Try to find the happy medium between exercise and feeding. Japanese Spitz are hard to find, so you may choose to ship your dog rather than drive to get it. - japanese spitz lifespan - The breed was previously known as the Japanese Spaniel. Hey - I'm Molly! Standards for the Japanese Spitz vary across the world’s kennel clubs, especially when it comes to size, so it’s important to understand your Japanese Spitz’s country of origin. Lifespan: 8 -15 years. They share a common resemblance with the white Pomeranian dog, Samoyed and American Eskimo Dog. Be prepared to vacuum often. The tail is long, heavily covered with long fur, and is carried curled over and lying on the dog's back. They love to be exercised and will spend lots of time trying to impress you with their newfound skills. Recommended for: Families. Companionable. Molly Exploring Norway . The Japanese Spitz is a generally healthy breed with an above average lifespan of 12 to 14 years. Japanese Spitz can live a long healthy life if taken care of. Height: 12 - 15 inches at the shoulder. Although it would prefer to be indoors as part of the family, it also loves to be outdoors and be active. The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium dog breed originating from Japan, where it was created by crossbreeding several different Spitz. Japanese Spitz. The tail is long, heavily covered with long fur, and is carried curle… They are known as very loyal dogs. Minor kennel clubs and other organizations may use any of these ideal sizes or create their own. The Lifespan of Indian Spitz. Although they might appear fluffy, they are a low maintenance breed as dirt does not stick to the coat. The coat consists of an outer coat that stands off from the soft inner coat, with fur shorter on the muzzle and ears as well as the fronts of the forelegs and the hindlegs. You would be … if you’re a novice owner and looking for a dog that is easy to train and is naturally obedient, Japanese Spitz is the right choice for you. Unlike many other dogs, the Japanese Spitz will customarily have his or her tail flipped onto its back. They're tidy little animals and keep themselves very clean, so Japanese Spitz grooming shouldn't be too much of an undertaking. Quick Summary. They were developed in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s by breeding a number of other Spitz type dog breeds together. They generally live to be 12 or 14 years old and are often happy and active throughout their lifespan. Price: $600 - $800. Japanese Terrier. They started importing other Nordic breeds and adding it to the developing Japanese Spitz breed.. After the Second World War, the breed’s standard was finalized, … Life Expectancy: 10-16 years years; Group: ToyGroup; Detailed Information: Japanese Spitz. They require brushings just once every week. [7], Life expectancy is estimated at 10–16 years. Lifespan: 12-15 years-Popularity. This Dog Has Biannual Malting Seasons. In fact, it is ideal for this breed to live in a house with a yard so it can move around at the yard. Hypoallergenic: NoThey are a healthy breed with very few genetic problems. Don’t Like the Cold as Much as Some Other Spitz Breeds. This is about average for dogs in general so yours may even live to 15-17 years if cared for properly, diet, exercise and good living conditions can contribute to a longer life. They enjoy being active and love to be in the outdoors. The Japanese Spitz is descended from the larger German Spitz dogs that were brought to Japan around 1920. The Japanese Spitz is around 13 inches tall, weighing anywhere between 11 to 20 pounds. Japanese Spitz. Sharing is caring. Height: 25cm – 40cm. I have got my … The face of the Japanese Spitz is wedge-shaped.[2]. The offspring of all these dogs were crossbred to create the breed that was recognized in 1948 as the Japanese Spitz. The beautiful white fur of Japanese Spitz might deceive you into thinking they are high-maintenance. Japanese Spitz, in general, are a healthy, active breed that can live a happy life of up to 12 to 14 years of age. Lifespan: 10 – 16 Years. Most Japanese Spitz are good watch dogs, despite their relatively small size, and they have a tendency to bark to warn of arriving strangers. The Japanese Spitz was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. The Japanese Spitz should be combed and brushed regularly. The life expectancy of a Japanese Spitz is about 12-14 years. Of course, there are no guarantees! While they are a relatively new breed, they are becoming widely popular due to their favorable temperament and other features. Love adventures, and travel a lot around Norway. The Japanese Spitz was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. The biggest issue for these dogs is shedding, so they require brushing 2-3 times per week to remove any dead hairs. It can be prone to a few hereditary health conditions such as skin allergies, runny eyes and Patellar Luxation. Japanese Spitz can tolerate cold weather but, as it was bred as a companion dog, prefers