downcast. Find jubilant synonyms list of more than 22 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Book 1 to 1 Classes; Book IELTS Classes; Video Classes with Teacher; Resources. Antonym definition. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. What is the opposite of Jubilant? Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Jubilant. Examples of Jubilant in a sentence. More 300 Jubilant synonyms. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? See more. Laughing always puts me in a jubilant mood. Books to Learn French; Books to learn Spanish sad. Meaning: Exultingly joyful. filled with joy. 27 synonyms for jubilant: overjoyed, excited, thrilled, glad, triumphant, rejoicing, exuberant, joyous, elated, over the moon, euphoric, triumphal, enraptured. Books to Learn Languages. What are the antonyms for the word Jubilant? 1)How dare you desecrate an idol of this temple. Jubilant definition, showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant: the cheers of the jubilant victors; the jubilant climax of his symphony. Pronunciation of Jubilant website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of jubilant in 22 different contexts. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? Learn more. The boy was jubilant to be with a dad he loved and away from an overly strict mom. triumphant. Dictionary: jubilant - meaning, definition, synonyms, translations. Use of synonyms and antonyms. Near Antonyms for jubilant. 1 antonyms for Jubilant (verbs). Find opposite of Jubilant hyponyms, hypernyms, related words and definitions. Page-2 section-7 English Dictionary antonyms of Jubilant. Antonyms MCQ Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations.English Aptitude MCQ provides all type of competitive english mcq questions on Antonyms which is important for exams like Banking exams,IBPS,SCC,CAT,XAT,MAT etc. Jubilant Meaning Jubilant meaning is explained very well in this video along with relevant examples and pictures. crowing, gloating, triumphal, triumphalist. Sentence: There was great jubilation over the victory; The jubilations went on till midnight. festivo. External Links . Understand jubilant meaning and enrich your vocabulary Here you can find the antonyms list for the word jubilant. Adjective of really heartening. exultant; jubilant. Jubilant adjective – Having or expressing feelings of joy or triumph. 1 antonyms for Jubilant (verbs). Book 1 to 1 Classes; Book IELTS Classes; Video Classes with Teacher; Resources. Each of them is followed by four words or phrases. Wiki User Answered . April 21, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 905 views. Examples of antonyms Synonyms and antonyms are intended to: - Enrich a text, an email, a message. What are synonyms for jubilantly? Exultant, triumphant, elated. - Avoid repetitions in a text. exultant adj. © 2012-2021 TravelConfirm, Inc. Nearby Words . Crissy could not control her jubilant emotions after winning the lottery. Suggest antonym. Disturbed : having had the normal pattern or functioning disrupted. Antonyms for jubilant ˈdʒu bə lənt This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term jubilant. Directions: The following sentences consist of a word or a phrase which is written in bold letters. Opposite Of Pain, Antonyms of Pain, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. Another word for jubilant: overjoyed, excited, thrilled, glad, triumphant | Collins English Thesaurus SYNONYMS. jubilant definition: 1. feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a success: 2. feeling or…. Practical examples. Opposite of in a state of elation. Top Answer. Find more ways to say jubilant, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Use of synonyms and antonyms. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for jubilant in English. Understand jubilant meaning and enrich your vocabulary Sentence: There was great jubilation over the victory; The jubilations went on till midnight. Synonyms for jubilant include rejoicing, triumphant, exultant, overjoyed, thrilled, cock-a-hoop, elated, enraptured, euphoric and exuberant. Antonyms for jubilant Antonyms for (adj) jubilant Main entry: jubilant, prideful, rejoicing, exultant, exulting, triumphal, triumphant Definition: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success Usage: rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day; a triumphal success; a triumphant shout How to use jubilant in a sentence. Antonym definition. Antonyms for jubilantly. disheartening. Opposite of showing enthusiasm or displaying positive energy about something. Learn more about English word: jubilant, including definition, synonyms, antonym, pronunciation. Asked by Wiki User. ADJECTIVE. Synonyms and Antonyms. website for synonyms, antonyms… Usage example: the nominee's jubilant acceptance speech before the cheering crowd Dejected is an antonym for jubilant . Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. - Avoid repetitions in a text. Antonym: Gloomy. Opposite words for Jubilant. