron, who had been rescued from Kessel and Imperial imprisonment by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Luke entered the ship, flying into orbit, and managed to evacuate in an escape pod as the zinethium exploded. The "Fizz," a deadly white substance that ate anything not naturally occurring in the planets that the Killiks were given, was killing hundreds of Killiks each day. Akanah then admitted that she had used Skywalker to help find her way back to the rest of the Fallanassi—while Akanah's mother had helped betray the Fallanassi years earlier and had been condemned for her actions, Wialu had left a path for Akanah to follow back to the rest of the White Circle when she was older. He crash-landed and a group of Theran fanatics, a religious local cult who were generally anti-technology and decidedly isolationist, attacked the shipwreck, but Luke was able to escape them by stirring up a cloud of dust with the Force and slipping away in the ensuing confusion. Although the artifact was destroyed, the people of Hanoon did gain their freedom from Imperial rule. [35], Arriving at the coordinates, they found little there besides an asteroid field. As Morne prepared to leave the planet she was confronted by Luke who asked to know more about the Jedi's history and his destiny. Luke was able to defeat Trioculus' attacks and destroyed his ally, but Trioculus managed to escape with the glove. On Kalist VI, Luke had an unexpected reunion with his childhood friend Janek Sunber, now a lieutenant in the Imperial Army, which ended with the near destruction of the Alliance Fleet. Cronal, who was shocked that Skywalker had used the Force to contact him while in hyperspace, thought his own power in the Dark was enough to snuff out Luke's light. George Lucas has stated that Luke has the same Force potential as his father, which is why both Darth Vader and the Emperor were willing to turn on each other to gain Luke as their apprentice. While these games follow the mainstream continuity, the manner in which the events are presented and the various plot elements added for gameplay or fun make the game non-canon. Luke awoke in the Alliance Supply Navy supply ship Verity. C'baoth objected and attacked them with the Force, but R2-D2 used the X-wing's laser cannon to blast near C'baoth, knocking him out with the shock. Morne quickly defeated Skywalker and held him at saber point. However, Skywalker found his match in Mara Jade. She distracted Huxley and his gangsters while her husband destroyed the droid. He was very proud when the two young Jedi candidates returned, having successfully freed the trapped Massassi souls. Upon landing, they explored the surrounding area, but despite all her attempts, Callista was still unable to touch the Force, which frustrated her to the point where she said that if she could not regain her powers, she did not want to be with Skywalker, which concerned him. Luke also reminded his wayward descendant that even if he tried running from his destiny, the galaxy would never leave him alone. She had since been cured by the Theran Listners and accepted into their ranks. [198] The Starkiller name later was used for a Tarisian duel veteran in the times of Revan, named Bendak Starkiller,[199] and even more recently as the name of Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. [8], Skywalker recovered from his wounds, including a deeply gashed face and a crushed cheekbone,[60] in a bacta tank, but did not have much time to recover; one of Vader's thousands of probe droids, launched across the galaxy in search of the Jedi and the new Alliance base, had reached Hoth and sent proof of Rebel activity to the Galactic Empire. Before Kueller could activate the remote, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Mara Jade arrived with ysalamari. Wondering what Ashgad was planning, Skywalker accompanied a group of well-armed Newcomers sent to retrieve a cargo of weapons and supplies from a capsule dropped from orbit. The mission was a success, and though Saba was wounded, all escaped with the girl. However, right before he was put into the pit, Skywalker escaped when R2-D2 shot his lightsaber to him and freed the other prisoners on the skiff. Luke began to worry about Ben's safety and completely distrusted Jacen. Although convinced that it was Lomi Plo, Luke and Mara could not find her. Although full-scale war between the Killiks and the Chiss was averted with the signing of the Qoribu Truce, the peace would not last long. At some point, Skywalker reluctantly agreed to return to Tatooine in order to investigate a crashed Imperial Transport Capsule that Jawas managed to steal, although the mission became a lot more complicated upon being infected with Bledsoe's disease due to a Squill bite, although he nonetheless succeeded in uncovering the connection between Bledsoe's disease, the transport capsules, and Rebel outposts being destroyed. Skywalker knew that fear and too aggressive a path would lead his Jedi to the dark side. [17][24][107], Luke, especially after serving the reborn Darth Sidious as the Sith Lord's apprentice, was often conflicted about his role in the Force and had his judgment clouded, until Mara Jade and Corran Horn helped free him of the dark side's influence. Alliance to Restore the Republic[7]Red Squadron[7]Rogue Squadron[8]Jedi Order[7]Alliance of Free Planets[9]Bright Tree Village[10]New Republic[1]New Republic Defense Force[11]New Jedi Order[1]Jedi High Council[12]Dark Empire (Very briefly)[13]Order of the Sith Lords (Very briefly)[13]Galactic Federation of Free Alliances[14]Jedi Coalition[15] Luke appeared to Cade and told him that as a Jedi, he could either give into fear and die with Krayt or choose hope and live. He aided the escape of her and Han and supplied them with the interface codes that controlled the World Devastators on Mon Calamari. Homeworld Recalling her own watery homeworld, Callista loved it there and enjoyed the time they spent together, but felt that it had little connection to the Force. [195], Early concept art showing Deak Starkiller fighting Darth Vader, In the biography of George Lucas on The Academy of Achievement website, it is noted that the famous Skywalker Ranch is, in fact, named after Luke Skywalker.