District Home; Laguna Beach High School; Thurston Middle School; El Morro Elementary; Top of the World Elementary; Search. Clear. LBUSD BeachPort is ideal for empowering students and staff to maximize academic effort by facilitating access to academic tools using your personal virtual instructional desktop. He also served as an Assistant Principal at Thurston from 2013 to 2015. On June 23, the Laguna Beach Unified School District will hold a virtual orientation for those considering running for a position on the board of education in the Laguna Beach Unified School District. Laguna Beach Unified School District December 23 at 9:30 AM During this giving season, there's no shortage of generosity at Lagu ... na Beach Unified School District . Parent. Aeries Portal (opens in new window/tab) COVID-19; Directory; Enrollment and Residency; Lunch Menu (opens in new window/tab) PTA (opens in new window/tab) SchoolPower … District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Our students experience the very best teaching and learning strategies based on research and strong professional development. Vidal distinguished himself as the best candidate for this position, demonstrating his instructional leadership and innovation throughout the interview and screening process,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jason Viloria. Quicklinks. BeachPort (opens in new window/tab) Board Agenda (opens in new window/tab) Bus Information; Communications; Directory; Enrollment and Residency; Lunch Menus (opens in new window/tab) LCAP/District Plans; Calendar; District. Community resources in Laguna Beach Unified School District. Primary LBUSD communication tool with parents and students. Superintendent Jason Viloria, Ed.D. At the August 27 special meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) Board of Education, the board took action to approve the appointment of Joseph Vidal as Principal of Thurston Middle School (TMS), start date yet to be determined. 2,088 s.f. Or sign in using: World ranking 376356 altough the site value is $5 760.The charset for this site is iso-8859-1.. The public is invited to RSVP by visiting LagunaBeachGOP.net or emailing [email protected] Questions are encouraged from the audience. BeachPort (opens in new window/tab) Board Agenda (opens in new window/tab) Bus Information; Communications; Directory; Enrollment and Residency; Lunch Menus (opens in new window/tab) LCAP/District Plans; Calendar; District. In This Section. will provide a general overview of the responsibilities and work of the Board for those considering becoming a candidate. Leisa Winston, currently the deputy superintendent for Laguna Beach Unified School District, will take over the Huntington Beach City School District in January. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day - All Sites Closed. A class of 2020 Laguna Beach High School graduate has been invited as a finalist to compete for $5,000 at a live virtual event called the Dragon Challenge this Thursday, September 24. “I am excited to welcome him back to the Laguna Beach Unified School District at Thurston Middle School where I am confident he will help the students, teachers, staff, and community thrive,” he concluded. Find 283 real estate homes for sale listings near Laguna Beach Unified School District in Laguna Beach, CA where the area has a median listing price of $2,572,500. Sign in with Google. From that group of candidates, three were selected to move on to the final interview panel with the Superintendent and other District administrators. Sources. He was selected from a candidate pool in a competitive process that included input and participation from the TMS staff and community. During the 2020-21 school year, funds raised will go to support our educators as they address new challenges with teaching both remotely and in person, as well as assistance for families who are facing financial hardship. The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. Menu Skip to Main Content. To get started: 1. Our Student Services Department offers a wide variety of information to students, staff, and … Laguna Beach High School. After a three-week hiatus from in-person learning, Newport-Mesa Unified School District is moving ahead with its plan to reopen middle and high school campuses starting Monday. He holds a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and a Master of Science in Special Education from the California State University system. 218 Homes For Sale in Laguna Beach Unified School District, CA. Your web browser does not support the