Our third decade of climate action: Realizing a carbon-free future. 1.1 MB. While Google is the world’s largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy, we’re also taking action on climate change by minimizing the amount of energy we need to use in the first place. (opens in a new window) Visit tool Global Forest Watch. We also have an internal Sustainability Board focused on scaling sustainability impact through strategic alignment. Google Environmental Report 2019. We surpassed a cumulative total of 1 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy purchased for our operations. For several years continuously, it has been ranked as one of the best places to work. Packaging and Products. How we’re using technology to make impact personal for everyone. Integrating sustainability into our products, operations and communities is an ongoing endeavor that involves designing in sustainability from the start and embedding it into the entire product development process, all while creating the products our customers want. Employees. We have added additional transportation data to the EIE tool to provide information to help cities report, plan, and track transportation interventions over time. We've neutralized all of our carbon emissions since our founding in 1998 and matched 100% of our electricity consumption with renewable energy purchases since 2017—including the electricity … Intel Sector: ICT Country: United States 2019. We do … Google Cloud Platform and G Suite Products Data Centers and Networking Infrastructure Energy Offices and Labs Consumer Electronics Natural Resources Manufacturing, Construction, and … (opens in a new window). We have added additional transportation data to the EIE tool to provide information to help cities report, plan, and track transportation interventions over time. Through our direct efforts and partnerships, Microsoft Devices sustainability performance progressed in FY20 in the areas of human rights, environment, environmental health and safety, and ethics. Access to Google’s mapping data and ML capabilities The Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) uses exclusive data sources and modeling capabilities in a freely available platform to help cities measure emission sources, run analyses, and identify strategies to reduce emissions — creating a foundation for effective action. Community. Google apart from being a leading technology brand is also known for its good image in the field of HR. Supply Chain. For more than a decade, we’ve worked to make our data centers as energy efficient as possible. A Circular Google in a Sustainable World (L'économie circulaire chez Google pour un … Since 2015, Project Sunroof has mapped more than 107 million rooftops in 21,500 cities across the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Argentina, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, and Australia. Google achieves this three ways, according to its most recent Environmental Report: by reducing its demand, by buying renewables to match its use … Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) sustainability data for Google, Inc., Software & Internet and USA Revealing the realities of mining with VR. So, our new approach for Google starts with a clear mission: To accelerate the transition to a … 1.3 MB. Packaging and Products. This vision asks us to challenge learned behaviors and traditional processes. We engaged more than 2,800 workers through third-party worker surveys and interviews, giving us important insights into worker priorities. The challenges to making this vision a reality are as daunting as they are exciting. 2016 was a year of big milestones. Shell Sustainability Report - Apps on Google Play This app provides easy access to our Sustainability Report through links to the interactive online version and a … We’ve done this by designing, building, and operating each one to maximize efficient use of energy, water, and materials. Our Progress. Supply Chain. Download a customized version of our sustainability report. Over the last decade, we’ve partnered with more than 40 carbon offset projects to offset more than 19 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Read story 2018. Last year, we marked … Now we're going further to help build a carbon-free future for everyone. Download reports on Google hardware devices. From 2015, our Annual Report has been integrated into the Sustainability Report. We all want a clean and healthy planet and the small choices we make each day can help us get there. This amounted to more than 10 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy—more electricity than is used annually by the state of Hawaii. Search giant invested $150 million into a fund for energy projects . Our support for clean energy goes hand in hand with reducing our carbon footprint. We’re also constantly looking for ways to have a positive environmental impact and be even more responsible in our use of energy, water, and other natural resources—and we want to help others to do the same. In 2018, Google teamed up with the California Academy of Sciences to launch Your Plan, Your Planet, an interactive tool that helps everyone understand their environmental impact as it relates to food, energy, and water, while demonstrating simple, science-based ways to improve it. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Achieving that outcome will be far harder than saying it. Simply check the boxes below to select the sections you would like to include. 220.7 KB. Explore data and tools for … Our fleet-wide PUE has stayed at or below 1.12 since 2013.In 2018, the average annual PUE for our global fleet of data centers was 1.11, compared with the industry average of 1.67—meaning our data centers use nearly six times less overhead energy. Our vision is simple: We want a circular Google within a sustainable world. Product Environmental Report Google Pixel 3, Model G013A Page 5 Packaging for Pixel 3 uses 95% paper and fiber-based materials. 1.6 MB. In 2018, we matched 100% of the electricity consumption of our global operations with renewable energy for the second year in a row. Our vision is simple: we want a circular Google within a sustainable world. By using our Google shuttle buses in the Bay Area in 2018, we saved more than 40,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions equivalent—that’s like taking 8,760 cars off the road every work day. Learn more about how we reduce food waste (opens in a new window). (opens in a new window). Now, our AI system is directly controlling data center cooling, and safely delivering energy savings in multiple Google data centers. European Union eport 2019 1. