This is one of the bigger debates when it comes to Star Wars characters, and truthfully, the jury is still out on the overall answer. Yet I have never seen an instance in which Luke has deflected Force lightning with his hands or absorbed it. 2021 Showbiz Cheat Sheet, All Rights Reserved. Based on the books I've read, and the fact that midichlorians are real I'd say Luke eventually bests Yoda. you are probably someone who always beleive what George Lucas says. Luke sees the Force as a tool and Yoda answers Luke at that level. There's overwhelming evidence that the Disney+ show will finally link up with the main Star Wars saga with Luke Skywalker answering Baby Yoda's call in The Mandalorian Season 2. Oh please. Roughly the same midichlorian count as well. “His last act was more deserving of a Jedi [than] probably anything the Jedi had [accomplished] in a century. On one hand, some fans on Reddit argue it was a representation of Luke’s incredible power. Luke Skywalker did become more powerful than Yoda in the NJO series. Roughly the same midichlorian count as well. His foolishness tested Luke’s patience, and it was the first of many tests Luke would fail. There are two things going on in Yoda's answer: Luke's fixation on the Force as a means to defeat Vader, and Yoda and Obi Wan's failure to protect Anakin from the Dark Side. Even Sheev doesn't consider Luke to be Yoda … Did we use your comment? The Empire will have a new weapon, perhaps even more powerful than Darth Vader, and Yoda doesn’t want that to happen. if luke had proper jedi training and had been taken in when he was a baby then yes, i do believe he could best yoda in combat, but in the OT yoda could take luke down easily. Quit dreaming. Who is stronger than Darth Vader? What happens next is they both get thrown and Palpatine gets lucky by having an handle to hold on to while Yoda doesn't and falls Yoda was out of time and fled. Yoda was a bad ass - we saw him take on Count Dooku and the Emperor! Many fans said that’s because he had completely mastered the Force. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. The Skywalker bloodline was supposed to be the most powerful - as Anakin was the force itself personified, like a space jesus. That’s a nice long time to perfect fighting skills, learn a bunch of stuff about the Force, and just grow in one’s abilities. Yoda has usually been depicted as the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars franchise, but is that really true?We’ll explore that in our article. He isn't going to make a new one! So today we're going to settle the debate once and for all. he said no more after return of the jedi...he made three more and plots for 3 more!!! Luke Skywalker. He is powerful enough with his age and experience and even with that Darth Sidious matched him in force abilities and he has a lower potential than Yoda. Stronger than Luke?! Yoda is definately better than luke. Yoda was pretty much the head of the Jedi Order, and he was small and still almost defeated the Emperor. He had also been casually training Jedi for about 800 years. And to this day many fans are still debating the question: “Who is the most powerful Jedi?” Opinions vary dramatically. “Luke is just stronger in terms of lightsaber skills, technical and flying abilities, and downright masterful knowledge of the Force,” according to Screenrant. Despite being confined to a less-than-fully-mobile suit, Vader seems to be quite a bit more formidable than before he fell to the Dark Side. Alas, how it should be. “He genetically received a fair amount of talent from his father but also spent his earliest years learning to become a pilot and becoming proficient at technical craftsmanship.” Plus, Luke also had Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi as mentors. I've checked everywhere, but I might be missing something. These characters may be more powerful than Yoda, but it's hard to have a definitive answer. And really, he owns those 2 guards when he walked in on sidious. Luke Skywalker. He said that if he would do that, he would have to work till he was over 90 years old, so he's stopping. 3. ‘Star Wars’: Luke Skywalker’s Most Insane Force Powers, ‘Star Wars’ Ranking: The 10 Most Powerful Jedi in the Entire Saga. Darth Sidious pre Oder 66Darth Sidious pre Oder 66 era is more powerful than Lord Vader. Even Sheev doesn't consider Luke to be Yoda … So unless Luke became plder than Yoda, you might have something there, but he didn't. This week's episode of The Mandalorian may have hinted that Baby Yoda could be more powerful than Darth Vader. o_0 lol... no. In "The Empire Strikes Back", Luke asks Yoda: Luke: Vader... Is the dark side stronger? Even though Sidious mastered all forms of lightsaber fighting, Yoda can smash anybody (besides Luke in episode 7) in a lightsaber battle. I say no way, Master Yoda is the most powerful. so i pondered this earlier at work. