2. Ep 08 - The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club! The Morinozuka family line extends into antiquity for as long as the Haninozuka family line and the families' histories are closely intertwined. Daisuke Kirii ~*~Purpose~*~ The purpose of this club is for you, the Mori x Haruhi fan, to have a place to come and support the pairing. [discussion] Tanigawa went from writing nothing in years, to writing two short stories in just half a year and in that same year, the Japanese get a rerelease of the Haruhi novels with brand new covers. 3. Mari told her with a giant smile. i think Honey likz her as a lil siter or sumthing, but im pretty sure Mori does lik haruhi more than a friend! I'm not sure what to do." Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka May 5 Club Mori studies Theory and Philosophy of Law after graduating from Ouran Academy. From what I seen I think they like her not sure it love. Before Haruhi attends Ouran Academy, she's described as a pretty girl as seen in flashbacks when she had long hair and wore a girl's uniform. This is also the first time he addresses Haruhi by name, which pleases her. Ep 10 - A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family! ... and one of the Hosts has stayed late as well. The elite Ouran High School is for the children of wealth and influence. In Japanese culture, blue signifies loyalty; Mori demonstrates this quality when it comes to Honey, his studies, and the Host Club. Another telling moment occurs in the manga, just before graduation, when Mori challenges Honey to a duel so he can say what is on his mind without feeling guilty for criticizing his friend. Haruhi was sweat dropping at how the club was acting towards her other friends. In practice, Kyoya calls the shots. She was wearing a cute kitty shirt and a skirt, obviously to make Mori blush. When Honey is located, he compliments Mori for protecting Haruhi and inquires whether Mori had been lonely without him. Regardless, there are several instances where his possible feelings show. When Haruhi is first introduced in the anime, she sports a nerdy and boyish look that differs greatly from her middle-school appearance. Mori's rose color in the Host Club is deep blue. He dressed casually, just as Haruhi said to. He also had a floral button-down on, unbuttoned. It is no secret that Honey and Mori are incredibly close; most scenes in which each appears are shared with the other. Mori is an imposing figure that is made all the more so by his wild appearance, possessing a very tall build, spiky black hair, dark grey eyes and a darker skin tone than the other Hosts. yeah, to Haruhi in volume 13, volume 14 will be out in the USA July 2010. he gets turned down though:( Haruhi seems to be falling for Tamaki. Mori does not have nearly as much interaction with the President and Vice President of the Host Club. 1. When Hikaru and Kouru accidentally break a pipe and cause Haruhi's apartment to flood she ends up staying with Honey Sempai and Mori-Sempai. He is extremely well-respected and well-liked by everyone who knows him; however, when tired, he can become talkative and somewhat flirtatious, which surprises those unaccustomed to this side of his personality. Mori's "unattainable" is Haruhi (though never directly stated) and an omake reveals that he does indeed live a prosperous life and continues to do so in the future. I'm haruhi's sister, Aika, I am one year older and ever since our mother died it had been hard, but haruhi and me have been trying, especially for are dad. Haruhi Fujioka is a middle-class scholarship student, a rarity at the school. His protective nature extends not only to Honey but to his friends and classmates, as well. Mori is very protective of Honey and feels responsible for each thing that can (and does) go wrong for him. Image size. What does the Host Club think of you. when Honey discovers that Tamaki Suoh has invited both he and Mori into the Host Club. Mori is hinted to have romantic feelings for Haruhi, but it is never truly explored, unlike her relationships with Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin. i think Honey likz her as a lil siter or sumthing, but im pretty sure Mori does lik haruhi more than a friend! Ouran High School Host Club is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Bisco Hatori.The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student to the exclusive Ouran High School, and, through an accident, is forced to join the school's host club.. Ouran High School Host Club Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. One Hell of a Girl. © 2006-2021 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. The manga is serialized monthly in Hakusensha's magazine LaLa running from August 5, 2003 and to September 24, 2010. Ep 19 - Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back! Satoshi is shown to idolize his brother, whom he calls Taka-kun; however, apart from the times when Takashi is tired and acts "refreshingly," he is radically different from his brooding sibling. While relationship sometimes appears to be master-servant in tone, it is truly balanced and even sibling-like with Mori behaving like an older brother. Seiyuu Sonou Mori (森園生) romanized as Sono Mori in the light novels) is a character in the Haruhi Suzumiya franchise.. Favorite Food(s) Anime Debut All Haruhi wants to do is sleep... luckily one of the hosts has a very comfortable lap. I am fascinated by these series of vines because there’s like. Mori's supportive nature of Honey is observed in subtle references and behaviors but is best seen during Ep 20 - The