[196]. Making camp in a cave, they were cornered by a krayt dragon, but Kenobi arrived and chased it off. Upon closer examination, he sensed the presence of a former student of his, a man named Brakiss. Surviving a massive Force battle at the site of the old Jedi Temple, Skywalker left Coruscant and returned to take over Blackmoon Squadron when Wedge launched Operation Emperor's Spear against former Warmaster Czulkang Lah. In the commercial, he briefly recalls his past experiences as a Jedi and with the Rebel Alliance, and told of some new threat that he was unsure he could defeat. [17] Luke consulted with 'Kieran Halcyon' on Gantoris' death, but before he could complete the investigation, Luke was distracted with new students, one of which was Mara Jade, who still maintained a tenuous-at-best friendship with Luke. There, they rescued the artifacts and Uldir, who had nearly been corrupted by the false magician Orloc. Luke figured that because the Lost Tribe was actively hunting them, the main fleet must be elsewhere. Luke realized that Waru was from another universe, a place where another form of the Force took the place of the Force. And just like that Jedi Master, he found he was unable to break away from its snare once he was immersed too deeply in it. To their horror, however, it turned out to be the Death Star. Instead, he made his way to the largest city, Hweg Shul and, via an acquaintance of Scraf's, learned that Callista had arrived on Nam Chorios eight months prior. Due to the stroke of madness infesting young Jedi, Luke reluctantly formed an unprecedented alliance with the Lost Tribe of Sith. Shortly after, former student Kyle Katarn returned to the Praxeum, and informed Luke that he had encountered Desann. He investigated the matter and discovered that Brie was actually an Imperial agent. [164][165] This somewhat soft stance on discipline and errant behavior at the Jedi Praxeum indirectly led to the attacks by the spirit of Exar Kun on his students. [155], While Luke and Mara were focused on keeping the galaxy safe for their son, they had not realized that Ben had cut himself off from the Force. By the time he boarded the second Death Star, Luke had improved his abilities to stand on equal footing with Vader despite not fighting to kill. Skywalker then destroyed the first Death Star and joined the Rebel Alliance. After learning the full history from the documents that confirmed Yoda's story, Luke later sent a Jedi Task force to locate the Mortis Monolith to retrieve the Dagger of Mortis as a means of destroying Abeloth for good as insurance in case Abeloth returned from the dead. After some hassling with natives, they found a place where they can stay. He also suggested that, until a proper election could be held, that Wynn Dorvan serve as the Chief of State, to which Wynn reluctantly agreed. [118], Investigating the ruined hall, he noticed that the damage had been caused by several small blasts. Refused, the Alliance leaders wrote Zonama Sekot out of their concern and left the planet for the Jedi to deal with. While Ben and Vestara panicked, Luke used his knowledge of the White Current to discover that it was actually an illusion. As Nam Chorios was an interdicted world whose automated gun stations would take down any ship larger than a starfighter, Skywalker knew that the approach would be dangerous as his was close to the maximum size limit for a ship to slip past the gun stations, but the heavily armed starfighter was chosen due to nearby pirate nests. During the battle Master Le'Ung was killed by a Yuuzhan Vong commander. Only a short time after being given a lightsaber by Obi-Wan, Luke was able to instinctively block several blaster bolts fired in rapid succession by a remote, despite his lack of prolonged formal training. Luke, unaware of his true lineage, considered Akanah's offer, but first went to Leia to probe her mind for memories of her mother. Finally, she gave him the location of the White Circle, a planet called J't'p'tan, but did not divulge how she had obtained that information. It raised fundamental problems for the Jedi, who wondered if the problem was with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Force, or the Jedi themselves. Unfortunately, Luke's decision would later come back to haunt him. Unknown to Luke, his scouting party had been executed by Lumiya and her Nagai aide, Den Siva. All three ventures ended in violence and failure. Annie rigged up the astromech's motivator to explode, causing a flare. After the defeat of the Qrephs, Luke and Leia mysteriously vanished -- leaving Han alone. Meanwhile, Wes Janson discovered that Numb was already dead, tortured and killed by Weir. The four all constructed their own unique weapons over a period of weeks. [49], After a practice run in the simulator, Skywalker and Antilles were called by Organa to a secret meeting. Their conversation eventually turned to the role of the Jedi, and Skywalker reiterated his commitment to the idea that Jedi carried weapons because they empowered to act, and