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Amazon invests in ZeroAvia to support the development of sustainable … Simply check the boxes below to select the sections you would like to include. Governance. IKEA Sustainability Report FY19 (PDF, 5.8 MB) Healthy & sustainable living. The path to a cleaner, healthier future begins with the small decisions we make each day. This was a banner year regarding sustainability at Wellesley College. BNI is the first state-owned bank to go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Google is using AI to create better flood forecasting models, aid in wildlife conservation, and much more. December 2019. Human Rights. In 2018, we matched 100% of our electricity consumption with renewable energy for the second year in a row. As of 2012, BNI already had 1,693 domestic branches and five overseas branches in New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore. By improving the efficiency of our operations and buying both renewable power and high-quality carbon offsets, we’ve been carbon neutral since 2007. (opens in a new window). We celebrated 10 years of carbon neutrality and announced that we would purchase enough renewable energy in 2017 to match 100 percent of our global consumption for operations. This plan was overwhelmingly approved by the full Board of … Next step: healthier buildings for everyone. 445.9 KB. Circular Economy. Metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions offset. Devices is committed to increasing the sustainability of products and supply chain. We all want a clean and healthy planet and the small choices we make each day can help us get there. 1.6 MB. We also began contributing to growing the clean energy market by making our first renewable energy equity investment with a $39 million commitment to the 170 MW Peace Garden wind farm in North Dakota. This app provides easy access to our Sustainability Report through links to the interactive online version and a pdf version downloaded to your mobile device for offline use. Our vision is simple: We want a circular Google within a sustainable world. and Advancing Sustainability. It demands that we redefine how systems work—from what we value and the choices we make, to the assumptions and industrial processes that have been standard practice across our economy for decades. Search Google Sustainability. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) sustainability data for Google, Inc., Software & Internet and USA In 2019, we shared a set of sustainability commitments for hardware devices and services, which include carbon free shipments by 2020, more recycled materials in Made by Google products, and a commitment to making technology that puts people first and expands access to the benefits of technology. About. Our new circular Google … CSR and Sustainability at Google: A Brief Overview. Google Reveals Sustainability Initiatives During Launch of New Products. La troisième décennie d’action de Google en faveur du climat, 24h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 : Réaliser un futur sans carbone, Alphabet’s 2020 CDP Climate Change response (Réponse d'Alphabet au rapport 2020 sur le changement climatique du CDP), 2019 Responsible Supply Chain Report (Rapport 2019 sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable), Réponse d'Alphabet au rapport 2019 sur le changement climatique du CDP, Chromecast with Google TV Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Chromecast with Google TV ), Nest Audio Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Nest Audio), Pixel 4a (5G) Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Pixel 4a (5G)), Pixel 5 Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Pixel 5), Pixel 4a Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Pixel 4a), 2020 European Union NFRD Report (Rapport 2020 sur la directive concernant la publication par les entreprises d'informations non financières et relatives à la diversité), 2019 Statement Against Modern Slavery (Manifeste 2019 contre l'esclavage moderne), Accelerating The Circular Economy Through Commercial Deconstruction and Reuse (Accélérer l'économie circulaire via la déconstruction et la réutilisation), Pixel 4 Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Pixel 4 ), Pixel 4 XL Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Pixel 4 XL), Nest Hub Max Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Nest Hub Max), Nest Mini 2nd Gen Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Nest Mini 2nd Gen), Accelerating Renewable Energy Purchasing Through Auctions (Favoriser les achats en énergie renouvelable via les mises aux enchères), Google Nest Hello Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur Google Nest Hello), Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur la caméra extérieure Google Nest Cam IQ), Google Nest Protect (Battery) Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur Google Nest Protect – À piles), Google Nest Protect (Wired) Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur Google Nest Protect – Filaire), Google Nest Learning Thermostat Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Nest Learning Thermostat), Google Nest Learning Thermostat E - Europe Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Nest Learning Thermostat E pour l'Europe), Google Nest Learning Thermostat E - North America Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Nest Learning Thermostat E pour l'Amérique du Nord), Google Pixel 3a Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixel 3a), Google Pixel 3a XL Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixel 3a XL), Google Pixel Slate Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur la Google Pixel Slate), 2019 European Union NFRD Report (Rapport 2019 sur la directive concernant la publication par les entreprises d'informations non financières et relatives à la diversité), A Circular Google in a Sustainable World (L'économie circulaire chez Google pour un monde plus durable), Google Pixelbook Go Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixelbook Go), Artificial Intelligence and the Circular Economy: AI as a Tool to Accelerate the Transition (Intelligence artificielle et économie circulaire : l'IA comme outil pour accélérer la transition), 2018 Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental 2018), Réponse d'Alphabet au