to live in the house with the warmth of its human family. They enjoy being active and love to be in the outdoors. However, like any animal, they can develop a variety of illnesses over the years. This dog thrives on human contact. Those dogs became very popular, and the Japanese decided to create their companion Spitz breed. Hypoallergenic-Rank. Height: Males up to 37cm, females up to 34cm Weight: Males up to 7kg, females up to 6kg Lifespan: 12-15 years They share a common resemblance with the white Pomeranian, Samoyed and American Eskimo Dog. It is rarely caused by any serious eye defect. [8], Active, loyal, and bright,[9] the Japanese Spitz are known for their great courage, affection, devotion and amiability making them great watchdogs and ideal companions for older people and small children. [14], the Japanese breed standard translated by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (DOC file, in English), Japanese Spitz breed standard from Nippon Spitzs Club (in English), "Dog Longevity Web Site, Breed Data page",, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 14:44. [6] The final Standard for the breed was written after World War II, and accepted by the Japan Kennel Club. … As for carbohydrates, Japanese Spitz dogs need complex carbs that can keep their energy levels … Hypoallergenic-Intelligence. About Molly. The most common health concerns for Japanese Spitz dogs are a condition called Luxating Patella. Although records of the specific … After several decades crossbreeding the various spitz breeds, a small, fluffy, white spitz breed was recognized in 1948 and called the Japanese Spitz. The normal lifespan of the Indian Spitz is between ten to fourteen years. Since they are active dogs, it would be important to consistently take them out for long walks. Molly the Japanese Spitz. Weight: 15 - 19 lb. The coat consists of an outer coat that stands off from the soft inner coat, with fur shorter on the muzzle and ears as well as the fronts of the forelegs and the hindlegs. Imagine a small white dog with a thick white coat and a fluffy tail – that is the image of a Japanese Spitz. They are recognized by the vast majority of the major kennel clubs, except the American Kennel Club due to it being of similar appearance to the white Pomeranian, American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed. A lively dog, it may have a tendency to bark a lot, especially to warn you when strangers approach. I'm living a fab and fluffy life in Norway! This is a disorder in … Their coat should be groomed twice a week using a pin brush that reaches to the undercoat, preventing formation of knots. The Japanese Spitz is fiercely loyal and extremely protective of its family. This should make a very friendly, family oriented dog. The Japanese Spitz’s’ history started in the 1910s when the Japanese dog owners and breeders imported several German Spitz to Japan. These dogs can be safely shipped, but … Moderately Easy Training: Patience, understanding, and consistency are required in training the Finnish Spitz. Hypoallergenic-Intelligence. Proud. The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family. Hypoallergenic: No. It has a pointed muzzle and small, triangular shape prick ears (ears that stand up.) This is a very tidy animal that should be bathed only when necessary. Japanese Spitz. The Japanese Spitz is a small dog, around 33 cm (13 ins) at the withers, with a somewhat square body, deep chest, and a very thick, pure white double coat. The white coat contrasts with the black pads and nails of the feet, the black nose, and the dark eyes. It has a pointed muzzle and small, triangular shape prick ears (ears that stand up.) Some of these dogs also lived up to an age of 16 years. They are intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, and particularly excellent and loving toward children.[10]. You better enjoy each second with the Japanese Spitz Dog because its life expectancy is only 12 to 14 years. It has a pointed muzzle and small, triangular … The Japanese Spitz is a small dog, around 33 cm (13 ins) at the withers, with a somewhat square body, deep chest, and a very thick, pure white double coat. Description of the ideal size of the breed varies. [1] The Japanese Spitz has spread around the world including to India, Australia, and the United States and is recognized by most of the major kennel clubs in the English speaking world; by the Canadian Kennel Club in Group 6, Non-Sporting, by the New Zealand Kennel Club (Non-Sporting Group), by the Australian National Kennel Council in Group 7 (Non Sporting), and by the United Kennel Club (U.S.) in the Northern Breeds Group. The Japanese Spitz (日本スピッツ, Nihon Supittsu) is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz type. Got Glamour in Bollywood! They can act as reliable watchdogs, but are a type of companion dog and prefer to be an active part of the family. When it comes to owning a Japanese Spitz dog, you can expect to get a small dog with a big heart that will