needed to use force at times. After the battle, Luke was visited by Mara's Force ghost in his sleep, which brought him comfort, as his wife had already appeared to Ben and aided him in his investigation. Several years after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Skywalker found himself, yet again, on the front lines. Contacting Han and Leia, Luke urged restraint on their part while he investigated the fresh trail in the Odd Chance, a ship borrowed from Calrissian, and they reluctantly agreed. Fleeing the Sith, Skywalker and the others aborted their mission and left in a ship. After showing Anakin, Tahiri, and Uldir the basic workings of Asli Krimsan's holocron, Tionne placed the recovered relics in Luke's quarters until he returned; impatient with the slow pace of learning, Uldir sneaked in to Luke's vacant room and "borrowed" the lightsaber and holocron. [173], Luke called in a favor from Lando to bring in the Rockhound to help navigate the Maw. Luke was present at the funeral of his wife, where Leia Organa Solo was to eulogize her fallen sister-in-law. One reason Lucas may have done this is to reflect his own identification with the character. According to Skywalker, his first use of the Force was when he was roughly six and, through the Force, located a lost screwdriver that was under the couch. Luke was considerably upset by the revelation that she had been lying to him throughout the journey. Among other Force powers Luke had under his disposal, he was particularly skilled in mental manipulation. He told the Jedi that the Geroons had attacked them in the conference room with their pet wolvkils. Furthermore, Jacen, Jaina, Raynar Thul, and Tenel Ka had gone off on a mission of their own to find Lowbacca and hadn't reported in. He released Luke and helped him create a shoto. ], Luke was a vital member of the Alliance of Free Planets and, soon thereafter, the New Republic. [52] As they jumped to Organa's location, Skywalker and Prithi talked about how she was a Force-sensitive just like he was. However, it was not his time, and Ben convinced him to continue on living. [8] Years later after recovering it from a clone of himself, Luke gave the weapon to Mara Jade. Luke Skywalker was a male human that was the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala and the older twin brother of Leia Organa, born a couple days after the transformation of the Galactic Empire also known as "Empire Day". Luke directed it right at Caedus in general, to show him what he could do and also to scare Caedus. Luke exchanged his freedom for his exile from Coruscant and the Jedi Order. [15], However, while they were waiting to launch their strike, the other Masters told Luke of how deep their suspicion and distrust of Jacen ran, and also that he had apparently ordered Ben to kill Cal Omas. Little did he know that the Jedi apprentices he sent out would help thwart a grandiose power-grabbing scheme by Black Sun lieutenant Czethros, but he was impressed with the results, as the five trainees and a repentant Gallandro defeated Czethros before his plans could come to fruition. He proposed to the government that a new Jedi Academy needed to be started, with himself as its head instructor. [160], While battling UnuThul, Luke was able to resist the combined Force power of the Colony and triumph. [30], In approximately 990 BBY, Bodo Baas's Master foretold Luke, and his sister Leia's, struggle against the reborn Palpatine in 10 ABY. However, in the entrance corridor, they were nearly knocked unconscious by a heavy metal cable which had swung loose. While the Jedi destroyed several enemy yammosks and Lah's flagship, the Sunulok, the Jedi starfighter wing also paid a heavy price. Rogues Gallery: Celebrating a Rebel Victory! ], Luke would participate in the Battle of Mindor, leading the New Republic troops. This new team included Skywalker, Organa, Antilles, Prithi, Rus Kal Kin, Falback Kord, Tess Alder, Ardana Cinn and Gram Cortess. Thousands of years before his birth, Skywalker appeared in a vision to the Jedi Master Q'Anilia, along with his father Anakin Skywalker (as Darth Vader) and descendant Cade Skywalker, as well as Zayne Carrick; all four of these individuals would later be affected by the Muur Talisman. However, at the end of the battle, the New Republic was faced with two shocking facts. Luke compromised by allowing to the Barabel's to remain and keep watch over the Temple. Skywalker was shocked to learn that Solo had been captured; when Chewbacca asked him where the Jedi had been, Skywalker had no ready answer, but professed ignorance of the situation. This article needs appropriate citations. Discovering the theft of the objects, and the disappearance of Uldir and Ikrit's Sunrider, Anakin, Tahiri, Tionne, Ikrit, and R2-D2 flew to Exis Station. Its head instructor skilled in mental manipulation of Free Planets and, soon thereafter, the New Republic destroyed. ' attacks and destroyed his ally, but Trioculus managed to evacuate in escape! Left the planet for the Jedi that the damage had been executed by Lumiya and her aide! Controlled the World Devastators on Mon Calamari needed to be started, with himself as its head.. After the defeat of the White Current to discover that it was during this,. Must be elsewhere several small blasts into orbit, and Ben convinced him continue. Young Jedi, Luke and Leia mysteriously vanished -- leaving Han alone vanished -- leaving Han alone freed trapped... And held him at saber point Luke used his knowledge of the Galactic Civil,... Of a former student of his wife, where Leia Organa Solo to... 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