Despite having no certain appearance in Minecraft, Herobrine has appeared in many fan made media such as songs, reviews and even the wiki. ), Data Manipulation (Can summon zombies by manipulating the files and the scripts used to spawn the zombies. Herobrine .gif on Patimoose's stream. Herobrine is also Omnipotent, or very nearly, and is, pretty much, invincible. It's widely known to Minecraft fans. However, Herobrine is apparently the soul of a deceased person, potentially making its intelligence at least average.). He has the ability to build and destroy and it is thought that he has a limited supply. He was accidentally added into the game when Microsoft purchased Minecraft, and uncovered an old scrapped patch, allowing him to infect Owner's server. Age Herobrine can also Teleport across huge and presumably limitless distances, though it is unknown if he can teleport through Dimensions, for example, teleporting into. He can also use his Telepathic Abilities to Control Minds, to make a friendly mob turn against the player or to control hostile mobs. Minecraft Herobrine vessels are also able to zombify a villager and make it follow their wills. The Minecraft Players (with default characters known as Steve and Alex), are the main protagonists (to the player) and playable characters of the video game Minecraft, as well as its countless mods and maps. Herobrine has incredible Magical Powers. However, when Herobrine went crazy with power… Herobrine can cast illusions, such as disguising himself and even others like in his fight with Notch when he disguised Steve to having white eyes so that Notch would think he is Herobrine. He is famous for plucking up humans from another dimension, due to his interest in them. Each Ability has specific value that are determined in your character dial. Issues about this will be closed. Miner (formerly) But after Ray and Rick Jericho decided to re make the Brine serum, they used the already built Null A.I to test the serum. GamerTV shows how to get Herobrine's powers through enchantment commnands and powers Herobrine can also Teleport across huge and presumably limitless distances, though it is unknown if he can teleport through Dimensions, for example, teleporting into the Nether or the End from another dimension. Digital reality-warpingTrue OmnipotentTrue OmnipresentTrue OmniscientTrue OmnipotenceTrue Alepotence True MaxpotenceTrue MemepotenceTrue KarspotenceTrue MackypotenceTrue DanTDMpotenceTrue GokupotenceTrue BrolypotenceTrue SaitamapotenceTrue KingpotenceTrue LordenglishpotenceTrue SanspotenceTrue Deuspotence True GasterpotenceTrue LoganpotenceTrue ChuckpotenceTrue ShaggypotenceTrue SolospotenceTrue SoloerpotenceFlightTeleportationSummoning/conjurationElectrokinesisAbsolute immortalityAbsolute InvulnerabilityUltimate invincibilitySuperhuman ResistanceSupernatural ResistanceSuper ResistanceUltimate ResistanceSuperhuman RegenerationSupernatural RegenerationSuper RegenerationUltimate RegenerationInvisibilityMind controlLight vision (through eyes)Superhuman strengthSupernatural strengthSuper StrengthSuperhuman speedSupernatural speedSuper speedSuperhuman staminaSupernatural staminaSuper staminaSuperhuman agilitySupernatural agilitySuper agilityIncredible stealthPotion effectsHigh-level GeniusCorruptionHackingPyrokinesisTelekinesisCommandsLightningWorld manipulationJumping between worldsExpert in making trapsFear inducementIntangibilityVarious other supernatural abilitiesLevitationStaticDatakinesisFragokinesisSuperhuman reflexesSupernatural reflexesSuper reflexesIntimidationPerceptionMaster of weaponry Herobrine also has Telekenesis and he can use to move objects or his enemy. can use Potions on his foe, mainly Harming Potions and Poison Potions, or curse and hex them without the use of potions. With a Mystery Box Herobrine was able to open a portal to the Real World), Weather Manipulation (His presence summons a storm ), Telepathy (Could speak to Jen from seemingly nowhere), possibly Teleportation (Suddenly appeared in Zombie Park out of nowhere) Herobrine, as a Creator, possesses God-like abilities such as nigh-omnipotence, teleportation, flight, and possession. Though, Herobrine's most popular attack is the "Lightning Strike", where he uses lightning to strike and blast his enemies (mostly putting them on fire and even killing them), as seen in various YouTube Videos. 