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Opposites For Related Words Like Jubilant . Books to Learn Languages. b) pollute. celebratory. Email This. Each of them is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or the phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the bold word or phrase. Learn Now. Also you can find some other opposite words using the online search on our website. Another word for jubilant: overjoyed, excited, thrilled, glad, triumphant | Collins English Thesaurus (2) Auf das Chassis wurden verschiedene Aufbauten gesetzt. Scared : fearful; frightened. jubilant definition: 1. feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a success: 2. feeling or…. Share this Page . All rights reserved. c) deify. Examples of synonyms Directions: The following sentences consist of a word or a phrase which is written in bold letters. Synonyms for 'jubilant': happy, glad, alive, pleased, content, satisfied, contented, cheerful, carefree, exuberant, (as) pleased as punch Word Jubilant Antonyms. overjoyed, exultant, triumphant, joyful, jumping for joy, rejoicing, cock-a-hoop, exuberant, elated, thrilled, gleeful, euphoric, ecstatic, beside oneself with happiness, enraptured, in raptures, rhapsodic, transported, walking on air, in seventh heaven, on cloud nine. Jubilation Thesaurus. 2011-10-02 22:51:31. 1. joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day" "a triumphal success" "a triumphant shout" 2. full of high-spirited delight "a joyful heart" More 300 Jubilant synonyms. Der Dennis Jubilant war ein Fahrgestell für Omnibusse des britischen Nutzfahrzeugherstellers Dennis Brothers.Der Typ wurde von 1977 bis 1982 ausschließlich für den Export gebaut. Jubilant definition, showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant: the cheers of the jubilant victors; the jubilant climax of his symphony. What is a antonym for the word jubilant? No problem. Jubilation Synonyms. melancholy. Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him. Learn more. (general) - de júbilo. despondent. jubilant | definition: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success | synonyms: exultant, prideful, elated, rejoicing, triumphal, triumphant, exulting| antonyms: dejected, humble, unhappy, dysphoric, sadness Definitions of Jubilation. Learn more about English word: jubilant, including definition, synonyms, antonym, pronunciation. Synonyms for jubilant. Synonyms and antonyms are intended to: - Enrich a text, an email, a message. Some are doubtful about the last lines, but the word "promise" had a, Lydia was lying back in the carriage, swaying with its motion, and, She was worshiping under the blue sky, to the, Pelle was resting now after the exertion with Rud, by making the air rock with his, The Spanish seemed to be very much grieved, the officers wept; the Americans were. English Words Antonyms Questions Answers – MCQ Quiz. jubilant synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'jubilation',jubilee',journalist',jumble', definition. Antonyms for jubilant Antonyms for (adj) jubilant Main entry: jubilant, prideful, rejoicing, exultant, exulting, triumphal, triumphant Definition: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success Usage: rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day; a triumphal success; a triumphant shout Tags:Sentence of Gloomy, What is the opposite of Jubilant. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. alegre. Quiet : making little or no noise. Antonyms for jubilant: sad, joyless, dispirited, crestfallen, sorrowful, discouraged, unenthusiastic, depressed, unexcited, defeated, unhappy What are synonyms for … Here's a list of opposite words and antonyms. Also you can find some other opposite words using the online search on our website. 1 ‘crowds of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch’. What are another words for Jubilant? English Words Antonyms Questions Answers – MCQ Quiz. Examples of synonyms It conatins accurate other and similar related words for jubilant in English. a)defile. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Opposite of in a state of elation. Page-2 section-7 festivo. jubilant. Judgement on the merits Judgement on the pleadings Judges Judgeship Judging Judgment Judgment by default Judgment day Judgment in personam Judgment in rem . “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Jubilant definition is - feeling or expressing great joy : exultant. English Dictionary; English – Hindi Dictionary Antonyms for jubilances. festive. jubilant; larking; lighthearted; lots of laughs; merry; mirthful; playful; pleasant; sportive; sprightly; zippy What is the opposite of Jubilant? . Find all the synonyms and alternative words for jubilant at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. blackness, candlelight, darkness. What is the opposite of Jubilant? jubilant synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'jubilation',jubilee',journalist',jumble', definition. Get It. Definition of Jubilant. - Avoid repetitions in a text. When we learn a language, when we learn a word in that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word. How to use jubilant in a sentence. 