live well with your family. [9] The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member of the family. A healthy Japanese Spitz dog can live to be between 10 and 16 years! To make your dog happy and fit, feed him with quality dry dog food and live an active life together. Active, loyal, and bright, the Japanese Spitz are known for their great courage, affection and devotion making them great watchdogs and ideal companions for older people and small children. [13] Grooming this breed is relatively easy in contrast to other dog breeds. [6] The breed gained popularity in Japan in the 1950s, and was exported to Sweden in the early 1950s. Weight: 5kg – 20kg. The Japanese Spitz is a small dog, around 33 cm (13 ins) at the withers, with a somewhat square body, deep chest, and a very thick, pure white double coat. How to Breed Japanese Spitz. Japanese Spitzes are generally considered larger than their cousin, the Pomeranian. Life expectancy is estimated at 10–16 years. The American Kennel Club does not recognize the Japanese Spitz due to its being close in appearance to a U.S. developed Spitz breed, the American Eskimo Dog. You might be surprised to find that these dogs have very low bathing requirements. Page 1 / 6; Share this … In the famous … The average lifespan of the Japanese Spitz is about 10 to 16 years. Brushing will reduce shedding as well as make the coat softer and cleaner. Don’t be fooled by this powder puff of a dog. The Japanese Spitz is descended from the larger German Spitz dogs that were brought to Japan around 1920 via Siberia and northern China. However, due to the breed's thick coat, regular brushing is essential. When a mother gives birth to sever… Japanese Spitz can tolerate cold weather but, as it was bred as a companion dog, prefers to live in the house with the warmth of its human family. They can also be prone to runny eyes, which is most commonly due to having tear ducts that are too small, or an allergy to long grass or stress. Regular veterinary appointments and vaccinations can help prevent such issues. A ruff of longer fur is around the dog's neck. If you notice any weight change, consult your veterinarian to make a meal plan, and measure the Japanese Spitz's weight regularly. The dog likes to participate in family activities. A ruff of longer fur is around the dog's neck. See Details >-Rank. This is a very fluffy dog with a thick coat. Vigilant. The Japanese Spitz has a luxurious, double-layered white coat--and for most breeds, that would mean a great deal of coat care. A happy, healthy and adventurous DOG blogger! A spitzy life. [6] Between 1925 and 1936 various small white Spitz breeds were imported from around the world and crossed into the developing breed, with the goal of producing an improved breed. While the Japanese Spitz is young, it is important to put it around other dog breedsfor it to socialize with them. Japanese Spitz. Japanese Spitz dogs are known for being active and loyal companions who become very devoted to their owners. Swift. Playful. Check out … The average lifespan for a Japanese Spitz dog is 10 to 16 years. They can also be prone to runny eyes, which is most commonly due to having tear ducts that are too small, or an allergy to long grass or stress. The Spitz is intelligent, playful and obedient and is an excellent … MOLLY THE SPITZ. A ruff of longer fur is around the dog's neck. In Japan, the ideal size for males are described as 30–38 cm at the withers, with females somewhat smaller; (the Japanese standard is the one published by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale for international dog competitions. Big red. All Japanese Spitz dog breeders or aspiring Japanese Spitz breeders must take note of the … [9] Though they can live in apartments, they need some time running around outside off-leash in a safe environment. [1] The large oval (akin to a ginkgo seed) eyes are dark and slightly slanted with white eyelashes, and the nose and lips and eye rims are black. The modern day Japanese Akita have relatively few genes from western dogs and are spitz in phenotype after the reconstruction of the breed took place, however the larger American breed of Akita largely … It could obviously be a very high energy and hyper dog that will be pretty small. There happy character and … Weight: 45 - 70 lb. 0 0. Cheerful... No. Use the Japanese Spitz information on this website to learn more about adaptability, health issues, life span of Japanese Spitz and more. They were developed in Japan in 1920s and are well renowned as active family dogs. Lv 5. Spitz usually live about 12 years. [9][11][12], The Japanese Spitz's coat is relatively dry as compared to other breeds. The Japanese Spitz is a small dog, around 33 cm (13 ins) at the withers, with a somewhat square body, deep chest, and a very thick, pure white double coat. What makes the Japanese Spitz such a great pet is the fact that this breed simply craves human attention. Lifespan: … Revered for their playful personalities and elegant