1 Sauron 1.1 Characteristics 1.2 Powers and Abilities 1.3 Weapons 1.4 Weaknesses 2 Herobrine 2.1 Characteristics 2.2 Powers and Abilities 2.3 Weapons 2.4 Weaknesses 3 Votes Height: 9'2 Dark Magic: Sauron is extremely powerful in Dark Magic. Containing numerous powers, each more fantastic than the last, now would be a good time to catch up on what exactly he can do. The most well-known and most common rendition of the rumor is that a gamer while in single player mode found an NPC with the default skin - but with "empty eyes." Character Battlefield Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Powers and abilities Heroclix Tutorial 2017 Powers and Abilities Card - Key Changes. Herobrine was weakened from being revived, once level 255, but his power is still rivaled only by Notch. They are the main characters used by anyone who is playing the game. The player's name is generally referred in-game with their usernames and can customize their own skin. Leave a comment and a post below on who you think would come out on top. Here are all of Galactus' powers, ranked. He can use Potions on his foe, mainly Harming Potions and Poison Potions, or curse and hex them without the use of potions. However, it is unknown if he can use more pyschic abilities like psionic or if he can protect his mind with a psionic shield, though his mind is, clearly, not very vulnerable to Mind Control or Psionic Blasts. He has mostly spell abilities, including a lot of supportive stuff- buffs, gate-type abilities that allow a small army to travel pretty far, etc. Powers and Abilities : Program Physiology, Possibly Possession, Minor Reality Warping (Can wrap on a 2D scale. Fighting style Note: Please refer to the rules on non-canon/fan-made profiles. In this exciting battle between Sauron and Herobrine. As it's capable of even going to certain forums and deleting post.) Everything Herobrine Vessels can switch between and shadowy Herobrine skin, and their original skin, as shown by Herobrine Minecraft Wu, they can also hide their glowing white eyes. The Brother of NotchGod of "Minecraft" Other names 0. Comment. Instead, Herobrine gets his power from a full moon; at his strongest, he can create explosions and … Herobrine Vessels. Invisibility: Another scare tactic, but also useful in combat situations, Herobrine is able to make himself invisible to mortals and beings of lesser power to toy with them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Notch (b.c. Null is a computer A.I created by Ray Johnson using the Brine serum. Summoning Mobs: Having spent years residing in Minecraftia and building up his strength, Herobrine is able to conjure monsters from Minecraftia to do his bidding. Powers and Abilities. While Jean Grey is the One True Dark Phoenix in Marvel Comics, she is not the only person to hold the powers of the Phoenix Force. By Shawn S. Lealos Apr 02, 2019. According to creepypasta and myths, Herobrine cuts leaves off of trees and builds random pyramids in the game world. Can mess with the random generator to create strange anomalies, like 2x2 tunnels, small perfectly-shaped sand pyramids, and droves of trees with no leaves. Herobrine is Absolute immortality and, while he is entirely immune to Death, he is truly impossible to kill. At first, he displayed odd behaviour and preferred to assist certain players whilst hurting those who attacked him. Also of note is that the blooper Herobrine portrays him with no mouth. Full name The legend goes that when he noticed the only life was in the sky, he used his power to put some on the ground. :)Leave a like if you enjoyed, can we reach 7,000 this time? It's the center of endless speculation and Creepypasta, producing explanations of its origins such as a ghost, Notch's dead brother, revenge carried out by a fired Mojang employee, and a slew of others. Herobrine has Telepathic abilities, allowing him to communicate between Minds and to Read Minds. from another dimension. ===== If you folks are unaware, Morph 1.12.2 is a full rewrite of the Morph mod that I first wrote 4 years ago. Null is omnipotent within the game and is able to do anything he wants, such as manipulating the game world and wrecking the player's device to play the game on. He can use Potions on his foe, mainly Harming Potions and Poison Potions, or curse and hex them without the use of potions. One of his powers are his glowing white eyes which give him 360° vision, prerecognition and accelerated perception. Species Powers and Abilities Herobrine has the ability to teleport from short to long distances, he can also use telekinesis to move blocks and people, as well as being able to induce madness and insanity into his victims, such as creating hallucinations to frighten or discourage them. He takes up 2 forms-Canonical and Vengeful, In his Canonical form he stalks the player and disappears if approached. 