200 antonyms for Jubilant (opposite of Jubilant). If you know antonyms for Jubilation, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. Learn Now. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. crestfallen, defeated, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited, downcast. Gloomy : causing or feeling depression or despondency. Select the word or the phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the bold word or phrase. See more. Learn Now. Examples of synonyms. Find jubilant synonyms list of more than 22 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Hindi Meaning of Jubilant: प्रफुल्ल, आनन्द्विभोर, प्रमुदित, उल्लसित, विजयकारी, मग्न: Synonyms of Jubilant: Exultant, Happy, Triumphant: Antonyms of Jubilant: Depressed, Sorrowful, Deiected Antonyms MCQ Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations.English Aptitude MCQ provides all type of competitive english mcq questions on Antonyms which is important for exams like Banking exams,IBPS,SCC,CAT,XAT,MAT etc. Book 1 to 1 Classes; Book IELTS Classes; Video Classes with Teacher; Resources. Word of the Day: epiphany. Synonyms for jubilances in Free Thesaurus. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Jubilant definition is - feeling or expressing great joy : exultant. jubilant (adj.) The fans were in jubilant mood after the victory. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. jubilant synonyms. Adjective. Automatically generated examples: "looked uncharacteristically jubilant as she arrived at at Liverpool Lime Street station with her mother Joanne Mas for a book signing. Antonyms of adj jubilant 2 senses of jubilant Sense 1 exultant, exulting, jubilant, prideful, rejoicing, triumphal, triumphant-- (joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day"; "a triumphal success"; "a triumphant shout") INDIRECT (VIA elated) -> dejected-- (affected or marked by low spirits; "is dejected but trying to look cheerful") Here you can find the antonyms list for the word jubilant. Speak Your Mind . Trying to find another word for jubilant in English? jubilant adj. Antonyms for jubilant: sad, joyless, dispirited, crestfallen, sorrowful, discouraged, unenthusiastic, depressed, unexcited, defeated, unhappy sad, joyless, dispirited, crestfallen, sorrowful, discouraged, unenthusiastic, depressed, unexcited, defeated, unhappy. Full list of synonyms for Jubilant is here. Antonym: Gloomy. 5 synonyms for jubilantly: blithely, gayly, happily, merrily, mirthfully. Mail Online, 5 April 2019 Definitions of be jubilant, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of be jubilant, analogical dictionary of be jubilant (English) Another word for jubilant. Antonym of Jubilant is Gloomy Join our early testers! See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Adjective of really heartening. See Answer. I am jubilant to learn that my sister is finally having a baby. Books to Learn French; Books to learn Spanish The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for "appreciate". Antonym of JUBILANT a) scared b) disturbed c) gloomy d) quiet. Word: Jubilant. Word of the Day: skullduggery. What are another words for Jubilant? cheery. Antonyms of Jubilant: Depressed, Sorrowful, Deiected: Use of "Jubilant" word in sentences, examples. Whether it was relief or jubilation was lost amid the tumult. Full list of synonyms for Jubilant is here. Exultant, triumphant, elated. /d͡ʒˈuːbɪlənt/, /dʒˈuːbɪlənt/, /dʒ_ˈuː_b_ɪ_l_ə_n_t/. 1 2 3. jubilant | definition: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success | synonyms: exultant, prideful, elated, rejoicing, triumphal| antonyms: dejected, humble, unhappy, dysphoric, sadness, defeated, sorrowful. Antonyms for jubilant. jubilee, jubilant, jubilantly, jubilance, jubilate, jubilating. Meaning: Exultingly joyful. Dictionary – Find Word Meanings. Antonyms for "jubilantly": unhappily; Related Definitions for "jubilantly": in a joyous manner 1; jubilant: jubilant adj. Antonyms for jubilant include despondent, downcast, sad, melancholy, sorrowful, depressed, disappointed, discouraged, doleful and unenthusiastic. Synonyms and antonyms are intended to: - Enrich a text, an email, a message. Solution(By Examveda Team) Jubilant : feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph. Use of synonyms and antonyms. Antonyms for jubilation include despondency, disappointment, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe, depression, melancholy, desolation and despondence. Synonyms for jubilantly in Free Thesaurus. Spread it! Antonym des really heartening. , and definitions, Dejected, depressed, Sorrowful, Deiected: Use of `` jubilant word. Opposite words using the online search on our website over the victory ; the jubilations went on till...., downcast It or put your rating in listed similar words, depressed, disappointed, discouraged doleful... 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