looks, Japanese Spitz pups … It's made up of very fine fibers that shed throughout the year. Lifespan: 10 - 16 years. Shipping . They are known as very loyal dogs. These little dogs will not b… Group: Northern breed. The only hereditary defect that is relatively common in the breed is luxating patella. Many live to be upwards of 16 years old. Meet Molly the Japanese Spitz! It is a companion dog so it wants its family member always around itself.. The tail is long, heavily covered with long fur, and is carried curled over and lying on the dog's back. This is an easy to love and extremely friendly dog. Just like other breeds, it won’t be wise to put the dog in a cage all its life. Patella Luxation can be difficult and a trying disorder for the dog to live with. Otherwise, you can expect your Japanese Spitz to live a long, healthy life. They are a healthy breed with few genetic problems. No. They do not suffer from many health issues. Hypoallergenic-Rank. Though they can live in apartments, they need ample time running around outside off-leash in a safe environment. In 1925, two pairs of white Spitz were imported from Canada, and for the next ten years more imports came from Canada, the U.S., Australia and China. The main health concern for Japanese Spitz is the development of Patellar luxation, a condition in which the kneecap dislocates out of its normal position. [citation needed] The breed is also recognized by minor registries and clubs. They should get along well with other animals if … This dog breed is gaining popularity across the world thanks to their reputation as a fantastic … There was a dog in Chandan Nagar, situated on the outer of Kolkata, who lived to the age of 18 years. So, they will have a good healthy life if you take them to the veterinarian from time to time to make sure they are not developing any serious illness. This little fluffball lives a fabulous doglife in Norway and loves to travel. These dogs can’t tolerate very warm temperatures; they generally prefer about the same temperatures as people do, somewhere around … The biggest concern of general consensus seems to be Patella Luxation. They … When the dog is shedding, use a comb with a double row of metal teeth to remove loose hairs from the under-layer. The large oval (akin to a ginkgo seed) eyes are dark and slightly slanted with white eyelashes, and the nose and lips and eye rims are black. Link to this: Japanese Spitz vs Indian Spitz (Greater) vs Indian Spitz (Smaller) – Which one is a better dog breed for you? It is brave and takes the duty of a guard dog seriously. Not so for these dogs, however. )[3] In the UK, the Kennel Club describes the size as 34–37 cm (13.5–14.5 in) at the withers with females 30–34 cm (12–13.5 in),[2] which is the same for the Australian National Kennel Council. The Canadian Kennel Club states that the size for dogs is 12 inches (30 cm) with females slightly smaller, and the United Kennel Club in the U.S. describes the ideal size as 12 to 15 ins (30.5–38.1 cm) for males and 12 to 14 ins (30.5–35.6 cm) for females. Learn Japanese Spitz Adoption Notes. Yet, that couldn’t be further from the truth. [5] This makes it one of the longest-lived dog breeds. The most common health problem the Spitz experiences is Patella Luxation. Good with Kids: This is a suitable breed for kids and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them. The major health concern is patellar luxation, and a minor recurring concern is that the breed can be prone to runny eyes. Active. Due to the texture of their coat, mud and dirt falls off or can be brushed out very easily. They are not only famous for their courage, affection, loyalty and activeness but also as a good companion among older people and younger children. Japanese Spitz is a playful, energetic and charismatic dog. Most Spitz breeds would sooner lie in the snow than on a rug most of the time, but this is generally not true of the Japanese Spitz. Lifespan: 10-16 years-Popularity. It wants to be the center of attraction of every … It is also very friendly toward strangers. … Japanese Spitz dogs are known for being active and loyal companions … The lively Japanese Spitz need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Life expectancy for the Japanese Spitz is about 10–16 years. See Details >-Rank. Mer… Meet Molly the Japanese Spitz. Maintenance Level: Low. The coat consists of an outer coat that stands off from the soft inner coat, with fur shorter on the muzzle and ears as well as the fronts of the forelegs and the hindlegs. There are varying standards around the world as to the ideal size of the breed, but they are always larger than their smaller cousins, the Pomeranian. Obedient... No. These little dogs are the ideal companion pet, often compared to the white Pomeranian. Their white fur coat has a non-stick texture often described as being similar to Teflon. Dog breeders in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s created the Japanese Spitz by crossbreeding a number of other Spitz breeds to develop the Japanese Spitz. It has a pointed muzzle and small, triangular shape prick ears (ears that stand up.) Like any other dog, the lifespan of a Japanese Spitz depends entirely on their care and overall health. The Japanese Spitz is a generally healthy dog that can have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. 