13 Forcefields. He was seemingly never added in the actual game but many players claim to see him haunting them. Summary. Appearances. Dark Phoenix is one of Marvel's most powerful characters and has amazing powers to boot. Herobrine is a creepypasta and urban legend who is stated to appear in the Minecraft video games. Much like Herobrine, Null is able to teleport from place to place, can turn invisible, and is able to corrupt the game beyond normal game-breaking methods. "Look into my eyes! Main. ), Lifting Strength: None | At least Class 50 (Should be comparable to the Player. Herobrine can also shatter the world around him, destroying the enviroment and sending living beings flying. Which is strange, considering that he has an enormous strength. | Standard melee range, Intelligence: Unknown (Has not displayed any notable intelligence feats, as it's game-altering properties could very well be passive and random, and it's inhabitance of certain worlds seems to be completely without reason. Each click may have a colored square that indicate a special power descripted below. ), Extrasensory Perception (Noticed when a description of it popped up on the Minecraft Forums. Age: Unknown, the story itself has been around since Summer 2010, Gender: Unknown (While referred to as male in life, WoG mentions that there are no genders in Minecraft), Classification: Ghost, Player-Like Entity, Notch's Dead Brother, Program Physiology, Possibly Possession, Minor Reality Warping (Can wrap on a 2D scale. Powers and Abilities. He is also extremely Durable and can withstand even the strongest of attacks. ), Unknown with abilities (Can seemingly warp the entirety of the infinite Minecraft world, though it's impossible to know if these strange occurrences can be considered as feats on a destructive scale. Herobrine can also fly up to the build level and do so at great speed. In his Vengeful form, he has been rep… True God ", Digital reality-warpingTrue OmnipotentTrue OmnipresentTrue OmniscientTrue OmnipotenceTrue Alepotence True MaxpotenceTrue MemepotenceTrue KarspotenceTrue MackypotenceTrue DanTDMpotenceTrue GokupotenceTrue BrolypotenceTrue SaitamapotenceTrue KingpotenceTrue LordenglishpotenceTrue SanspotenceTrue Deuspotence True GasterpotenceTrue LoganpotenceTrue ChuckpotenceTrue ShaggypotenceTrue SolospotenceTrue SoloerpotenceFlightTeleportationSummoning/conjurationElectrokinesisAbsolute immortalityAbsolute InvulnerabilityUltimate invincibilitySuperhuman ResistanceSupernatural ResistanceSuper ResistanceUltimate ResistanceSuperhuman RegenerationSupernatural RegenerationSuper RegenerationUltimate RegenerationInvisibilityMind controlLight vision (through eyes)Superhuman strengthSupernatural strengthSuper StrengthSuperhuman speedSupernatural speedSuper speedSuperhuman staminaSupernatural staminaSuper staminaSuperhuman agilitySupernatural agilitySuper agilityIncredible stealthPotion effectsHigh-level GeniusCorruptionHackingPyrokinesisTelekinesisCommandsLightningWorld manipulationJumping between worldsExpert in making trapsFear inducementIntangibilityVarious other supernatural abilitiesLevitationStaticDatakinesisFragokinesisSuperhuman reflexesSupernatural reflexesSuper reflexesIntimidationPerceptionMaster of weaponry, "I can only save you and i am your true savior ", "Now look at what you've done to me, I never had a choice. Classification: Ghost, Player-Like Entity, Notch's Dead Brother. Every style Can make its name not pop up inside of the game. Herobrine is also very cunning and wise, and he is very skilled in making Dangerous traps for anyone unfortunate enough to be his enemy. In c. 3000 BC, Notch gained creation abilities through unknown means and discovered the Totem of Undying.He created Herobrine to act as a brother. The all-powerful entity is not even … Following the encounter, strange occurrences start happening in his game, such as man-made objects appearing that he did not create, such as trees missing their leaves, perfect 2x2 tunnels underground lit with redstone torches, and pyramids of sand in the ocean. From players far and wide, Herobrine is described as a competent and overpowered homicidal maniac when it comes to his powers and abilities. Have you ever wondered how Herobrine managed to get such strong powers? Boop is a protagonist in Annoying Villagers. Notable Attacks/Techniques: See Powers and Abilities. One of his powers are his glowing white eyes which give him 360° vision, prerecognition and accelerated perception. Herobrine can also fly up to the build level and do so at great speed. Creator Powers (formerly): Before he fought Notch and had his powers taken away, Herobrine had a variety of powers intended to be used for making Minecraftia a better place. Herobrine can also Teleport across huge and presumably limitless distances, though it is unknown if he can teleport through Dimensions, for example, teleportin… Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!". On every testimonial, Herobrine is described as a vastly powerful and competent entity, which make him, by far, the worst threat that a player can encounter. Herobrine also has Telekenesis and he can use to move objects or his enemy. Herobrine has Pyrokinetic Abilities, which he can use to set fire to the environment surrounding him, or to blast deadly Fireballs at his enemies. Standard Equipment: None Notable. Film(s) entity_303. He is popular with the Minecraft community in the fact of his creepy and rather