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. The truth is that Luke DOESN'T have a midi count because they don't exist then. I don t know anything about him having a higher midi-chlorians count that Anakin, but the 18,000 midi-chlorians part is believable. His lets his anger get the best of him too quickly, allowing for more skilled fighters to take their time and get the best of him-- as we saw at the end of The Last Jedi. Everyone has their own definition of what makes a Jedi powerful. Star Wars fans have mixed opinions on how powerful — and effective — Luke’s act was. Also, I m pretty sure midi-chlorian count increases upon more training, or practice. And another said of Luke: “It ruined his character!”, Another fan wondered: “Are you really saying it’s better than when a broken Anakin Skywalker chose to redeem himself by saving his son and truly fulfilling his destiny as the chosen one?”, RELATED: ‘Star Wars’: Luke Skywalker’s Most Insane Force Powers. Top 20 Powerful Yoda Quotes to Awaken Your Inner Force. Anakin is at his best when channeling his own anger. Some fans believe Luke is more powerful than any other Force user, though others mentioned Yoda, Rey, and Darth Sidious as contenders as well. ... Yoda encourages the doubtful Luke Skywalker to trust in his own abilities and give himself over to the ... We are more than … Knowledge of the force goes to Yoda but he also lived 860 or so more years than Luke did. Palpatine got RIGHT BACK up. Yoda: No, no, no. One other thing GL had a dream to make a spectacular space movie, you green dude have a dream of another guy's dream to make movies. Knowledge of the force goes to Yoda but he also lived 860 or so more years than Luke did. Revealing that he was Yoda, the Jedi teacher began training Luke. HA! Clap back at us below! At the time of his death, Yoda was a good 900 years old. Yoda got up and "Force-pushed" Palpatine across the room, where he flipped over his desk. Star Wars is a lucrative franchise for good reason. NelanisGhost Jedi Youngling. (3) Darth Sidious: could arguably stalemate Yoda or even beat him, especially by the time of ROTJ and DE. And Luke Skywalker is noted to be even more powerful than Yoda. The Emperor is stronger than even Yoda or Mace Windu. That’s a nice long time to perfect fighting skills, learn a bunch of stuff about the Force, and just grow in one’s abilities. -_-Well, Hayden did say that Galen is supposed to be a dark anti-thesis of Luke and that he is what Luke would've been if he had joined Vader or had been raised by Vader. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. General force power, it goes to Luke. so i pondered this earlier at work. There isn't going to be a new trilogy. The Emperor is stronger than even Yoda or Mace Windu. Luke in the expanded universe, I think managed to do some feats that were considered more powerful than any jedi before him. starwars is better to end with a trilogy of trilogies...i mean there are over 20 jamesbond movies and they all suck!!!! he has hundreds more years of exp so he would be way better. Brute strength: Palpatine takes it. So no. Darth Sidious , even in ROTJ is also more powerful than Lord Vader. Nonetheless, Luke Skywalker’s final act was considerably powerful — so much so that he didn’t need a lightsaber — and it has fans talking again. Even Sheev doesn't consider Luke to be Yoda … They battled inside the Senate Building, at the auditorium where Sidious was first voted in as the Chancellor. We never see Luke at his full potential in the movies. the only person more powerful than yoda is sidious and no one could of learned much more in anything to become better than thoes 2..and if yoda wuld train luke foryears i dont think he would teach luke everything he knows and since he trained luke he would know every single move luke knows. 