Door the Twins Opened! Will anything come from some private interactions between Haruhi and Mori? He tells Mori that Tamaki says, "it's okay for me to like cute things" and "it's okay for me to like cake. Although it looks like Tamaki rules the club, that's just on paper. Mori in a bad mood was unthinkable; Haruhi felt like the earth had been tilted off its axis and now threatened to spin right out of orbit round the sun. After winning, he pulls out a list of things that Honey is required to do in college, one of which is to not bring Usa-chan along. This one starts like this. I think mori likes her look at the first seconded episode. The blonde twins slowly sat back and looked at each other from the corner of their eyes. Anime & Manga TV Host Club Ouran High School Host Club Anime ... Report. © 2006-2021 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. In the anime and through most of the manga, Mori only speaks when something needs to be said; his intelligence and observant nature taking in much more than many realize, making him a wise adviser to those who seek his counsel. It's no big deal", he shows that his loyalty lies not in family blood ties but with Honey, himself. Age Mori, his eyes on Haruhi, replies that he would not necessarily say that. Ep 16 - Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date! Mori made her debut in Remote Island Syndrome Part 1 as the maid of a distant relative of Itsuki Koizumi, Keiichi Tamaru.However, when Yutaka Tamaru seemingly murdered Keiichi, Mori became a key player in the scheme. Characteristics The reasoning behind this is that although Mori is somewhat "scary" looking, like him, he has a lot of friends and admirers. Having gotten gum in her hair just before school begins, she cuts it short. of course. The whole club begins to fight for Haruhi's affection after one little incident. Birthday His stoic and sometimes scary demeanor hides the fact that he has a peculiar connection with animals as seen in the manga when he adopts a stray tanuki and cares for a baby chick, and wherein it is also said that he has a "fetish for small things" (Honey, Haruhi, etc.). First appearance Although the Morinozuka originally served as helpmates to the Haninozuka, marital ties and the subsequent blending of bloodlines have forged a unique tie with the Haninozuka. If there is any problem that you have with the quiz, than I will try to fix it, or whatever you want me to do with it... other than delete it or anything like that :-P Portrayal Kyon was never in a "Haruhi or Yuki: who do you like more, go!" Relatives mori-sempai: When freshmen come into the library real loud #Naruto. Ep 18 - Chika's "Down with Honey" Declaration! It is adapted from the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Bisco Hatari which serializes in Hakushensha’s LaLa magazine from September 2002 and November 2010. In the anime episode Ep 22 - Mori-Senpai Has An Apprentice Candidate, 1st-year student Ritsu Kasanoda - the third generation heir of the Kasanoda-gumi (a yakuza gang), seeks Mori's advice on making friends because, despite his intimidating appearance, he appears to have many. Mori shows genuine concern for Hikaru's feelings and when Hikaru comes to him the first night, he pushes Hikaru into realizing his feelings. Try to study and work hard in school, be sensible and do what you think is the right thing. He is a 3rd-year student at Ouran Academy and the second-oldest member of the Ouran Host Club. While Mori is not portrayed in having any notable relationship with both Tamaki or Kyoya, it can be inferred that he respects them, if not Tamaki, then at least Kyoya (though Mori still regards Tamaki favorably). Because Kasanoda is friendless, he comes to the Host Club and asks to be Mori's apprentice. Kyouya Ootori, like Haruhi, is an advanced thinker, therefore, he needs someone like Haruhi, who is another intellectual like him. Haruhi opened the door and Mori looked at Haruhi. See How to Get Straight "A"s. She has a lot of common sense. Star Sign 'I know Haruhi that … My other Haruhi and Mori amv! Travis Willingham ***edit Feel free to use this pic however you want. "Ok you got yourself a deal little sis." The two hosts are cousins by marriage and their families have a long-standing history. Description. Upon becoming spooked by the snakes and insects, Mori carries her. Is it just me, or does it seem like there is more hope now than ever before for more Haruhi? Among others, there are the playful twins, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin; the stoic Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka; the cool-headed and tactical Kyoya Ootori; and the chil… The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya (Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yūutsu) and Nyoron Churuya-san are two gag manga spinoffs of Haruhi Suzumiya, animated and broadcast on YouTube as three to five-minute shorts. Out of all the characters of the Ouran High School Host Club, he’s the only one I could properly match up with Haruhi. 132 Followers, 48 Following, 534 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Haruhi Mori (@haruhi_mori) Japanese I think Mori and Haruhi would be a cute, if apathetic, couple. 8. yes i think they do because if she wasn't around then who would honey play with and talk to when mori is talking to someone els and that how honey like her she help mori when need it so i think they do. ... Mori is a kendo champion and does swing occasionally. ^^ The music is Sometimes from Britney Spears and anime of course Ouran High School Host Club. Though famous for "trolling" their fanbase, Kyoto Animation was rumored to have produced this series as a way to mollify the fans who were kept waiting three years for an actual … When Mori replies, "Do whatever you want, Mitsukuni. Does haruhi love tamaki? 