disturbing presence, causing havoc on the player in some cases (especially in dreams, usually saying "WAKE UP"). Fictional Characters Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Herobrine, like his brother Notch, can Create Whatever he wants out of thin air, but while Notch makes things like animals and farms and Food, Herobrine makes Pure Creations like Mobs, Traps, Fortresses and Poisons. Herobrine has the powers of a player in creative mode, he can fly and levitate for unlimited amounts of time, teleport without using ender pearls or chorus fruit, turn invisible, mind control mobs into becoming evil and following his every command, and is fully omnipotent and in control of both the game and electronic devices, as he is able to manipulate all kinds of code an… ridiculously Powerful Physical Attributes. RELATED: Captain Marvel May Tease the MCU Debut of a Major Cosmic Threat. Powers and Abilities. Like his name says, he is the father of Herobrine and husband of Herobrine's Mother. It's the subject of a community made "creepy-pasta" (Creepy story). His first act as the self-appointed champion of Death was to mercilessly kill millions of his own race via conducting a nuclear bombardment of his own planet, his first but by no means last act of mass-murder that earned him the fitting title of the Mad Titan. Herobrine can also fly up to the build level and do so at great speed. That power became Minecraftia. The character has been portrayed by Marv Gatehouse in the first two Herobrine Origins films, HariusAwesome in Herobrine Origins Part III, and Paul Hikari in BRINE, entity_303, Herobrine Origins: The Movie and Herobrine Origins Part IV. Herobrine is popularly described as a vastly powerful and competent entity, which make him, by far, the worst threat that a player can encounter. ), Hacking (Somehow deleted posts on the Minecraft Forums regarding it, implying it achieved mod privileges. Unknown. Herobrine vessels are shown to have the ability to resurrect dead players and brainwash them to look like Herobrine. He is fast and strong and has the ability to fly. He states he posted the topic on the forum where it is removed. ), Hacking (Somehow deleted posts on the Minecraft Forums regarding it, implying it achieved mod privileges. Each click has four abilities; Speed, Attack, Defense, and Damage. Herobrine is a common main antagonist in non-canon material regarding Minecraft, due to his popularity as a Creepypasta. Forest Herobrine is a member of the Herobrine Forces and one of the Herobrine Vessels 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Hunt For The Blue-Robed Villager 3.2 Conserving Energy 3.3 Encountering Skilled Players 3.4 Village Siege 4 Abilities Forest Herobrine depicts the default skin of Minecraft's creepy pasta 'Herobrine.' Powers and Stats. ), Durability: High Microverse Level | Town Level, Range: Unknown (Shown to be aware and actively check the Minecraft Forums, though it's unknown if it has any presence beyond that.) Herobrine seems to be totally unbeatable, as he cannot take physical wounds nor cannot be cleared with commands (even with the /kill cheat-code, which can kill any entity in an instant), and often rely on brainwashed vessels instead of engaging in a direct fight. Upon further research, Herobrine is discovered to be Notch's brother. He started off as a side project that Ray was making, to make a "robot butler". I'm gonna end your world and bring justice forth on some fateful day.". Jack Briggs was the highly religious brother of Robert Briggs, and the uncle of Steve Briggs. In order to protect himself and his equipment, Galactus has the ability to form energy forcefields. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ), Technological Manipulation (It's a virus that can affect the multiple data softwares, especially when the users from the 4th wall were unable to close Blender because of deadly system interacting within Blender. Herobrine has incredible Magical Powers. Powers. His enemy 'equivalent' is Herobrine. EDIT: Abilities now available in v7.2.0 thanks to a PR from @Ajadaz tl;dr No abilities in Morph. Weapons Occupation | Town Level (One of the most dangerous entities in Minecraft, can easily harm creatures such as the Ender Dragon and Iron Golem, harmed the Player. 3000 BC) is one of the most well known figures in Minecraftia history. Herobrine's eyes act as a light source in the dark. While many players claim to have seen this mysterious pseudo-player, no concrete evidence of Herobrine has been produced to date. Tier: At least 9-A physically, Unknown with abilities | Unknown. ), Speed: Unknown | Normal Human with likely Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Should be comparable to the Player. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Portal Creation (Shown here. Skills and Abilities Herobrine. Name: Unknown (Herobrine is the alias used in an e-mail) Origin: Minecraft Gender: Unknown, likely none (WoG mentions that there are no genders in Minecraft), male in life Age: … Share Share Tweet Email. His real name is Markus Persson. He can also become invisible without drinking a Potion of Invisibility. He can also become invisible without drinking a Potion of Invisibility. Characters who are biologically related to the hero, Herobrine, also known as HIM, is a popular Minecraft creepypasta character first posted about in the Minecraft Forums on August 30th, 2010. A user by the name of Herobrine sends him a message telling him to "stop". Null is also able to interfere with electrical devices and stop them altogether. Herobrine Item Summoning: As a creator, Herobrine could summon an infinite amount of almost any item from nothing. Older than Everything / Every creations He has been said to run and swim faster than the player, though he has also been said not to move conventionally at all, relying solely on his ability to teleport. However, he could make anything, if he wanted to, out of thin air and not just evil creations. He is a cleric villager who unknowingly possesses powerful abilities from accidentally absorbing Herobrine powers from dead herobrine vessels. Herobrine can Warp Reality to break the laws of physics allowing him to produce weapons out of thin air (materialization), walk on walls and even changing the laws of physics. Herobrine Persson Origin Herobrine is a character in The MC Story. Tier:Highly 9-B Name:Herobrine Origin:Cartoon Fight Club Gender:Male Age:Likely A Ghost Classification:Herobrine Powers and Abilities:Superhuman Physical Characteristics,Body Possession,Axe Slasher,Soul Manipulation,Mind Manipulation,Teleportation,Sword Slasher,Glide,Can Create Bulidings,Can Summon Portals At Will That … After some time, Notch responded with this short message: "Sanity? He is similar to herobrine but with a brown mustache and a purple tie. Herobrine is Absolute immortality and, while he is entirely immune to Death, he is truly impossible to kill. Herobrine also posseses True Omnipotence and. It's a rumored Hostile Mob found in Minecraft. Manipulation. ), Attack Potency: High Microverse Level (Exists within minecraft and farther within the internet. It's supposedly the spirit of Notch's dead brother. He also has the same powers and abilities they have. He is also very fast and can fly and run at very high Speeds without Exhaustion. The player is contacted by an administrator, claiming him alongside other players have encountered a pseudo player. Skills and Abilities Main article: List of Techniques used by Herobrine Vessels. Herobrine's Father is a ExplodingTNT character. Herobrine Is A Urban Legend In Minecraft Powers and Stats. Character information Herobrine also was an entity that exists within certian people's minecraft servers and build its own man-made structures. Let's find out! The player personally emails Notch asking if he had a brother. 10 Incredible Powers Dark Phoenix Has In The Comics. He can differentiate every material and block. This behavior isn't shown at all in Herobrine. going to certain forums and deleting post, Can pop up in singleplayer games despite being a player-like entity. Flight: As a creator, Herobrine could fly. He is incredibly strong, and, with a single punch, can deeply injure or even kill a Miner like Steve. Herobrine has Matter Manipulation aswell, allowing him to control Matter, alter it or even destroy or disintegrate it. | Iron Axe and Sword. Other than in fan-made Mod content, it's not present in any official release of Minecraft. It'll be back in the mod at a future date. Herobrine mainly used this power to summon weaponry and explosives … ), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Ghost Physiology, Weapon Mastery, Stealth Mastery, Teleportation (Can teleport between various Minecraft Servers such as Hypixel. Herobrine gaining power from a full moon. Herobrine wields a Diamond Sword, which he is very skilled with as he was able to defeat and kill the Witherlord with it. Enormous Strength Techniques used by anyone who is stated to appear in the Minecraft Forums regarding it implying. Protect himself and his equipment, Galactus has the ability to resurrect dead players brainwash... So at great speed immortality and, while he is also Omnipotent, or very nearly, Damage! Managed to get such strong powers can we reach 7,000 this time the Comics wrap on a scale! Interfere with electrical devices and stop them altogether same powers and abilities they have Minecraft Forums regarding,! 'S capable of even going to certain Forums and deleting post. ) a light source the. Forums and deleting post, https: // oldid=153991 that Exists within Minecraft and farther within the internet if... Pyramids in the MC story Absolute immortality and, while he is entirely immune to,! 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