And yes, peeing off the edge of the mountain feels immensely more satisfying as well. Death Stranding PC. Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding is the definitive 2020 game, with its isolation, social distancing, and reconnecting amid societal disaster. To play Death Stranding on PC, your gaming rig needs at least an Intel Core i5-3470 CPU, a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 GPU, 8GB of RAM, 80GB of storage … The launch of Death Stranding has been an enigma in and of itself. When Sam Bridges and Guillermo del Toro (aka, Deadman) inspect their newly acquired BB, for example, the way they're positioned in the cutscene really seems to be making the most of the ultrawide aspect ratio, with both of them appearing at the far edges of the screen rather than being shuffled toward the centre. The long-awaited PC version of Death Stranding is finally being released on July 14. #mc-embedded-subscribe-form input[type=checkbox]{display: inline; width: auto;margin-right: 10px;} That's a nice feeling to have if you're a fan of ultrawide monitors, and it all adds up to make the PC version of Death Stranding feel extra special. The PC version of Death Stranding is clearly the superior version as it's better looking, but also offers more content, a new difficulty setting, and a few Easter eggs to Valve Software's franchises. I mean, Kojima's Icelandic-flavoured post-apocalypse is already one of the most stunning game environments of 2020 on PC, but they look even more majestic when they wrap around your entire peripheral vision. #mc-embedded-subscribe-form .mc_fieldset{border:none;min-height: 0px;padding-bottom:0px;}. Death Stranding has had several lovely upgrades for its PC release, including uncapped frame rates, 4K resolution support and Nvidia’s DLSS 2.0 tech.But the one I’ve been most looking forward to trying out is its 21:9 ultrawide monitor support. Copyright © 2021 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Death Stranding’s focus on meticulous cargo preparation and deliveries that trigger repetitive, intrusive, micro cut-scenes, feel designed to provoke fluster in a world of instant gratification. Hyper Scape Reveals Console Launch Window //Contacting Console Players… The game will be coming to PS4 and … ↑DEATH STRANDING PC Partnership Brings NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 Tech To Hideo Kojima’s Stunning Game - last accessed on 2020-07-11 ↑ DEATH STRANDING PC Community FAQ Guide - last accessed on 2020-07-13 ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ars Technica - Why this month’s PC port of Death Stranding is the definitive version - last accessed on 2020/07/02 ↑ DEATH STRANDING COMING TO STEAM AND THE … The good news is that you don’t need any incredibly expensive components in order to be among the PC first players to join Sam Bridges in his journey across a post-apocalyptic United States, with any modern gaming PC or gaming laptop proving powerful enough. However, the … Just like 3840x2160 isn't technically 'true 4K' (that's 4096x2160, in case you weren't aware), 2560x1080 and 3440x1440 resolutions aren't 'true' 21:9, either. #mergeRow-gdpr fieldset label {font-weight: normal;} Death Stranding has had several lovely upgrades for its PC release, including uncapped frame rates, 4K resolution support and Nvidia's DLSS 2.0 tech. Instead, the game itself is your mini-map, and the extra breath afforded by the ultrawide aspect ratio makes it even easier to get a lay of the land. Death Stranding has one main collectible in the form of memory chips. Death Stranding, of course, doesn't have a mini-map to get in the way of anything, and its controls are a lot more intuitive by default. The announcement trailer shows off some of the fun new freebies available to PC owners of Death Stranding, all set to SAMURAI's Chippin' In. Install size is 64.9GB, which is significant but not unusual for a recent AAA title.