3,933 takers. Actor But Haruhi works hard in other things besides school, like housework. Ep 22 - Mori-Senpai Has An Apprentice Candidate. Ep 15 - The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa! hunny likes her as a friend but i think mori likes her. Shades of Mori x Haruhi. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ethnicity By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. Wooo have not done an amv in ages my program that i was using crushed so i got a new one XD. Yes, they like her, but it's merely a friendly liking, not a romantic one. Asian Historically, the Morinozuka family had served the Haninozuka family for many generations before marriage joined the families, thus breaking the master-servant tradition; despite this, Mori still faithfully looks out for Honey and attends to his wishes. Masaya Nakamura It's commonly known to fans of the series that Haruhi has a lot of potential romantic partners, at least in the eyes of the fandom. Ep 06 - The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type! don't think so.....although i'm a big fan of honeyxmori. Haruhi hugged her then ran to the house so she could do the shopping that Mari was going to do after school. You can submit fanfiction, icons, fanart, etc. Mori is quite loyal and generous, especially in regards to Honey and the female host, Haruhi. I think Mori likes her but Honey probaly just likes her as a friend. Natto Personal Status Favorite Subject(s) Although Mori reciprocates the care that his younger brother shows him, he is not afraid to correct him when Satoshi acts rudely or misbehaves. The leader is Tamaki, the v.p. 17 (anime) 18 (manga) There’s a guy who has mastered the backflip and does it in the background. There’s a guy with a backpack on his head, watching. Taurus, the Bull Occupation Mari smiled to herself. Published: Mar 14, 2008 desilove, igotaboygg1 and 8 others like this. Ep 22 - Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate! Haruhi does this because she accidentally gets gum stuck in her hair, not because she wants to deliberately sport a boyish look. 6'4" (192 cm)[1] Haruhi said. ", Mori's English voice actor, Travis Willingham, is married to English voice actress, Laura Bailey, who plays. If you interpret it as such, you're either not paying very close attention, or it's just a mis-interpretation of the character's motivation. In Ep 01 - Starting Today, You Are a Host!, when Haruhi finds hugged a bit too tightly by Tamaki, she calls to Mori and he runs to her aid without question. As a Host, he is considered the "Wild" type in the manga and the "Strong-Silent" type in the anime. "So, ready to go clubbing?" Haruhi’s smart. (1292101) Takashi Morinozuka is commonly known as Mori to his friends and classmates. The people in the crowd watching is always different from shot to shot. Honey agrees knowing exactly why and what is at stake. The positive traits of this sign are generosity, dependability, down to earth nature, patience, independence and persistence; while the negative traits are stubbornness, indolence, materialism, possessiveness and frugality. This is a list of characters from the shōjo manga series Ouran High School Host Club, created by Bisco Hatori.Ouran Academy is an elite upper school catering to the ultra-rich. School Chapter 1 Mori … You think that you know your Ouran Host Club, better be sure... Well me, personally, I am obsessed! The Host club stared intently at the three. Haruhi is always studying. Nearly every host is given at least a small moment that could be taken as romantic with Haruhi, but one in particular seems like he was the planned partner for her, at least in the early episodes- and that's Mori. In the manga, he speaks frequently, possibly because of the greater distance presented between himself and his best friend and cousin, Honey. He is a national champion in kendo and a skilled karate practitioner. Blood Type Gender O Ouran Host Club He was wearing a Blue T-shirt with a Hawaiian-like pattern on it. In the anime and through most of the manga, Mori only speaks when something needs to be said, his intelligence and observant nature taking in much more than many of the people around him realize. Manga Debut Haruhi's sister (mori/oc) (Complete) Fanfiction. He is noted to wear the typical Ouran Academy blazer unbuttoned on most occasions, and is rarely ever seen without Honey walking by his side or perching on his shoulders. Continuity. Haruhi is the only character, apart from Honey, at whom Mori is shown to smile more than once. This makes him a wise adviser to those who seek his counsel or need it subconsciously. Like 3 or 4 hrs. Mori is born under the star sign of Taurus, the Bull. In Western culture, a truly blue rose does not occur naturally; however, in art, it signifies attainment of the impossible with a secondary meaning of prosperity. He is also very skilled with the katana, as seen in "The Refreshing Battle of Karuizawa! Nevertheless, Mori is still very obedient to Tamaki, but probably for Honey's sake. And finally, in Ep 10 - A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!, Mori gives Haruhi the strawberries from his own pastry, earning him a delighted smile while sending Tamaki and the twins into the throes of despair. "You look nice…" Was all he said, but Haruhi knew he wanted to say something else. High School student (anime)High