15. [4] In New Zealand (New Zealand Kennel Club), the ideal size is 30–40 cm (12–16 in) for males, 25–35 cm (10–14 in) for females. Japanese Spitz Poodle Mix Personality. A ruff of longer fur is around the dog's neck. [citation needed] Most Japanese Spitz are good watch dogs, despite their relatively small size, and they have a tendency to bark to warn of arriving strangers. From there the breed went to England, and the Kennel Club recognized the Japanese Spitz in 1977 in the Utility Group. Thus, it can be said that these dogs have a longer lifespan if compared to most of the major dog breeds. Price: $1000 - $2500. Nothing is set in stone though, and your healthy dog can fall prey to some of the many common dog illnesses there are. Basic Facts Appearance Temperament Playfulness Easy to Train Intelligence Watchdog Ability Barking Tendencies Lifespan Health Issues & Symptoms Grooming Needs Shedding or Not Exercise Requirements Adaptability Apartment Friendly … Therefore, responsible breeders screen for luxating patella in their breeding stock. It is rarely caused by any serious eye defect. The coat consists of an outer coat that stands off from the soft inner coat, with fur shorter on the muzzle and ears as well as the fronts of the forelegs and the hindlegs. Actually terence, its the larger the dog the shorter the lifespan. The white coat contrasts with the black pads and nails of the feet, the black nose, and the dark eyes. Japanese Spitz is a medium-sized companion dog. The face of the Japanese Spitz is wedge-shaped. 1 decade ago. But, no matter how you define the breed, the popularity of the Japanese Spitz is growing around the globe. The main health concern for Japanese Spitz is the development of Patellar luxation, a condition in which the kneecap dislocates out of its normal position. In some cases this is thought to be dominant behaviour, but in the Japanese Spitz case this is normal bearing. The Japanese Spitz is a bold and intelligent little dog that has courage beyond its size, and makes a wonderful companion. The Japanese Spitz was developed in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s by crossbreeding other spitz-type dogs that were imported from various locations, including Australia, Canada, China, Siberia and the United States. A native Japanese breed known as Matagi (hunting dog) was used along with the Hokkaido Inu breed to mix back into the remaining Akita Inu to bring back the spitz phenotype and restore the Akita breed. If you do that, most experts say that the Japanese Spitz can live between 12 to 16 years on average. If well cared for, a small dog like a Japanese Spitz can life 15-18 years or even longer. They are a healthy breed with very few genetic problems. The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium size dog breed weighing 11 to 20 pounds and stands 10 to 16 inches at the shoulders. Upkeep The Japanese Spitz is active and needs exercise every day, either in … Moderate Shedding: Expect this dog to shed regularly. The Japanese Spitz has a low to the average risk for obesity. The Japanese Spitz thrives on attention and is known for its great courage, affection and devotion. Spitz … Japanese Spitz Breed Facts. They are intelligent, playful, alert, and obedient, and particularly excellent and loving toward children. Typically, smaller dogs like this have a longer life expectancy than their larger counterparts. [5] Breeders began with white German Spitz dogs, originally brought over from northeastern China to Japan; they were first exhibited at a dog show in Tokyo in 1921. No. Help our free service by spreading information about dog breeds. They're so sweet, you're tempted to feed him treats all the time, but obesity is a common Japanese Spitz health issue and obesity can lead to many problems with the … Fiercely loyal and extremely friendly dog very fluffy dog with a thick coat, mud and falls! Like the Cold as much as some other Spitz type dog breeds gained. Anywhere between 11 to 20 pounds healthy life to make a very tidy that! Known to be dominant behaviour, but in the 1920s and are often happy and throughout. A fab and fluffy life in Norway and loves to travel of time trying to impress you with newfound! Ship your dog rather than drive to get it in contrast to other dog together. Dog can live between 12 to 14 years with long fur, and makes a wonderful companion, in. Fur of Japanese Spitz is intelligent, playful and obedient, and healthy. ’ s ’ history started in the 1920s and 1930s by breeding a number of other Spitz dog. Expect this dog to shed regularly life together by this powder puff of a dog... 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