2. Yoda’s greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke’s X-Wing from the swamp. No, I honestly don't think Luke was more powerful than Yoda in any of the movies. Anakin is at his best when channeling his own anger. Do you guys listen he thinking of making prequals why not sequals if he dose make more i will waiting. Yoda is confronting Count Dooku at the end of Attack of the Clones and Dooku is very full of himself. What's the point in having a plot if there isn'ty going to be a film? RELATED: ‘Star Wars’ Ranking: The 10 Most Powerful Jedi in the Entire Saga. Some fans believe Luke is more powerful than any other Force user, though others mentioned Yoda, Rey, and Darth Sidious as contenders as well. The Star Wars saga has kept fans busy for decades. This can't be true. This week's episode of The Mandalorian may have hinted that Baby Yoda could be more powerful than Darth Vader. Galen Marek, Yoda and Revan did it. Is Luke more powerful than Yoda himself? Quicker, easier, more seductive. “They didn’t win tho… The resistance had like 12 people left after that battle,” one person pointed out. Vader’s advantage is that he knows both the Light and the Dark Side, but as we’ve seen in his duel against Palpatine, Yoda is not only able to counter the Dark Side, but also use it against his opponent. At the time of his death, Yoda was a good 900 years old. And ultimately Luke died. George lucas himself said that if it werent for vader's suit, he would've been twice as powerful as palpatine, he lost so many midichlorians when he fell into the lava pit, from 27000 per cell to 13500, even so he is still more powerful than a handful of jedi and sith. More interesting still were the fight scenes featuring Yoda, a powerful Jedi who was revered mostly through hearsay and was never actually shown in combat at any point during the original trilogy. Top 20 Powerful Yoda Quotes to Awaken Your Inner Force. Created by Jon Favreau, The Mandalorian stars Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano, Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito, Emily Swallow, Omid Abtahi, Werner Herzog and Nick Nolte. You'd think they'd just use the force to make their midi-chlorians multiply. Now, keep in mind this theory isn’t saying Obi-Wan is packed to the gills with midi-chlorians, hence he is number one. He had a confrontation with Kylo Ren, giving the Rebels time to escape. H...I'm done laughing. The George Lucas Interviews at Discussion in 'Literature' started by GS335, May 27, 2008. Shouldn't Luke be able to as well? (I'm not an EU guy by any means but doesn't he become almost godlike in the extended universe?) Yoda advises his student to resist the temptation to leave Dagobah and try to save them — if Luke falls to the dark side, he’ll undermine everything that the Rebellion is fighting for. It was Lucas' way of fitting in a GIANT plot hole with the whole "Chosen one" thing. Is everyone forgetting that anakin literally bent 2 gods to his knees, he had a higher count than yoda and he’s the chosen one who brought balance to the force, if your saying luke beat Vader he destroyed the sith and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t gonna kill his son, they are both powerful but anakin was more, how could Sidious be more powerful than Yoda? Good evening. Luke is Sidious' "greatest" adversary because he's been behind the ruination of more of his plans than any being in history (which includes Yoda, who didn't foil any of Sheev's plans), not because he's the most powerful or skilled. I rest my case, and now I'm going to watch Spiderman 2. It's arguable of course, there are many other attributes of being a Jedi that can be defined as powerful - however, if you want to boil it down, Jedi are knights and how are knights ultimately judged? Registered: Jun 24, 2006. George Lucas says in Star Wars the battle will never end but the main thing in star wars which everyone knows and remembers is the force which was balanced in VOTF (Ep 9). Luke is powerful but he also doesn't listen. He claims to be more powerful than any Jedi, including Master Yoda. If he had a count higher than 18 000 with being nearly 900 years old he would have been more powerful than what we have read about. Even though he almost did with the PT movies but kinda redeemed himself in ROTS. Luke is on the defensive against Vader until he taps into his anger. A fan added: “That’s arguably the most Jedi thing any character has ever done in any of these movies ever, and probably the truest realization of Yoda’s teachings we’ve ever seen.”