School→University→Beyond (manga) Vote on this Ouran High School Host Club poll: Does Mori ever flirt with Haruhi? In the manga, he so admires Mori that he grows flowers for him as a graduation gift and even calls him "big brother" well into his college years. See more of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 on Facebook Mori is very strict in limiting candy and cake, but feels that he is at fault for failing to remind Honey to brush his teeth, leading him to pick a fight with the loli-shota as a means of self-punishment. Voice Actor Mori is shown to be fine with dressing in the various Host Club costumes that Tamaki decides on, and he is okay with Kyoya's noting his manly worth (apparently, his silence is his selling point). When he lifts her off the ground, he realizes that Haruhi is a girl and blushes. The blonde twins look over at Haruhi as she sighs. Add to library 53 » Discussion 52 » Follow author » Share . Akira Morinozuka (father)Satoshi Morinozuka (younger brother)Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka (cousin)Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka (cousin)Yorihisa Haninozuka (uncle) Reiko Kanazuki (friend→ sister-in-law) Since I had to erase all the shading and random lines and words. Ouran High School Host Club is an animated series produced by Bones Studio released in 2006. One day, while looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi Fujioka—a poor student attending the school on a scholarship—stumbles upon the Host Club, led by the princely hopeless romantic Tamaki Suoh. ~*~Rules~*~ 1. 496x611px 247.02 KB. Most of the time, he is simply shown staring on silently as Tamaki pulls off a stupid stunt. Don't forget to deviwatch us and add our club icon to your journal. Try to work hard in both areas. Male Mori wins by catching Honey in mid-air and placing him out of bounds. He is rarely seen without his cousin and best friend, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka, who is often found riding on his shoulders. Nationality wherein the loli-boy gets a cavity and must give up sweets. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. Every guy in the club likes her. In Chapter 51 of the manga, Hikaru Hitachiin is shown to stay the night at Mori's home. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. She’s there at Ouran Academy because she’s an honor student. This is very cute, I think. Must be a fan of Mori and Haruhi, either as friends or a romantic relationship. Later in manga, he begins to speak more frequently, possibly because of the greater distance between himself and his best friend and cousin, Honey. :D I … Oh an jungle pool SOS. Does Itsuki Koizomi like Haruhi Suzumiya? Haruhi told her with a serious face but a happy tone. Satoshi is a manga-only character and the younger brother of Mori. https://ouran.fandom.com/wiki/Takashi_%22Mori%22_Morinozuka?oldid=42834, Mori is extremely adept at kendo, being a national champion. This is demonstrated in his willingness to assist them in whatever they need without a second thought and without ever appearing subservient or uncertain of his individuality. Mikuru is not as important as a character in the anime, but has a great deal of significance (mainly character development) in the later novels such as The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya, and even has a sole chapter entitled The Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina.Mikuru is implied to have feelings for Kyon; however, she is unable to act on these feelings both because engaging in a romantic relationship … Ep 21 - Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin! ... Yuki-chibi Uhmm 3 even though i prefer haruhixtamaki but still~~ kawaii 3 beacouse mori is really manly and hot and make haruhi look so little and shy :3. sofreakenawsome I don't remember diz in any of the episodes can anyone help. Hikaru is known to respect Mori and goes to him for advice; staying over at his house in the manga two nights when he and Kaoru have a huge fight. Ouran Academy Geography, Japanese history However, upon entering Ouran Academy, this image changes drastically. She had to get the normalcy (such as it was) back; to do otherwise was unthinkable. It should be also be noted that in the Ouran High School Host Club manga, listed under his profile, it is stated that because of Mori's nature, it was potential for the two of them to develop romantic feelings for each other. Apr 25, 2014 - He really does look like a duck though [Tamaki Suoh, Haruhi Fujioka] ~ Ouran High School Host Club IMAGE DETAILS. Ep 09 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! is Kyoya, the tallest is Mori (Takashi), the smallest is Honey (Mitsukuni), the twins are Hikaru and Kaoru, and the girl is Haruhi. After all the female clients had left, the Host club sat around Haruhi and the blonde twins that sat on either side of her. Ep 25 - The Host Club Declares Dissolution! In Ep 07 - Jungle Pool SOS!, when Mori is heading into the woods to find Honey, Haruhi tags along. This can be seen when Honey gets a cavity in Ep 12 - Honey's Three Bitter Days! position at any point during the Dissapearance novel or movie. ... living every bit to his moniker 'Shadow King'. Height His protective nature extends not only to Honey but to hi… A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. While there, Mori is shown to be rather blunt in addressing Hikaru's issues. Ep 01 Starting Today, You Are a Host! You and never miss a beat was going to do otherwise was unthinkable as friends or a relationship. 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