rapport 2018 sur le changement climatique du CDP, 2018 Responsible Supply Chain Report (Rapport 2018 sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable), 2018 Modern Slavery Statement (Déclaration de 2018 sur l'esclavage moderne), Moving toward 24x7 Carbon-Free Energy at Google Data Centers: Progress and Insights (Transition vers une énergie sans carbone 24h/24 et 7j/7 dans les centres de données de Google : progrès et tendances), Seeding resilience with ecology (Semer les graines de la résilience écologique), Google Chromecast Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le produit Google Chromecast), Google Home Hub Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur Google Home Hub), Google Pixel 3 Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixel 3), Google Pixel 3 XL Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le produit Google Pixel 3 XL), Le rôle de la chimie sans risque et des matériaux sains dans le cadre du déploiement de l'économie circulaire, Google Pixel 2 Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixel 2), Google Pixel 2 XL Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le Google Pixel 2 XL), Google Pixelbook Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le produit Google Pixelbook), Google Home Mini Product Environmental Report (rapport environnemental sur le produit Google Home Mini), Google Home Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental de Google Home), Google Daydream View Product Environmental Report (Rapport environnemental sur le produit Google Daydream View), European Data Centers (Centres de données européens), Alphabet's 2017 Conflict Minerals Report (Rapport Alphabet de 2017 sur les minerais provenant des zones de conflits armés), 2017 Modern Slavery Statement (Déclaration de 2017 sur l'esclavage moderne), Environmental Report: 2017 progress update (Rapport environnemental : le point sur les progrès en 2017), Alphabet's 2017 CDP Climate Change response (Réponse d'Alphabet au rapport 2017 sur le changement climatique du CDP), Spécification des substances faisant l'objet de restrictions, 10 Years of Carbon Neutrality (Une décennie de neutralité carbone), Cities in the Circular Economy: The Role of Digital Technology (Les villes dans l'économie circulaire : le rôle de la technologie numérique), Responsible Supply Chain Report: 2016 (Rapport sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable : 2016), Alphabet's 2016 Conflict Minerals Report (Rapport Alphabet de 2016 sur les minerais provenant des zones de conflits armés), 2016 Modern Slavery Statement (Déclaration de 2016 sur l'esclavage moderne), Environmental Report: 2016 (Rapport environnemental : 2016), Achieving Our 100% Renewable Energy Purchasing Goal and Going Beyond (Cap sur l'achat de 100 % d'énergie renouvelable et au-delà), Alphabet's 2016 CDP Climate Change response (Réponse d'Alphabet au rapport 2016 sur le changement climatique du CDP), The Circular Economy and the Promise of Glass in Concrete (L'économie circulaire et la possibilité de fabriquer du béton avec du verre), Circular economy at work in Google data centers (L'économie circulaire en action dans les centres de données Google), Étude de cas sur les déchets de Google dans la région de San Francisco, Alphabet's 2015 Conflict Minerals Report (Rapport Alphabet de 2015 sur les minerais provenant des zones de conflits armés), Google's 2014 Conflict Minerals Report (Rapport Google de 2014 sur les minerais provenant des zones de conflits armés), Machine Learning Applications for Data Center Optimization (Applications de machine learning pour l'optimisation des centres de données), Google's 2013 Conflict Minerals Report (Rapport Google de 2013 sur les minerais provenant des zones de conflits armés), Google's Green PPAs: What, How, and Why (Tout savoir sur les accords d'achat d'énergie verte de Google), The energy efficiency potential of cloud-based software: A U.S. case study (Potentiel d'efficacité énergétique des logiciels basés sur le cloud : étude de cas pour les États-Unis), Expanding Renewable Energy Options for Companies Through Utility-Offered Renewable Energy Tariffs (Extension des options d'énergie renouvelable pour les sociétés par le biais de tarifs d'énergie renouvelable proposés par les services publics), L'impact de l'innovation en matière d'énergie propre: Étude de l'impact de l'innovation en énergie propre sur le système énergétique et l'économie des États-Unis, Google’s Green Data Centers: Network POP Case Study (Centres de données écologiques de Google : étude de cas d'un PoP réseau), Google's Green Computing, Efficiency at Scale (L'informatique écologique de Google : l'efficacité à grande échelle), Google's Carbon Offsets: Collaboration and Due Diligence (Compensations carbone de Google : collaboration et devoir de diligence), Le principe de proportionnalité énergétique en informatique, 2019, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2020, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2018, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2017, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2016, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2015, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2014, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, 2013, Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable, Google (s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Explorateur de données environnementales. 220.7 KB. Inside Google Cloud Announcing ‘round-the-clock clean energy for cloud. Search giant invested $150 million into a fund for energy projects . Sign In. For more than a decade, we’ve worked to make our data centers as energy efficient as possible. Learn more about healthy materials(opens in a new window), Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 17%Gold: 69%Silver: 14%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 19%Gold: 75%Silver: 6%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 23%Gold: 63%Silver: 14%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 26%Gold: 59%Silver: 15%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 31%Gold: 58%Silver: 11%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 34%Gold: 54%Silver: 12%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 28%Gold: 56%Silver: 16%, Square Meters LEED CertifiedPlatinum: 28%Gold: 57%Silver: 12%. Pdf, 5.8 MB ) healthy & sustainable living surveys and interviews, giving us important insights into priorities... 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