. He is thinking on making ep0 before the phantom menace, and a sequal trilogy which are going to be the last movies he'll make. If I had to say, there's a possibility that Luke is even more powerful then Yoda, long after the films mind you but still he's a very powerful Jedi in the films too. ^^...HAHAHAHHAHA! However, (note this thread for more in-depth explanation Is the Dark Side of the Force more powerful?) He rebuilds the Jedi order, not even Yoda can say that. Luke Skywalker is arguably the most powerful jedi to ever live, even more powerful than Master Yoda. So clearly in Luke's statement and Yoda's, "powerful Jedi was he", there are Jedi more powerful than others - which could also be genetic. Yes he is. Yoda is more powerful, says Anina. hahaha a know, a said earlier please escuse the poll i had no idea what i was doin!!!! Which is saying a lot considering his training,” one fan said. Luke vs. Darth Vader: Who Is Stronger And More Powerful? Luke is on the defensive against Vader until he taps into his anger. These characters may be more powerful than Yoda, but it's hard to have a definitive answer. He had also been casually training Jedi for about 800 years. Well i can dream all i want GL had dream and look where it got him so there muserke and it only takes a year to make one movie check LOTR and SW. Well ok. Just don't hope to much, cuz you're only going to be dissapointed when you find out I'm right and they don't come out. you never know, he could've been as powerful, if not more because of … He's fixated on defeating Vader. Luke is Sidious' "greatest" adversary because he's been behind the ruination of more of his plans than any being in history (which includes Yoda, who didn't foil any of Sheev's plans), not because he's the most powerful or skilled. It's because Yoda does not have to have a near 20 000 count. Yoda is confronting Count Dooku at the end of Attack of the Clones and Dooku is very full of himself. We all know there aren't going to be any ep7,8 and 9. i got this stuff off of many other sites too!!! Two of the most powerful force users of thei era, Darth Sidious and Master Yoda. was it simply because the dark side allows a person to become much more powerful, or access this power at a much faster rate? HAHAH! However, we cannot definitively say that he is more powerful than Luke. Clearly the force was a genetic thing as Luke stated that the force runs strong in his family - that of Anakin (the chosen one - the force itself personified). There is too little content out there relating to Luke, especially in a post- Return Of The Jedi Galaxy, to say how could Sidious be more powerful than Yoda? was it simply because the dark side allows a person to become much more powerful, or access this power at a … Luke is Sidious' "greatest" adversary because he's been behind the ruination of more of his plans than any being in history (which includes Yoda, who didn't foil any of Sheev's plans), not because he's the most powerful or skilled. It brought with it exciting stories, incredible special effects, and powerful characters. Jedi Grandmaster Yoda is certainly one of the best-known characters from the Star Wars franchise and is known as a very powerful Jedi and Force user. It all depends on what criteria you want to use to judge the two characters. Then his children if he has any, might make more films. But, unlike Anakin living in the Jedi Temple as a kid, Luke likely has a fairly informal set-up at this point in his Jedi-teacher days. It was clear to see that Sidious was evenly matched, if not more powerful, than one of the greatest Jedi Masters of all time. I don't think Sidious is more powerful than Yoda, Palpataine gives Yoda his best lighting attack and Yoda not only absorbs this but sends it right back at a very shocked Palpatine. Act normal, n00b. Subscribe: Last week we posted on our community page that Boss Baby was more powerful than Baby Yoda and were SHOCKED to see a lot of you disagree in the comments. Luke’s final act came in The Last Jedi when he sent a projection of himself to where the First Order had the Rebels cornered. It's too bad, the scripts are great I think. Yoda utters this line upon Luke’s first encounter with him, in response to Luke, who doesn’t yet know his identity, remarking that he is seeking Yoda, a “great warrior.” This is essentially Yoda’s first lesson to Luke: there is far more to being a Jedi than prowess in battle. He rebuilds the Jedi order, not even Yoda can say that. Maybe a tv-series but no trilogy! And Luke Skywalker is noted to be even more powerful than Yoda. I think Luke would need to be trained by Yoda to defeat Yoda in combat cause to beat ones enimey you must learn how they think and fight. EU is another story. With that said, I believe Luke could have been more powerful than Yoda if he had the proper training. Not an EU guy by any means but does n't have a definitive answer he taps into his.. On count Dooku at the end of Attack of the Force tool Yoda... 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